Денис Джонсон

Denis Johnson

  • 22 книги
  • 4 подписчика
  • 857 читателей
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5 236
4 321
3 217
2 43
1 23

Последние издания книг Дениса Джонсона

  • Дымовое древо Денис Джонсон
    ISBN: 978-5-17-120668-0
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Астрель-СПб
    Язык: Русский

    Это история Шкипа Сэндса — шпиона, сотрудника Отдела психологических операций, действующего во Вьетнаме,— и всех тех несчастий, которые ждут его из-за знаменитого дяди Шкипа, ветерана войны, известного в кругах разведки просто как Полковник. А еще это история братьев Хьюстон, Билла и Джеймса, которых судьба занесла из аризонской пустыни на войну, где грань между дезинформацией и умопомешательством окончательно размылась и отделить правду от иллюзии практически невозможно. Это история тайных организаций, безумия джунглей и бесконечного одиночества, не похожая ни на что в современной американской литературе.

  • The Laughing Monsters Денис Джонсон
    ISBN: 9781784700225
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    ‘In this land of chaos and despair, all I can do is wish for magic armour and the power to disappear.’
    Freetown, Sierra Leone. A city of heat and dirt, of guns and militia. Alone in its crowded streets, Captain Roland Nair has been given a single assignment. He must find Michael Adriko – maverick, warrior, and the man who has saved Nair's life three times and risked it many more.
    The two men have schemed, fought and profited together in the most hostile regions of the world. But on this new level – espionage, state secrets, treason – their loyalties will be tested to the limit.
    This is a brutal journey through a land abandoned by the future – a journey that will lead them to meet themselves not in a new light, but in a new darkness.
  • Сны поездов Денис Джонсон
    ISBN: 978-5-00131-410-3
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Синдбад
    Соединяя в себе, подобно древнему псалму, печаль и свет, книга признанного классика современной американской литературы Дениса Джонсона (1949–2017) рассказывает историю Роберта Грэйньера, отшельника поневоле, жизнь которого, охватив почти две трети ХХ века, прошла среди холмов, рек и железнодорожных путей Северного Айдахо. Это повесть о мире, в который, несмотря на переполняющие его страдания, то и дело прорывается надмирная красота: постичь, запечатлеть, выразить ее словами не под силу главному герою – ее может свидетельствовать лишь кто-то, свободный от помыслов и воспоминаний, от тревог и надежд, от речи, от самого языка. Таким мог бы быть сон, привидевшийся поезду, – если бы поезда могли видеть сны.
  • Сны поездов Денис Джонсон
    ISBN: 978-5-00131-375-5
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Синдбад
    Язык: Русский

    Соединяя в себе, подобно древнему псалму, печаль и свет, книга признанного классика современной американской литературы Дениса Джонсона (1949–2017) рассказывает историю Роберта Грэйньера, отшельника поневоле, жизнь которого, охватив почти две трети ХХ века, прошла среди холмов, рек и железнодорожных путей Северного Айдахо. Это повесть о мире, в который, несмотря на переполняющие его страдания, то и дело прорывается надмирная красота: постичь, запечатлеть, выразить ее словами не под силу главному герою — ее может свидетельствовать лишь кто-то, свободный от помыслов и воспоминаний, от тревог и надежд, от речи, от самого языка. Таким мог бы…

  • Иисусов сын (сборник) Денис Джонсон
    ISBN: 978-5-6042478-9-1
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: No Kidding Press
    Язык: Русский

    Денис Джонсон начинал как поэт, опубликовал несколько сборников стихов, писал романы, получал премии, но по-настоящему прославился после этой книги рассказов. Главный герой «Иисусова сына» — алкоголик и наркоман, ненадежный, но предельно откровенный рассказчик. Он совершает сомнительные поступки и ждет от себя вещей похуже, путается и сбивается — но временами видит мир с ясностью прозрения.

  • The Largesse of the Sea Maiden Денис Джонсон
    ISBN: 9781784708177
    Год издания: 2019
    Язык: Английский
    The Largesse of the Sea Maiden is the long-awaited new story collection from Denis Johnson, author of the groundbreaking, highly acclaimed Jesus’ Son. Written in the same luminous prose, this collection finds Johnson in new territory, contemplating mortality, the ghosts of the past, and the elusive and unexpected ways the mysteries of the universe assert themselves.
    Finished shortly before Johnson’
  • The Largesse of the Sea Maiden: Stories Денис Джонсон
    ISBN: 978-0812988635
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Random House

    The Largesse of the Sea Maiden is the long-awaited new story collection from Denis Johnson. Written in the luminous prose that made him one of the most beloved and important writers of his generation, this collection finds Johnson in new territory, contemplating the ghosts of the past and the elusive and unexpected ways the mysteries of the universe assert themselves. Finished shortly before Johnson’s death, this collection is the last word from a writer whose work will live on for many years to come.

  • Jesus' Son: Stories Denis Johnson
    ISBN: 9781250074805
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    American master Denis Johnson's nationally bestselling collection of blistering and indelible tales about America's outcasts and wanderers

    Denis Johnson's now classic story collection chronicles a wild netherworld of addicts and lost souls, a violent and disordered landscape that encompasses every extreme of American culture. These are stories of transcendence and spiraling grief, of hallucinations and glories, of getting lost and found and lost again. The insights and careening energy in Jesus' Son have earned the book a place of its own among the classics of twentieth-century American literature.
  • The Laughing Monsters Denis Johnson
    ISBN: 978-1846559341
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Harvill Secker
    Язык: Английский
    Denis Johnson’s The Laughing Monsters is a high-suspense tale of kaleidoscoping loyalties in the post-9/11 world that shows one of our great novelists at the top of his game.
  • Train Dreams Denis Johnson
    ISBN: 1250007658, 9781250007650
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский

    Denis Johnson’s Train Dreams is an epic in miniature, one of his most evocative and poignant fictions. Robert Grainer is a day laborer in the American West at the start of the twentieth century—an ordinary man in extraordinary times. Buffeted by the loss of his family, Grainer struggles to make sense of this strange new world. As his story unfolds, we witness both his shocking personal defeats and the radical changes that transform America in his lifetime. Suffused with the history and landscapes of the American West—its otherworldly flora and fauna, its rugged loggers and bridge builders—the new novella by the National Book…

  • Jesus' Son: Stories Denis Johnson
    ISBN: 031242874X, 978-0312428747
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    Jesus' Son is a visionary chronicle of dreamers, addicts, and lost souls. These stories tell of spiraling grief and trancendence, of rock bottom and redemption, of getting lost an dfound and lost again. The raw beauty and careening energy of Denis Johnson's prose has earned this book a place among the classics of twentieth-century American literature.
  • Tree Of Smoke Denis Johnson
    ISBN: 978-0-330-44921-2
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский

    Set in South-East Asia and the US, and spanning two decades, this is the story of Skip Sands, a CIA spy who may or may not be engaged in psychological operations against the Viet Cong; it is also the story of Skip's uncle, the Colonel, who is CIA as well, and either misunderstood or mad; and then there's Eddie, Voss and Jimmy, who Skip runs into - or from - every now and again: he doesn't know whose side they're on, but he does know it's not necessarily his. Taking the reader on a surreal yet vivid journey, Tree of Smoke (the name given to a 'psy op' that might or might not be hypothetical and might or might not be officially sanctioned)…

  • Tree of Smoke Denis Johnson
    ISBN: 0374279128, 9780374279127
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Straus and Giroux
    Язык: Английский

    This is the story of Skip Sands—spy-in-training, engaged in Psychological Operations against the Vietcong—and the disasters that befall him thanks to his famous uncle, a war hero known in intelligence circles simply as the Colonel. This is also the story of the Houston brothers, Bill and James, young men who drift out of the Arizona desert into a war in which the line between disinformation and delusion has blurred away. In its vision of human folly, and its gritty, sympathetic portraits of men and women desperate for an end to their loneliness, whether in sex or death or by the grace of God, this is a story like nothing in our literature.…

  • Angels Денис Джонсон
    ISBN: 0099440830
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    ‘A dazzling and savage first novel’ New York Times

    Angels tells the story of two born losers. Jamie has ditched her husband and is running away with her two baby girls. Bill is dreaming of making it big in a life of crime. They meet on a Greyhound bus and decide to team up.

    So begins a stunning, tragic odyssey through the dark underbelly of America – the bars, bus stations, mental wards, and prisons that play host to Jamie and Bill as they find themselves trapped in a downward spiral though rape, alcohol, drugs and crime, to madness and death.

    From the author of Tree of Smoke , winner of the National Book Award for Fiction
  • Angels Denis Johnson
    ISBN: 9780060988821
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Harper Perennial
    Язык: Английский

    The most critically acclaimed, and first, of Denis Johnson's novels, Angels puts Jamie Mays -a runaway wife toting along two kids - and Bill Houston -ex-Navy man, ex-husband, ex-con -- on a Greyhound Bus for a dark, wild ride cross country. Driven by restless souls, bad booze, and desperate needs, Jamie and Bill bounce from bus stations to cheap hotels as they ply the strange, fascinating, and dangerous fringe of American life. Their tickets may say Phoenix, but their inescapable destination is a last stop marked by stunning violence and mind-shattering surprise. Denis Johnson, known for his portraits of America's dispossessed, sets off…

  • The Name of the World Denis Johnson
    ISBN: 9780413771605
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: HarperCollins

    Michael Reed is a man going through the motions, numbed by the death of his wife and child. But when events force him to act as if he cares, he begins to find people who - against all expectation - help him through his private labyrinth.

  • The Stars at Noon Денис Джонсон
    ISBN: 9780060976101
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Harper Perennial
    Set in Nicaragua in 1984, The Stars at Noon is a story of passion, fear, and betrayal told in the voice of an American woman whose mission in Central America is as shadowy as her surroundings. Is she a reporter for an American magazine as she sometimes claims, or a contact person for Eyes of Peace? And who is the rough English businessman with whom she becomes involved? As the two foreigners become entangled in increasingly sinister plots, Denis Johnson masterfully dramatizes a powerful vision of spiritual bereavement and corruption.
  • Laughing Monsters Денис Джонсон
    ISBN: 9781427252289
    Издательство: Gardners Books
  • Nobody Move Денис Джонсон
    ISBN: 9781427206909
    Издательство: Gardners Books
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