Карен Мейтленд

Karen Maitland

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Карен Мейтленд — новинки

  • The Raven's Head Карен Мейтленд
    ISBN: 9781472215048
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Headline
    Vincent is an apprentice librarian who stumbles upon a secret powerful enough to destroy his master. With the foolish arrogance of youth, he attempts blackmail but the attempt fails and Vincent finds himself on the run and in possession of an intricately carved silver raven's head.
    Any attempt to sell the head fails ... until Vincent tries to palm it off on the intimidating Lord Sylvain - unbeknown to Vincent, a powerful Alchemist with an all-consuming quest. Once more Vincent's life is in danger because Sylvain and his neighbours, the menacing White Canons, consider him a predestined sacrifice in their shocking experiment.
    Chilling and with compelling hints of the supernatural, The Raven's Head is a triumph for Karen Maitland, Queen of the Dark Ages.
  • Falcons of Fire and Ice Karen Maitland
    ISBN: 978-1-40591176-4
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Английский
    "The Falcons of Fire and Ice" by Karen Maitland, author of the hugely popular "Company of Liars", is a powerful historical thriller which takes you right back to the darkest corners of the 16th century. Intelligently written and meticulously researched, it is a real treat for all fans of CJ Sansom and Umberto Eco's "The Name of the Rose". "A tour de force: dark and woven with the supernatural". ("Daily Mail"). 1564, Lisbon. The Inquisition displays its power and ruthlessly spreads fear. Heretics are tortured and burned. Any who oppose the Church's will realize that silence is preferable to a slow and agonizing death. Isabela, daughter of the Falconer at the Royal Court, is about to be caught in the Church's terrifying schemes. The slaughter of two of the King's precious white falcons sees her father arrested and imprisoned. As punishment he and his family will be killed unless the birds are replaced. Isabela, young and headstrong, decides that only she can save her father. These birds are impossibly rare, and she will have to travel far and into strange lands to find them to clear her father's name. It is a journey that will take her into a dark and dangerous world filled with menacing people driven by fearful beliefs. And, unfortunately for Isabela, the Church has sent a companion to ensure she never returns...Step back in time with Karen Maitland's "Dark Tales" and discover a world full of imagination in "The Falcons of Fire and Ice" - 'a thrilling horrible vision of the Dark Ages' Metro. Karen Maitland travelled and worked in many parts of the United Kingdom before finally settling in the beautiful medieval city of Lincoln. She is the author of "The White Room", "Company of Liars", "The Owl Killers" and "The Gallows Curse". The latter three titles are available as Penguin paperbacks.
  • The Gallows Curse Karen Maitland
    ISBN: 978-0-241-95836-0
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    1210 and a black force is sweeping England. For a vengeful King John has seized control of the Church, leaving corpses to lie in unconsecrated ground, babies unbaptized in their cradles and the people terrified of dying in sin. And in the village of Gastmere, the consequences grow darker still when Elena, a servant girl, is dragged into a conspiracy to absolve the sins of the lord of the manor. As the terrors that soon begin to plague Elena's sleep grow darker, in desperation she visits the cunning woman, who has been waiting for just such an opportunity to fulfil an ancient curse conjured at the gallows. Elena, haunted by this curse and threatened with death for a crime she didn't commit, flees the village ...only to find her nightmare has barely begun. For treachery lurks in every shadow as King John's brutal reign makes enemies of brothers, murderers of virgins and sinners of us all.
  • The Owl Killers Karen Maitland
    ISBN: 978-0-141-03189-7
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский

    England, 1321. Deep in the heart of countryside lies an isolated village governed by a sinister regime of Owl Masters - theirs is a pagan world of terror and blackmail, where neighbour denounces neighbour and sin is punishable by murder. This dark status quo is disturbed by the arrival of a house of religious women, who establish a community outside the village. Why do their crops succeed when village crops fail; their cattle survive despite the plague? But petty jealousy turns deadly when the women give refuge to a young martyr. For she dies a gruesome death after spitting the sacramental host into flames that can't burn it - what magic…

  • The Gallows Curse Karen Maitland
    ISBN: 9780141047447
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd
    Язык: Английский
    The thirteenth-century is just begun and King John has fallen out with the Pope, leaving babies to lie unbaptized in their cradles and corpses in unconsecrated ground. Across a fear-ravaged England, the people are dying in sin.
    In the village of Gastmere, this has shocking consequences for servant girl Elena. Unwittingly drawn into a macabre scheme to absolve dying Lord Gerard of his crimes, death and betrayal haunt her dreams like a curse.
    And when Elena is threatened with hanging for a murder she did not commit, it is certain that unnatural conspiracy lies behind these dark deeds. But where can she turn? For in every face lies wickedness and in every shadow lurks treachery . . .
  • The Gallows Curse Karen Maitland
    ISBN: 0718156358, 9780718156350
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Michael Joseph
    Язык: Английский
    1210 and a black force is sweeping England. For a vengeful King John has seized control of the Church, leaving corpses to lie in unconsecrated ground, babies unbaptized in their cradles and the people terrified of dying in sin. And in the village of Gastmere, the consequences grow darker still when Elena, a servant girl, is dragged into a conspiracy to absolve the sins of the lord of the manor. As the terrors that soon begin to plague Elena's sleep grow darker, in desperation she visits the cunning woman, who has been waiting for just such an opportunity to fulfil an ancient curse conjured at the gallows. Elena, haunted by this curse and threatened with death for a crime she didn't commit, flees the village ... only to find her nightmare has barely begun. For treachery lurks in every shadow as King John's brutal reign makes enemies of brothers, murderers of virgins and sinners of us all.
  • Маскарад лжецов Карен Мейтленд
    ISBN: 978-5-699-45085-5
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский

    1348 год, самый страшный год в истории Англии. Великая чума пришла из Европы на Британские острова, не щадя ни судей, ни воров, ни облаченных в рясы священников. Странная компания путешествует по разоренной чумой стране: старик-калека, торгующий фальшивыми мощами; музыкант; бродячий фокусник; молодая пара, ожидающая ребенка; юноша с крылом лебедя вместо руки; девочка, гадающая по рунам. Цель их путешествия - усыпальница Джона Шорна, святыня, охраняющая от невзгод и болезней. Но словно неумолимый рок преследует их в пути, череда смертей и несчастий обрушивается на паломников, и причина этого - тайна, которую каждый из них надежно скрывает от…

  • Company of Liars Karen Maitland
    ISBN: 978-0141031910
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский

    The year is 1348 and the first plague victim has reached English shores. Panic erupts around the country and a small band of travellers comes together to outrun the deadly disease, unaware that something far more deadly is - in fact - travelling with them. The ill-assorted company - a scarred trader in holy relics, a conjurer, two musicians, a healer and a deformed storyteller - are all concealing secrets and lies. And at their heart is the strange, cold child - Narigorm - who reads the runes. But as law and order breaks down across the country and the battle for survival becomes ever more fierce, Narigorm mercilessly compels each…

  • Company of Liars Karen Maitland
    ISBN: 978-0141038339
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский

    In this extraordinary novel, Karen Maitland delivers a dazzling reinterpretation of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales—an ingenious alchemy of history, mystery, and powerful human drama. The year is 1348. The Black Plague grips the country. In a world ruled by faith and fear, nine desperate strangers, brought together by chance, attempt to outrun the certain death that is running inexorably toward them. Each member of this motley company has a story to tell. From Camelot, the relic-seller who will become the group’s leader, to Cygnus, the one-armed storyteller . . . from the strange, silent child called Narigorm to a painter and his pregnant…

  • The Owl Killers Karen Maitland
    ISBN: 9780718153205
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Michael Joseph
    Язык: Английский

    England, 1321. Deep in the heart of countryside lies an isolated village governed by a sinister regime of Owl Masters - theirs is a pagan world of terror and blackmail, where neighbour denounces neighbour and sin is punishable by murder. This dark status quo is disturbed by the arrival of a house of religious women, who establish a community outside the village. Why do their crops succeed when village crops fail; their cattle survive despite the plague? But petty jealousy turns deadly when the women give refuge to a young martyr. For she dies a gruesome death after spitting the sacramental host into flames that can't burn it - what magic is…

  • Обитель теней Средневековые убийцы
    ISBN: 978-5-17-055970-1
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский
    Молодой капеллан лондонского аббатства Бермондси нарушил обет безбрачия, вступив в преступную связь с благородной девицей. Когда его любовница забеременела, над монастырем нависла угроза королевского гнева.
    Однако и капеллан, и девушка бесследно исчезли... Так начинается история таинственного "проклятия смерти" нависшего над аббатством Бермондси.
    История пяти загадочных убийств, произошедших под его кровлей. Сотни лет проклятие настигает тех, кто обитает в стенах Бермондси. Века идут - но преступлениям нет числа. И смерть становится равно уделом виновных и невинных!
  • Проклятый меч Средневековые убийцы
    ISBN: 978-5-17-052289-7
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    Некогда знаменитый саксонский оружейник начертал на стальном клинке слова странного заклятия. Так начался путь Проклятого меча - оружия необыкновенной красоты, приносящего позор и погибель всякому, кто рискнет завладеть им. Шли века, но меч снова и снова становился орудием ужасных, предательских убийств. Он имел отношение к мученической кончине епископа Томаса Беккета - и к тщательно спланированному покушению на короля Ричарда Львиное Сердце. Он появлялся в роскошной и жестокой Венеции - и на поле кровавой битвы при Пуатье. Времена меняются, но Проклятый меч снова и снова разит наповал...

  • Company of Liars Karen Maitland
    ISBN: 0718153227, 9780718153229
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Michael Joseph
    Язык: Английский

    In this extraordinary novel, Karen Maitland delivers a dazzling reinterpretation of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales--an ingenious alchemy of history, mystery, and powerful human drama. The year is 1348. The Black Plague grips the country. In a world ruled by faith and fear, nine desperate strangers, brought together by chance, attempt to outrun the certain death that is running inexorably toward them. Each member of this motley company has a story to tell. From Camelot, the relic-seller who will become the group's leader, to Cygnus, the one-armed storyteller . . . from the strange, silent child called Narigorm to a painter and his pregnant…

  • Маскарад лжецов Карен Мейтленд
    ISBN: 978-5-699-31079-1
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    1348 год, самый страшный год в истории Англии. Великая чума пришла из Европы на Британские острова, не щадя ни судей, ни воров, ни облаченных в рясы священников. Странная компания путешествует по разоренной чумой стране - старик-калека, торгующий фальшивыми мощами; музыкант; бродячий фокусник; молодая пара, ожидающая ребенка; юноша с крылом лебедя вместо руки; девочка, гадающая по рунам. Цель путешествия - усыпальница Джона Шорна, святыня, охраняющая от невзгод и болезней. Но словно неумолимый рок преследует их в пути, череда смертей и несчастий обрушивается на паломников, и причина этого - тайна, которую каждый из них надежно скрывает от…

  • Проклятая реликвия Средневековые убийцы
    ISBN: 5-17-035716-8, 5-9713-2005-X, 5-9578-3721-0
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва, Транзиткнига
    Язык: Русский

    Год 1100-й. Иерусалим пал под натиском воинов Христовых. Во время пожара и хаоса, охвативших город, крестоносец Джеффри Мэппстоун спас бесценную реликвию - частицу Истинного Креста с оставшимися на ней каплями крови Христа. Однако над реликвией, согласно легенде, довлеет проклятие - любой, кто коснется ее, погибнет ужасной смертью. Так начинается история пяти загадочных убийств - и каждое связано с таинственной реликвией. Сотни лет проклятие настигает тех, кому удается завладеть бесценной святыней. Святыней, которая несет смерть. Читайте книгу мастеров исторического детектива - группы писателей "Средневековые убийцы"!…

  • The Owl Killers Карен Мейтленд
    ISBN: 9780857572684
    Язык: Английский