Олден Белл

Alden Bell

  • 7 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 67 читателей
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5 9
4 16
3 19
2 9
1 4

Олден Белл – лучшие книги

  • Жнецы суть ангелы Олден Белл
    ISBN: 978-5-88353-536-8
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: БММ
    Язык: Русский
    Написанная в жанре постапокалиптики, на Западе эта книга произвела фурор и в одночасье сделала автора известным. Повествование феерически яркое и зрелищное, судьбы героев внушают трепет, события кружатся в фантастическом вихре. Не случайно книгой уже заинтересовались крупные кинокомпании, и режиссер Крис Милк подписал контракт на съемку фильма по мотивам этого произведения.
    "Жнецы суть ангелы" - книга о мире, пережившем страшную катастрофу. В этом кошмарном земном аду, где большинство людей уже утратили все человеческое, превратившись в мутантов, зомби или трусливых негодяев, оказывается юная Темпл, чья недолгая жизнь похожа на ослепительный фейерверк. Она не может позволить себе быть слабой. Она - не жертва, а девушка-воин. В ее хрупких руках - разящее оружие, и, хотя душа девушки распахнута навстречу добру, она сеет смерть и не знает страха, а подчас и жалости. Кто же она: убийца, орудие зла? Или защитница слабых, воплощение светлых сил, призванных очистить Землю от "плевел" - "сынов лукавого"?
  • Exit Kingdom Alden Bell
    ISBN: 9780230766747
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: TOR
    In a world where the undead outnumber the living, Moses Todd roams the post-apocalyptic plains of America. His reprobate brother, Abraham — his only companion — has known little else. Together, they journey because they have to; because they have nowhere to go, and no one to answer to other than themselves.

    Traveling the bloody wastelands of this ruined world, Moses is looking for a kernel of truth, and a reason to keep going. And a chance encounter presents him with the Vestal Amata, a beguiling and mysterious woman who may hold the key to salvation. But he is not the only one seeking the Vestal. For the Vestal has a gift: a gift that might help save what is left of humanity. And it may take everything he has to free her from the clutches of those who most desire her.
  • The Reapers are the Angels Олден Белл
    ISBN: 0230748643, 9780230748644
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: TOR
    Zombies have infested a fallen America. A young girl named Temple is on the run. Haunted by her past and pursued by a killer, Temple is surrounded by death and danger, hoping to be set free.

    For twenty-five years, civilization has survived in meager enclaves, guarded against a plague of the dead. Temple wanders this blighted landscape, keeping to herself - and keeping her demons inside. She can't remember a time before the zombies, but she does remember an old man who took her in and the younger brother she cared for until the tragedy that set her on a personal journey toward redemption. Moving back and forth between the insulated remnants of society and the brutal frontier beyond, Temple must decide where ultimately to make a home and find the salvation she seeks.
  • Somewhere I Have Never Traveled Олден Белл
    Язык: Английский
    Can love survive death? A young man wakes from a car accident to find that he’s actually been killed. Existing on the peripheral of the living, dazed and confused he realizes that memories of his previous life are quickly fading and that he will soon become completely detached from everything he once knew. He doesn't remember his parents, his siblings or even where he was living at the time of his death. He does remember his wife. And he's determined to find her . . . On his journey he meets other spirits, those who are lost, dispossessed and seeking for something more than the existence they find themselves in. Each shares their story with him and with each encounter he realizes that the memories of his past may be distorted and fictions – a desperate act to cling to a life that’s no longer his. But he knows that no matter whether the connection he feels to his wife is actual or imagined, the fact is – he still belongs to her. And it’s only through their reunion that he will be able to discover the man he was – and is now.