Стивен Лоухед

Stephen Ray Lawhead

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Новинки Стивена Лоухеда

  • Робин Гуд. Король-Ворон Стивен Лоухед
    ISBN: 978-5-17-064411-7, 978-5-271-28691-9, 978-985-16-8486-7
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: АСТ, Харвест, Астрель
    Язык: Русский

    Робин Гуд. Герой множества исторических романов и фильмов, на которых выросли целые поколения преданных поклонников благородного разбойника. Но кем был реальный прототип Робин Гуда? Историки по-прежнему спорят об этом. Однако мастер историко-приключенческой прозы Стивен Р.Лоухед в своем потрясающем романе представляет совершенно неожиданную, и поэтому еще более интересную версию происхождения и жизни Робин Гуда и Маленького Джона, веселого монаха Така и прекрасной леди Марион, сурового Скарлетта и других "вольных стрелков".

  • Tuck Stephen R. Lawhead
    ISBN: 1595540873
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Thomas Nelson
    Язык: Английский
    "Pray God our aim is true and each arrow finds its mark."

    King Raven has brought hope to the oppressed people of Wales--and fear to their Norman overlords. Deceived by the self-serving King William and hunted by the treacherous Abbot Hugo and Sheriff de Glanville, Rhi Bran is forced again to take matters into his own hands as King Raven.

    Along the way Friar Tuck has been the stalwart supporter of the man behind the legend--bringing Rhi Bran much-needed guidance, wit, and faithful companionship.

    Aided by Tuck and his small but determined band of forest-dwelling outlaws, Rhi Bran ignites a rebellion that spreads through the Welsh valleys, forcing the wily monarch to marshal his army and march against little Elfael.

    This epic trilogy dares to shatter everything you thought you knew about Robin Hood as Stephen R. Lawhead conjures an ancient past while holding a mirror to contemporary realities. Filled with unforgettable characters, breathtaking suspense, and rousing battle scenes, Stephen R. Lawhead's masterful retelling of the Robin Hood legend reaches its stunning conclusion in "Tuck."
  • Grail Stephen R. Lawhead
    ISBN: 0380781042, 978-0380781041
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Harper Voyager
    Язык: Английский
    Drought, plague, and war have left the Isle of the Mighty battered and its heart, the beloved Arthur, grievously injured—until a secret relic is brought before the dying King; a Holy Grail that heals his wounds and restores his vigor.

    But soon evil enters the royal court in the guise of a beautiful maiden; a soulless, malevolent force capable of seducing the King’s loyal champion, confounding the sage whom some call Merlin, and carrying the sacred Grail—and Arthur’s adored Queen—off into the dark unknown.
  • Pendragon Stephen R. Lawhead
    ISBN: 0380717573, 978-0380717576
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Harper Voyager
    Язык: Английский
    Arthur is King—but treachery runs rampant throughout the beleaguered Isle of the Mighty. Darkest evil descends upon Britain’s shores in many guises. Fragile alliances fray and tear, threatening all the noble liege has won with his wisdom and his blood. His most trusted counselor—the warrior, bard and kingmaker whom legend will name Merlin—is himself to be tested on a mystical journey back through his own extraordinary past. So in a black time of plague and pestilence, it is Arthur who must stand alone against a great and terrible adversary. For only this way can he truly win immortality—and the name to treasure above all others:

  • Merlin Stephen R. Lawhead
    ISBN: 0380708892, 978-0380708895
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Harper Voyager
    Язык: Английский
    He was born to greatness, the son of a druid bard and a princess of lost Atlantis. A trained warrior, blessed with the gifts of prophecy and song, he grew to manhood in a land ravaged by the brutal greed of petty chieftains and barbarian invaders.

    MERLIN: Respected, feared and hated by many, he was to have a higher destiny. For it was he who prepared the way for the momentous event that would unite the Island of the Mighty—the coming of Arthur Pendragon, Lord of the Kingdom of Summer.
  • Taliesin Stephen R. Lawhead
    ISBN: 038070613X, 978-0380706136
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Harper Voyager
    Язык: Английский
    It was a time of legend, when the last shadows of the mighty Roman conqueror faded from the captured Isle of Britain. While, across a vast sea, bloody war shattered a peace that had flourished for two thousand years in the doomed kingdom of Atlantis.

    From the award-winning author of THE DRAGON KING TRILOGY comes a majestic tale of breathtaking scope and haunting beauty. It is the remarkable adventure of Charis—the courageous princess from Atlantis who escapes the terrible devastation of her land—and of the fabled seer and druid prince Taliesin, singer at the dawn of the age. A story of an incomparable love that joins two astonishing worlds amid the fires of chaos, and spawns the miracles of Merlin . . . and Arthur the king!
  • Scarlet Stephen R. Lawhead
    ISBN: 1595540865
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Thomas Nelson Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    After losing everything he owns, forester Will Scarlet embarks on a search for none other than King Raven, whose exploits have already become legendary. After fulfilling his quest--and proving himself a skilled and loyal companion--Will joins the heroic archer and his men.

    Now, however, Will is in prison for a crime he did not commit. His sentence is death by hanging--unless he delivers King Raven and his band of cohorts.

    That, of course, he will never do.

    Wales is slowly falling under the control of the invading Normans, and King William the Red has given his ruthless barons control of the land. In desperation, the people turn to King Raven and his men for justice and survival in the face of the ever-growing onslaught.

    From deep in the forest they form a daring plan for deliverance, knowing that failure means death for them all.

    "Scarlet "continues Stephen R. Lawhead's riveting saga that began with the novel "Hood, "which relocated the legend of Robin Hood to the Welsh countryside and its dark forests. Steeped in Celtic mythology and the political intrigue of medieval Britain, Lawhead's trilogy conjures up an ancient past and holds a mirror to contemporary realities. Prepare for an epic tale that dares to shatter everything you thought you knew about Robin Hood.
  • Hood Stephen R. Lawhead
    ISBN: 1595540857, 9781595540850
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: WestBow Press
    Язык: Английский
    Robin Hood

    The Legend Begins Anew

    For centuries, the legend of Robin Hood and his band of thieves has captivated the imagination. Now the familiar tale takes on new life, fresh meaning, and an unexpected setting.

    Steeped in Celtic mythology and the political intrigue of medieval Britain, Stephen R. Lawhead's latest work conjures up an ancient past and holds a mirror to contemporary realities. Prepare yourself for an epic tale that dares to shatter everything you thought you knew about Robin Hood.
  • The Song of Albion. Book 3. The Endless Knot Stephen R. Lawhead
    ISBN: 1595542213
    Год издания: 2006
    Язык: Русский
    Fires rage in Albion: strange, hidden fires, dark-flamed, invisible to the eye. Llew Silver Hand is High King of Albion, but now the Brazen Man has defied his sovereignty and Llew must journey to the Foul Land to redeem his greatest treasure.
  • The Song of Albion. Book 2. The Silver Hand Stephen R. Lawhead
    ISBN: 1595542205
    Год издания: 2006
    Язык: Русский
    The great king, Meldryn Mawr, is dead, and his kingdom lies in ruins. Treachery and brutality rule the land, and Albion is the scene of an epic struggle for the throne. Lewis Gillies returns as Llew, seeking the true meaning behind a mysterious
  • The Paradise War Stephen R. Lawhead
    ISBN: 1595542191
    Год издания: 2006

    From the dreaming spires of Oxford, Lewis Gillies drives north to seek a mythical creature in a misty glen in Scotland. Expecting little more than a weekend diversion, Lewis finds himself in a mystical place where two worlds meet, in the

  • The Black Rood Стивен Лоухед
    ISBN: 0061051101
    Год издания: 2001
    Язык: Английский
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    The Black Rood
    (The Celtic Crusades #2)
    by Stephen R. Lawhead
    3.87 · Rating details · 1,879 ratings · 40 reviews

    In a time of legends and heroes, blood and mystery, one man will carry on his family’s destiny as he sets upon a dangerous and glorious quest.

    The Great Crusade is long over, or so Duncan, son of Murdo, believes until a long-lost uncle appears from the East bearing tales of immense treasure. Though the Iron Lance had been won for the emperor, an even holier relic has been found: the Black Rood—the prayer-worn, blood-stained remnant of the True Cross—now endangered by the greedy ambitions of ruthless crusader barons bent on carving kingdoms from the desert sands of the Middle East.

    When Duncan’s life is shattered by tragedy, he sets sail on his own pilgrimage to Jerusalem, following in the footsteps of his father. But the gates to the Holy Land are guarded by the warrior priests known as the Knights Templar. These fearsome guardians hold the key to more than just Duncan’s fate—the very destiny of the West is in their hands.

    —Publishers Weekly
  • Артур Стивен Лохед
    ISBN: 5-86181-186-5
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Триада
    Язык: Русский

    "Артур" - третья книга саги "Пендрагон" английского писателя Стивена Лохеда. Король Артур - один из самых таинственных героев английской истории. Книга - о высоких надежах и горьких разочарованиях, верности и предательстве, духовном поиске и и завоевании царства. Автор приоткрывает завесу тайны, окутавшую жизнь и смерть Артура. С 90-х годов С.Лохед считается признанным мастером жанра исторического фэнтези. Нельзя отрицать влияния на его творчества К.Льюиса и Р.Толкиена, но писателю все же удалось найти свой самобытный путь в литературе.

  • Талиесин Стивен Лохед
    ISBN: 5-86181-183-0
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Триада
    Язык: Русский

    "Талиесин" - первая книги саги "Пендрагон" английского писателя Стивена Лохеда. В основу цикла легли кельтские легенды, тонко вплетенные автором в реальные исторические события. "Плач мой будет громче плача погибших, спящих в подводной могиле. Голоса ушедших в мир иной велят: "Расскажи о нас!". Их история достойна того, чтобы люди узнали ее. И вот я беру перо и пишу..." Так начинается рассказ о трагедии Атлантиды, погибшей в схватке между сушей и морем. Спаслись три суденышка, которые вынесли царя Аваллаха и его дочь к туманным берегам Стеклянного Острова. Там их ждал иной мир - мир кельтских вождей, мир Талиесина, Мерлина, короля Артура...

  • Мерлин Стивен Лохед
    ISBN: 5-86181-184-9
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Триада
    Язык: Русский

    "Мерлин" - вторая книга саги. Это история жизни Мерлина - короля, пророка, политика. Это история темных времен, опустившихся на Британские острова: последние дни таинственного горного народца, набеги кровожадных саксонских племен, угасающая власть Рима. Это история о любви, дикости и безумии и светлой мечте Мерлина - мечте о Летнем царстве. "Бывали ли на земле времена, подобные нашим? Никогда! Не случалось времени более славного, не было времени более страшного. Если бы люди только знали, что им еще предстоит пережить... Они закрыли бы ладонью рты, чтобы крик их не был столь громок. Это и благословение и проклятье - не знать, что ожидает…

  • Arthur Stephen R. Lawhead
    ISBN: 0380708906, 978-0380708901
    Год издания: 1997
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Язык: Английский

    They called him unfit to rule, a lowborn, callow boy, Uther’s bastard. But his coming had been foretold in the songs of the bard Taliesin. And he had learned powerful secrets at the knee of the mystical sage Merlin. He was ARTHUR—Pendragon of the Island of the Mighty—who would rise to legendary greatness in a Britain torn by violence, greed, and war; who would usher in a glorious reign of peace and prosperity; and who would fall in a desperate attempt to save the one he loved more than life.