Читра Дивакаруни

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

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Новинки Читры Дивакаруни

  • Independence Читра Дивакаруни
    ISBN: 0063142384
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: HarperCollins US
    India, 1947. In a rural village in Bengal live three sisters, daughters of a well-respected doctor.

    Priya: intelligent and idealistic, resolved to follow in her father's footsteps and become a doctor, though society frowns on it.

    Deepa: the beauty, determined to make a marriage that will bring her family joy and status.

    Jamini: devout, sharp-eyed, and a talented quiltmaker, with deeper passions than she reveals.

    Theirs is a home of love and safety, a refuge from the violent events taking shape in the nation. Then their father is killed during a riot, and even their neighbors turn against them, bringing the events of their country closer to home.

    As Priya determinedly pursues her career goal, Deepa falls deeply in love with a Muslim, causing her to break with her family. And Jamini attempts to hold her family together, even as she secretly longs for her sister's fiancé.

    When the partition of India is officially decided, a drastic--and dangerous--change is in the air. India is now for Hindus, Pakistan for Muslims. The sisters find themselves separated from one another, each on different paths. They fear for what will happen to not just themselves, but each other
  • The Forest of Enchantments Читра Дивакаруни
    ISBN: 9353025982
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperCollins India
    The Ramayana, one of the world's greatest epics, is also a tragic love story. In this brilliant retelling, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni places Sita at the centre of the novel: this is Sita's version. The Forest of Enchantments is also a very human story of some of the other women in the epic, often misunderstood and relegated to the margins: Kaikeyi, Surpanakha, Mandodari. A powerful comment on duty, betrayal, infidelity and honour, it is also about women's struggle to retain autonomy in a world that privileges men, as Chitra transforms an ancient story into a gripping, contemporary battle of wills. While the Ramayana resonates even today, she makes it more relevant than ever, in the underlying questions in the novel: How should women be treated by their loved ones? What are their rights in a relationship? When does a woman need to stand up and say, 'Enough!'
  • Vine Of Desire (new cover re-issue) Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
    ISBN: 9780349139692
    Год издания: 2013
    Язык: Английский
  • Дворец иллюзий Читра Банерджи Дивакаруни
    ISBN: 78-5-373-04676-3
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Олма Медиа Групп
    Язык: Русский

    Эта книга перенесет вас в волшебный мир эпической "Махабхараты", пересказанной на современный лад. Вы узнаете историю жизни принцессы Панчаали, жены пяти легендарных братьев Пандавов. Принцесса втянута в борьбу за власть между пятью ее супругами. А непростые отношения принцессы со свекровью, странная дружба с загадочным Кришной и ее тайное влечение к мужчине, оказавшемуся врагом ее мужей, делают ее жизнь волнующей и непредсказуемой. Панчаали - яркая и сильная женщина, по-новому рассказывающая нам об индийских воинах, богах и о судьбе. На наших глазах она превращается из робкой девочки в гордую царицу и любящую жену и мать, которая изменит…

  • Сестра моего сердца Читра Банерджи Дивакаруни
    ISBN: 978-5-373-04444-8
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Олма Медиа Групп
    Язык: Русский

    Анджу выросла в Калькутте в семье, принадлежащей к высшей касте. Ее двоюродная сестра Судха - дочь "паршивой овцы" семейства. Судха красива, отзывчива и серьезна, в то время как Анджу не отличается красотой, но зато умна и своенравна. С самого рождения между сестрами образовалась особенная связь, которая удивляла даже их матерей. Однако эта связь исчезла после того, как Судха узнала страшную семейную тайну... Но со временем, несмотря на драмы, произошедшие в жизни сестер, новые семьи и расстояния, разделяющие их, Анджу и Судха понимают, что по-прежнему нуждаются друг в друге. Эта книга - трогательная история о любви, дружбе и силе духа.

  • Принцесса специй Читра Банерджи Дивакаруни
    ISBN: 978-5-373-04429-5
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Олма Медиа Групп
    Язык: Русский

    Эта волшебная, завораживающая и чувственная книга - история молодой женщины по имени Тило, хранительницы магии специй. Ей, рожденной в далекой стране, в далекие времена, судьбой предназначено обрести особую силу. Став бессмертной после обряда, посвященного огню, она приезжает в современную Америку и начинает помогать людям с помощью специй. Но любовь, неожиданно ворвавшаяся в ее жизнь, заставляет Тило выбирать между жизнью в мире сверхъестественных сил и жизнью обычных людей. "Принцесса специй" похожа на чудесную сказку, которая очаровывает и гипнотизирует, в ней удивительным образом соединяются грусть и радость. Но главное, чему посвящена…

  • One Amazing Thing Читра Дивакаруни
    ISBN: 9781401341589
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Hachette Books
    Язык: Английский
    Late afternoon sun sneaks through the windows of a passport and visa office in an unnamed American city. Most customers and even most office workers have come and gone, but nine people remain. A punky teenager with an unexpected gift. An upper-class Caucasian couple whose relationship is disintegrating. A young Muslim-American man struggling with the fallout of 9/11. A graduate student haunted by a question about love. An African-American ex-soldier searching for redemption. A Chinese grandmother with a secret past. And two visa office workers on the verge of an adulterous affair.

    When an earthquake rips through the afternoon lull, trapping these nine characters together, their focus first jolts to their collective struggle to survive. There's little food. The office begins to flood. Then, at a moment when the psychological and emotional stress seems nearly too much for them to bear, the young graduate student suggests that each tell a personal tale, "one amazing thing" from their lives, which they have never told anyone before. And as their surprising stories of romance, marriage, family, political upheaval, and self-discovery unfold against the urgency of their life-or-death circumstances, the novel proves the transcendent power of stories and the meaningfulness of human expression itself. From Chitra Divakaruni, author of such finely wrought, bestselling novels as Sister of My Heart, The Palace of Illusions, and The Mistress of Spices, comes her most compelling and transporting story to date. One Amazing Thing is a passionate creation about survival--and about the reasons to survive.
  • The Palace of Illusions Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
    ISBN: 978-1400096206
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Anchor
    Язык: Английский
    Taking us back to a time that is half history, half myth and wholly magical, The Palace of Illusions gives new voice to Panchaali, the fire-born heroine of the Mahabharat, as she weaves a vibrant interpretation of an ancient tale. Married to five royal husbands who have been cheated out of their father's kingdom, Panchaali aids their quest to reclaim their birthright, remaining at their side through years of exile and a terrible civil war. But she cannot deny her complicated friendship with the enigmatic Krishna—or her secret attraction to the mysterious man who is her husbands' most dangerous enemy—as she is caught up in the ever-manipulating hands of fate.
  • The Palace of Illusions Читра Банерджи Дивакаруни
    ISBN: 9780385515993, 978-0-385-51599-3
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Doubleday
    Язык: Русский
    A reimagining of the world-famous Indian epic, the Mahabharat - told from the point of view of an amazing woman.
    Relevant to today's war-torn world, The Palace of Illusions takes us back to a time that is half history, half myth, and wholly magical. Narrated by Panchaali, the wife of the legendary Pandavas brothers in the Mahabharat, the novel gives us a new interpretation of this ancient tale.
    The novel traces the princess Panchaali's life, beginning with her birth in fire and following her spirited balancing act as a woman with five husbands who have been cheated out of their father's kingdom. Panchaali is swept into their quest to reclaim their birthright, remaining at their side through years of exile and a terrible civil war involving all the important kings of India. Meanwhile, we never lose sight of her strategic duels with her mother-in-law, her complicated friendship with the enigmatic Krishna, or her secret attraction to the mysterious man who is her husbands' most dangerous enemy. Panchaali is a fiery female redefining for us a world of warriors, gods, and the ever-manipulating hands of fate.
  • Принцесса специй Читра Дивакаруни
    ISBN: 978-5-486-01462-8
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Мир книги
    Язык: Русский
    Никто из посетителей магазина специй в калифорнийском городе Окленде не догадывается, что его хозяйка, индианка Тило, на самом деле Принцесса Специй, обладающая магической силой. Покупая пряности, ее клиенты на самом деле приобретают нечто гораздо более ценное - помощь в исполнении их желаний. Для каждого у Тило готов мудрый совет и подходящая специя: чтобы освободить от предвзятости, защитить от дурного глаза, помочь преодолеть одиночество. Но когда однажды в магазин заходит Одинокий Американец, Тило с удивлением понимает, что не может подобрать для него подходящую специю, потому что ее видение застилает зародившееся в сердце запретное чувство - последовать которому означает для нее навсегда лишиться магической силы... Что же выберет Принцесса Специй - долг или любовь?..
  • The Mistress of Spices Читра Дивакаруни
    ISBN: 1405073276, 978-1405073271
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Macmillan Education
    Язык: Английский

    Tilo owns a shop in Oakland, California, where she sells herbs and spices. But Tilo isn't just a shopkeeper, she is also the Mistress of Spices. With her knowledge of their secret powers this high priestess of wisdom and magic helps customers find answers to the questions of love, loss and loneliness. But when Tilo herself falls in love with a visitor to her shop,she has to choose between personal happiness and keeping her mystical gift.

  • The Conch Bearer Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
    ISBN: 0689872429
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Английский

    In a dingy shack in the less-than-desirable Indian neighborhood he calls home, twelve-year-old Anand is entrusted with a conch shell that possesses mystical powers. His task is to return the shell to its rightful home many hundreds of miles away. Accompanying him are Nisha, a headstrong but resourceful child of the streets, and a mysterious man of indeterminate age and surprising resources named Abadhyatta. His quest will take him farther from home than he's ever been and will teach him more than he ever imagined -- and it will force him to make a poignant decision that will change him forever.

  • The Mistress of Spices: Upper level Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
    ISBN: 978-1-405073-27-1, 1-405-07327-6
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Macmillan Education
    Язык: Английский

    The store has been here for only one year, but many people think that it has always been here. Above the door are faded brown letters which say: SPICE BAZAAR. I, too, look as if I have always been here. When customers enter, they see an old bent woman with skin the color of sand. The foods in my store remind them of India-the land most of them left behind when they came to America. They don't know the truth about me, of course. They don't know that I'm not really old-that this body is not really mine. I am Tilo, the Mistress of Spices. I can see into the hearts and lives of my customers. I know all their secrets and all their…

  • The Mirror of Fire and Dreaming: Book II of the Brotherhood of the Conch Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
    ISBN: 1596430672
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Русский
    Set in contemporary India as well as that of several hundred years in the past, The Mirror of Fire and Dreaming continues the adventures of Anand and his efforts to become a fully fledged member of The Brotherhood of the Conch. This time Anand's
  • Queen of Dreams : A Novel Chitra Divakaruni
    ISBN: 0385506821
    Год издания: 2004
    Язык: Русский
    Book DescriptionIn her most spellbinding novel yet, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni spins a fresh, enchanting story of transformation that is as lyrical as it is dramatic. Rakhi, a young artist and divorced mother living in Berkeley,
  • The Mistress Of Spices Chitra Divakaruni
    ISBN: 9780552996709
    Год издания: 1998
    Издательство: Anchor
    Язык: Английский
    Tilo, an immigrant from India, runs an Indian spice shop in Oakland, California. While she dispenses the classic ingredients for curries and kormas, she also helps her customers to gain a more precious commodity: whatever they most desire. For Tilo is a Mistress of Spices, a priestess of the secret, magical powers of spices. Through those who visit and revisit her shop - Ahuja's wife, caught in an unhappy, abusive marriage; Jagjit, the victim of racist attacks at school; the noisy bougainvillaea girls, rejecting the strict upbringing of their tradition-bound Indian parents; Haroun who drives a taxi and dreams the American dream - we get a glimpse into the life of the local Indian expatriate community. To each Tilo dispenses wisdom and the appropriate spice: coriander for sight; turmeric to erase wrinkles; cinnamon for finding friends; fenugreek to make a rejected wife desirable again; chillies for the cleansing of evil. But when a lonely American comes into the store, a troubled Tilo cannot find the right spice, for he arouses in her a forbidden desire, and following her own desires will destroy her magical powers. Compelling and lyrical, full of heady scents and with more than a touch of humour, this novel explores the clash between East and West even as it unveils the universal mysteries of the human heart.
  • Arranged Marriage Читра Банерджи Дивакаруни
    ISBN: 978-0-552-99669-3
    Год издания: 1997
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Язык: Русский
    The possibility of change, of starting anew, in this stunning beautiful and poignant collection of short stories, is at once terrifying and filled with promise.For those Indian-born women living new lives in America, independence is a mixed blessing.It means walking the tightrope between old treasured beliefs and surprising newfound desires, and understanding the emotions which that conflict brings.Together these stories create a tapestry of existence as colourful, as delicate and as enduring as the finest silk sari.
  • The Palace of Illusions Читра Дивакаруни
    ISBN: 9781483057293
    Издательство: Gardners Books
    Язык: Английский