Рэй Каммингс

Raymond King Cummings

  • 19 книг
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Последние издания книг Рэя Каммингса

  • Разбойники Луны Рэй Каммингс
    Год издания: 2024
    Тип: Сетевое издание
    “Разбойники Луны” принадлежат перу одного из отцов-основателей современной научной фантастики Рэя Каммингса. Это история о двух планетах, борющихся за лунные сокровища. Грегг Хальян прекрасно понимал, что существует определенный риск в том, что огромный космический корабль Планетара должен "прилуниться", чтобы забрать специальный груз от исследователя Грантлайна – лунную руду. Ибо этот очень редкий металл, который был бесценен для Земных технологий, стал мишенью для многих жадных глаз. И те, кто желал его получить, не остановились бы ни перед чем. Но Хальян и предположить не мог, что хитроумные марсианские разбойники вскоре применят дьявольски хитрый план. Итак, когда он внезапно обнаружил, что и “Планетара”, и он сам оказались в руках марсиан, он понял, что есть только один способ спасти этот драгоценный груз и один свой собственный секрет – самому стать космическим пиратом и расплатиться с "Разбойниками Луны" их собственной межпланетной монетой.
  • Вокруг вселенной Рэй Каммингс
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: ЛитРес: чтец
    Язык: Русский
    Перед вами одна из самых интересных межпланетных и межзвездных историй, когда-либо напечатанных. Если вас привлекает астрономия, и вам нравится брать уроки в таблетках, покрытых сахаром, вот история, которую вы не скоро забудете. Повествование написано в легком ключе, с неописуемо хорошим юмором Рэя Каммингса. Благодаря своей широте и полноте эта история легко занимает одно из первых мест во всех историях о межзвездных космических путешествиях, появившихся в начале ХХ века. Рэй Каммингс хорошо знаком с наукой и знает, как сплести самый замечательный сюжет. Вы просто не можете позволить себе пройти мимо этой истории
  • The Ray Cummings MEGAPACK: 25 Golden Age Science Fiction and Mystery Tales Рэй Каммингс
    ISBN: 9781434443403
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Wildside Press
    Язык: Английский
    To anyone interested in the roots of modern science fiction, the name of Ray Cummings should be well known. He wrote science fiction and fantasy before the name "science fiction" had been coined, publishing fantastic yarns in Argosy, Munsey's Magazine, and other mainstream magazines. Of course, as soon as the science fiction pulps debuted, he moved to them, where his work received a hearty welcome from fans. Cummings publishing more than 750 novels and short stories over his long career, producing work in many genres, including the mystery field (see "Atom Boy" in this MEGAPACKfor one prime example). We are pleased to showcase 25 of his tales, ranging from science fiction to fantasy to mystery...more than 2,000 pages of great reading!

    Included are:

    THE SILVER VEIL (1921)
    THE FIRE PEOPLE (1922)
    TWO PROPOSALS (1923)
    GADGET GIRL (1944)
    PRECIPICE (1945)
    STAMP OF DOOM (1946)
    ATOM BOY (1947)
    THE LIFTED VEIL (1947)

    And don't forget to search this ebook store for "Wildside Megapack" to see 400+ more entries in this great series, covering science fiction, fantasy, horror, mysteries, westerns—and much, much more!
  • Brigands of the Moon Рэй Каммингс
    ISBN: 4064066397562
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Musaicum Books
    Язык: Английский
    Our ship, the space-flyer, Planetara, whose home port was Greater New York, carried mail and passenger traffic to and from both Venus and Mars. Of astronomical necessity, our flights were irregular…
  • Beyond the Vanishing Point Рэй Каммингс
    ISBN: 4064066397555
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Musaicum Books
    Язык: Английский
    When George Randolph first caught sight of Orena, he was astounded by its gleaming perfection. Here were hills and valleys, lakes and streams, glowing with the light of the most precious of metals. And, more astonishing than that, it was a world of miniature perfection—an infinitely tiny universe within a golden atom!

    But for Randolph it was also a world aglow with danger. Somewhere in its tiny vastness were the friends he had to rescue. Captives of a madman, they had been reduced to native Orena size; to return to Earth they needed the growth capsules Randolph was bringing them. It was up to Randolph to find them—and quickly—for the longer they stayed tiny, the closer they came to passing beyond the vanishing point!
  • The Fire People Рэй Каммингс
    ISBN: 4064066397609
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Musaicum Books
    Язык: Английский
    The first of the new meteors landed on the earth in November, 1940. It was discovered by a farmer in his field near Brookline, Massachusetts, shortly after daybreak on the morning of the 11th. Astronomically, the event was recorded by the observatory at Harvard as the sudden appearance of what apparently was a new star, increasing in the short space of a few hours from invisibility to a power beyond that of the first magnitude, and then as rapidly fading again to invisibility. This star was recorded by two of the other great North American observatories, and by one in the Argentine Republic. That it was comparatively small in mass and exceedingly close to the earth, even when first discovered, was obvious. All observers agreed that it was a heavenly body of an entirely new order.
  • The Girl in the Golden Atom Рэй Каммингс
    ISBN: 4064066397593
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Musaicum Books
    Язык: Английский
    A young chemist discovers a hidden atomic world while looking at his mother's wedding ring under a microscope. He instantly falls in love with a young woman. His feelings are so strong that he shrinks himself so that he can join her world.
  • The Fire People Рэй Каммингс
    ISBN: 4057664597762
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Good Press
    Язык: Английский
  • Beyond the Vanishing Point Рэй Каммингс
    ISBN: 9781531286095
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Ozymandias Press
    Язык: Английский
    When George Randolph first caught sight of Orena, he was astounded by its gleaming perfection. Here were hills and valleys, lakes and streams, glowing with the light of the most precious of metals. And, more astonishing than that, it was a world of miniature perfection—an infinitely tiny universe within a golden atom!

    But for Randolph it was also a world aglow with danger. Somewhere in its tiny vastness were the friends he had to rescue. Captives of a madman, they had been reduced to native Orena size; to return to Earth they needed the growth capsules Randolph was bringing them. It was up to Randolph to find them—and quickly—for the longer they stayed tiny, the closer they came to passing beyond the vanishing point!
  • Brigands of the Moon Рэй Каммингс
    ISBN: 9781531285685
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Ozymandias Press
    Язык: Английский
    When The Planetara, a space cargo ship under the command of Gregg Haljan, docked at the moon to be loaded with a special load of moon ore bound for Grantline Corporation, everyone knew it was a risky business. The ore was valuable, and there were plenty of ruthless pirates and brigands willing to go to great lengths to have it.
  • The Girl in the Golden Atom Рэй Каммингс
    ISBN: 4057664641595
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Good Press
    Язык: Английский
  • The Girl in the Golden Atom Рэй Каммингс
    ISBN: 9781537809601
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Jovian Press
    Язык: Английский
    The Girl in the Golden Atom is the story of a young chemist who finds a hidden atomic world by using a super-high-powered microscope. After finding a beautiful young woman sitting before a cave he develops chemicals that will allow him to shrink and enlarge himself so he can visit the universe he has discovered. Ray Cummings was a Science Fiction author and one of the founding fathers of the Science Fiction pulp genre. He worked with Thomas Edison as a personal assistant and technical writer. He wrote 750 novels and short stories, using also the pen names Ray King, Gabrielle Cummings, and Gabriel Wilson with his most highly regarded work being The Girl in the Golden Atom.
  • Brigands of the Moon Рэй Каммингс
    ISBN: 9783962554880
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Serapis Classics
    Язык: Английский
  • The Fire People Рэй Каммингс
    ISBN: 9781537817415
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Jovian Press
    Язык: Английский
    The first of the new meteors landed on the Earth in November 1940.

    Then the first tragedy struck, a plane flying overhead entered the light from the meteor, then exploded. Then came the publication of Professor Newland's theory of the Mercurian Light! In effect Professor Newland declared that the curious astronomical phenomena of the previous November-the new 'stars' observed, the two meteors that had fallen with their red and green light-fire-were all evidence of the existence of intelligent life on the planet Mercury.
  • Beyond the Vanishing Point Рэй Каммингс
    ISBN: 9781537811482
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Jovian Press
    Язык: Английский
    When George Randolph first caught sight of Orena, he was astounded by its gleaming perfection. Here were hills and valleys, lakes and streams, glowing with the light of the most precious of metals. And, more astonishing than that, it was a world of miniature perfection—an infinitely tiny universe within a golden atom!

    But for Randolph it was also a world aglow with danger. Somewhere in its tiny vastness were the friends he had to rescue. Captives of a madman, they had been reduced to native Orena size; to return to Earth they needed the growth capsules Randolph was bringing them. It was up to Randolph to find them—and quickly—for the longer they stayed tiny, the closer they came to passing beyond the vanishing point!
  • Человек на метеоре Рэй Каммингс
    Год издания: 2013
    Тип: Сетевое издание
    Язык: Русский

    Старик Нэмо не знает, как и где появился на свет. Безумец ли он – или только внешне напоминает человека? Нэмо помнит лишь каменный обломок в кольцах Сатурна, где обитал со своей возлюбленной Ноной, полеты без крыльев, жизнь в подводном городе мариноидов и схватки с врагами и чудовищами глубин. Повесть «Человек на метеоре» (1924) написана Р. Каммингсом, одним из родоначальников и королей американской пульп-фантастики.

  • Другой мир. Человек на метеоре (сборник) Эммануил Зеликович
    ISBN: 978-5-9903510-6-6
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Резерв-i-М
    Язык: Русский
    Утопический роман «Следующий мир». В отличие от других аналогичных произведений того времени — утопия Зеликовича пространственная, ее герои путешествуют не во времени, а попадают на утопический «остров», расположенный в «четвертом измерении». Английский математик Брукс открывает способ проникнуть в сопредельный мир и попадает на планету Айю. На Айе все, как на Земле, только лучше, рациональнее и красивее: хлев напоминает райский уголок, все аборигены вегетарианцы и живут в городах, различаемых по номерам и выстроенных по единому образцу; дети воспитываются в огромном интернате, и так далее… Сюжет второго роомана весьма незатейлив. По стечению странных, так и не объясненных автором, обстоятельств некий молодой человек попадает на метеор, составляющий часть одного из колец Сатурна. Драматическое положение юноши усугубляется еще и тем фактом, что он ровным счетом ничего не помнит: ни как попал сюда, ни откуда он вообще, не помнит даже имени своего.
  • Tama, Princess of Mercury Рэй Каммингс
    Год издания: 1966
    Издательство: Ace Books
    Язык: Английский
    Guy Palisse, space-explorer, returned to Earth in the Bolton Flying Cube after ten years on the Sun's first planet, Mercury. He returned to report that he had warded off war between the two worlds, and to wed before an admiring planet his beautiful fiancee, Tama, winged princess of Mercury's Light Country.

    But following on Palisse's orbit was a new wave of terror, as barbarian hordes from Mercury's Cold Country descended to launch their conquest of Earth. And Palisse's triumph turned to near disaster as the frenzied Mercurians plotted to kidnap Tama and bring the Earth to ruin.
  • Tama of the Light Country Рэй Каммингс
    Год издания: 1965
    Издательство: Ace Books
    Язык: Английский
    A planetary romance. Ten years have passed since independent astronaut Guy Palisse disappeared in his prototype rocket. Suddenly UFOs are sighted all over North America, and young women begin vanishing. People are found dead, apparently shot with a weird heat-ray weapon. Police shoot down one of the "invaders" only to find that their victim is a young girl with wings who gasps "warn you..." as she dies. Who is she, and what is the connection with Guy Palisse? Find out and discover the civilization of Mercury and its bizarre customs in this thrilling romantic adventure.
  • The Princess of the Atom Рэй Каммингс
    Год издания: 1950
    Издательство: Avon Books
    Язык: Английский
    A beautiful girl comes from nowhere to warn a world against a dreadful peril - Giants rise up out of the sea to threaten unsuspecting cities and towns - And two young men battle an Atomic Napoleon to save their girls from his lustful clutches and a world from his greedy ambitions.
    AMAZING - the journey through smallnest to a world of the atomic hidden in the heart of a meteor!
    STARTLING - the destruction of a planet by one man's wrath!
    ASTOUNDING - the invasion of America by an army of giants tall as the Empire State Building!
    PRINCESS OF THE ATOM is a long-sought masterpiece by a leading imaginative writer, Ray Cummings. This unususal novel introduces the new series of AVON FANTASY NOVELS, designed for the millions who enjoy the new thril of Science-Fiction.
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