Мэриан Кейз

Marian Keyes

  • 80 книг
  • 12 подписчиков
  • 361 читатель
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5 174
4 177
3 113
2 34
1 11

Лучшие книги Мэриан Кейз

  • Каникулы Рейчел Мэриан Кейз
    ISBN: 978-5-699-35655-3
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Рейчел потрясена до глубины души: Люк Костелло, парень, с которым она уже давно встречается, только что во всеуслышание заявил, что не любит ее. Странно, что земля тут же не разверзлась у него под ногами! Как это можно - не любить Рейчел, такую компанейскую, остроумную, красивую и стильную? В свое оправдание этот подлый предатель приводит какие-то невероятные выдумки о мнимых проступках и недостатках Рейчел. Неужели он верит собственным словам? Нет-нет, это все неправда, Рейчел просто не может быть такой отвратительной и порочной! Или... может?
  • Арбуз Мэриан Кейз
    ISBN: 978-5-699-33777-4
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Эксмо, Домино
    Язык: Русский
    Можете ли вы представить себе такую ситуацию: вы в тридцать лет родили своего первого, долгожданного ребенка, и в тот же день ваш любимый муж заявляет, что он полюбил другую женщину и уходит от вас?
    Представить подобное трудно, еще труднее - пережить. Но женщина в принципе должна уметь пережить все и желательно не утратить при этом чувство юмора. Хотите рецепт?
    Тогда читайте роман Мэриан Кейз!
  • Sushi for Beginners Мэриан Кайз
    ISBN: 9780241958476
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Русский

    Hot-shot magazine editor Lisa Edwards' career is destined for high-rise New York when suddenly she's diverted to low-rise Dublin. But what can she do about it? Ashling Kennedy, Lisa's super-organized assistant, worries about everything from her lack of waist to the lack of men in her life. She's even anxious about a little bit of raw fish... Clodagh Kelly is Ashling's best friend and has her prince, her beautiful kids and a lovely house - everything in fact that Ashling ever wanted. She should be - yet, she's not - happy. Three women on the verge of happiness and even closer to complete breakdown. Which way will they fall?

  • The Other Side of the Story Мэриан Кейз
    ISBN: 0140295992, 9780140295993
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Русский
    The agent Jojo, a high-flying literary agent on the up, has just made a very bad career move: she?s jumped into bed with her married boss, Mark ? The bestseller Jojo?s sweet-natured client Lily?s first novel is a roaring success. She and lover Anton celebrate by spending the advance for her second book. Then she gets writer?s block ? The unknown Gemma used to be Lily?s best friend ? until Lily ?stole? Anton. Now she?s writing her own story ? painfully and hilariously ? when supershark Jojo stumbles across it ? Three girls hoping and sometimes needing to make it big in the publishing world. But did anybody ever tell them that there?s always another side to every story?
  • Люси Салливан выходит замуж Мариан Кейс
    ISBN: 5-483-00120-6, 0-7493-2474-0
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Амфора, Ред Фиш
    Язык: Русский

    Даже когда всем сердцем ждешь любви, непросто ее распознать, особенно если она оказывается совсем рядом. Эта легкая, но очень жизненная комедия заставит вас плакать и смеяться и забросить все дела на неделю.

  • Родителей выбирают Мэриан Кейес
    ISBN: 978-5-9910-2322-1, 978-966-14-4802-4, 978-0-718-14986-4
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Харьков, Книжный клуб "Клуб семейного досуга". Белгород
    Язык: Русский

    Персонажи романа - жители дома 66. Сорокалетняя дамочка и ее нерешительный бойфренд, привлекательный садовник, острая на язык таксистка, двое мускулистых приятелей-поляков, молодожены, хранящие ужасный секрет... За всеми ними зорко наблюдает некто таинственный. Придет время, и он сделает выбор, который изменит чью-то жизнь раз и навсегда.

  • Angels Мэриан Кайз
    ISBN: 978-0-241-95930-5
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Русский
    'I'd always lived a fairly blameless life. Up until the day I left my husband and ran away to Hollywood...'
    Unlike the rest of her family, Maggie Walsh has always done everything right. At thirty-three she has a proper job, is happily married to Garv and never puts a foot wrong. So why does she make a bolt for Hollywood and her best friend, Emily?
    In the City of Angels, Maggie gets to do things she's never done before: mixing with film stars, pitching scripts, partying non-stop. But is this really a once-in-a-lifetime journey of self-discovery, or is she simply running away from married life?
  • Чувства с перерывом Мэриан Кейз
    ISBN: 978-617-12-5594-4
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Клуб семейного досуга
    Язык: Русский

    Кто-то может назвать это разрывом, но Хью, мой муж, говорит, что это просто «перерыв». Пауза. И никакой это не развод, нет. Просто Хью немного устал и взял шестимесячный отпуск от семьи и домашних проблем. Чтобы отдохнуть и… как он это называет? «Разобраться в себе». Да, именно так… Я не могу изменить его решение. Но для меня это огромное испытание. Ведь я совсем не устала от Хью… Ну, разве что чуточку. Да и за шесть месяцев может произойти всякое. Вдруг Хью изменится настолько, что я не узнаю в нем того человека, за которого вышла замуж? А что, если и я сама изменюсь?.. Ведь если Хью устроил перерыв, почему бы и мне не сделать то же самое?..

  • This Charming Man Marian Keyes
    ISBN: 978-0-241-95936-7
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Русский
    Lola has just found out that her boyfriend - charismatic politician Paddy de Courcy - is getting married. Heartbroken, Lola flees the city for a cottage by the sea. But will Lola's retreat prove as idyllic as she hopes?
    Journalist Grace wants the inside story on Paddy de Courcy's engagement and thinks Lola holds the key to it. Grace knew Paddy a long time ago. But why can't she forget him?
    Grace's sister, Marnie, might have the answer but she also has issues with the past. Her loving husband and beautiful daughters are wonderful, but they can't take away memories of her first love: a certain Paddy de Courcy. What will it take for Marnie to be able to move on?
    Alicia Thornton is Paddy's wife-to-be. Determined to be the perfect wife, Alicia would do anything for her fiancе. But does she know the real Paddy? Four very different women. One awfully charming man. And the dark secret that binds them all...
  • Anybody out there Marian Keyes
    ISBN: 978-0-241-95934-3
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    Bestselling author Marian Keyes has delighted readers with the lives, loves, and foibles of the irrepressible Walsh sisters and their eccentric mammy. In this Life in the Big Apple is perfect for Anna. She has the best job in the world, a lovely apartment, and great friends. Then one morning, she wakes up in her mammy's house in Dublin with stitches in her face, a dislocated knee, hands smashed up, and no memory at all of what happened. As soon as she's able, Anna's flying back to Manhattan, mystified but determined to find out how her life turned upside down. As her past slowly begins coming back to her, she sets out on an outrageous quest - involving lilies, psychics, mediums, and anyone who can point her in the right direction.
  • The Woman Who Stole My Life Мэриан Кайз
    ISBN: 978-1-405-92058-2
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Русский
    A funny new novel from international bestselling author Marian Keyes about Irish beautician Stella Sweeney who falls ill, falls in love, then falls into a glamorous new life in New York City. When her dream life is threatened, will she rally to reclaim love and happiness?
    In her own words, Stella Sweeney is just "an ordinary woman living an ordinary life with her husband and two teenage kids," working for her sister in their neighborhood beauty salon. Until one day she is struck by a serious illness, landing her in the hospital for months.
    After recovering, Stella finds out that her neurologist, Dr.Mannix Taylor, has compiled and self-published a memoir about her illness. Her discovery comes when she spots a photo of the finished copy in an American tabloid-and it's in the hands of the vice president's wife! As her relationship with Dr. Taylor gets more complicated, Stella struggles to figure out who she was before her illness, who she is now, and who she wants to be while relocating to New York City to pursue a career as a newly minted self-help memoirist.
    Funny, fast-paced, and honest, Keyes's latest novel is full of her trademark charm and wisdom and is sure to delight her many fans.
  • Grown Ups Мэриан Кейз
    ISBN: 0718179749
    Год издания: 2020
    Johnny Casey, his two brothers Ed and Liam, their beautiful, talented wives and all their kids spend a lot of time together - birthday parties, anniversary celebrations, weekends away. And they're a happy family. Johnny's wife, Jessie - who has the most money - insists on it.

    Under the surface, though, conditions are murkier. While some people clash, other people like each other far too much . . .

    Everything stays under control until Ed's wife Cara, gets concussion and can't keep her thoughts to herself. One careless remark at Johnny's birthday party, with the entire family present, starts Cara spilling out all their secrets.

    In the subsequent unravelling, every one of the adults finds themselves wondering if it's time - finally - to grow up?
  • Last Chance Saloon Marian Keyes
    ISBN: 978-0-241-95933-6
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Русский
    Тага, Katherine and Fintan have been best friends since they were teenagers. Now in their early thirties, they've been living it up in London for ten years. But what have they got to show for it? Sure, Tara's got her boyfriend - but she loves retail therapy so much more. Katherine, on the other hand, is a serial singleton whose neatness fetish won't let a man mess up her lifa And Fintan? Well, Fintan has everything. Until he gets ill and he has to ask himself: what have you got if you haven't got your health? All three are drinking in the last chance saloon and they're about to discover that if you don't change your Kfe, life has a way of changing you...
  • Mystery of Mercy Close Marian Keyes
    ISBN: 978-1-405-91182-5
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Английский
    Utterly compelling, moving and very, very funny, "The Mystery of Mercy Close" is the story of courageous, vulnerable and wasptongued private investigator Helen Walsh. When a missing-persons case draws her into the dark, glamorous world of her dodgy ex, Jay Parker, Helen finds she's seeing more of him and less of Artie Devlin, her sexy detective boyfriend. Caught between smart, stable Artie and chaotic, up-for-anything Jay - two different, equally enticing men - and plagued by her own black doubts, Helen finds she's beginning to believe in something. But is it fear, or is it love?
  • Making It Up As I Go Along Marian Keyes
    ISBN: 978-1-405-92207-4
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Английский
    A collection of hilarious, poignant and moving essays from the Number 1 Sunday Times bestselling novelist. Marian's tales of her eye-lash extension horrors, domestic Goddess attempts and the time that she decided to become a yoga instructor will have you crying with laughter.
  • Further Under the Duvet Marian Keyes
    ISBN: 978-0-241-95938-1
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский
    Let's get one thing straight: I'm not an outdoorsy type. If I was offered the choice between white-water rafting and being savaged by a rabid dog, I'd be likely to tick the box marked "dog".
    Slide further under the duvet with this second collection of Marian Keyes' unputdownable and utterly delectable journalism. If s the next best thing you could be doing in bed... and it's guaranteed not to let you down!
  • Under the Duvet Marian Keyes
    ISBN: 978-0-241-95937-4
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Английский
    Her novels are adored by millions around the world - now read Marian Keyes' collected journalism in "Under the Duvet". Bursting with her hilarious observations on life, in-laws, weight loss and parties; her love of shoes and her LTFs (Long-Term Friends); the horrors of estate agents and lost luggage; and how she once had an office Christmas party that involved roasting two sheep on a spit, Moroccan style; it's the perfect bedtime companion.
  • Auszeit für Engel / Familie Walsh Bd.3 Мэриан Кейз
    ISBN: 9783453868571
    Издательство: Heyne
    Neun Jahre lang hat Maggie in geordneten Verhältnissen gelebt. Sie war verheiratet mit Garv, den sie seit ihrer Jugend kennt, und auf dem besten Weg, im Versicherungswesen Karriere zu machen.
    Anders als ihre Schwestern Claire (die Heldin von Wassermelone) und Rachel (Rachel im Wunderland) galt sie in der Familie Walsh bisher als die brave, unauffällige Tochter. Da macht Garv eine unbedachte Bemerkung, aus der Maggie schließt, dass es in seinem Leben eine andere Frau gibt. Und als sie auch noch ihren Job verliert, beschließt sie, eine Auszeit zu nehmen und neue Perspektiven zu suchen: in Los Angeles, wo ihre beste Freundin Emily als Drehbuchautorin um den Erfolg kämpft.
    Zufällig lebt dort auch der Mann, mit dem Maggie vor vielen Jahren eine tragische Affäre hatte. Beflügelt durch zahlreiche Martini- Cocktails, stürzt Maggie sich in völlig neue Erfahrungen ...
  • Irish Girls About Town: An Anthology of Short Stories Мейв Бинчи
    ISBN: 0743483014
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Pocket Books
    Язык: Английский
    Get ready to paint the town green.

    New York Times bestselling authors Maeve Binchy and Marian Keyes top an impressive roster of the Emerald Isle's most popular women writers as they celebrate the joys and perils of love and the adventure and onstancy of female friendships.

    In Maeve Binchy's "Carissima," an ex-pat returns to Ireland and shakes things up for her family, who finds her free spirit scandalous. In "Soulmates," by Marian Keyes, one woman's relationship is so bleedin'perfect that it's driving her friends crazy. In Cathy Kelly's "Thelma, Louise and the Lurve Gods," two women on a madcap Stateside road trip encounter a pair of insanely good-looking men....These fabulous stories and a baker's dozen more prove thatwhen it comes to spinning a good yarn, the Irish are the best in the business.
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