Элис Уокер

Alice Malsenior Walker

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Лучшие книги Элис Уокер

  • Цвет пурпурный Элис Уокер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-122861-3
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Унижения, боль, насилие, бесправие — такова была судьба темнокожей женщины Глубокого Юга в начале прошлого века. Такова судьба главной героини романа Сили. Ей приходилось играть роль покорной служанки жестокого отца, разлучившего ее с детьми и любимой сестрой, а потом забитой жены-рабыни сурового мужа… Но однажды в жизни Сили появляется наставница и настоящая подруга, которой она не безразлична. Вместе с ней Сили найдет путь к свободе и независимости. Сделав первый шаг и оставив прошлое позади, она поймет свое призвание в этом мире и окружит себя любимыми людьми…

  • Красные петунии (сборник) Элис Уокер
    Год издания: 1986
    Издательство: Известия
    Язык: Русский
    Книга составлена из рассказов 70-х годов и показывает, какие изменения претерпела настроенность черной Америки в это сложное для нее десятилетие. Скупо, но выразительно описана здесь целая галерея женских характеров.
  • Everyday Use Элис Уокер
    ISBN: 9780813520766
    Год издания: 1937
    Издательство: Rutgers University Press
    Alice Walker's early story, "Everyday Use," has remained a cornerstone of her work. Her use of quilting as a metaphor for the creative legacy that African Americans inherited from their maternal ancestors changed the way we define art, women's culture, and African American lives. By putting African American women's voices at the center of the narrative for the first time, "Everyday Use" anticipated the focus of an entire generation of black women writers.

    This casebook includes an introduction by the editor, a chronology of Walker's life, an authoritative text of "Everyday Use" and of "In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens," an interview with Walker, six critical essays, and a bibliography. The contributors are Charlotte Pierce-Baker, Houston A. Baker, Jr., Thadious M. Davis, Margot Anne Kelley, John O'Brien, Elaine Showalter, and Mary Helen Washington.
  • The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart Alice Walker
    ISBN: 978-0345407955
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    "These are the stories that came to me to be told after the close of a magical marriage to an extraordinary man that ended in a less-than-magical divorce. I found myself unmoored, unmated, ungrounded in a way that challenged everything I'd ever thought about human relationships. Situated squarely in that terrifying paradise called freedom, precipitously out on so many emotional limbs, it was as if I had been born; and in fact I was being reborn as the woman I was to become."

    So says Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker about her beautiful new book, in which "one of the best American writers today" (The Washington Post) gives us superb stories based on rich truths from her own experience. Imbued with Walker's wise philosophy and understanding of people, the spirit, sex and love, The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart begins with a lyrical, autobiographical story of a marriage set in the violent and volatile Deep South during the early years of the civil rights movement. Walker goes on to imagine stories that grew out of the life following that marriage—a life, she writes, that was "marked by deep sea-changes and transitions." These provocative stories showcase Walker's hard-won knowledge of love of many kinds and of the relationships that shape our lives, as well as her infectious sense of humor and joy. Filled with wonder at the power of the life force and of the capacity of human beings to move through love and loss and healing to love again, The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart is an enriching, passionate book by "a lavishly gifted writer" (The New York Times Book Review).
  • We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting for: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness Alice Walker
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: The New Press
    A New York Times bestseller in hardcover, Pulitzer Prize winner Alice Walker’s We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For was called “stunningly insightful” and “a book that will inspire hope” by Publishers Weekly.

    Drawing equally on Walker’s spiritual grounding and her progressive political convictions, each chapter concludes with a recommended meditation to teach us patience, compassion, and forgiveness. We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For takes on some of the greatest challenges of our times and in it Walker encourages readers to take faith in the fact that, despite the daunting predicaments we find ourselves in, we are uniquely prepared to create positive change.

    The hardcover edition of We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For included a national tour that saw standing-room–only crowds and standing ovations. Walker’s clear vision and calm meditative voice—truly “a light in darkness”—has struck a deep chord among a large and devoted readership.
  • Possessing The Secret Of Joy Alice Walker
    ISBN: 9780099224112
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Vintage Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    When Alice Walker finished writing The Color Purple she realised that she needed to tell the story of Tashi, a minor character, who had "left Africa but had taken her wound with her to America". This is Tashi's story, told in her words and the voices of the people who loved her. This extraordinarily courageous and compelling novel explores the tragic consequences of Tashi's decision to go through the female initiation ceremony.
  • The Temple of My Familiar Alice Walker
    ISBN: 0671003763, 9780671003760
    Год издания: 1997
    Издательство: Washington Square Press
    Язык: Английский
    A visionary cast of characters weave together their past and present in a brilliantly intricate tapestry of tales.

    It is the story of the dispossessed and displaced, of peoples whose history is ancient and whose future is yet to come. Here we meet Lissie, a woman of many pasts; Arveyda the great guitarist and his Latin American wife who has had to flee her homeland; Suwelo, the history teacher, and his former wife Fanny who has fallen in love with spirits. Hovering tantalisingly above their stories are Miss Celie and Shug, the beloved characters from THE COLOUR PURPLE.
  • Looking for Zora Alice Walker
    Язык: Английский
    Alice Walker’s 1975 article “Looking for Zora” (originally published in Ms. magazine and reprinted in the collection In Search of Our Mother’s Gardens, 1983) follows the author on a journey through Eatonville, FL to find the unmarked grave of Zora Neale Hurston. At the time, Hurston had fallen out of popularity and died in a welfare home. A collection was taken up for her burial and her grave sat unmarked in a run-down cemetery. Walker, pretending to be Hurston’s niece, is accompanied by Charlotte Hunt, who is researching Hurston.
  • Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth Alice Walker
    ISBN: 9780812971057
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Random House
    Язык: Английский
    In this exquisite book, Alice Walker’s first new collection of poetry since 1991, are poems that reaffirm her as “one of the best American writers of today” (The Washington Post). The forces of nature and the strength of the human spirit inspire the poems in Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth. Alice Walker opens us to feeling and understanding, with poems that cover a broad spectrum of emotions. With profound artistry, Walker searches for, discovers, and declares the
    fundamental beauty of existence, as she explores what it means to experience life fully, to learn from it, and to grow both as an individual and as part of a greater spiritual community.

    About Walker’s Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful, America said, “In the tradition of Whitman, Walker sings, celebrates and agonizes over the ordinary vicissitudes that link and separate all of humankind,” and the same can be said about this astonishing new collection, Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth.
  • Taking the Arrow Out of the Heart Alice Walker
    ISBN: 1501179527
    Год издания: 2018
    Язык: Английский

    Presented in both English and Spanish, Alice Walker shares a timely collection of nearly seventy works of passionate and powerful poetry that bears witness to our troubled times, while also chronicling a life well-lived. From poems of painful self-inquiry, to celebrating the simple beauty of baking frittatas, Walker offers us a window into her magical, at times difficult, and liberating world of activism, love, hope and, above all, gratitude. Whether she’s urging us to preserve an urban paradise or behold the delicate necessity of beauty to the spirit, Walker encourages us to honor the divine that lives inside all of us and brings her…

  • Color Purple Элис Уокер
    ISBN: 9781474607254
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Weidenfeld & Nicolson
    A powerful cultural touchstone of modern American literature, The Color Purple depicts the lives of African American women in early twentieth-century rural Georgia.
    Separated as girls, sisters Celie and Nettie sustain their loyalty to and hope in each other across time, distance and silence through a series of letters spanning twenty years, first from Celie to God, then the sisters to each other despite the unknown.
    Abused repeatedly by the man she calls 'father', Celie has two children taken away from her and is trapped into an ugly marriage. But then she meets the glamorous Shug Avery, singer and magic-maker - a woman who has taken charge of her own destiny.
    And gradually Celie discovers the power and joy of her own spirit, freeing her from her past and reuniting her with those she loves.
    Beloved by generations of readers, The Color Purple broke the silence around domestic and sexual abuse, narrating the lives of women through their pain and struggle, companionship and growth, resilience and bravery. Deeply compassionate and beautifully imagined, Alice Walker's epic carries readers on a spirit-affirming journey towards redemption and love.
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