Гюстав Флобер

Gustave Flaubert

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Гюстав Флобер — библиография

  • Doamna Bovary Гюстав Флобер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Madame Bovary
    Дата написания: 1856
    Перевод: D.T. Sarafoff
  • مادام بواری Гюстав Флобер
    Форма: роман
    Перевод: محمد قاضی ( Mohammad Ghazi), رضا عقیلی
  • Madame Bovary Гюстав Флобер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Madame Bovary
    Дата написания: 1856
    Перевод: Maria Luisa Spaziani
  • Bir Delikanlının Hik?yesi Гюстав Флобер
    1789 Fransız İhtilali’nden sonra Avrupa’da siyasi ve toplumsal ?alkantılar son bulmamıştı. 1848 Devrimleri’ne gelinirken kıtada, protestolara, grevlere, başkaldırılara yol a?an siyasi gelişmeler yaşanıyordu. Avrupa’da Fransa, Fransa da ise gen?ler başakt?r?yd? t?m bu gelişmelerin. Gustave Flaubert’in -kendi hayatından esintileri de taşıyarak- bu d?nem gen?liğinin ayrıntılı bir panoramasını sunduğu “Bir Delikanlının Hik?yesi”, gen? hukuk ?ğrencisi Fr?d?ric’in 1840 yılının Eyl?l ayında yaptığı bir gemi yolculuğu ile başlar. Gen? Fr?d?ric, Avrupa’nın yaşadığı siyasal ve sosyal kargaşalar i?inde kendi kaderini kendi eline almaya ?alışacak, kibar ?lemlere girip ?ıkacak, y?kselme arzusuyla dolup taşacak, kendi gibi gen? arkadaşlarının kimi zaman b?y?k yardımlarını g?recek kimi zaman da ihanetleriyle karşılaşacaktır. T?m sosyal ilişkiler değişirken, b?t?n arkadaşları gibi bir yandan diğer yana savrulurken Fr?d?ric’in kalbinde sadece tek bir şey değişmeden, olduğu gibi kalacaktır: O ilk gemi yolculuğunda g?r?p tutulduğu, kendinden yaş?a b?y?k Madam Arnoux’ya olan aşkı… «Ayrılıklarda ?yle bir an gelir ki sevilen kadın artık bizimle beraber değildir. Sonunda yelkovan yirmi beşi g?sterince Madam Arnoux, şapkasını usulca bağlarından tutup aldı. 'Allah’a ısmarladık dostum, sevgili dostum! Sizi bir daha g?remeyeceğim! Son kadınlık teşebb?s?md? bu! Ruhum hi? yanınızdan ayrılmayacak. Tanrı’dan size rahmet dilerim!' dedi.»
  • Madam Bovary Гюстав Флобер
    Kendi zamanının ?tesinde kurduğu hayalleri ile i?inde bulunduğu yaşamın tam ortasında sıkışmış olan Emma, ihtiraslı bir kadındır. Sakin, huzurlu bir hayat arzu eden eşi Charles, onun i?in bir hayal kırıklığıdır. S?rekli romantik aşk hik?yeleri okuyan Emma, bunların tesirinde heyecanlı ve duygusal derinliği olan ilişkiler hayal etmektedir. Evlilikten bekledikleri ger?ekleşmedik?e zamanla hayatından hoşnutsuzluk duymaya başlar. Bu ?yle bir h?le gelir ki, hayatının sevmediği b?t?n sıradanlıklarını Charles ile ?zdeşleştirir ve ondan nefret eder. Devrin kadınları i?in evlendikten sonra ?zg?rl?klerini ifade edecek bir se?enek bulmak zordur ve Emma da bunun i?in elindeki tek yola; ihanete başvurur. Emma, hem aşktan beklentisini alamamış hem de aşkı i?in bor?lanmış biri olarak ?ıkmaza girer. Bu bor? onu h?z?nl? sonuna hazırlar. Charles’ın yanında aldığı arsenik ile ?ırpına ?ırpına hayatına son verir. “… Erkek hi? olmazsa h?rd?r. Sevda peşinde memleketleri gezer, engelleri aşar, en uzak yerlerin tadını alır. Bir kadın ise sonsuz bir yasak hayatı yaşar…”
  • Легенда о святом Юлиане Милостивом Гюстав Флобер
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: La Légende de Saint Julien l’Hospitalier
    Дата написания: сентябрь 1875— февраль 1876
    Первая публикация: 1967
    Перевод: И. Тургенев
    Язык: Русский
    Ему предсказали, что он станет великим полководцем. А ещё ему предсказали, что он убьёт отца и мать… Исполнится ли страшное пророчество?
  • Цветочный вальс Гюстав Флобер
    Коллекция элегантной классики — это пронзительная нежность, это сад, который шагнул к вам на книжную полку. Корешки коллекции собирают на полке цветочный орнамент.
    В комплект вошли книги «Госпожа Бовари», «Гордость и предубеждение», «Ночь нежна», «Эпоха невинности», «Алая буква», «Чувство и чувствительность» — шесть классических женских романов, которые приятно читать и приятно дарить.
  • BOUVARD & P?CUCHET Гюстав Флобер
    Bouvard et P?cuchet details the adventures of two Parisian copy-clerks, Fran?ois Denys Bartholom?e Bouvard and Juste Romain Cyrille P?cuchet, of the same age and nearly identical temperament. They meet one hot summer day in 1838 by the canal Saint-Martin and form an instant, symbiotic friendship. The work resembles the earlier Sentimental Education in that the plot structure is episodic, giving it a picaresque quality. Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was an influential French writer who was perhaps the leading exponent of literary realism of his country. He is known especially for his first published novel, Madame Bovary and for his scrupulous devotion to his style and aesthetics. The celebrated short story writer Maupassant was a prot?g? of Flaubert.
  • La educaci?n sentimental Гюстав Флобер
    Retrato de una generaci?n en Francia desde 1840 a 1867, La educaci?n sentimental es una novela con personajes mediocres y que apenas tiene trama: un joven de provincias, Fr?d?ric Moreau, va a Par?s a estudiar Derecho: no le atraen los estudios, hereda una fortuna y puede vivir como hab?a so?ado. Pero est? atrapado en un deseo irrealizable, deseo que gobierna su existencia, su relaci?n con los amigos, las mujeres, su relaci?n con el dinero; vive obsesionado con un amor obsesivo, la se?ora Arnoux, mujer casada, que no le conduce a ninguna parte, porque ante todo es un h?roe pasivo y con la conciencia de que la sociedad tiene que darle lo que cree que se merece, sin hacer el menor esfuerzo.Todo ello tendr? lugar en un escenario esplendoroso, el Par?s de mediados del siglo xix, la capital de la burgues?a emergente, donde la intensidad del placer se mezcla con el inevitable tedio y el resplandor de uno de los periodos cruciales de la historia europea: la Revoluci?n de 1848.La educaci?n sentimental es un libro inacabable que puede releerse para encontrar nuevos referentes, nuevas pistas, nuevos detalles.
  • Pyh?n Julianuksen legenda Гюстав Флобер
    "Pyh?n Julianuksen legenda" – Gustave Flaubert (k??nn?s Maija Koskenniemi). Julkaisija – Good Press. Good Press on moneen tyylilajiin keskittynyt laajamittainen julkaisija. Pyrimme julkaisemaan klassikoita ja kaunokirjallisuutta sek? viel? l?yt?m?tt?mi? timantteja. Tuotamme kirjat jotka palavat halusta tulla luetuksi. Good Press painokset ovat tarkasti editoitu ja formatoitu vastaamaan nykyajan lukijan tarpeita ottaen huomioon kaikki e-lukijat ja laitteet. Tavoitteemme on luoda lukijayst?v?llisi? e-kirjoja, saatavilla laadukkaassa digitaalisessa muodossa.
  • Библиомания Гюстав Флобер
    Форма: рассказ
    Первая публикация: 1910
    Перевод: Гуревич А.В.
    Язык: Русский
    Рассказ, впервые напечатанный только в 1910 г., обычно связывают с действительным происшествием - пожаром в книжной лавке барселонского антиквара в 1836 г.; полагают, что Флобер написал его в том же году, т. е. пятнадцати лет, что, несмотря на несовершенство рассказа, все же маловероятно. В России он публиковался в журнале "Огонек" (1911, № И и 12, под названием "Книги"), "Всеобщем Ежемесячнике" (1911, октябрь, "Библиоман").
  • Diccionario de los lugares comunes Гюстав Флобер
    "Excepci?n. Decir que confirma la regla. No arriesgarse a explicar c?mo (…) Libro. Cualquiera que sea, siempre demasiado largo (…) Republicanos. No todos los republicanos son ladrones, pero todos los ladrones son republicanos." Diccionario de los lugares comunes: proyecto literario (concebido en 1847 y publicado p?stumamente en 1911) en el cual Flaubert, mediante un agudo sentido del humor y una iron?a incisiva, apelando a un caudal de citas famosas, frases hechas y pruebas (que demuestran lo contrario), despliega una cr?tica intensa a la mediocridad burguesa de su tiempo (y quiz?s del nuestro).
  • Госпожа Бовари Гюстав Флобер
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Madame Bovary
    Дата написания: 1856
    Язык: Русский
    Роман «Госпожа Бовари», в своё время осуждённый за покушение на общественную мораль, вот уже полтора столетия потрясает и восхищает читателя. Разрушены мечты об «идеальном браке», выдуманный Эммой «принц» оказался скучным провинциальным врачом, и она, задыхаясь в унылом, безотрадном замужестве, от отчаяния принялась искать счастья в «романтичных» любовных связях… Такова сюжетная завязка одного из самых значительных произведений в истории французской литературы, — много раз экранизированного шедевра о «маленькой трагедии» молодой женщины.
  • SALAMMB? Гюстав Флобер
    Salammb? is a historical novel about a priestess and the daughter of Hamilcar Barca, an aristocratic Carthaginian general. Salammb? is the object of the obsessive lust of Matho, a leader of the mercenaries. With the help of the scheming freed slave, Spendius, Matho steals the sacred veil of Carthage, the Za?mph, prompting Salammb? to enter the mercenaries' camp in an attempt to steal it back. The Za?mph is an ornate bejewelled veil draped about the statue of the goddess Tanit in the sanctum sanctorum of her temple: the veil is the city's guardian and touching it will bring death to the perpetrator. The novel is set in Carthage during the 3rd century BC, immediately before and during the Mercenary Revolt which took place shortly after the First Punic War. Flaubert's main source was Book I of Polybius's Histories. It required a great deal of work from the author, who enthusiastically left behind the realism of his masterpiece Madame Bovary for this tale of blood and thunder. The book, which Flaubert researched painstakingly, is largely an exercise in sensuous and violent exoticism. It was another best-seller and sealed his reputation. The Carthaginian costumes described in it even left traces on the fashions of the time. Nevertheless, in spite of its classic status in France, it is not widely known today among English speakers. Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880) was an influential French writer who was perhaps the leading exponent of literary realism of his country. He is known especially for his first published novel, Madame Bovary and for his scrupulous devotion to his style and aesthetics. The celebrated short story writer Maupassant was a prot?g? of Flaubert.
  • Correspondance Гюстав Флобер
    "Correspondance (1850-1854)", de Gustave Flaubert. Publi? par Good Press. Good Press publie un large ?ventail d'ouvrages, o? sont inclus tous les genres litt?raires. Les choix ?ditoriaux des ?ditions Good Press ne se limitent pas aux grands classiques, ? la fiction et ? la non-fiction litt?raire. Ils englobent ?galement les tr?sors, oubli?s ou ? d?couvrir, de la litt?rature mondiale. Nous publions les livres qu'il faut avoir lu. Chaque ouvrage publi? par Good Press a ?t? ?dit? et mis en forme avec soin, afin d'optimiser le confort de lecture, sur liseuse ou tablette. Notre mission est d'?laborer des e-books faciles ? utiliser, accessibles au plus grand nombre, dans un format num?rique de qualit? sup?rieure.
  • Ироды Гюстав Флобер
    Дата написания: 2005
    У каждого человека с именем Ирод ассоциируется кровавое избиение младенцев в Вифлееме. Но во всемирной истории проходит целая династия Иродов. Ее родоначальника некоторые современники называли Великим, но, с другой стороны, его имя одновременно стало нарицательным: так в народе называли жестоких людей. Для того чтобы установить истину, мы должны знать как хорошие, так и плохие дела этих людей, изучить историческую эпоху, в которой они жили. И в этом вам помо
  • Three Tales: A Simple Heart, Saint Julian the Hospitalier & Herodias Гюстав Флобер
    A Simple Heart is a story about a servant girl named Felicit?. After her one and only love Th?odore purportedly marries a well-to-do woman to avoid conscription, Felicit? quits the farm where she works and heads for Pont-l'?v?que, where she picks up work in a widow's house as a servant. It was inspired by several events in Flaubert's own life: he also lived in a farmhouse in rural Normandy, he also was adrift in his studies, much like Paul. Most importantly, he suffered an epileptic fit in the same way that F?licit? does in the story. «The Legend of Saint Julian the Hospitalier» is a story about Julian the Hospitaller. He is predicted at birth to do great things. His father is told that he will marry into the family of a great emperor, while his mother is told he will be a saint. It was inspired by a large stained glass window at Rouen Cathedral. Flaubert deliberately made his story markedly different from the story told in glass. «H?rodias» is the retelling of the beheading of John the Baptist. It starts slightly before the arrival of the Syrian governor, Vitellius. Herodias holds a huge birthday celebration for her second husband, Herod Antipas. Unknown to him, she has concocted a plan to behead John. It is based on the biblical figure of the same name. Flaubert based the section on the dance of Salom? from a bas-relief also at Rouen Cathedral, and his own experience watching a young female dancer while in Egypt. Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was an influential French writer who was perhaps the leading exponent of literary realism of his country.
  • The Greatest Novels & Novellas of Gustave Flaubert Гюстав Флобер
    This carefully edited collection has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880) was an influential French writer who was perhaps the leading exponent of literary realism of his country. Table of Contents: Novels: Madame Bovary, Salammb?, Bouvard and P?cuchet, Sentimental Education, The Temptation of Saint Anthony; Short Stories: November, A Simple Heart, Saint Julian the Hospitalier, Herodias, The Dance of Death; Studies and Literary Criticism: Gustave Flaubert: A Study by Guy de Maupassant, Extracts from Virginia Woolf's diary, Extract from 'Essays in London and Elsewhere' by Henry James, Extracts from 'Phoenix: The Posthumous Papers' by D.H. Lawrence, Extract from 'Figures of Several Countries' by Arthur Symons. Madame Bovary is the French writer Gustave Flaubert's debut novel. The story focuses on a doctor's wife, Emma Bovary, who has adulterous affairs and lives beyond her means in order to escape the banalities and emptiness of provincial life. Salammb? is a historical novel, set in Carthage during the 3rd century BC, immediately before and during the Mercenary Revolt which took place shortly after the First Punic War. Sentimental Education is an autobiographical novel, considered one of the most influential novels of the 19th century, being praised by contemporaries George Sand, ?mile Zola, and Henry James.
  • Salammb? - Ancient Tale of Blood & Thunder Гюстав Флобер
    Salammb? is a historical novel about a priestess and the daughter of Hamilcar Barca, an aristocratic Carthaginian general. Salammb? is the object of the obsessive lust of Matho, a leader of the mercenaries. With the help of the scheming freed slave, Spendius, Matho steals the sacred veil of Carthage, the Za?mph, prompting Salammb? to enter the mercenaries' camp in an attempt to steal it back. The Za?mph is an ornate bejewelled veil draped about the statue of the goddess Tanit in the sanctum sanctorum of her temple: the veil is the city's guardian and touching it will bring death to the perpetrator. The novel is set in Carthage during the 3rd century BC, immediately before and during the Mercenary Revolt which took place shortly after the First Punic War. Flaubert's main source was Book I of Polybius's Histories. It required a great deal of work from the author, who enthusiastically left behind the realism of his masterpiece Madame Bovary for this tale of blood and thunder. The book, which Flaubert researched painstakingly, is largely an exercise in sensuous and violent exoticism. It was another best-seller and sealed his reputation. The Carthaginian costumes described in it even left traces on the fashions of the time. Nevertheless, in spite of its classic status in France, it is not widely known today among English speakers. Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was an influential French writer who was perhaps the leading exponent of literary realism of his country. He is known especially for his first published novel, Madame Bovary and for his scrupulous devotion to his style and aesthetics. The celebrated short story writer Maupassant was a prot?g? of Flaubert.
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