Линдси Фэй

Lyndsay Faye

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Лучшие книги Линдси Фэй

  • Прах и тень Линдси Фэй
    ISBN: 978-5-699-65634-9
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    С таким трудным делом великому сыщику мистеру Шерлоку Холмсу сталкиваться еще не доводилось. Настоящим испытанием для его дедуктивного метода стала серия загадочных и жутких убийств, потрясших Лондон, а с ним и весь мир в 1888 году. Их совершил самый знаменитый маньяк всех времен и народов, которого навеки запомнили как Джека Потрошителя. Этот неуловимый убийца совершенно нелогичен, а его преступления непредсказуемы. Маньяк живет и творит свои злодеяния в глубокой тени. Мало того, он решился бросить персональный вызов самому Холмсу, затеяв с ним смертельную игру. Он всегда опережает знаменитого детектива на один шаг. Он дьявольски ловок,…

  • Злые боги Нью-Йорка Линдси Фэй
    ISBN: 978-5-699-75157-0
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    В середине XIX века на грязных улицах Нью-Йорка, изрядную часть которого составляли трущобы, шла постоянная война – местных жителей против ирландских иммигрантов, протестантов против католиков, бандитов и воров против всех остальных. Как раз в это сложное время мэр города принял решение о создании полиции Нью-Йорка – из числа крепких и решительных мужчин разных национальностей и вероисповедований, готовых любой ценой охранять закон. Одним из них стал Тимоти Уайлд, бывший бармен, прекрасно знающий местный уголовный мир и его правила. И тут же ему поручили очень сложное дело. В городе начал действовать маньяк, режущий малолетних ирландцев. В округе стали поговаривать, что в городе объявился сам дьявол…
  • Тайна семи Линдси Фэй
    ISBN: 978-5-699-77593-4
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    В холодный нью-йоркский вечер зимою 1846 года, в полицейский участок, где дежурил Тимоти Уайлд, один из самых ловких сыскарей «медных звезд», забежала насмерть перепуганная молодая женщина. Трясясь от холода и страха, она поведала, что ее дом ограбили. А на вопрос о том, что было похищено, ответила: «Моя семья». Ошеломленный Тимоти не сразу взял в толк, что произошло. Только потом, начав расследование, он узнал, какой это выгодный бизнес в Нью-Йорке – отлавливать бежавших с Юга на Север рабов и их потомков, не имеющих документов об освобождении. И насколько опасное дело – защищать этих несчастных в рамках закона, поскольку сам закон…

  • Jane Steele Lyndsay Faye
    ISBN: 978-0399169496
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons
    Язык: Английский

    “Reader, I murdered him.” A sensitive orphan, Jane Steele suffers first at the hands of her spiteful aunt and predatory cousin, then at a grim school where she fights for her very life until escaping to London, leaving the corpses of her tormentors behind her. After years of hiding from the law while penning macabre “last confessions” of the recently hanged, Jane thrills at discovering an advertisement. Her aunt has died and her childhood home has a new master: Mr. Charles Thornfield, who seeks a governess. Burning to know whether she is in fact the rightful heir, Jane takes the position incognito, and learns that Highgate House is…

  • Dust and Shadow: An Account of the Ripper Killings by Dr. John H. Watson Lyndsay Faye
    ISBN: 978-1416583318
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    From the gritty streets of nineteenth century London, the loyal and courageous Dr. Watson offers a tale unearthed after generations of lore: the harrowing story of Sherlock Holmes's attempt to hunt down Jack the Ripper.
    As England's greatest specialist in criminal detection, Sherlock Holmes is unwavering in his quest to capture the killer responsible for terrifying London's East End. He hires an "unfortunate" known as Mary Ann Monk, the friend of a fellow streetwalker who was one of the Ripper's earliest victims; and he relies heavily on the steadfast and devoted Dr. John H. Watson. When Holmes himself is wounded in Whitechapel during an attempt to catch the savage monster, the popular press launches an investigation of its own, questioning the great detective's role in the very crimes he is so fervently struggling to prevent. Stripped of his credibility, Holmes is left with no choice but to break every rule in the desperate race to find the madman known as "the Knife" before it is too late.

    A masterly re-creation of history's most diabolical villain, Lyndsay Faye's debut brings unparalleled authenticity to the atmosphere of Whitechapel and London in the fledgling days of tabloid journalism and recalls the ideals evinced by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's most beloved and world-renowned characters. Jack the Ripper's identity, still hotly debated around the world more than a century after his crimes were committed, remains a mystery ripe for speculation. Dust and Shadow explores the terrifying prospect of tracking a serial killer without the advantage of modern forensics, and the result is a lightning-paced novel brimming with historical detail that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • The Whole Art of Detection: Lost Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes Lyndsay Faye
    ISBN: 0802125921
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Mysterious Press
    Язык: Английский

    Internationally bestselling author Lyndsay Faye was introduced to the Sherlock Holmes mysteries when she was ten years old and her dad suggested she read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s short story The Adventure of the Speckled Band. She immediately became enamored with tales of Holmes and his esteemed biographer Dr. John Watson, and later, began spinning these quintessential characters into her own works of fiction—from her acclaimed debut novel, Dust and Shadow, which pitted the famous detective against Jack the Ripper, to a series of short stories for the Strand Magazine, whose predecessor published the very first Sherlock Holmes short story in…

  • The King of Infinite Space Линдси Фэй
    ISBN: 0525535896, 9780525535898
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons
    Язык: Английский
    In this lush, magical, queer, and feminist take on Hamlet in modern-day New York City, a neuro-atypical philosopher, along with his best friend Horatio and artist ex-fiancé Lia, are caught up in the otherworldly events surrounding the death of his father.

    Meet Ben Dane: brilliant, devastating, devoted, honest to a fault (truly, a fault). His Broadway theater baron father is dead--but by purpose or accident? The question rips him apart.

    Unable to face alone his mother's ghastly remarriage to his uncle, Ben turns to his dearest friend, Horatio Patel, whom he hasn't seen since their relationship changed forever from platonic to something...other. Loyal to a fault (truly, a fault), Horatio is on the first flight to NYC when he finds himself next to a sly tailor who portends inevitable disaster. And who seems ominously like an architect of mayhem himself.

    Meanwhile, Ben's ex-fiancé Lia, sundered her from her loved ones thanks to her addiction recovery and torn from her art, has been drawn into the fold of three florists from New Orleans--seemingly ageless sisters who teach her the language of flowers, and whose magical bouquets hold both curses and cures. For a price.

    On one explosive night these kinetic forces will collide, and the only possible outcome is death. But in the masterful hands of Lyndsay Faye, the story we all know has abundant surprises in store. Impish, captivating, and achingly romantic, this is Hamlet as you've never seen it before.
  • The Paragon Hotel Линдси Фэй
    ISBN: 978-0735210752
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons
    The new and exciting historical thriller by Lyndsay Faye, author of Edgar-nominated Jane Steele and Gods of Gotham, which follows Alice "Nobody" from Prohibition-era Harlem to Portland's the Paragon Hotel.

    The year is 1921, and "Nobody" Alice James is on a cross-country train, carrying a bullet wound and fleeing for her life following an illicit drug and liquor deal gone horribly wrong. Desperate to get as far away as possible from New York City and those who want her dead, she has her sights set on Oregon: a distant frontier that seems the end of the line.

    She befriends Max, a black Pullman porter who reminds her achingly of Harlem, who leads Alice to the Paragon Hotel upon arrival in Portland. Her unlikely sanctuary turns out to be the only all-black hotel in the city, and its lodgers seem unduly terrified of a white woman on the premises. But as she meets the churlish Dr. Pendleton, the stately Mavereen, and the unforgettable club chanteuse Blossom Fontaine, she begins to understand the reason for their dread. The Ku Klux Klan has arrived in Portland in fearful numbers--burning crosses, inciting violence, electing officials, and brutalizing blacks. And only Alice, along with her new "family" of Paragon residents, are willing to search for a missing mulatto child who has mysteriously vanished into the Oregon woods.

    Why was "Nobody" Alice James forced to escape Harlem? Why do the Paragon's denizens live in fear--and what other sins are they hiding? Where did the orphaned child who went missing from the hotel, Davy Lee, come from in the first place? And, perhaps most important, why does Blossom Fontaine seem to be at the very center of this tangled web?
  • The Fatal Flame Lyndsay Faye
    ISBN: 978-0425276266
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons
    Язык: Английский

    Heralded by Gillian Flynn as “so spectacular . . . amazing,” the final installment in Lyndsay Faye's Timothy Wilde series--now in paperback! No one in 1840s New York likes fires, but Copper Star Timothy Wilde least of all. So when an arsonist with an agenda begins threatening Alderman Robert Symmes, a corrupt and powerful leader high in the Tammany Hall ranks, Wilde isn’t thrilled to be involved. His reservations escalate further when his brother Valentine announces that he’ll be running against Symmes in the upcoming election, making both himself and Timothy a host of powerful enemies. Meanwhile, the love of Wilde’s life, Mercy…

  • The Gods of Gotham Lyndsay Faye
    ISBN: 978-0425261255
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons
    Язык: Английский

    August 1845 in New York; enter the dark, unforgiving city underworld of the legendary Five Points... After a fire decimates a swathe of lower Manhattan, and following years of passionate political dispute, New York City at long last forms an official Police Department. That same summer, the great potato famine hits Ireland. These events will change the city of New York for ever. Timothy Wilde hadn't wanted to be a copper star. On the night of August 21st, on his way home from the Tombs defeated and disgusted, he is plotting his resignation, when a young girl who has escaped from a nearby brothel, crashes into him; she wears only a…

  • Seven for a Secret Lyndsay Faye
    ISBN: 978-0399158384
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: G.P. Putnam's Sons
    Язык: Английский

    Timothy and Valentine Wilde must once again delve into the darkest underbelly of old New York. When the beautiful and terrified Mrs Lucy Adams stumbles into the Tombs, headquarters of New York's newly formed police force, it's the beginning of a dense, thorny maze of crime for copper star Timothy Wilde. He's hardened to the injustices of life in the unforgiving city he's grown up in, but that doesn't mean he accepts them. With immigrants flooding into the docks every day, each community is both adapting and fighting for its place in the new world, and there are many who fall victim to the clash. But the worst menace growing on the…
