Пэм Муньос Райан

Pam Muñoz Ryan

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Лучшие книги Пэм Муньос Райан

  • Эхо Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 978-5-04-121532-3
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Freedom
    Язык: Русский
    Однажды юный Отто заблудился в лесу. На выручку ему пришли три таинственные девушки., которые подарили мальчику музыкальный инструмент и пообещали, что придет день, и он спасет чью-то душу от неминуемой гибели.

    Германия, 30-е годы. Фридрих - талантливый музыкант, который мечтает поступить в консерваторию и когда-нибудь дирижером. Но когда его отца арестовывают и забирают в Дахау, жизнь Фридриха разбивается на тысячу осколков. И вот уже у него единственная цель - вызволить отца и не допустить, чтобы подобное повторилось с его дядей.

    США, 30-е годы. Майк - виртуозный пианист, живущий со своим младшим братом Фрэнки в сиротском приюте. Старое пианино, на котором ему разрешают из милости, - это все, на что может рассчитывать мальчик, а об учебе не стоит и мечтать. Но когда над братьями нависает угроза разлуки, Майк решает пожертвовать своей жизнью, чтобы помочь Фрэнки обрести дом.

    США, 40-е годы. Айви музыкально одаренная девочка. Освоить новый инструмент для нее пара пустяков. Вот только переезд в другой город лишает ее шанса выступить по радио и получить признание. Однако лишившись собственной мечты, Айви, не раздумывая, спасает чужую.

    Поможет ли музыка каждому из них спасти чью-то душу, или пророчеству не суждено сбыться?
  • Эсперанса Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 978-5-7516-0688-4
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Текст
    Язык: Русский
    Эсперанса думала, что всегда будет жить с любимыми родителями в богатом доме, полном слуг, носить нарядные платья и получать дорогие подарки к праздникам. Но внезапное несчастье перевернуло ее мир: бандиты убили ее отца, зажиточного мексиканского землевладельца, и Эсперансе с матерью пришлось бежать из родной страны в США. Изнеженная девочка оказалась в лагере сельскохозяйственных рабочих с больной матерью. Она проявляет незаурядное мужество, упорно трудится, преодолевая усталость и нужду, и, наконец, словно птица феникс, возрождается к новой жизни. Недаром ее имя в переводе с испанского означает "надежда".
  • Riding Freedom Pam Muñoz Ryan
    ISBN: 9780439087964
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Scholastic Paperbacks
    Язык: Английский
    Charlotte Parkhurst is raised in an orphanage for boys, which suits her just fine. She doesn’t like playing with dolls, she can hold her own in a fight, and she loves to work in the stables. Charlotte has a way with horses and wants to spend her life training and riding them on a ranch of her own.

    The problem is, as a girl in the mid-1800s, Charlotte is expected to live a much different life – one without freedom. But Charlotte is smart and determined, and she figures out a way to live her dreams with a plan so clever and so secret – almost no one figures it out.
  • Mañanaland Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 9781338157864
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    Maximiliano Córdoba loves stories, especially the legend Buelo tells him about a mythical gatekeeper who can guide brave travelers on a journey into tomorrow.

    If Max could see tomorrow, he would know if he'd make Santa Maria's celebrated fútbol team and whether he'd ever meet his mother, who disappeared when he was a baby. He longs to know more about her, but Papá won't talk. So when Max uncovers a buried family secret--involving an underground network of guardians who lead people fleeing a neighboring country to safety--he decides to seek answers on his own.

    With a treasured compass, a mysterious stone rubbing, and Buelo's legend as his only guides, he sets out on a perilous quest to discover if he is true of heart and what the future holds.
  • Tony Baloney: Yo Ho Ho, Halloween! Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 9780545908856
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    Halloween is coming! This year, Tony Baloney wants to stand out in the crowd at the school Halloween parade. But can he keep his costume intact until the day of the parade?

    This hilarious story is great fun for anyone who's ever come up with a brilliant plan that doesn't go quite the way they envisioned...readers will delight in a treat ending-the Baloneys have a few tricks up their sleeves!
  • Tony Baloney: Pen Pal Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 9780545650373
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    Everyone's favorite penguin--and the star of two best-selling readers in clubs and fairs--is back in another adorable adventure!

    Tony Baloney is excited. It's Pen Pal Month at school. Tony hopes he and his new pen pal Sam will become friends for life. It looks promising. The two have a lot in common: Sam rides a scooter, plays baseball, is a middle-child, and has a stuffed animal buddy, just like Tony! But when Sam's class comes to visit, Tony gets a big surprise: Sam is a girl! Can Tony be friends for life with a GIRL?
  • Tony Baloney: Buddy Trouble Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 9780545481694
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    Tony Baloney--the loveable, highly relatable hero--is back in the second installment of this bravura new Beginning Reader series!

    Tony Baloney and his best friend,
    Bob, can't wait for tonight.
    It's Books and Buddies,
    the best school event ever!
    But will a fight with Big Sister
    ruin everything?

    With spot-on comic timing and hilariously familiar situations, award-winners Pam Munoz Ryan and Edwin Fotheringham once again examine sibling dynamics with insight and heart.

    Whether you are a Bossy Biggest, a Mellow (and mischievous) Middle, or a Bothersome Baby, you are sure to find yourself or someone you love in the Baloney family.
  • Tony Baloney: School Rules Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 9780545481670
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Scholastic
    Язык: Английский
    It is the first day of school for Tony Baloney, the macaroni penguin, and he wants to follow all the class rules, but Tony has a way of finding trouble.
  • Tony Baloney Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 9780545231350
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    Bestselling author Pam Muñoz Ryan and virtuosic new talent Edwin Fotheringham show off their funny sides as they introduce the mischievous, lovable, utterly relatable Tony Baloney!
    Tony Baloney is a macaroni penguin. He loves fish tacos, Little Green Walrus Guys, his stuffed animal, Dandelion, and anything with wheels. He does not love trouble . . . but trouble loves him. Sometimes, when he is tired of Bossy Big Sister Baloney and exasperated with the Bothersome Babies Baloney, Dandelion behaves badly. And then, Tony must say he is sorry, which is not always easy for him.

    Whether you are a mischievous middle, a bossy biggest, or a bothersome baby, you are sure to root for Tony Baloney and find yourself, or someone you love, in the Baloney family.
  • The Dreamer Петр Сис
    ISBN: 9780439269704
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    Neftali finds beauty and wonder everywhere: in the oily colors of mud puddles; a lost glove, sailing on the wind; the music of birds and language. He loves to collect treasures, daydream, and write--pastimes his authoritarian father thinks are for fools. Against all odds, Neftali prevails against his father's cruelty and his own crippling shyness to become one of the most widely read poets in the world, Pablo Neruda. This moving story about the birth of an artist is also a celebration of childhood, imagination, & the strength of the creative spirit. Sure to inspire young writers & artists.
  • Our California Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 9781580891165
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Charlesbridge
    Язык: Английский
    Re-illustrated and re-designed, OUR CALIFORNIA (previously CALIFORNIA, HERE WE COME!) is a lively tour of award-winning author Pam Muñoz Ryan's home state. Spirited poems celebrate California's major cities and regions. Backmatter includes state symbols and additional information about each place.

    Bold paintings by illustrator Rafael López capture the spirit of the land.
  • Paint the Wind Pam Muñoz Ryan
    ISBN: 9780439873628
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    This epic horse story, in the tradition of BLACK STALLION, marks exciting new territory for one of our most treasured and celebrated novelists.
    A puzzling photograph, a box filled with faded toy horses, and a single fractured memory are all that Maya has left of her mother. In Grandmother house, she lives like a captive, tethered by rules... until a shocking event changes everything. A world away, in the rugged Wyoming wilderness, a wild mustang called Artemisia runs free, belonging only to the stars. In a land where mountain lions pose an ever-present threat, she must vigilantly defend her foal... until a devastating act separates them from their band. Like a braided rein, Maya's and Artemisia's lives will ultimately intertwine.
  • Nacho and Lolita Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 9780439269681
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    In this tender friendship story that will melt your heart, acclaimed storyteller Pam Munoz Ryan and talented newcomer Claudia Rueda reveal that any difference can be overcome with love.

    Once, when the two Californias ran alta y baja, high and low, along the Pacific, there lived a rare and majestic bird named Nacho, the only pitacoche for thousands of miles. He was proud of his brilliant feathers and haunting songs, but what good were they with no one to share them?
    Then the swallows came to nest and Nacho met Lolita. His heart filled with affection. Was it possible for two such different birds to find happiness together? And what would happen to Nacho when Lolita and the other swallows migrated back to South America?
  • There Was No Snow on Christmas Eve Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 9780786854929
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Disney-Hyperion
    Язык: Английский
    There was no snow on Christmas Eve. Instead, a desert zephyr blew And palm fronds sang a rustling tune To welcome the awaited birth. There was no snow, no fireplace, no need for woolen caps and gloves on that very first Christmas. Instead there was a humble stable, and weary travelers with light robes and sandals on a desert night. This luminous picture book manages to take the familiar story of the Nativity and make it fresh and immediate, reminding young children of the miracle of Christmas and the true nature of the spirit of the season, no matter what the weather.
  • Yo Naomi Leon Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 978-0-439-75572-6
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Scholastic
    Naomi Soledad Leon Outlaw ha tenido que enfrentarse a mucho en su corta vida, empezando por su nombre. Tambien esta el problema de su ropa (hechas por su abuela en tela de poliester), su timidez y la fama que tiene en la escuela de no ser nadie especial. Pero segun su abuela, la mayoria de los problemas se solucionan con mentalidad positiva. Y su vida, junto a su abuela y su pequeno hermano, Owen, en el parque de casas moviles Avocado Acres, es tranquila y feliz... hasta que su mama aparece luego de siete anos, creando confusion y retando a Naomi a que averigue quien es.
  • Becoming Naomi León Pam Muñoz Ryan
    ISBN: 9780439269971
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Scholastic Paperbacks
    Язык: Английский
    When Naomi's absent mother resurfaces to claim her, Naomi runs away to Oaxaca, Mexico with her great-grandmother and younger brother in search of her father.
  • When Marian Sang: The True Recital of Marian Anderson Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 9780439269674
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    Marian Anderson is best known for her historic concert at the Lincoln Memorial in 1939, which drew an integrated crowd of 75,000 people in pre-Civil Rights America. While this momentous event showcased the uniqueness of her voice, the strength of her character, and the struggles of the times in which she lived, it is only part of her story. Like the operatic arias Marian would come to sing, Ryan's text is as moving as a libretto, and Selznick's pictures as exquisitely detailed and elaborately designed as a stage set. What emerges most profoundly from their shared vision is a role model of courage.
  • Mud Is Cake Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 9780786805013
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Hyperion Books
    Язык: Английский
    Pam Munoz Ryan and David McPhail open the door to the imagination in this lyrical, rhyming picture book. Two young children act, pretend, sing, invent their way into wondrous realms with creativity, charm, and a little does of magic.
  • Hello Ocean Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 9780881069877
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Charlesbridge
    Язык: Английский
    Spend a day at the beach, and take in the ocean through the senses of sight, hearing, feeling, taste, and smell in this lively romp through sand and waves. Glorious illustrations of water, sun, and sky accompany brief, evocative verses, making this a perfect keepsake of a seaside vacation or a striking introduction to the pleasures of a day by the ocean.

    Pam Munoz Ryan drew on her childrens and her own experiences of the ocean in writing the poetic text of Hello Ocean. She is the author of many books for children, including The Flag We Love, California, Here We Come!, Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride (Scholastic), and Esperanza Rising (Scholastic). She lives in Leucadia, California.

    Mark Astrella lived by both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans while illustrating this book. He is the illustrator of The Desert Alphabet Book and The Butterfly Alphabet Book. He now lives in Hawaii.
  • Mice and Beans Пэм Муньос Райан
    ISBN: 9780439183031
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    Rosa Maria loves to cook big meals for her big family. "When there's room in the heart, there's room in the house, Except for a mouse". That's what her mother always said, so for one week, as she meticulously prepares for her youngest grandchild's birthday party, she takes extra care in tidying her kitchen. But strangely, important items -- like her wooden spoon, her big bolsa for grocery shopping, and even her mousetraps -- keep disappearing!Readers will love uncovering the clues in a purely visual narrative that reveals a family of mice preparing for a birthday party of their own.

    Vibrant paintings with brilliant comic touches, a winsome main character, jaunty rhythms, and playful refrains make Mice and Beans a feast for the eyes and ears.
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