Барбара Эрскин

Barbara Erskine

  • 39 книг
  • 10 подписчиков
  • 298 читателей
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5 158
4 148
3 74
2 20
1 9

Барбара Эрскин - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Time's Legacy Barbara Erskine
    ISBN: 978-0-00-730229-1
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Harper
    Ancient secrets buried deep in Glastonbury’s past.
    And one woman’s quest to finally set them free.

    In present-day Cambridge, Abi, a recently-ordained priest of the Church of England, is appointed to a notoriously difficult parish. The priest in charge is the charismatic but fundamentalist Kier. He objects to her mysticism, her practice of healing in particular.

    When she sees a vision of a congregation in an old church, Kier accuses her of witchcraft, but Abi soon sees more visions; an entire Roman family history dark with betrayal and a promise of bloody revenge.

    Abi must battle the approaching terror along with her own personal demons, drawing upon the expertise of Druidry and shamanism from a questionable source…
  • The Darkest Hour Barbara Erskine
    ISBN: 978-0-00-751313-0
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    From the Sunday Times bestselling author comes an epic tale of love, passion and heartbreak. Love is as uncertain and as untameable as war... In the summer of 1940, most eyes are focussed on the skies above the South of England. The battle for Britain has just begun. But young Evie Lucas has eyes for no - one but a dashing young pilot called Tony. Evie has a glittering career as an artist ahead of her but seems to be wasting her time sketching endless portraits of Tony. She wants his parents to have something to remember him by in case it all goes wrong in the war...Seventy years later, and recently widowed art historian Lucy is trying to put the pieces of her life back together. And in order to do that, Lucy needs to uncover the mystery surrounding a painting in her home. But as she accidentally ends up stirring up a hornet's nest of history which has been deliberately obliterated, Lucy finds herself in danger from people past and present who have no intention of letting an untold truth ever surface.
  • Барбара Эрскин (комплект из 6 книг) Барбара Эрскин
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Мир книги
    Барбара Эрскин - известная английская романистка.

    Ее книги, едва выйдя из печати, становятся бестселлерами. Изданные миллионными тиражами и
    переведенные на многие языки произведения Эрскин популярны сегодня во всем мире.
    Интригующая сюжетная линия, острота фабулы и накал страстей, яркие, незабываемые образы и
    прекрасный язык - все эти достоинства неизменно привлекают к книгам Барбары Эрскин всех
    поклонников литературы о любви.
  • K?ige tumedam tund Barbara Erskine
    M?ned lood on igaveseks pimedusse maetud. M?ned lihtsalt ootavad, kuni neid r??gitakse…1940. aasta suvel on k?ikide pilgud suunatud L?una-Inglismaa taevasse: lahing Inglismaa p?rast on just alanud. Noorel ja andekal kunstnikul Evie Lucasel on aga silmi vaid ulja noore piloodi Tony jaoks, keda ta portreteerida tahab. Aga saatusel on omad plaanid.Seitsek?mmend aastat hiljem p??ab ?sja lesestunud kunstiajaloolane Lucy panna oma elukillud j?lle kokku ja otsustab p?henduda Evie Lucasest k?neleva raamatu kirjutamisele. Talle ei anna rahu ?ks Evie Lucasest tehtud portree. Vahetult enne oma traagilist surma avastas Lucy abikaasa sellelt maalilt midagi, mis n?is varjavat kummalist saladust. Mis see oli? Kui Lucy hakkab l?hemalt uurima Evie ja selle maali lugu, tekitab see palju meeleh?rmi kunstniku perekonnaliikmetes. ?ht?kki avastab Lucy, et teda ohustavad inimesed nii olevikust kui ka minevikust. Nad ei kavatse ealeski lasta r??kimata t?el v?lja tulla. Briti kirjanik Barbara Erskine (snd 1944) on hariduselt ajaloolane. Ta on avaldanud 13 rahvusvaheliseks bestselleriks saanud romaani.
  • Sleeper's Castle Барбара Эрскин
    ISBN: 9780007513161
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    Two women, centuries apart. One endless nightmare tearing Wales apart – and only they can stop it.

    Sunday Times bestselling author Barbara Erskine returns to Hay in the year that marks the 30th anniversary of her sensational debut bestseller, Lady of Hay.

    Hay-On-Wye, 1400 – War is brewing in the Welsh borders, Catrin is on the brink of womanhood and falling in love for the first time. Her father is a soothsayer, playing a dangerous game playing on the mixed loyalties and furious rivalries between welsh princes and English lords. For two hundred years, the Welsh people have lain under the English yoke, dreaming of independence. And finally it looks as though the charismatic Owain Glyndwr may be the man legend tralks of. In the walls of Sleeper’s Castle, Catrin finds herself caught in the middle of a doomed war as she is called upon to foretell Wales’s destiny… And what she sees, is blood and war coming closer…

    Hay, 2015. Miranda has moved to Sleeper’s Castle to escape and grieve. Slowly she feels herself coming to life in the solitude of the mountains. But every time she closes her eyes her dreams become more vivid. And she makes a connection with a young girl, who’s screaming, who’s reaching out… who only Miranda can help. Is she losing herself to time?
  • Sleeper’s Castle: An epic historical romance from the Sunday Times bestseller Барбара Эрскин
    The Sunday Times Top Ten bestseller.Two women, centuries apart. Linked in a place haunted by its history . . .Separated by more than six hundred years of history, two women are drawn together by Sleeper’s Castle, a house steeped in memory and magic. This is an epic tale of forbidden love, cruel revenge and a war that time can’t forget.Grieving and lost, Miranda has moved to Hay to escape, and slowly she feels herself coming to life in the solitude of the mountains. But her vivid dreams at Sleeper’s Castle introduce her to Catrin, a young women whose gift for foretelling the future embroiled her in a bloody revolt against English rule – many centuries ago.An unbreakable connection is forged across history. Catrin is reaching out . . . and only Miranda can help. But time is running out…Sunday Times bestselling author Barbara Erskine returns to Hay in the year that marks the 30th anniversary of her sensational debut bestseller, Lady of Hay.
  • F??niksi laps. 1. raamat Барбара Эрскин
    Aastal 1218 s?nnib otsekui tulest ebatavaline printsess, kelle m?stilised v?imed ja murdumatu vaim muudavad ajaloo k?iku. Tulest s?ndinuna suudab ta tulest n?ha tulevikku, ent tuli toob talle ka kannatusi. Iidsest Walesi soost hoidja Rhonweni kasvandik Eleyne ?pib kummardama iidseid jumalaid ja ta asub toetama keltide v?itlust Inglismaa r??velliku kuninga vastu. Paraku napib tal j?udu ja tahet, et ?ppida tundma ja valitsema oma erakordseid ja ?leloomulikke v?imeid. Suutmatus n?gemusi t?lgendada l?heb maksma v?imaluse ?ra hoida eesootavaid hirmsaid ?nnetusi. Kui Eleyne j??b ilma kuningas Alexanderi armastusest ja on sunnitud j?tkama kooselu sadistliku abikaasa Robertiga, n?ib, et jumalad on talle l?plikult selja p??ranud ja teadmamees Einioni ennustusel, et Eleyne'ist saab kuningate vereliini ema, pole m??ratud t?ituda.
  • F??niksi laps, 2. raamat Барбара Эрскин
    ISBN: 9789985344040
    Издательство: Eesti digiraamatute keskus OU
    “F??niksi lapse” teise raamatu s?ndmused algavad aastal 1244. 26-aastaseks saanud Eleyne, p?letusarmid n?ol ja haavad hinges, p??ab Alexanderi kaotamise valust ?le saada ja edasi elada. Kaunis naine on julma ajastu ja meeste tujude m?ngukann, kelle tahtest ei olene midagi. V?i siiski?Eleyne j??b ilma paljudest armastatud l?hedastest. N?gemused, mis ilmutavad end ?ha sagedamini ja selgemini, ei aita ?udusi ?ra hoida. Mitte miski ei suuda saatust v??rata. Eleyne ootab kogu elu Einioni ettekuulutuse t?itumist, kuigi usk, et tema j?reltulijast saab alguse v?imas kuningatesugu, hakkab kahanema.
  • Barbara Erskine 3-Book Collection: Lady of Hay, Time’s Legacy, Sands of Time Барбара Эрскин
    Язык: Английский
    A story spanning centuries. A long awaited revenge.In London, journalist Jo Clifford plans to debunk the belief in past-lives in a hard-hitting magazine piece. But her scepticism is shaken when a hypnotist forces her to relive the experiences of Matilda, Lady of Hay, a noblewoman during the reign of King John.She learns of Matilda's unhappy marriage, her love for the handsome Richard de Clare, and the brutal death threats handed out by King John, before it becomes clear that Jo’s past and present are inevitably entwined. She realises that eight hundred years on, Matilda’s story of secret passion and unspeakable treachery is about to repeat itself…Barbara Erskine’s iconic debut novel still delights generations of readers thirty years after its first publication.
  • Distant Voices Барбара Эрскин
    In her second volume of short stories, which follows the hugely successful 'Encounters', Barbara Erskine has created a compelling world of love, betrayal, suspense and grief.A biographer investigating a tragic death hears voices from the past drawing her towards the truth…A nineteenth century parson’s daughter is caught up in the excitement and romance of a smuggling intrigue…A young boy from a deprived background finds his own haven in the wastelands of the inner city…Contemporary, historical, spooky, and humorous – there are over thirty delightful stories, each one guaranteed to capture the reader’s imagination, and all demonstrating Barbara Erskine’s unique powers as a storyteller.
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