Брайан Макклеллан

Brian McClellan

  • 23 книги
  • 27 подписчиков
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Лучшие книги Брайана Макклеллана

  • Пороховой маг. Книга 1. Кровавый завет Брайан Макклеллан
    ISBN: 978-5-389-07270-1
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский

    Когда в королевстве Ардо фельдмаршал Тамас сверг монарха, прогнившая знать отправилась на эшафот, а голодающему народу достался хлеб. Но вскоре вспыхнули войны между странами Девятиземья, фанатики-роялисты подняли восстания, а церковь, рабочие союзы и армии наемников — все те, на кого рассчитывали заговорщики — отказали в помощи. И вдобавок по королевству поползли слухи о зловещих предзнаменованиях: якобы грозные древние боги вскоре проснутся и придут на землю. Конечно, образованные современные люди не верят в глупые крестьянские легенды, но что если нет дыма без огня? Разобраться с этой загадкой Тамас поручает своему сыну Таниэлю —…

  • Пороховой маг. Книга 2. Кровавый поход Брайан Макклеллан
    ISBN: 978-5-389-07269-5
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Азбука
    Язык: Русский

    Лихо закрученное продолжение «Кровавого завета» из фэнтези-цикла «пороха и магии». Попытка обойти с тыла и разгромить захватчиков закончилась катастрофой — фельдмаршал Тамас с двумя пехотными бригадами отрезан от основной армии. Без припасов, без малейшей надежды на помощь он вынужден вести своих солдат через опасные земли, а по пятам идут отборные, намного превосходящие числом войска противника. Но если не пройти до конца кровавый путь, не будет шансов спасти республику Адро от разгневанного бога Кресимира.

  • Пороховой маг. Книга 3. Кровавая осень Брайан Макклеллан
    ISBN: 978-5-389-10393-1
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Фельдмаршал Тамас, которого считали погибшим в далеком походе, возвращается на родину и узнает о разразившейся катастрофе. Впервые в истории столица республики Адро досталась захватчикам, лишенная управления армия бунтует и разлагается, а союзники теперь неотличимы от врагов. Тем временем в далеких горах отряд изменников преследует порохового мага Таниэля и его спутницу, немую колдунью Ка-Поэль. Она держит в плену бога Кресимира, самого опасного врага Ардо, и если не защитить эту женщину, у республики не останется никаких шансов на спасение.

  • Forsworn Брайан Макклеллан
    ISBN: 978-0996232302
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский

    Erika ja Leora is a powder mage in northern Kez, a place where that particular sorcery is punishable by death. She is only protected by her family name and her position as heir to a duchy. When she decides to help a young commoner—a powder mage marked for death, fugitive from the law—she puts her life and family reputation at risk and sets off to deliver her new ward to the safety of Adro while playing cat and mouse with the king's own mage hunters and their captain, Duke Nikslaus.

  • The Face in the Window Брайан Макклеллан
    Язык: Английский

    Taniel is a powder mage; a flintlock marksman with the ability to imbibe common black powder to strengthen his mind, body, and senses, as well as shoot over long distances. Sent into short-term exile by his father, he's supposed to see some of the world and cool his head, to learn something besides life in the Adran army. His arrival in exile, however, coincides with the eruption of a bloody new conflict as the colony of Fatrasta rises up against its Kez suppressers. Taniel has certain talents that the Fatrastan militia could very well use, and he just can't help but get involved...

  • Murder at the Kinnen Hotel Брайан Макклеллан
    ISBN: 978-0996232326
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский

    Special Detective Constable Adamat may be the most capable young investigator in all of Adopest. He's sharp, thoughtful, and his particular sorcery gives him a flawless memory. A transfer to the First Precinct seems like the perfect opportunity to showcase his abilities and advance his career. But things work differently in the First Precinct. The murder of a businessman's mistress quickly pulls Adamat into an unexpected world of conspiracy and politics where he's forced to use all his wits to stay one step ahead of unseen enemies and keep his friends—and himself—from the guillotine. Occurs twenty-two years before the events in…

  • Return to Honor Брайан Макклеллан
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский

    Captain Vlora is a powder mage in the Adran army. Once the favored, adopted daughter of the field marshal, she is now a pariah amongst those she called her family. Her superior officers would like nothing more than to send her to a far off posting and forget about her, but no one is exempt when there is a war - and powder mages are desperately needed. When a traitorous guard captain goes on the run with information that could harm the war effort, Vlora is sent on his trail. She has three days to find him; she will have to make new friends and test the limits of her skills. Fail, and good soldiers will die. Succeed and maybe, just maybe,…

  • Servant of the Crown Брайан Макклеллан
    ISBN: 978-0996232319
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский

    Captain Tamas is an ambitious young officer in the Adran army. As a commoner, he is one of very few without noble blood to hold a rank. When he challenges the son of a duke over an insult, the subsequent duel lands him in hot water with the nobility and the royal cabal of Privileged sorcerers. Tamas is soon drawn into a conflict that goes to the very highest office in the land, and his only ally is the most unlikely of people; a young noblewoman named Erika, who needs Tamas to teach her how to wield her powers as a powder mage.

  • Hope's End Брайан Макклеллан
    Язык: Английский

    Captain Verundish has two problems. On campaign with the Adran army and far from her homeland, she is helpless when the young daughter she left at home is threatened. To make matters worse, General Tamas has put her lover in command of a Hope's End—the first charge through a breach straight into the teeth of enemy cannon and sorcery. To save the people she loves, Verundish will have to come up with a deadly solution...

  • The Girl of Hrusch Avenue Брайан Макклеллан
    Язык: Английский
    Vlora is an orphan living at a boarding school as a ward of the state. Even at her young age, she already has enemies: the Bulldog Twins, Baron Fendamere, and her own headmistress. When a strange man offers to buy her, Vlora runs away and takes to the roofs above the gunsmithies of Hrusch Avenue. It is there that she meets a boy named Taniel and begins a friendship that will change her life forever.
  • В тени фельдмаршала Брайан Макклеллан
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Русский
    Сборник рассказов и повестей по книжной вселенной "Порохового мага", Брайана Макклеллана
  • Green-Eyed Vipers Брайан Макклеллан

    A Powder Mage short story that takes place eight years before the events of Promise of Blood.

  • Ghosts of the Tristan Basin Брайан Макклеллан
    ISBN: 978-0996232340
    Год издания: 2016
    Taniel Two-Shot is a powder mage with the Tristan Ghost Irregulars, a band of volunteers who have made a name for themselves fighting in the Fatrastan Revolution. They range through the swamps of the frontier, cutting off enemy supplies and raiding towns while Taniel hunts the Privileged sorcerers that make the Kez armies so powerful.

    When a desperate call for help comes from the nearby city of Planth, the Irregulars aren't the only ones to answer and Taniel must deal with another hero of the revolution: Mad Colonel Styke. But not all is well within the young Fatrastan government, and more hangs on the defense of Planth than Taniel and his companions could possibly know.

    Occurs eight months before the events of Promise of Blood.
  • The Siege of Tilpur Брайан Макклеллан
    ISBN: 9781386779711
    Год издания: 2017
    It is the height of the Gurlish Wars. Sergeant Tamas, a young infantryman in the Adran Army, struggles to keep his squad alive despite the blundering incompetence of their superior officers. Not only does Tamas have the curse of being an ambitious commoner in an army where rank is purchased rather than earned, he is also a powder mage. His magical ability to manipulate gunpowder is frowned upon by officers and feared by Privileged sorcerers.

    When the Adran Army is about to give up on the siege of an enemy fortress, Tamas seizes upon the opportunity to prove his worth as a strategist and mage. But breaking the enemy on his own won’t be easy, no matter how strong he is.
  • The Mad Lancers Брайан Макклеллан
    ISBN: 9780996232357
    Год издания: 2017
    Young war hero Ben Styke commands a colonial garrison in a sleepy Fatrastan town. It’s a well-deserved quiet posting and Styke intends to keep the peace despite rumblings of discontent across the continent.

    But peace is difficult to maintain on the frontier. Taxes imposed by the far away Kez government, and their heavy-handed methods of enforcing them, have the people on edge. When the governor’s cruel brother stops for the night in Fernhollow, Styke is forced to protect the people of his town in a brutal escalation that threatens to destroy everything—and everyone—he has fought for.

    Occurs twelve years before the events in Sins of Empire.
  • Sins of Empire Брайан Макклеллан
    ISBN: 9780316407212
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский

    A world on the cusp of a new age... The young nation of Fatrasta is a turbulent place -- a frontier destination for criminals, fortune-hunters, brave settlers, and sorcerers seeking relics of the past. Only the iron will of the lady chancellor and her secret police holds the capital city of Landfall together against the unrest of an oppressed population and the machinations of powerful empires. Sedition is a dangerous word... The insurrection that threatens Landfall must be purged with guile and force, a task which falls on the shoulders of a spy named Michel Bravis, convicted war hero Mad Ben Styke, and Lady Vlora Flint, a mercenary…

  • In the Shadow of Lightning Брайан Макклеллан
    ISBN: 1250755697
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Demir Grappo is an outcast—he fled a life of wealth and power, abandoning his responsibilities as a general, a governor, and a son. Now he will live out his days as a grifter, rootless, and alone. But when his mother is brutally murdered, Demir must return from exile to claim his seat at the head of the family and uncover the truth that got her killed: the very power that keeps civilization turning, godglass, is running out.

    Now, Demir must find allies, old friends and rivals alike, confront the powerful guild-families who are only interested in making the most of the scraps left at the table and uncover the invisible hand that threatens the Empire. A war is coming, a war unlike any other. And Demir and his ragtag group of outcasts are the only thing that stands in the way of the end of life as the world knows it.
  • Wrath of Empire Брайан Макклеллан
    ISBN: 9780356509310
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский

    The country is in turmoil. With the capital city occupied, half a million refugees are on the march, looking for safety on the frontier, accompanied by Lady Flint's soldiers. But escaping war is never easy, and soon the battle may find them, whether they are prepared or not. Back in the capital, Michel Bravis smuggles even more refugees out of the city. But internal forces are working against him. With enemies on all sides, Michael may be forced to find help with the very occupiers he's trying to undermine. Meanwhile, Ben Styke is building his own army. He and his mad lancers are gathering every able body they can find and searching…

  • Blood of Empire Брайан Макклеллан
    Язык: Английский
    As the final battle approaches a sellsword, a spy, and a general must find unlikely and dangerous allies in order to turn the tides of war in this epic fantasy tale of magic and gunpowder by acclaimed author Brian McClellan.

    The Dynize have unlocked the Landfall Godstone, and Michel Bravis is tasked with returning to Greenfire Depths to do whatever he can to prevent them from using its power; from sewing dissension among the enemy ranks to rallying the Palo population.

    Ben Styke's invasion of Dynize is curtailed when a storm scatters his fleet. Coming ashore with just twenty lancers, he is forced to rely on brains rather than brawn - gaining new allies in a strange land on the cusp of its own internal violence.

    Bereft of her sorcery and physically and emotionally broken, Lady Vlora Flint now marches on Landfall at the head of an Adran army seeking vengeance against those who have conspired against her. While allied politicians seek to undo her from within, she faces insurmountable odds and Dynize's greatest general.
  • Im Schatten des Feldmarschalls: Geschichten aus dem Powder-Mage-Universum Брайан Макклеллан
    F?r Fans, die sich nach noch mehr Schie?pulver-geladener, magischer Action im Powder-Mage-Universum sehnen, hat Brian McClellan genau das Richtige parat: Noch mehr davon! In IM SCHATTEN DES FELDMARSCHALLS gibt es neue Abenteuer mit brandneuen Helden sowie den beliebten Helden der B?cher BLUTSCHWUR, SCHICKSALSENDE und HERBSTREPUBLIK. Die fantastische Romansaga wird derzeit als TV-Serie umgesetzt.