Эндрю Николл

Andrew Nicoll

  • 7 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 475 читателей
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5 87
4 156
3 132
2 53
1 22

Эндрю Николл — новинки

  • Любовь и смерть Катерины Эндрю Николл
    ISBN: 978-5-98695-052-5
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Издательство Ольги Морозовой
    Язык: Русский

    Главный герой романа Лучано Вальдес - знаменитый писатель. Любая женщина готова упасть в его объятия, помани он только пальцем. Лишь одно омрачает безоблачное существование Вальдеса. Уже год, как он не в силах написать ничего, кроме единственной строчки: "Тощая рыжая кошка перешла улицу". Затяжной творческий кризис влечет за собой депрессию. Но в этот момент Лучано встречает Катерину - юную, страстную, восторженную. Уверенный, что с помощью Катерины он сумеет побороть кризис и снова начать писать, Лучано не замечает, как влюбляется в нее... и совершает убийство.

  • If You're Reading This, I'm Already Dead Andrew Nicoll
    ISBN: 9780857384935
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Quercus Publishing Plc
    'I want people to know how Otto Witte, acrobat of Hamburg, became the crowned king of Albania.' Otto Witte is an old man. The Allies are raining bombs on his city and, having narrowly escaped death, he has come home to his little caravan to drink what remains of his coffee (dust) and wait for the inevitable. Convinced that he will not see the sunrise, he decides to write the story of his life for the poor soul who finds what's left of him come the morning. And it's quite a story. Years earlier, when he was in either Buda or Pest, working at the circus, a dear friend brought him the newspaper. Inside was an article about how Albania was looking for a particular Turkish prince, because the country was in need of a new king. This Turkish prince is the image of Otto...A plan is formed; adventure, disaster, love and sheer, unabashed hope await. If You're Reading This, I'm Already Dead is a joy to read; accomplished and full of the warmth, honesty and lightness of touch for which Andrew Nicoll is known and loved.
  • The Love and Death of Caterina Andrew Nicoll
    ISBN: 978-1849164719, 1849164711
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Quercus Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    Luciano Hernando Valdez is his Latin American nation's most celebrated novelist and he's suffering from writer's block. So far his latest great work comprises the words The scrawny yellow cat crossed the road'. He's tried all his usual tricks to get back on track - he's had a few debates with his trusty colleagues at the university, he's had an affair with the banker's wife, nothing will work. Until he meets Caterina. Beautiful, young and one of his biggest fans, she has idolised him since she was a child and he has inspired her to write. Convinced that falling in love with her, spending every minute he can alongside her, moulding her to…

  • Добрый мэр Эндрю Николл
    ISBN: 978-5-98695-043-3
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Издательство Ольги Морозовой
    Язык: Русский

    "Добрый мэр" - волшебный роман начинающего писателя Эндрю Николла, история любви и о любви. Действие происходит в маленьком городке под названием Дот, что находится во всеми позабытом уголке Балтийского моря. Автор рассказывает нам о добром и честном Тибо Кровиче, мэре Дота, влюбленном в свою секретаршу Агату Стопак - прекрасную, одинокую, но при этом еще и замужнюю женщину. Город Дот слишком тих и благопристоен, чтобы Тибо мог позволить себе хоть как-то проявить свою любовь, - но однажды, когда Агата случайно роняет в фонтан свой обед, все меняется в один миг, и жизнь наших героев преображается - решительно и бесповоротно. "Добрый…

  • The Good Mayor Andrew Nicoll
    ISBN: 978-0385343121
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Bantam
    Язык: Английский

    In a busy little city in a forgotten corner of the Baltic, in an office on the square, the beloved mayor of Dot lies on his office floor, peering beneath his door. Tibo Krovic has come to work from his house down at the end of a blue-tiled path. He’s taken, as usual, the tram seven stops, and walked the final two. He’s stopped for strong Viennese coffee. And now Tibo Krovic is looking at the perfectly beautiful feet of his voluptuous, unhappily married secretary, Mrs. Agathe Stopak. The Good Mayor is badly in love. And over the course of days, months, and years, amid life’s daily routine—a fallen lunch pail, a single touch . . . a…

  • The Good Mayor Andrew Nicoll
    ISBN: 9780099540274, 978-0-09-954027-4
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Random House UK
    Язык: Английский

    Every day, Mayor Tibo Krovic stops off at the local cafe on the way to work, drinks his Viennese coffee with extra figs, leaves a bag of sweets for the owner, and goes to wait in his office for the arrival of his glorious secretary Agathe. He has worshiped Agathe from afar for years but she has always been out of reach. However, a family tragedy has changed things in Agathe's home and a chance occurrence one day leads her to confide in Tibo. What ensues is a magical story of love, fate, mistakes and ginger biscuits that is both deliciously funny and intensely moving.

  • Secret Life And Curious Death Of Miss Jean Milne Эндрю Николл
    ISBN: 9781785058530
    Издательство: Gardners Books
    Язык: Английский