Кристофер Бакли

Christopher Taylor Buckley

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Кристофер Бакли — библиография

  • Майстер реліквій Кристофер Бакли
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Relic Master
    Дата написания: 2015
    Первая публикация: 2018
    Перевод: Яна Сєрая
    Язык: Украинский
    Крістофер Баклі — один з постійних лідерів «Бестселерів “Нью-Йорк Таймс”», «найсмішніший сучасний англомовний пись- менник», як називають його критики. Новий роман Баклі «Май- стер реліквій» — справжній вихор запаморочливих подій, що розгортаються в Європі XVI століття: художник Альбрехт Дюрер і торговець реліквіями Дісмас вступають у змову з метою підроб- ки плащаниці Христа, за яку у заможних клієнтів можна отримати величезні гроші. Серед цих клієнтів — курфюрст Саксонії Фрідріх Мудрий і кардинал Майнцький. На читача чекає купа найдиво- вижніших середньовічних пригод — смертельно небезпечних, фривольних і хитромудрих, а також безліч цікавих подробиць про мистецтво, релігію, політику і науку тих часів.
  • Has Anyone Seen My Toes? Christopher Buckley
    Форма: роман
    Первая публикация: 06.09.2022
    Язык: Английский
    During the pandemic, an aging screenwriter is holed up in a coastal South Carolina town with his beloved second wife, Peaches. He’s been binge-eating for a year and developed a notable rapport with the local fast-food chain Hippo King. He struggles to work—on a ludicrous screenplay about a Nazi attempt to kidnap FDR and, naturally, an article for Etymology Today on English words of Carthaginian origin. He’s told Peaches so often about the origins of the world mayonnaise that she’s developed an aversion to using the condiment. He thinks he has Covid. His wife thinks he is losing his mind. In short, your typical pandemic worries. Things were going from bad to worse even before his doctor suggested a battery of brain tests. He knows what that means: dementia! But even in these scary times, there are plenty of things to distract him. His iPhone is fat-shaming him. He’s been trying to read Proust and thinks the French novelist missed his true calling as a parfumier. And he’s discovered nefarious Russian influence on the local coroner’s race. Why is Putin so keen to control who decides who died peacefully and who by foul play in Pimento County? Could it be the local military base? Has Anyone Seen My Toes? is a hilarious romp through a time that has been anything but funny.
  • Прощайте, мама и папа Кристофер Бакли
    Оригинальное название: Losing Mum and Pup
    Дата написания: 2009
    Язык: Русский
    Американский журналист и писатель Кристофер Бакли не нуждается в представлении: почти все его сатирические романы переведены на русский язык и пользуются большой и заслуженной популярностью в нашей стране. Искусно выстроенные сюжеты, умение разглядеть смешное в самых серьезных явлениях окружающей действительности делают его книги занятнейшим, а порой на редкость смешным чтением.
    Все это, как ни удивительно, присуще и пронзительно грустным воспоминаниям писателя о родителях, ушедших из жизни в 2008 году. Видный американский политик и писатель Уильям Бакли и его жена, светская львица Патриция Бакли, в течение многих лет находились в центре политической и культурной жизни Соединенных Штатов, общались и дружили с ее выдающимися представителями, рассказ о которых пойдет в этой книге.
  • Losing Mum and Pup: A Memoir Christopher Taylor Buckley
    Оригинальное название: Losing Mum and Pup
    Дата написания: 2009
    Язык: Английский
    In twelve months between 2007 and 2008, Christopher Buckley coped with the passing of his father, William F. Buckley, the father of the modern conservative movement, and his mother, Patricia Taylor Buckley, one of New York's most glamorous and colorful socialites. He was their only child and their relationship was close and complicated. Writes Buckley: "They were not - with respect to every other set of loving, wonderful parents in the world - your typical mom and dad." As Buckley tells the story of their final year together, he takes readers on a surprisingly entertaining tour through hospitals, funeral homes, and memorial services, capturing the heartbreaking and disorienting feeling of becoming a 55-year-old orphan. Buckley maintains his sense of humor by recalling the words of Oscar Wilde: "To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose both looks like carelessness." Just as Calvin Trillin and Joan Didion gave readers solace and insight into the experience of losing a spouse, Christopher Buckley offers consolation, wit, and warmth to those coping with the death of a parent, while telling a unique personal story of life with legends.
  • Сделайте Россию снова великой Кристофер Бакли
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Make Russia Great Again
    Дата написания: 2020
    Язык: Русский

    Херб Наттерман никогда не собирался становиться главой администрации Белого дома Дональда Трампа. Херб служил в Trump Organization в течение двадцати семи лет, занимая должности во всем, от менеджера по продуктам питания и напиткам в Trump Magnifica до первого генерального менеджера Trump Bloody Run Golf Course. И когда его старый босс просит “своего любимого еврея " взять на себя устрашающую роль начальника штаба, Херб, подстегиваемый лояльностью, соглашается. Но быть начальником штаба-это совсем не то же самое, что быть бывшим специалистом по гостеприимству. Вскоре Херб оказывается глубоко вовлеченным в российские интриги, отклоняя слухи…

  • Охотник за судьями Кристофер Бакли
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Judge Hunter
    Дата написания: 2018
    Первая публикация: 2020
    Перевод: Т. Боровикова
    Язык: Русский
    Лондон, 1664 год. Отгремела английская революция, монархия восстановлена, на троне сидит Карл II. Большинство судей, почти два десятилетия назад подписавших смертный приговор предыдущему монарху Карлу I, найдены и казнены, лишь двое укрылись в североамериканских колониях. И вот на их поиски отправляется Бальтазар де Сен-Мишель, незадачливый шурин Сэмюэля Пипса, высокопоставленного чиновника Морского ведомства. В Новом Свете Балти встретит несгибаемых пуритан и безгрешных квакеров, враждующих индейцев и авантюристов всех мастей, а также загадочного агента Короны, призванного помогать ему в поиске. Тем временем по ту сторону Атлантики Пипс и его ведомство готовятся к очередной безнадежной войне с Голландией…
  • They Eat Puppies, Don't They? Christopher Buckley
    Форма: роман
    Дата написания: 2012
    Язык: Английский
    In an attempt to gain Congressional approval for a top secret weapons system, Washington lobbyist "Bird" McIntyre and sexy Neo-Con wonkette Angel Templeton start a rumour that the Chinese secret service is trying to assassinate the Dalai Lama. Their outrageous scheme provokes a series of crises involving the White House, the CIA, and a strangely sympathetic and vulnerable Chinese president, with both countries veering perilously towards war.
    Buckley has drawn his most convincing and outrageous characters to date: Bird, failed novelist of amusingly awful Clancy-esque thrillers; Angel, combination Anne Coulter and Ayn Rand; Bird's demanding, equestrian wife, Myndi; Bewks, his feckless but endearing Civil War re-enactor brother; the mild-mannered Chinese President Fa and his devoted aide Gang, manoeuvring desperately against sinister Politburo hard-liners Minister Lo and General Han.
    Blending the skewering genius of Thank You For Smoking with Dr. Strangelove's dark comedy, They Eat Puppies Don't They? has something to offend -- and amuse -- everyone.
  • Supreme Courtship Christopher Buckley
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Supreme Courtship
    Дата написания: 2009
    Язык: Английский
    President of the United States Donald Vanderdamp is having a hell of a time getting his nominees appointed to the Supreme Court. After one nominee is rejected for insufficiently appreciating To Kill A Mockingbird, the president chooses someone so beloved by voters that the Senate won't have the guts to reject her -- Judge Pepper Cartwright, the star of the nation's most popular reality show, Courtroom Six.
    Will Pepper, a straight-talking Texan, survive a confirmation battle in the Senate? Will becoming one of the most powerful women in the world ruin her love life? And even if she can make it to the Supreme Court, how will she get along with her eight highly skeptical colleagues, including a floundering Chief Justice who, after legalizing gay marriage, learns that his wife has left him for another woman.
    Soon, Pepper finds herself in the middle of a constitutional crisis, a presidential reelection campaign that the president is determined to lose, and oral arguments of a romantic nature. Supreme Courtship is another classic Christopher Buckley comedy about the Washington institutions most deserving of ridicule.
  • Boomsday Christopher Buckley
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Boomsday
    Дата написания: 2007
    Первая публикация: 2008
    Язык: Английский
    BOOMSDAY'S heroine is Cassandra Devine, a charismatic 29-year-old blogger who incites massive political turmoil when, outraged over mounting Social Security debt, she politely suggests that Baby Boomers be given government incentives to kill themselves by age 75. Her modest proposal catches fire with millions of her outraged peers ("Generation Whatever") and an ambitious Senator seeking to gain the youth vote in his presidential campaign. With the help of Washington's greatest spin doctor, the blogger and the politician try to ride the issue of euthanasia for Boomers (they call it "Transitioning") all the way to the White House, over the forceful objections of the Religious Right and, of course, Baby Boomers, who are deeply offended by demonstrations on the golf courses of their retirement resorts.
  • Florence of Arabia Christopher Buckley
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Florence of Arabia
    Дата написания: 2004
    Язык: Английский
    The bestselling author who made mincemeat of political correctness in Thank You for Smoking, conspiracy theories in Little Green Men, and Presidential indiscretions No Way to Treat a First Lady now takes on the hottest topic in the entire world–Arab-American relations–in a blistering comic novel sure to offend the few it doesn’t delight.
  • No Way to Treat a First Lady Christopher Buckley
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: No Way to Treat a First Lady
    Дата написания: 2002
    Первая публикация: 2002
    Язык: Английский
    Elizabeth Tyler MacMann, the ambitious First Lady of the United States (and known in the tabloids as “Lady Bethmac”), is on trial for the death of her philandering husband, and the only man who can save her is the boyfriend she jilted in law school—now the most shameless defense attorney in America. Published to rave reviews, No Way to Treat a First Lady is a hilariously warped love story for our time set in the funniest place in America: Washington, D.C.
  • Little Green Men Кристофер Бакли
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Little Green Men
    Дата написания: 1999
    Язык: Английский
    The reluctant hero of this hilarious novel is John Oliver Banion, a stuffy Washington talk-show host, whose privileged life is thrown into upheaval when aliens abduct him from his exclusive country-club golf course.
    But were his gray-skinned captors aliens . . . or something far more sinister? After Banion is abducted again--this time in Palm Springs--he believes he has been chosen by the extraterrestrials to champion the most important cause of the millennium, and he embarks on a crusade, appearing before a convention of UFO believers and demanding that Congress and the White House seriously investigate UFOs. His friends and family suspect that Banion is having some kind of manic-depressive midlife crisis and urge him to seek therapy before his credibility as a pillar of the punditocracy is ruined.
    So John Oliver Banion must choose: keep his establishment status or become the leader of millions of impassioned and somewhat scruffy new friends who want to expose the government's secret alien agenda.
    Little Green Men proves once and for all that the truth is out there. Way out there. And it reaffirms Christopher Buckley's status as the funniest humanoid writer in the universe.
  • God Is My Broker Christopher Buckley
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: God Is My Broker
    Дата написания: 1998
    Первая публикация: 1999
    Язык: Английский
    This is an incredible story. The author, a failed, alcoholic Wall Street trader, had retreated to a monastery. It, too, was failing. Then, one fateful day, Brother Ty decided to let God be his broker--and not only saved the monastery but discovered the 7 1/2 Laws of Spiritual and Financial Growth. Brother Ty's remarkable success has been studied at the nation's leading business schools and scrutinized by Wall Street's greatest minds, but until now the secret to his 7 1/2 Laws of Spiritual and Financial Growth have been available only to a select few:
    • 87 percent of America's billionaires
    • 28 recent Academy Award winners
    • Over half the recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize
    • No members of the U.S. Congress
    Now, for the first time, Brother Ty reveals the secrets he has gleaned from the ancient texts of the monks, and tells how you can get God to be your broker. God Is My Broker is the first truly great self-help business novel. Open this book and open your heart. It will change your life.
  • Thank You for Smoking Christopher Buckley
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Thank You for Smoking
    Дата написания: 1994
    Язык: Английский
    Nobody blows smoke like Nick Naylor. He’s a spokesman for the Academy of Tobacco Studies–in other words, a flack for cigarette companies, paid to promote their product on talk and news shows. The problem? He’s so good at his job, so effortlessly unethical, that he’s become a target for both anti-tobacco terrorists and for the FBI. In a country where half the people want to outlaw pleasure and the other want to sell you a disease, what will become of Nick Naylor?
  • The White House Mess Christopher Buckley
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The White House Mess
    Дата написания: 1986
    Язык: Английский
    With a pajama-clad President Reagan refusing to leave the White House on his successor’s Inauguration Day, Buckley has given this farce of Oval Office politics a nearly perfect beginning. Parodying the familiar form of the White House memoir, Buckley recounts the turbulent years of the Democratic Tucker administration, as told by loyalist Herbert Wadlough. Through this former accountant’s eyes, we see the infighting that plagues the White House, the President’s faltering marriage to a former starlet, and his ongoing crises.
  • Make Russia Great Again Christopher Buckley
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Make Russia Great Again
    Дата написания: 2020
    Первая публикация: 2020
    Язык: Английский
    The award-winning and bestselling author of Thank You for Smoking delivers a hilarious and whipsmart fake memoir by Herb Nutterman--Donald Trump's seventh chief of staff--who has written the ultimate tell-all about Trump and Russia. Herb Nutterman never intended to become Donald Trump's White House chief of staff. Herb served the Trump Organization for twenty-seven years, holding jobs in everything from a food and beverage manager at the Trump Magnifica to being the first general manager of the Trump Bloody Run Golf Course. And when his old boss asks "his favorite Jew" to take on the daunting role of chief of staff, Herb, spurred on by loyalty, agrees. But being the chief of staff is a lot different from being a former hospitality expert. Soon, Herb finds himself deeply involved in Russian intrigue, deflecting rumors about Mike Pence's high school involvement in a Satanic cult, and leading President Trump's reelection campaign. What Nutterman experiences is outrageous, outlandish, and otherwise unbelievable--therefore making it a deadly accurate account of being the chief of staff during the Trump administration. With hilarious jabs at the biggest world leaders and Washington politics overall, Make Russia Great Again is a timely political satire from "one of the funniest writers in the English language" (Tom Wolfe).
  • Собиратель реликвий Кристофер Бакли
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Relic Master
    Дата написания: 2015
    Первая публикация: 2020
    Перевод: В. Шумов
    Язык: Русский
    Впервые на русском — недавняя книга Кристофера Бакли, автора знаменитого романа «Здесь курят» и полутора десятков других бестселлеров. Прославленный сатирик, хорошо знающий политическую кухню изнутри (бывший спичрайтер Джорджа Буша-старшего), «нашел для своих внушительных талантов новое применение. Почему бы и не бурный шестнадцатый век, собственно?» (The Washington Post).Итак, познакомьтесь с Дисмасом. Бывший швейцарский наемник, а теперь — официальный слуга двух господ: «поставщик святынь ко двору его преосвященства архиепископа Бранденбургского и Майнцского Альбрехта, поставщик святынь ко двору курфюрста Саксонии Фридриха Мудрого». Дисмас разбирается в священных реликвиях как никто другой, но не чужд и авантюрной жилки. И когда одна из Дисмасовых авантюр вскрывается, метящий в кардиналы Альбрехт делает Дисмасу и его подельнику Альбрехту Дюреру предложение, от которого невозможно отказаться: отправиться из Майнца в Шамбери, чтобы выкрасть из сокровищницы герцога Савойского одну из главных святынь христианского мира… «Если по-голливудски, то “Собиратель реликвий” — это как смесь “Принцессы-невесты” и “Тринадцати друзей Оушена”, только совершенно органичная» (Kirkus Reviews).
  • The Relic Master Christopher Buckley
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Relic Master
    Дата написания: 2015
    Первая публикация: 2016
    Язык: Английский
    The year is 1517. Dismas is a relic hunter who procures “authentic” religious relics for wealthy and influential clients. His two most important patrons are Frederick the Wise and soon-to-be Cardinal Albrecht of Mainz. While Frederick is drawn to the recent writing of Martin Luther, Albrecht pursues the financial and political benefits of religion and seeks to buy a cardinalship through the selling of indulgences. When Albrecht’s demands for grander relics increase, Dismas and his artist friend Dürer fabricate a shroud to sell to the unsuspecting noble. Unfortunately Dürer’s reckless pride exposes the trickery, so Albrecht puts Dismas and Dürer in the custody of four mercenaries and sends them all to steal Christ’s burial cloth (the Shroud of Chambéry), Europe’s most celebrated artifact. On their journey to Savoy where the Shroud will be displayed, they battle a lustful count and are joined by a beautiful female apothecary. It is only when they reach their destination they realize they are not alone in their intentions to acquire a relic of dubious legitimacy.
  • The Judge Hunter Christopher Buckley
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Judge Hunter
    Дата написания: 2018
    Первая публикация: 2018
    Язык: Английский
    London, 1664. Twenty years after the English revolution, the monarchy has been restored and Charles II sits on the throne. The men who conspired to kill his father are either dead or disappeared. Baltasar “Balty” St. Michel is twenty-four and has no skills and no employment. He gets by on handouts from his brother-in-law Samuel Pepys, an officer in the king’s navy.
    Fed up with his needy relative, Pepys offers Balty a job in the New World. He is to track down two missing judges who were responsible for the execution of the last king, Charles I. When Balty’s ship arrives in Boston, he finds a strange country filled with fundamentalist Puritans, saintly Quakers, warring tribes of Indians, and rogues of every stripe. Helped by a man named Huncks, an agent of the Crown with a mysterious past, Balty travels colonial America in search of the missing judges. Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, Samuel Pepys prepares for a war with the Dutch that fears England has no chance of winning.
    Christopher Buckley’s enchanting new novel spins adventure, comedy, political intrigue, and romance against a historical backdrop with real-life characters like Charles II, John Winthrop, and Peter Stuyvesant. Buckley’s wit is as sharp as ever as he takes readers to seventeenth-century London and New England. We visit the bawdy court of Charles II, Boston under the strict Puritan rule, and New Amsterdam back when Manhattan was a half-wild outpost on the edge of an unmapped continent. The Judge Hunter is a smart and swiftly plotted novel that transports readers to a new world.
  • Они ведь едят щенков, правда? Кристофер Бакли
    Форма: роман
    Дата написания: 2012
    Первая публикация: 2013
    Перевод: Т. Азаркович
    Язык: Русский
    Кристофер Бакли — выдающийся американский сатирик, чьи бестселлеры приобрели мировую известность. Девять из одиннадцати книг Бакли — по версии «Нью-Йорк тайме» — названы «Заметными книгами года». Кто не знает его романов «Здесь курят», «Зеленые человечки», «Суматоха в Белом доме», «Флоренс Аравийская», «С первой леди так не поступают» (почетная национальная премия «Тербер»)? И вот новый остросатирический роман «Они ведь едят щенков, правда?», в котором Бакли, спичрайтер Буша-старшего, знающий немало тайн американского закулисья, хитроумно и смешно конструирует параллельную реальность наших дней — действие разворачивается в 2012 году. Автор впервые обращается к американо-китайским отношениям, положив в основу сюжета создание сверхсекретного современного оружия. В числе главных действующих лиц оказываются вымышленные президенты США и КНР, члены Политбюро КПК, сотрудники ЦРУ, парочка бесшабашных лоббистов и даже беглый русский олигарх.
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