Марсель Пруст

Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust

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Марсель Пруст — книжные серии

  • По направлению к Свану Марсель Пруст
    ISBN: 978-5-4467-2950-0
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Т8 RUGRAM
    Роман "По направлению к Свану" открывает монументальную семитомную эпопею Марселя Пруста "В поисках утраченного времени", которую сам автор сравнивал с готическим собором и которая прочно вошла в число признанных шедевров мировой литературы.
  • Под сенью девушек в цвету Марсель Пруст
    ISBN: 978-5-4467-2951-7
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Т8 RUGRAM
    Роман "Под сенью девушек в цвету" (1919) пронизывает ностальгия, но Рассказчик преодолевает ее, обретая истинное Время искусства. На пути к абсолюту герой встречает "девушек в цвету", которые воплощают предельное чувственное искушение, зовут к наслаждению под сенью эфемерной любви.
  • Пленница Марсель Пруст
    ISBN: 978-5-4467-2954-8
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Т8 RUGRAM
    Язык: Русский
    Роман "Пленница" вышел в свет в 1923 году, уже после смерти писателя. Пятая книга цикла "В поисках утраченного времени" продолжает тему любви, местами в повествовании прорывается тон личного дневника, как никогда прежде сближаются Рассказчик, персонаж и автор.
  • Беглянка Марсель Пруст
    ISBN: 978-5-4467-2955-5
    Роман "Беглянка" вышел в свет в конце 1925 года посмертно, без окончательных корректировок и изменений автора. Первое издание на основе рукописей было опубликовано под названием "Исчезнувшая Альбертина". В романе на первый план выступают новые фигуры времени - забвение, умирание, каковые становятся своего рода аскезой, непосредственным предуготовлением к творчеству.
  • В сторону Свана Марсель Пруст
    ISBN: 978-5-04-196120-6
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    "В сторону Свана" - это первая книга семитомного цикла "В поисках утраченного времени", написанного знаменитым Марселем Прустом.
    Книга рассказывает историю зрелого аристократа Свана. Переживая кризис среднего возраста, он погружается в воспоминания о детстве, юности и первой любви.
    "В сторону Свана" - не только проникновенное исследование внутреннего мира человека, но и изящный портрет французского общества на рубеже XIX и XX веков.
  • Time Regained Marcel Proust
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Naxos Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    In this, the final volume of Remembrance of Things Past, as the various threads which have emerged through the vast novel are brought together, and sometimes resolved, Marcel considers the nature of time and its effect on himself and the people he has known. ‘For after death time leaves the body, and memories – indifferent and pale – are obliterated in her who exists no longer and soon will be in him they still torture, memories which perish with the desire of the living body.’
  • Swann in Love Marcel Proust
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Naxos Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    Swann in Love is the continuation of Swann’s Way, the first part of Marcel Proust’s monumental cycle Remembrance of Things Past. It tells the story of man-about-town Charles Swann’s passionate, tormented love affair with the courtesan Odette de Crécy, and of its surprising outcome. Set in the degenerate demi-monde of nineteenth-century Paris as well as in the fashionable drawing rooms of the aristocracy, this new audiobook vividly brings to life the descriptive genius of the original novel.
  • Swann's Way Marcel Proust
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Naxos Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    Swann’s Way forms the first part of Marcel Proust’s magnificent autobiographical cycle Remembrance of Things Past. Here, Proust’s vision, psychological understanding and vivid powers of description combine to create one of the most poetic and magical works in all literature. For lovers of the original text there are new delights to be found in this audiobook version, while those discovering the work for the first time may be surprised to find it so accessible.
  • Within a Budding Grove. Part II Marcel Proust
    ISBN: 9789629546045
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Naxos Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    Remembrance of Things Past is one of the monuments of 20th-century literature. Neville Jason’ unabridged recording of the work runs to 150 hours. Within a Budding Grove is the second of seven volumes. The theme is one of developing sexuality in which the Narrator visits a brothel and we follow the course of his first love affair with Gilberte. When he visits the seaside resort of Balbec and meets ‘the little band’ of enchanting adolescent girls, he finds one of them, Albertine, especially intriguing but doesn’t yet realise how much she will mean to him in the future. Based on the translation by C. K. Scott Moncrieff.
  • The Captive. Part I Marcel Proust
    ISBN: 9789629546090
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Naxos Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    Volume IX of the Naxos AudioBooks recording of Remembrance of Things Past. In The Captive, Part I, Marcel’s obsessive love for Albertine makes her virtually a captive in his Paris apartment.
  • The Fugitive Marcel Proust
    ISBN: 9789629546113
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Naxos Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    Albertine has finally made her escape from Marcel’s Paris apartment, where his obsessive jealousy had turned her into a virtual prisoner. Not only is Marcel quite unprepared for the effect on him of her flight, but soon he is devastated by news of an even more irreversible loss. The penultimate volume of Remembrance of Things Past.
  • Within a Budding Grove. Part I Marcel Proust
    ISBN: 9789629546038
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Naxos Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    Within a Budding Grove, Part One, continues Marcel Proust’s monumental cycle Remembrance of Things Past which has been described as ‘one of the greatest works of imagination of all time’. As the young narrator succumbs to the charms of the enchanting Gilberte, the author presents us with an unparalleled account of the pangs of adolescent love. Proust has created from the raw material of his life a work of art of unsurpassed originality, filled with his own uniquely sensitive and subtle spirit. Within a Budding Grove was awarded the Prix Goncourt in 1918.
  • The Captive. Part II Marcel Proust
    ISBN: 9789629546106
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Naxos Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    The fractured relationship between Albertine and Marcel continues, with Marcel’s fixations of his lover’s outside interests driving the affair to a bitter conclusion. Neville Jason’s outstanding abridgement and performance of this great classic draws near a conclusion with only two more volumes to go – The Fugitive and Time Regained. This is the tenth volume in this widely admired series.
  • Sodom and Gomorrah. Part II Marcel Proust
    ISBN: 9789629546083
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Naxos Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    In Sodom and Gomorrah, Part II, Marcel continues his voyage of discovery through the homosexual world, where the affairs of the ageing Baron de Charlus lead to unexpected and hilarious adventures. But the discovery of a secret in the past of his mistress, Albertine, fills Marcel with fear and forces him to change his plans. Sodom and Gomorrah – Cities of the Plain addresses the subject of homosexual love with insight and understanding.
  • Sodom and Gomorrah. Part I Marcel Proust
    ISBN: 9789629546076
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Naxos Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    Volume VII of the Naxos AudioBooks recording of Remembrance of Things Past. Sodom and Gomorrah, Part I: Accidentally witnessing an encounter between the Baron de Charlus and the tailor Jupien opens Marcel’s eyes to a world hidden from him till now. Meanwhile his love for Albertine is poisoned by the suspicion that she is attracted to her own sex. Sodom and Gomorrah – Cities of the Plain addresses the subject of homosexual love with insight and understanding.
  • The Guermantes Way. Part 2 Marcel Proust
    ISBN: 9789629546069
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Naxos Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    The Guermantes Way, Part II continues the story of Marcel’s entry into the highest circles of French aristocracy. Having renewed his acquaintance with the enchanting Albertine who now submits to his amorous advances, Marcel finds himself pursued by the predatory Baron de Charlus.
  • The Guermantes Way. Part 1 Marcel Proust
    ISBN: 9789629546052
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Naxos Audiobooks
    Язык: Английский
    In The Guermantes Way, Part I, Marcel penetrates the inner sanctum of Paris high society and falls in love with the fascinating Duchesse de Guermantes. With his unmatched powers of observation Proust vividly describes the struggles for political, social and sexual supremacy played out beneath a veneer of elegant manners. This is the fifth part of Naxos AudioBooks’ recording of Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past.
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