Перл Бак

Pearl Sydenstricker Buck

  • 32 книги
  • 29 подписчиков
  • 1536 читателей
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Перл Бак - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Земля Перл Бак
    ISBN: 978-5-17-137085-5
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    Потрясающий исторический роман, который принес Перл Бак Пулитцеровскую премию за 1932 год и стал в США бестселлером номер один в 1931—1932 гг. Первая книга грандиозной семейной саги, за которую писательница была удостоена Нобелевской премии по литературе. Кажется, этот роман, действие которого происходит в Китае начала прошлого века, не мог выйти из-под пера западного автора — настолько аутентично в нем поведана масштабная и глубоко психологичная история честного и работящего крестьянина Ван Луна, его нелегкого пути к богатству и преуспеванию и того, сколь дорого пришлось ему заплатить за этот успех. История его жены и его молодой…

  • Сыновья Перл Бак
    ISBN: 978-5-17-155163-6
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Вторая книга грандиозной семейной саги, начавшейся с «Земли», за которую писательница была удостоена Нобелевской премии по литературе. Хотя в «Сыновьях» и рассказывается о дальнейшей судьбе сыновей Ван Луна, это законченный и самостоятельный роман. Каждый из сыновей выбирает свой путь: один принял богатство семьи и стал помещиком, другой – процветающим торговцем и ростовщиком, а младший, военный, мечтает стать лидером страны. И каждый из них готов предать и продать родную землю, которая сделала отца богатым и могущественным, ради выгоды, собственных удовольствий и амбиций. И весь Китай меняется в ожесточенной борьбе между старым и новым…

  • A House Divided Pearl S. Buck
    ISBN: 1453267298, 9781453267295
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Open Road Media
    Язык: Английский

    The conclusion to Buck’s celebrated Good Earth trilogy: the story of a man’s return to a homeland embroiled in revolution On the eve of a popular rebellion, the Chinese government starts to crack down in cities across the country. Fleeing the turmoil, Wang Yuan, the son of a famous general and grandson of the patriarch of The Good Earth, leaves for America to study agriculture. When he returns to China six years later, he encounters a nation still in the grip of violent uprisings. Unprepared for the social upheaval, Wang is torn by the tensions between old traditions and new ways, and by his formidable family, whose struggles he hopes to…

  • Чужие края (сборник) Перл Бак
    ISBN: 5-85220-473-0
    Год издания: 1997
    Издательство: М.: Панорама
    Язык: Русский

    Перл Бак (1892 - 1973) - известная американская писательница, лауреат Нобелевской премии 1938 г., полученной за `глубокое и правдивое описание жизни крестьян в Китае и биографические шедевры`. В том включены лучший роман писательницы `Земля` (1931), фрагменты книги воспоминаний `Чужие края` (1936), рассказы и Нобелевская речь.

  • The Time Is Noon Pearl S. Buck
    Год издания: 1966
    Язык: Английский
  • The Eternal Wonder Pearl S. Buck
    ISBN: 978-1480439702
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Open Road Media
    Язык: Английский
    A recently discovered novel written by Pearl S. Buck at the end of her life in 1973, The Eternal Wonder tells the coming-of-age story of Randolph Colfax (Rann for short), an extraordinarily gifted young man whose search for meaning and purpose leads him to New York, England, Paris, on a mission patrolling the DMZ in Korea that will change his life forever—and, ultimately, to love.

    Rann falls for the beautiful and equally brilliant Stephanie Kung, who lives in Paris with her Chinese father and has not seen her American mother since she abandoned the family when Stephanie was six years old. Both Rann and Stephanie yearn for a sense of genuine identity. Rann feels plagued by his voracious intellectual curiosity and strives to integrate his life of the mind with his experience in the world. Stephanie struggles to reconcile the Chinese part of herself with her American and French selves. Separated for long periods of time, their final reunion leads to a conclusion that even Rann, in all his hard-earned wisdom, could never have imagined.

    A moving and mesmerizing fictional exploration of the themes that meant so much to Pearl S. Buck in her life, this final work is perhaps her most personal and passionate, and will no doubt appeal to the millions of readers who have treasured her novels for generations.
  • Mandala Pearl S. Buck
    ISBN: 671-78098-0 125
    Год издания: 1971
    Издательство: Pocket Books
    Язык: Английский
    By Nobel Prize winner, the book written 3 years before her death. News reaches Maharana Prince Jagat and his wife, Moti, that their only son, Jai, has been killed by the Chinese in a border skirmish. An inconsolable Moti sends Jagat out to bring the boy's spirit home. On the journey, the prince becomes involved with a beautiful and mysterious young American woman. Thus begins the fatal attraction between Eastern and Western ways, one bound by rigid custom, the other temptingly ripe with freethinking.
  • My several worlds Pearl S. Buck
    ISBN: 978-0671800345
    Год издания: 1956
    Издательство: Pocket Books
    Язык: Английский
    Often regarded as one of Pearl S. Buck’s most significant works, My Several Worlds is the memoir of a major novelist and one of the key American chroniclers of China. Buck, who was born to missionary parents in 1892, spent much of the first portion of her life in China, experiencing the Boxer Rebellion first hand and becoming involved with the society with an intimacy available to few outside observers. The book is not only an important reflection on that nation’s modern history, but also an account of her re-engagement with America and the intense activity that characterized her life there, from her prolific novel-writing to her loves and friendships to her work for abandoned children and other humanitarian causes. As alive with incident as it is illuminating in its philosophy, My Several Worlds is essential reading for travelers and readers alike.
  • Living Reed: A Novel of Korea Pearl S. Buck
    ISBN: 1559210222
    Издательство: Moyer Bell and its subsidiaries
    Язык: Английский

    The Living Reed follows four generations of one family, the Kims, beginning with Il-han and his father, both advisors to the royal family in Korea. When Japan invades and the queen is killed, Il-han takes his family into hiding. In the ensuing years, he and his family take part in the secret war against the Japanese occupation. Pearl S. Buck's epic tells the history of Korea through the lives of one family. She paints an amazing portrait of the country, and makes us empathize with their struggle for sovereignty through her beautifully drawn characters.

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