Джек Кэмпбелл

Jack Campbell

  • 32 книги
  • 2 подписчика
  • 11 читателей
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Джек Кэмпбелл - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Потерянный флот. Бесстрашный Кэмпбелл Джек
    ISBN: 978-5-17-055413-3
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Галактика снова стала полем битвы между двумя могущественными межпланетными державами. Воины тоталитарного Синдиката и демократического Альянса ведут войну, которой, похоже, нет и не будет конца. Силы противоборствующих сторон примерно равны, но стратегия и тактика их разительно отличается. Полного успеха пока что не удастся добиться никому... Но людям Альянса неожиданно повезло. Союзнический флот, отправившийся в рейд к главной планете Синдиката, обнаружил в спасительной капсуле легендарного полководца начала войны Джека Гири, воина, самое имя которого звучит проклятием для Синдиката. В час, когда едва не весь флот Альянса…

  • Потерянный флот. Неустрашимый Джек Кэмпбелл
    ISBN: 978-5-17-055979-4, 978-5-403-00391-9, 978-985-16-6810-2
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: АСТ, Харвест, АСТ Москва
    Язык: Русский
    Галактика снова стала полем битвы между двумя могущественными межпланетными державами.
    Войска тоталитарного Синдиката и демократического Альянса ведут войну, которой, похоже, нет и не будет конца.
    Долгое время полного успеха не удавалось добиться никому, но однажды людям Альянса неожиданно повезло…
    Во главе их войск встал вышедший из полуторавекового анабиоза Джон Гири — легендарный полководец начала войны, самое имя которого звучит проклятием для Синдиката. В час, когда почти весь флот Альянса был захвачен противником, а большинство полководцев погибло, он сумел встать во главе остатков армии, сразиться — и победить.
    Но теперь угроза для Альянса исходит не извне, а изнутри.
    Во флоте зреет мятеж, во главе которого стоит многоопытный капитан Фалько, не желающий терпеть власть Гири.
    За ним готовы пойти многие. Скоро флот, и так понесший огромные потери, может оказаться расколотым надвое…
  • The Lost Fleet: Courageous (сборник) Jack Campbell
    ISBN: 9780441015672
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Lost Fleet: Courageous
  • The Lost Fleet: Valiant Jack Campbell
    ISBN: 9780441016198
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Lost Fleet: Valiant
  • The Lost Fleet: Relentless Jack Campbell
    ISBN: 9780441017089
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Lost Fleet: Relentless
  • The Lost Fleet: Victorious Jack Campbell
    ISBN: 9780441018697
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Lost Fleet: Victorious
  • Fearless (The Lost Fleet, Book 2) Jack Campbell
    ISBN: 0441014763
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Ace
    Язык: Русский
    Captain John "Black Jack" Geary tries a desperate gamble to lead the Alliance Fleet home-through enemy-occupied space-only to lose half the Fleet to an unexpected mutiny.
  • The Lost Fleet: Book 4: Valiant Джек Кэмпбелл
    ISBN: 0441016197
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Ace
    Язык: Русский
    "Black Jack" Geary has ordered his fleet back to the Lakota Star System where the Syndics nearly destroyed them, a desperate gamble that may give them a fighting chance of survival or tear them apart.
  • The Lost Fleet: Book 6: Victorious Джек Кэмпбелл
    ISBN: 0441018696
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Ace
    Язык: Русский
    As war continues to rage between the Alliance and Syndicate Worlds, Captain "Black Jack" Geary is promoted to admiral-even though the ruling council fears he may stage a military coup. His new rank gives him the authority to negotiate with the Syndics, who have suffered tremendous losses and may finally be willing to end the war. But an even greater alien threat lurks on the far side of the Syndic occupied space.
  • Courageous (The Lost Fleet, Book 3) Джек Кэмпбелл
    ISBN: 0441015670
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Ace
    Язык: Русский
    Badly damaged and low on supplies, the Alliance Fleet is raiding Syndic mines for raw materials-and Captain "Black Jack" Geary hopes they can continue to remain one step ahead of their enemies. But the Syndics are the least of Geary's worries when he learns of the existence of aliens with the power to annihilate the human race.
  • The Dragons of Dorcastle Jack Campbell
    ISBN: 9781625671271
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Jabberwocky Literary Agency
    Язык: Английский

    For centuries, the two Great Guilds have controlled the world of Dematr. The Mechanics and the Mages have been bitter rivals, agreeing only on the need to keep the world they rule from changing. But now a Storm approaches, one that could sweep away everything that humans have built. Only one person has any chance of uniting enough of the world behind her to stop the Storm, but the Great Guilds and many others will stop at nothing to defeat her. Mari is a brilliant young Mechanic, just out of the Guild Halls where she has spent most of her life learning how to run the steam locomotives and other devices of her Guild. Alain is the youngest…

  • The Hidden Masters of Marandur Jack Campbell
    ISBN: 9781625671325
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Jabberwocky Literary Agency
    Язык: Английский
    The second book of the exciting The Pillars of Reality epic fantasy series, by New York Times best-selling author Jack Campbell!

    Someone wants to kill Mari, a young steam mechanic in the guild that controls all technology. She has learned that her world of Dematr is headed for a catastrophe that will destroy civilization and that mages really can alter reality for short periods. Someone also wants to kill Alain, a young mage who has learned that mechanics are not frauds, as his guild teaches, and that mechanic Mari is the only person who can prevent the oncoming disaster.

    Narrowly escaping death, the mechanic and the mage stay alive thanks to their combined skills, an alliance never before seen. But it becomes clear that both of their guilds, the most powerful forces in the world, are trying to destroy them. Other powers, like the great empire and a mysterious secret order, also seek to kill or capture them using every weapon from imperial legions to mage-created trolls, dragons, and rocs.

    Trying to survive and learn the truth about their world so they will know how to save it, Mari and Alain realize the answers they seek may lie in the dead city of Marandur. But Marandur is guarded by the legions that have sealed it off from the rest of the world for more than a century. Mari and Alain's only hope may rest with the unseen masters of Marandur.
  • The Lost Stars: Perilous Shield Jack Campbell
    ISBN: 9780425263716
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Lost Stars: Perilous Shield
  • The Lost Stars: Tarnished Knight Jack Campbell
    ISBN: 9780425262351
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Lost Stars: Tarnished Knight
  • The Lost Fleet: Fearless Jack Campbell
    ISBN: 9780441014767
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Lost Fleet: Fearless
  • The Lost Fleet: Dauntless Jack Campbell
    ISBN: 9780441014187
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Lost Fleet: Dauntless
  • Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Invincible Jack Campbell
    ISBN: 9780425256473
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier: Invincible
    ISBN: 9780425272268
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    President Gwen Iceni and General Artur Drakon have successfully liberated the Midway Star System--but the dictatorial former rulers of the Syndicate Worlds won't surrender the region without a fight.
    ISBN: 9780425260548
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Admiral John "Black Jack" Geary has finally learned the nature of the secret fleet and the fate of Admiral Bloch. The Alliance government's plan to ensure security by using warships controlled entirely by artificial intelligence has resulted in atrocities at two star systems that may reignite the war with the Syndicate Worlds, and now the malfunctioning robotic warships also threaten Alliance star systems. His attempts to pursue a dark ship force to their base are frustrated when they vanish into the Alliance hypernet. The Alliance military is threatened with uncertainty, confusion, and a fear of betrayal as segments of the Alliance government attempt to continue to conceal the existence of the dark ships and the government's role in creating them. The Syndicate Worlds, enraged by the attack on Indras, launches more deniable attacks on Alliance space. Geary is forced to tread a fine line between mutiny and obedience while trying to use his fleet to counter the dark ships as the Alliance trembles on the verge of collapse. . .
    ISBN: 9780425260531
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Admiral "Black Jack" Geary and the Alliance battle cruiser Dauntless have successfully escorted representatives of the Aliens known as Dancers to Earth. But before Geary and Dauntless can get home they have to face kidnapping attempts that ultimately lead to the one spot in space from which all humans have been banned for centuries, the moon Europa. The strains on the Alliance are growing, as the Syndics continue to meddle and political factions bicker and make secret plans. With many of the ships in his fleet out of commission for maintenance, Geary is ordered to take a small force to one star system on the Alliance border with what used to be Syndic space, where he finds Alliance defenses have been allowed to deteriorate and the threat from outside is much greater than anyone had expected. With limited resources, he has to solve a major refugee problem and halt the threat there. As external threats are rising and the purpose of the mysterious new fleet being built by the Alliance remains unknown, the Dancer ships suddenly announce that they are leaving. No sooner has he returned than Geary has to hastily assemble a force of battle cruisers and other fast ships to escort the Dancers back to Midway, on the far side of Syndic space. On the way back home again, they encounter unidentified warships attacking the Syndicate-controlled Indra star system. Pursuing the ships through Kalixa to Atalia, Geary ends up in a desperate fight against unknown opponents who pose a threat to his ships, to Atalia, and to the Alliance itself.
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