Маргарет Лоренс

Margaret Laurence

  • 7 книг
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Лучшие книги Лоренс Маргарет

  • Каменный ангел Маргарет Лоренс
    ISBN: 978-5-7516-1075-3
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Текст
    Язык: Русский

    Маргарет Лоренс заслужила славу одного из самых значительных канадских прозаиков. Героиня ее романа "Каменный ангел" Агарь Шипли, девяностолетняя женщина, наделенная острым умом и гордым, неуступчивым нравом, решается на отчаянный поступок: не желая попасть в дом престарелых, воспринимаемый ею как символ смерти, она бежит из дома. Оставшись одна, Агарь погружается в воспоминания и размышления, в которых отражаются и бурные события прошлых лет, и муки старения, и попытки примириться с неизбежностью конца. Последний решительный шаг навстречу независимости дает ей возможность переоценить долгую прожитую жизнь и принять, наконец, свою судьбу -…

  • Кудесники (сборник) Маргарет Лоренс
    ISBN: 5-05-002268-1
    Год издания: 1988
    Издательство: Радуга
    Язык: Русский

    В книгу избранных произведений одного из ведущих в современной Канаде мастеров прозы вошли итоговый роман большого прозаического цикла "Кудесники", рисующий жизнь нескольких поколений и различных слоев общества современной Канады, - своего рода национальный эпос, - а также рассказы из цикла "Птица в доме".

  • A Jest of God Маргарет Лоренс
    Год издания: 1966
    In this celebrated novel, Margaret Laurence writes with grace, power, and deep compassion about Rachel Cameron, a woman struggling to come to terms with love, with death, with herself and her world.

    Trapped in a milieu of deceit and pettiness – her own and that of others – Rachel longs for love, and contact with another human being who shares her rebellious spirit. Through her summer affair with Nick Kazlik, a schoolmate from earlier years, she learns at last to reach out to another person and to make herself vulnerable.

    A Jest of God won the Governor General’s Award for 1966 and was released as the successful film, Rachel, Rachel. The novel stands as a poignant and singularly enduring work by one of the world’s most distinguished authors.
  • Intimate Strangers: The Letters of Margaret Laurence And Gabrielle Roy Margaret Laurence
    ISBN: 0887551777, 9780887551772
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: University of Manitoba Press
    Язык: Английский
    The books of Margaret Laurence and Gabrielle Roy are among the most beloved in Canadian literature. In 1976, when both were at the height of their careers, they began a seven-year written correspondence. Laurence had just published her widely acclaimed The Diviners, for which she won her second Governor-General’s Award, and Roy had returned to the centre of the literary stage with a series of books that many critics now consider her richest and most mature works.

    Although both women had been born and raised in Manitoba—Laurence in Neepawa and Roy in St. Boniface—they met only once, in 1978 at a conference in Calgary. As these letters reveal, their prairie background created a common understanding of place and culture that bridged the differences of age and language. Here Laurence and Roy discuss everything from their own and each other’s writing, to Canadian politics, housekeeping, publishing, and their love of nature. With a thoughtful introduction by Paul G. Socken, these lovely and intimate letters record the moving, affectionate friendship between two remarkable women.
  • The Olden Days Coat Маргарет Лоренс
    ISBN: 0887767044
    Год издания: 2004
    Язык: Русский
    Truly a classic by one of Canada’s finest authors Ten-year-old Sal is disappointed when she and her parents spend Christmas at her grandmother’s house, instead of at home, like they did before Grandpa died. In order to
  • The Diviners Маргарет Лоренс
    ISBN: 978-0771099861
    Год издания: 1988
    Издательство: New Canadian Library
    The culmination and completion of Margaret Laurence’s celebrated Manawaka cycle, The Diviners is an epic novel.

    This is the powerful story of an independent woman who refuses to abandon her search for love. For Morag Gunn, growing up in a small Canadian prairie town is a toughening process – putting distance between herself and a world that wanted no part of her. But in time, the aloneness that had once been forced upon her becomes a precious right – relinquished only in her overwhelming need for love. Again and again, Morag is forced to test her strength against the world – and finally achieves the life she had determined would be hers.

    The Diviners has been acclaimed by many critics as the outstanding achievement of Margaret Laurence’s writing career. In Morag Gunn, Laurence has created a figure whose experience emerges as that of all dispossessed people in search of their birthright, and one who survives as an inspirational symbol of courage and endurance.

    The Diviners received the Governor General’s Award for Fiction for 1974.
  • The Fire-Dwellers Маргарет Лоренс
    Convinced that life has more to offer than the tedious routine of her days, Stacey MacAindra yearns to recover some of the passion of her early romance. In this extraordinary novel, Margaret Laurence has given us yet another unforgettable heroine: smart, witty, but overwhelmed by the responsibilities of raising four children and trying to love her overworked husband. The Fire Dwellers helps us to rediscover all the richness of the commonplace, as well as the pain, beauty—and humor—of being alive.