Дэйв МакКин

Dave Jeff McKean

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Лучшие книги Дэйв МакКин

  • Как я поменял одного папу на двух золотых рыбок Нил Гейман
    ISBN: 978-5-907056-13-8
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Livebook
    Язык: Русский

    Когда папа читает свою газету, он ничего вокруг не замечает. «Меняю своего папу на рыбок!» — сказал я. «О-о…» — сказала сестренка. Что же скажет мама, когда вернется домой и узнает, что ты наделал? Нил Гейман — английский писатель-фантаст, автор графических романов и комиксов, сценариев к фильмам. Среди самых известных его работ — «Звездная пыль», «Американские боги», «Коралина», «Никогде», серия комиксов «Песочный человек». Гейману присуждены многие награды, включая премию «Хьюго», премию «Небьюла», премию Брэма Стокера, медаль Ньюбери. Книгу «Как я поменял одного папу на двух золотых рыбок» проиллюстрировал британский…

  • Джунгли на макушке Нил Гейман
    ISBN: 978-5-17-077486-9
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Предлагаем вам иллюстрированную книгу-стихотворение "Джунгли на макушке".
  • Скрипучие футляры Нил Гейман
    ISBN: 978-5-17-112929-3
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский
    Когда-то давно главный герой этой истории оказался на приёме у старого врача, который лечил и легендарного гангстера Аль Капоне. Сегодня, рассказывая о событиях далёкого прошлого, он пытается понять, где находится та грань, когда туманные детские воспоминания превращаются в иллюзии, созданные воображением?

    Графический роман «Скрипучие футляры», который отметил своё 30-летие в 2018 году, стал первой совместной работой всемирно известного автора Нила Геймана и блестящего художника-новатора Дэйва МакКина, и ознаменовал начало их многолетнего сотрудничества.
  • Трагическая комедия или комическая трагедия мистера Панча Нил Гейман
    ISBN: 978-5-17-144691-8
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский
    Панч и Джуди – персонажи английского уличного театра. Традиционная история в изложении Нила Геймана с великолепными иллюстрациями Дейва МакКина.

    Он убил привидение и перехитрил дьявола, но сам никогда не умирал.

    Актёры: мальчик, который приехал на лето к деду; таинственный Панч; загадочная Джуди; странный мужчина с тёмным прошлым; женщина, которая зарабатывает на жизнь тем, что играет русалку.

    Декорации: приморский городок, а в нём — старый павильон, который вот-вот разорится.

    Сюжет: судьбы переплетаются, история разворачивается…

    Нашему герою предстоит узнать о семейных тайнах, познакомиться со странными куклами и шагнуть в кошмарный мир насилия и предательства.
  • Death: The High Cost of Living Neil Gaiman
    ISBN: 1563891336, 978-1563891335
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский
    Written by Neil Gaiman; Art by Chris Bachalo, Mark Buckingham, and Dave McKean From the pages of Neil Gaiman's SANDMAN comes the young, pale, perky, and genuinely likable Death. One day in every century, Death walks the Earth to better understand those to whom she will be the final visitor. Today is that day. As a young mortal girl named Didi, Death befriends a teenager and helps a 250-year old homeless woman find her missing heart. What follows is a sincere musing on love, life and (of course) death.
  • John Constantine, Hellblazer, Volume 3: The Fear Machine Kent Williams
    ISBN: 1401235190, 978-1401235192
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский
    In THE FEAR MACHINE, John Constantine looks for a way to reconnect to humanity -- but how can such a man ever find inner peace? Constantine finds himself encamped with a new-age pagan group that's tapping into their own psychic abilities -- but a defense contractor is out to exploit their powers. Is the company's aim just political, or is it something much more sinister?This volume collects issues 14-22 of the original series.
  • Mirrormask: The Illustrated Film Script Neil Gaiman
    ISBN: 9780755328291
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Английский
    A fitful dream the night before her mothers surgery takes 15-year-old Helena to a world split into light and darkness. The queen of the White City is ill, and only the stolen MirrorMask can save her and her kingdom. As Helenas quest to find the Charm wears on, she realizes that she might not be dreaming after all.
  • Signal to Noise Neil Gaiman
    ISBN: 978-0-7475-8843-6
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    Язык: Английский
    Somewhere in London a film director is dying of cancer.
    His life's crowning achievement, his greatest film, would have told the story of a European village as the last hour of AD999 approached - which the villagers
    were convinced would bring with it Armageddon. Now that story will never be told. But he's still pointlessly working it out in his head, making a film
    that no one will ever see.
  • Black Orchid Нил Гейман
    ISBN: 1-401-24035-6, 9781401240356
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский

    Before introducing the modern version of The Sandman, Neil Gaiman wrote this dark tale that reinvented a strange DC Comics super hero in the Vertigo mold. Featuring spectacular art by Gaiman's frequent collaborator, Dave McKean, BLACK ORCHID is now collected in a deluxe trade paperback. After being viciously murdered, Susan Linden is reborn fully grown as the Black Orchid, a hybrid of plant and human, destined to avenge her own death. Now, as this demigoddess attempts to reconcile human memory and botanical origins, she must untangle the webs of deception and secrets that led to her death. Beginning in the cold streets of a heartless…

  • Celluloid Dave McKean
    ISBN: 978-1606994405
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Fantagraphics
    Язык: Английский
    A woman arrives at an apartment, but her partner can't get away from work. She is disappointed and settles in for a night alone, but finds a film projector with a reel of film loaded. The film is scratched and blurry but she can make out a couple making love. Bringing to bear the astonishing range of illustrative and storytelling skills that have served him so well on his collaborations with Neil Gaiman and such solo projects as the recently re-released epic graphic novel Cages (Dark Horse, 2010), Dave McKean forges into new territory with this unique work of erotica.
  • Mes cheveux fous Нил Гейман
    ISBN: 978-2846263887
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Au diable vauvert
    Bonnie est fascinée par la coupe de cheveux loufoque de Monsieur et meurt d'envie de l'apprivoiser. Monsieur, lui, sait que personne ne comprend vraiment ce qui se cache dans ses cheveux fous ; commence une incroyable aventure, l'exploration de sa chevelure au cours de laquelle Bonnie et son peigne vont rencontrer les animaux, les musiciens et les pirates qui s'y bousculent...

    Bonnie rencontre un garçon à la chevelure fabuleuse, si dense et si longue que les oiseaux y font leur nid, que les tigres y chassent et que les chasseurs s'y perdent comme dans la jungle la plus hostile. Le jeune homme raconte même que des voyageurs en montgolfière admirent l'étendue infinie de ses cheveux, tandis que des galions pirates et des poulpes s'y meuvent comme dans l'océan le plus profond. C'en est trop pour Bonnie qui entend mettre un peu d'ordre dans la folie de cette chevelure. Elle présente, triomphante, un peigne... mais est soudain, sans avoir eut le temps d'en user, aspirée par le labyrinthe fantastique des cheveux de son ami. Elle y met bon ordre et s'y trouve si bien qu'elle y demeure, heureuse comme un millionnaire.

    Déjà primés pour leurs précédentes collaborations sur des albums jeunesse (Le jour où j'ai échangé mon père contre deux poissons rouges et Des loups dans les murs), Gaiman et McKean associent à nouveau leur talent autour de ce conte graphique, où les textes de l'auteur suivent les ondulations folles de la chevelure représentée par le plasticien, où les mots et la poésie se fondent dans l'image, trouvant harmonieusement leur place au sein du fantastique chaos visuel de l'album.

    Comme bien des classiques et des chef-d'oeuvres du genre, Mes cheveux fous est une histoire merveilleuse au concept simple et brillant : de longs cheveux, sauvages et désordonnés, qui sont autant d'aventures à vivre. Celles que deux génies de la narration ont racontées à leurs enfants.

    Dave McKean, né en 1963 en Angleterre, est illustrateur, photographe, auteur de comics, designer, réalisateur et musicien. Ses travaux mélangent les techniques, dessin, collage, photo, travail sur ordinateur, et se distinguent par un sens unique de la narration graphique. Il a travaillé avec Neil Gaiman (The Sandman, Violent Cases) et de nombreux scénaristes sur des comics régulièrement récompensés. Il a par ailleurs réalisé un grand nombre de couvertures d'ouvrages, pochettes d'albums (pour Alice Cooper, John Cale, Dream Theater...), livres de photographie, et le remarquable film d'animation Mirrormask.

    Né en 1960 en Angleterre, Neil Gaiman vit aux États-Unis. Salué comme un surdoué par Stephen King, lu dans le monde entier, il est l'auteur d'un chef-d'oeuvre d'humour anglais co-écrit avec la star anglaise Terry Pratchett, De bons présages, de BD devenues cultes (The Sandman, Violent Cases), de livres pour la jeunesse (Ce jour où j'ai échangé mon père contre deux poissons rouges et Des loups dans les murs, chez Delcourtj et de nombreux romans et nouvelles dont ses best-sellers American Gods (prix Hugo, Nébula, Bram Stoker et Locus) et Anansi Boys, parus au Diable vauvert.
  • Le sauvage Дэвид Алмонд
    ISBN: 978-2-07-062279-5
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Gallimard Jeunesse
    Язык: Французский
    A la mort de son père, Blue se met à écrire sur un carnet pour exprimer son chagrin avec ses mots à lui. Il imagine alors un personnage, celui d'un jeune garçon qui vit dans le bois voisin et rôde aux alentours. Un être affrayant, qui ne parle pas, le sauvage. Blue s'invente une histoire si vraie qu'elle commence à se confondre avec la réalité... Un roman graphique étonnant. L'émotion surgit avec force du récit de David Almond, magnifiquement portée par le dessin de Dave McKean, artiste de renommée internationale.
  • Slog's Dad David Almond
    ISBN: 1406331392, 9781406331394
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Walker & Company
    Язык: Английский
    Do you believe there’s life after death? Slog does. He reckons that the scruffy bloke sitting outside the pork shop is his dad come back to visit him for one last time – just like he’d said he would, just before he died. Slog’s mate Davie isn’t convinced. But how does this man know everything Slog’s dad would know? Because Slog says it really is his dad, that’s how.
  • Black Dog: The Dreams of Paul Nash Dave McKean
    ISBN: 978-1506701080
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Dark Horse Originals
    Язык: Английский
    Best known for his collaborations with Neil Gaiman, McKean defied expectations with his stunning debut as writer and artist in Cages, winner of multiple awards for Best Graphic Album. Dark Horse proudly presents a new original graphic novel by the legendary artist based on the life of Paul Nash, a surrealist painter during World War 1. The Dreams of Paul Nash deals with real soldier's memoirs, and all the stories will add up to be a moving piece about how war and extreme situations change us, how we deal with that pain, and, in Nash's case, by turning his landscapes into powerful and fantastical psycho-scapes.

    David Tench McKean is an illustrator, photographer, comic book artist, graphic designer, filmmaker and musician. His work incorporates drawing, painting, photography, collage, found objects, digital art and sculpture. After a trip to New York in 1986 during which he failed to find work as a comics artist, McKean met writer Neil Gaiman and the pair collaborated on a short graphic novel of disturbing childhood memories, Violent Cases, published in 1987. This was followed in 1988 by a Black Orchid miniseries (again with Gaiman) and Hellblazer covers for DC Comics. Beginning in 1989 he produced the covers for Gaiman's celebrated series The Sandman, all its collected editions and many of its spin-offs, and the Batman graphic novel, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, with writer Grant Morrison (1989). McKean has gone on to collaborate further with Neil Gaiman in both print and film.
  • Cages Dave McKean
    ISBN: 9781595823168
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Dark Horse Books
    Язык: Английский
    Dave McKean's Cages returns in a beautiful remastered edition! Best known for his collaborations with Neil Gaiman, McKean defied expectations with his stunning debut as writer and artist in Cages, winner of the Harvey Award for Best Graphic Album. Filled with complex characters, intriguing flights of fancy, and all the beautiful visuals you'd expect from the director of MirrorMask, Cages is McKean's magnum opus. It chronicles the intersecting lives of a painter, a writer, and a musician living in the same apartment building, and is a profound rumination on art, God, cats, and the cages we build for ourselves. Out of print for years, Cages is finally available again, painstakingly rescanned from the original art and redesigned from the ground up by McKean. This affordable softcover edition provides more readers than ever the opportunity to experience the graphic novel that Terry Gilliam calls "mesmerizing."
  • Pictures That Tick: Volume 2 Dave McKean
    ISBN: 978-1-61655-308-1
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Dark Horse Books
    Язык: Английский
    Dave McKean's PICTURES THAT TICK VOLUME 2 illuminates the artistic prowess of this acclaimed storyteller!
    McKean uses mixed media to take readers on a journey unlike any other: "The Coast Road" follows a desperate wife trying to find her missing husband, whose ghostly image appears in unexpected ways. "Black Holes," written by an anonymous journalist, concerns the politically sensitive true story of Chinese villagers induced by the government to sell their blood, only to be infected with AIDS through poor medical practice. Tales of sadness and humor, insightful travelogues, and diary entries fill the pages of McKean's latest masterful achievement. Winner of the Victoria and Albert Museum Illustrated Book of the Year award!
  • Dust Covers: The Collected Sandman Covers 1989-1997 Дэйв МакКин
    ISBN: 9781401250669
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский
    An amazing collection of dark and arresting imagery, THE SANDMAN DUST COVERS: THE COLLECTED SANDMAN COVERS presents the haunting artwork of this critically acclaimed and award-winning epic. Through these dynamic pieces, Dave McKean reflected the mesmerizing mythology, adult nature, and imaginative storytelling that made the story of Morpheus, the King of Dreams, such a groundbreaking series. Featuring an exclusive THE SANDMAN tale, this collection also includes insightful and revealing cover commentaries by author Neil Gaiman.
  • Pictures that tick Дэйв МакКин
    ISBN: 9781595823281
    Год издания: 2009
    Язык: Русский
    Pictures that tick
  • John Constantine, Hellblazer: 30th Anniversary Celebration Алан Мур
    ISBN: 978-1401284794
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский
    Celebrate 30 years of one of DC Vertigo's most enduring and controversial characters in Hellblazer: A Celebration of 30 Years, an anthology graphic novel featuring his best tales to date! Plus, a forward written by worldwide musical icon, Sting!

    When all the chips are down and everything's on the line, what would you do to ensure you come out on top? What would you be willing to sacrifice? For occult detective John Constantine, the only thing more difficult than answering that question almost every single day is living with his decision. Whether it's due to a sense of self-loathing, a resistance to any sort of authority or a deeply hidden desire to do what's right, Constantine is willing to make the hard choices...so that no one else has to.

    All of these facets of John Constantine's character have made him one of the most popular in graphic literature since 1988. Hellblazer: A Celebration of 30 Years collects some of the antihero's best stories from some of the greatest writers in his history, including Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, Brian Azzarello, Paul Jenkins, Jamie Delano and more. Collects Saga of the Swamp Thing #37, John Constantine, Hellblazer #11, #27, #41, #63, #120, #146, #229 and #240.