Шиван Доуд

Siobhan Dowd

  • 10 книг
  • 6 подписчиков
  • 189 читателей
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Лучшие книги Шиван Доуд

  • Утешение в дороге Шиван Доуд
    ISBN: 978-5-04-101382-0
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Like Book
    Язык: Русский

    После того как юная Холли Хоган попала в приемную семью, только воспоминания о матери делали ее по-настоящему счастливой. Коллекция плакатов любимой музыкальной группы, игрушечная собачка Розабель и самое дорогое, янтарное кольцо, – это все, что осталось от прежней жизни. Если бы она могла набраться безумной смелости и вернуться в Ирландию, чтобы отыскать маму! Но каждый новый день отдаляет Холли от заветной цели. Но однажды она находит белокурый парик и становится Солас, совершенно другой девчонкой — решительной и отчаянной. Такой, которая может убежать из дома, пересечь море и отправиться в опасное путешествие через всю страну навстречу…

  • The London Eye Mystery Шиван Доуд
    ISBN: 978-0385751841
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Yearling Books
    Ted and Kat watched their cousin Salim board the London Eye, but after half an hour it landed and everyone trooped off—except Salim. Where could he have gone? How on earth could he have disappeared into thin air? Ted and his older sister, Kat, become sleuthing partners, since the police are having no luck. Despite their prickly relationship, they overcome their differences to follow a trail of clues across London in a desperate bid to find their cousin. And ultimately it comes down to Ted, whose brain works in its own very unique way, to find the key to the mystery.

    This is an unput-downable spine-tingling thriller—a race against time.
  • A Swift Pure Cry Шиван Доуд
    ISBN: 978-0-241-33120-0
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Русский
    After Shell's mother dies, her obsessively religious father descends into alcoholic mourning and Shell is left to care for her younger brother and sister. Her only release from the harshness of everyday life comes from her budding spiritual friendship with a naive young priest, and most importantly, her developing relationship with childhood friend, Declan, charming, eloquent and persuasive. But when Declan suddenly leaves Ireland to seek his fortune in America, Shell finds herself pregnant and the centre of a scandal that rocks the small community in which she lives, with repercussions across the whole country. The lives of those immediately around her will never be the same again
  • Ein reiner Schrei Шиван Доуд
    ISBN: 3551358613
    Год издания: 2009
    Язык: Немецкий
    Südirland, 1984. Als Shells Mutter stirbt, wird ihr Vater zum religiösen Fanatiker und Trinker. Shell muss sich von nun an um ihre Geschwister kümmern. Doch sie lässt sich ihren Lebensmut nicht nehmen. Erst entwickelt sie eine zarte, aber zum Scheitern verurteilte Freundschaft zu Pater Rose, dann vertreibt sie sich die Zeit mit ihrem Schulkameraden Declan. Als der nach Amerika verschwindet, bleibt Shell schwanger zurück. Doch dieses Geheimnis ist nicht das einzige in der Gemeinde - plötzlich steht Shell im Mittelpunkt eines ungeheueren Skandals.
  • The Guggenheim Mystery Шиван Доуд
    ISBN: 9780141377032
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Puffin
    My name is Ted Spark. Three months ago, I solved the mystery of how my cousin Salim disappeared from a pod on the London Eye. This is the story of my second mystery.
    This summer, I went on holiday to New York, to visit Aunt Gloria and Salim. While I was there, a painting was stolen from the Guggenheim Museum, where Aunt Gloria works. Then Aunt Gloria was blamed for the theft, and I realised just how important it was to find the painting, and discover who really had taken it.
  • Bog Child Шиван Доуд
    ISBN: 0385751699
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: David Fickling Books
    Язык: Английский
    DIGGING FOR PEAT in the mountain with his Uncle Tally, Fergus finds the body of a child, and it looks like she’s been murdered. As Fergus tries to make sense of the mad world around him—his brother on hunger-strike in prison, his growing feelings for Cora, his parents arguing over the Troubles, and him in it up to the neck, blackmailed into acting as courier to God knows what—a little voice comes to him in his dreams, and the mystery of the bog child unfurls.

    Bog Child is an astonishing novel exploring the sacrifices made in the name of peace, and the unflinching strength of the human spirit.