Род Фрикер

Rod Fricker

  • 44 книги
  • 3 читателя
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Род Фрикер — библиография

  • Choices Russia. Upper-Intermediate. Workbook (+ Audio CD) Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2013
    Сочетая современность учебного материала с его образовательной и культурологической составляющей, инструментами и разработками для использования информационных технологий в классе и вне его, а также специального материала для подготовки к ЕГЭ, новое учебное пособие Choices Russian Edition, выпускаемое с этого учебного года в издательстве Pearson, поможет учителю эффективно решить стоящие перед ним задачи. Широко известные авторы Michael Harris и Anna Sikorzynska в соавторстве с М.В.Вербицкой создали новый четырехуровневый курс по английскому языку для российских старшеклассников 14-17 лет Choices Russian Edition, написанный в соответствии с уровнями Общеевропейской шкалы языковых компетенций (CEF A1 - C1).
    Choices Russian Edition это:
    - современные, соответствующие интересам сегодняшних старшеклассников темы;
    - разнообразие мирового и россйского культорологического и литературного материала;
    - видеоматериалы BBC для развития языковых компетенций и повышения мативации;
    - специальные разделы и рубрики для подготовки к ЕГЭ ("ЕГЭ SKILLS BUILDER" "ЕГЭ LANGUAGE CHOICE" - в Student's book, "ЕГЭ EXAM CHOICE" - в Work book).
    - возможность выбора инструментов и материалов для работы с использованием широкого спектра технологий (аудио CD, MULTI-ROM, IWB, LMS, Интернет ресурсы специально созданного сайта, MyEnglishLab - для работы в режиме онлайн);
    - Teacher's Book совмещена с материалами учебника.
  • High Note 2. Student's Book with Pearson Practice English App Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2020
    High Note 2. Student's Book with Pearson Practice English App - Учебник с кодом доступа к цифровой версии учебника и дополнительным цифровым ресурсам серии «High Note».
    Новый интенсивный пятиуровневый курс английского языка для подростков и взрослых подходит для углубленного изучения более 2 часов в неделю.
    Уровень: A2 – C1
    Гибкая структура разделов учебника легко адаптируется для выбранного темпа и интенсивности изучения.
    Очень современные темы и интересные видео, вся новая лексика выделена, дается с транскрипцией и прослушиванием + Вордлист к каждому юниту, уникальная методика подачи грамматики с помощью мемов, оригинальные тексты и диалоги с выражениями для повседневного общения.
    Дополнительные страницы культуры Culture Spot и литературы Literature Spot расширяют кругозор и лексический запас.
    В курс интегрирована подготовка к российским и международным экзаменам.
    Каждые 2 юнита раздел Life Skills развивает полезные жизненные навыки (создание презентации, воздействие рекламы, выбор будущей карьеры и т.д.).
    Учебный материал сопровождается тремя видами видео: грамматические, документальные, сценки из повседневной жизни сверстников.
    Современная цифровая поддержка включает интерактивные версии пособий, задания с самопроверкой и массу удобных инструментов для работы учителя.
    Эта версия учебника содержит код доступа к цифровой версии учебника и дополнительным цифровым заданиям и материалам на Pearson English Portal и аудио и видеоматериалам в приложении Pearson Practice English App.
    High Note is an intensive five-level course for upper-secondary students that bridges the gap between school life and young adulthood. Designed to inspire modern teenagers to reach their ambitious goals, the course equips them with language skills alongside the life and career competencies that are indispensable to succeed in exams, in the workplace and in their future lives.
  • Prepare. Level 6. Teacher's Book with Digital Pack Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2021
    'Teen-appeal' topics combined with extensive preparation for A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools, B2 First for Schools and C1 Advanced.
    The Level 6 full-colour interleaved Teacher's Book makes it simple to teach with minimum preparation. The Cambridge One Digital Pack includes access to Class Audio and answer keys and scripts. There are videos to accompany the Culture sections and lively interviews with real teenagers. There are also comprehensive vocabulary and grammar worksheets (two levels of difficulty), literature, speaking, writing, video and games worksheets. Additionally, the teacher can view and assign the student Practice Extra grammar and vocabulary activities, and access Test Generator and Presentation Plus class presentation tool.
  • Choices. Intermediate. Workbook Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2012
    Учитель английского языка сегодня решает целый ряд поставленных перед ним задач. Это и обучение иностранному языку, и знакомство с культурой англоязычных стран, и развитие необходимых компетенций, и качественная подготовка к экзаменам, и задача развития учебной автономии учеников, а также задачи воспитания и повышения мотивации старшеклассников.
    Сочетая современность учебного материала с его образовательной и культурологической составляющей, инструментами и разработками для использования информационных технологий в классе и вне его, а также специального материала для подготовки к EГЭ, новое учебное пособие Choices Russian Edition, выпускаемое с этого учебного года в издательстве Pearson, поможет учителю эффективно решить стоящие перед ним задачи.
    Широко известные авторы Michael Harris и Anna Sikorzynska в соавторстве с М.В. Вербицкой создали новый четырехуровневый курс по английскому языку для российских старшеклассников 14 – 17 лет Choices Russian Edition, написанный в соответствии с уровнями Общеевропейской шкалы языковых компетенций (CЕF A1 – C1).
    Choices Russian Edition это:
    - современные, соответствующие интересам сегодняшних старшеклассников темы;
    - разнообразие мирового и российского культурологического и литературного материала;
    - видеоматериалы BBC для развития языковых компетенций и повышения мотивации;
    - специальные разделы и рубрики для подготовки к ЕГЭ (“ЕГЭ SKILLS BUILDER”, “ЕГЭ LANGUAGE CHOICE” – в Student’s book, “ЕГЭ EXAM CHOICE” – в Work book);
    - возможность выбора инструментов и материалов для работы с использованием широкого спектра технологий (аудио CD, MULTI-ROM, IWB, LMS, Интернет ресурсы специально созданного сайта, MyEnglishLab – для работы в режиме онлайн). Teacher's Book совмещена с материалами учебника.
  • Project. Level 2. Workbook with Audio CD and Online Practice Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2020
    The Project fourth edition Workbook provides extra practice of all the language covered in the Student's Book. The Workbook comes with an audio CD so that students can practise listening at home and an access card for Project online Practice.
    Project Online Practice provides extra interactive grammar, vocabulary and skills activities that your students can do for homework or as extra study.
    Online Practice provides extra interactive activities
    Audio CD enables students to practise listening at home
    Grammar summary provides a useful summary of all the grammar from the level
    Graded exercises mean students can practice at the appropriate level
  • Complete Preliminary. Teacher's Book with Downloadable Resource Pack Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2019
    Complete Preliminary 2nd edition is the most thorough preparation for the revised B1 Preliminary.
    This Teacher's Book contains detailed teacher's notes, answer key and extra teaching ideas. The Downloadable Resource pack includes Class Audio, access to B1 Preliminary for Schools Speaking Test Videos, and worksheets containing extra skills practice for the exam and extension skills work to stretch students further.
    CEF LEVEL: B1 - B2
  • Upbeat. Starter. Language Builder Judy Copage
    Дата написания: 2018
    Upbeat is a bright, innovative, easy-to-use four-level course that reflects the lives and experiences of modern teenagers. Taking a multi-strand approach, Upbeat stimulates learning and broadens students’ horizons through lessons that engage both intellectually and emotionally.
    Different learning styles for different students
    The course offers a wide variety of exercise types to cater for these different approaches to learning. Students who are visual learners will appreciate the colourful character photos and attractive design. Auditory learners will relate to the recorded dialogues and texts in the Students’ Book and the songs in the Motivator.
    Clear, straightforward approach to methodology
    The course is suitable for a wide range of classroom situations and teaching styles. Teachers will appreciate the easy-to-follow layout, the straightforward signposting and the lively attractive design. The multi-strand syllabus contains a balanced mix of grammar, vocabulary and communication activities, with comprehensive practice of the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The language objective boxes in the Revision sections encourage learner independence.
  • New Success. Elementary. Workbook Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2017
    New Success has already helped over 2 million students achieve their best results. Motivating multimedia content enables students to enjoy learning and succeed.
    Learners need to be motivated in order to be successful. New Success challenges students with rigorous academic materials and strong exam focused content, while keeping them engaged through fun and personalized learning activities.
  • Live Beat. Level 4. Workbook Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2015
    Live Beat is a vibrant four-level course that keeps teenage students motivated and focused to achieve better learning outcomes. It builds on the successful approach used by the same authors in the bestselling Upbeat course.
  • Upbeat. Elementary. Language Builder Judy Copage
    Дата написания: 2018
    Upbeat is a bright, innovative, easy-to-use four-level course that reflects the lives and experiences of modern teenagers. Taking a multi-strand approach, Upbeat stimulates learning and broadens students’ horizons through lessons that engage both intellectually and emotionally.
    Different learning styles for different students
    The course offers a wide variety of exercise types to cater for these different approaches to learning. Students who are visual learners will appreciate the colourful character photos and attractive design. Auditory learners will relate to the recorded dialogues and texts in the Students’ Book and the songs in the Motivator.
    Clear, straightforward approach to methodology
    The course is suitable for a wide range of classroom situations and teaching styles. Teachers will appreciate the easy-to-follow layout, the straightforward signposting and the lively attractive design. The multi-strand syllabus contains a balanced mix of grammar, vocabulary and communication activities, with comprehensive practice of the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The language objective boxes in the Revision sections encourage learner independence.
  • Focus 1. Workbook Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2022
    Focus Second Edition is an even richer version of the best-selling English language learning series for upper secondary students. The new course retains the best of the first edition - a unique vocabulary building program and the 3Ms methodology. It enhances this with BBC video content and more thorough Use of English preparation, to offer everything teachers and students need to achieve success, in and out of the classroom.
    With Focus Second Edition students will be motivated and engaged by the authentic content; they will be strong in all language and life skills, and prepared well for achieving great exam results.
  • High Note 5. Student's Book Lynda Edwards
    Дата написания: 2020
    High Note is an intensive five-level course for upper-secondary students that bridges the gap between school life and young adulthood.
    Designed to inspire modern teenagers to reach their ambitious goals, the course equips them with language skills alongside the life and career competencies that are indispensable to succeed in exams, in the workplace and in their future lives.
  • High Note 1. Workbook Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2020
    High Note is an intensive five-level course for upper-secondary students that bridges the gap between school life and young adulthood.
    Designed to inspire modern teenagers to reach their ambitious goals, the course equips them with language skills alongside the life and career competencies that are indispensable to succeed in exams, in the workplace and in their future lives.
  • Pearson Test of English General Skills Boosters. Level 1. Student's Book Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2015
    From the test developers, the Skills Boosters provide a wealth of preparation material for PTE General, including five complete practice tests, grammar development and vocabulary building activities, test tips and a writing guide.
  • Upbeat. Intermediate. Language Builder Jonathan Bygrave
    Дата написания: 2017
    Upbeat is a bright, innovative, easy-to-use four-level course that reflects the lives and experiences of modern teenagers. Taking a multi-strand approach, Upbeat stimulates learning and broadens students' horizons through lessons that engage both intellectually and emotionally.
    Different learning styles for different students
    The course offers a wide variety of exercise types to cater for these different approaches to learning. Students who are visual learners will appreciate the colourful character photos and attractive design. Auditory learners will relate to the recorded dialogues and texts in the Students' Book and the songs in the Motivator.
    Clear, straightforward approach to methodology
    The course is suitable for a wide range of classroom situations and teaching styles. Teachers will appreciate the easy-to-follow layout, the straightforward signposting and the lively attractive design. The multi-strand syllabus contains a balanced mix of grammar, vocabulary and communication activities, with comprehensive practice of the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The language objective boxes in the Revision sections encourage learner independence.
  • High Note 2. Student's Book + Online Practice v2 Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2020
    High Note is an intensive five-level course for upper-secondary students that bridges the gap between school life and young adulthood.
    Designed to inspire modern teenagers to reach ambitious goals, the course equips them with language skills alongside the life and career competencies that are indispensable to succeed in exams, in the workplace and in their future lives.
  • Wider World 4. Teacher's Resource Book Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2017
    Wider World is the portal to a wider world of English language knowledge and resources specially designed for teenage learners.
    It provides teenage students with the ability to communicate well in English while developing a strong vocabulary and grammar syllabus. Just as importantly, it gives them the confidence to participate as educated citizens in the global community of the 21st century.
  • Focus. Level 1. Workbook Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2016
    Focus is a rich, varied, carefully levelled course for upper secondary students. Specially designed to motivate older teens, it helps them to track their level and achieve the exam results they need. With its unique blended learning package, Focus is the flexible course that gets results.
  • Complete Key for Schools. Teacher's Book with Downloadable Class Audio Род Фрикер
    Дата написания: 2020
    Complete Key for Schools is the most thorough preparation for the revised A2 Key for Schools. This Teacher's Book contains detailed teacher's notes, answer key and extra teaching ideas. The Downloadable Resource pack includes Class Audio, access to A2 Key for Schools Speaking Test Videos, and worksheets containing extra skills practice for the exam and extension skills work to stretch students further.