Рут Гудман

Ruth Goodman

  • 14 книг
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Новинки Рут Гудман

  • Как жить в Викторианскую эпоху: Повседневная реальность в Англии ХIX века Рут Гудман
    ISBN: 978-5-389-16774-2
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: КоЛибри
    Язык: Русский

    Как жили и работали, что ели, чем лечились, на чем ездили, во что одевались и как развлекались обычные англичане ушедших эпох? Каково было готовить на угле, пить пиво на завтрак, чистить зубы толченой костью каракатицы, ездить на работу в конном омнибусе и трудиться по дому в корсете? Книга авторитетного британского историка, основанная на солидном документальном материале (дневники, письма, автобиографии, периодические издания и книги), рассказывает о многих аспектах типичного распорядка дня в XIX веке, включая питание, заботу о здоровье, интимную близость, моду, труд и развлечения. Снабженная рядом черно-белых и цветных иллюстраций книга…

  • Как жить в эпоху Тюдоров. Повседневная реальность в Англии ХVI века Рут Гудман
    ISBN: 978-5-389-16775-9
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Азбука-Аттикус, КоЛибри
    Язык: Русский
    Как жили и работали, что ели, чем лечились, на чем ездили, что носили и как развлекались обычные англичане много лет назад? Авторитетный британский историк отправляется в путешествие по драматической эпохе, представленной периодом от коронации Генриха VII до смерти Елизаветы I. Опираясь как на солидные документальные источники, так и на собственный опыт реконструкции исторических условий, автор знакомит с многочисленными аспектами повседневной жизни в XVI веке — от гигиенических процедур до особенностей питания, от занятий, связанных с тяжелым физическим трудом, до проблем образования и воспитания и многих других. Снабженная рядом черно-белых и цветных иллюстраций книга представляет собой яркую коллекцию удивительных обычаев, привычек и деталей частной жизни англичан в период правления Тюдоров.

    «Конечно, мне интересны и другие исторические периоды, но по-настоящему мое сердце принадлежит середине правления Елизаветы I. С одной стороны, меня восхищает “инаковость” мышления эпохи Тюдоров, с другой — занимают его отголоски, проникшие в современную жизнь... Это сложное время, ознаменованное несколькими значительными поворотами в британской истории. Моя книга стала итогом стремления понять быт, мысли и заботы современников этой эпохи». (Рут Гудман)
  • How to Behave Badly in Renaissance Britain Рут Гудман
    ISBN: 9781789292664
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Michael O'Mara
    From royalty to peasantry, every age has its bad eggs, those who break all the rules and rub everyone up the wrong way. But their niggling, anti-social and irritating ways not only tell us about what upset people, but also what mattered to them, how their society functioned and what kind of world they lived in.
    In this brilliantly nitty-gritty exploration of real life in the Tudor and Stuart age, you will discover:
    - how to choose the perfect insult, whether it be draggletail, varlet, flap, saucy fellow strumpet, ninny-hammer or stinkard
    - why quoting Shakespeare was very poor form
    - why flashing the inside of your hat could repulse someone
    - the best way to mock accents, preachers, soldiers and pretty much everything else besides
    Ruth Goodman draws upon advice books and manuals, court cases and sermons, drama and imagery to outline bad behaviour from the gauche to the galling, the subtle to the outrageous. It is a celebration of drunkards, scolds, harridans and cross dressers in a time when calling a man a fool could get someone killed, and cursing wasn't just rude, it worked!
  • Искусство провокации. Как толкали на преступления, пьянствовали и оправдывали разврат в Британии эпохи Возрождения Рут Гудман
    ISBN: 978-5-04-096595-3
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Эксмо, Бомбора
    Язык: Русский

    В каждой эпохе среди правителей и простых людей всегда попадались провокаторы и подлецы - те, кто нарушал правила и показывал людям дурной пример. И, по мнению автора, именно их поведение дает ключ к пониманию того, как функционирует наше общество. Эта книга - блестящее и увлекательное исследование мира эпохи Тюдоров и Стюартов, в котором вы найдете ответы на самые неожиданные вопросы: Как подобрать идеальное оскорбление, чтобы создать проблемы себе и окружающим? Почему цитирование Шекспира может оказаться не только неуместным, но и совершенно неприемлемым? Как оттолкнуть от себя человека, просто показав ему изнанку своей шляпы? Какие…

  • How to Behave Badly in Elizabethan England Рут Гудман
    ISBN: 978-1631495113
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Liveright
    Every age and social strata has its bad eggs, rule-breakers, and nose-thumbers. As acclaimed popular historian and author of How to Be a Victorian Ruth Goodman shows in her madcap chronicle, Elizabethan England was particularly rank with troublemakers, from snooty needlers who took aim with a cutting “thee,” to lowbrow drunkards with revolting table manners. Goodman draws on advice manuals, court cases, and sermons to offer this colorfully crude portrait of offenses most foul. Mischievous readers will delight in learning how to time your impressions for the biggest laugh, why quoting Shakespeare was poor form, and why curses hurled at women were almost always about sex (and why we shouldn’t be surprised). Bringing her signature “exhilarating and contagious” enthusiasm (Boston Globe), this is a celebration of one of history’s naughtiest periods, when derision was an art form.
  • How to Behave Badly in Renaissance Britain Рут Гудман
    ISBN: 1782438491
    Год издания: 2018
    Nothing reveals as much about a society as its bad behaviour, and if Shakespeares England is remembered for courtly ceremony, it was also an age of brawling, boozing and badmouthing. Drawing on contemporary behaviour manuals, court cases and sermons, Victorian Farm presenter Ruth Goodman reveals what most upset and infuriated our forebears. Her entertaining survey dishes the dirt on ninny-hammers, wittols, stinkards and draggletails, and offers practical advice on how to handle yourself in a fight. Off-mint.
  • How To Be a Tudor: A Dawn-to-Dusk Guide to Tudor Life Рут Гудман
    ISBN: 1631492535, 9781631492532
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Liveright
    Язык: Английский

    On the heels of her triumphant How to Be a Victorian, Ruth Goodman travels even further back in English history to the era closest to her heart, the dramatic period from the crowning of Henry VII to the death of Elizabeth I. A celebrated master of British social and domestic history, Ruth Goodman draws on her own adventures living in re-created Tudor conditions to serve as our intrepid guide to sixteenth-century living. Proceeding from daybreak to bedtime, this “immersive, engrossing” (Slate) work pays tribute to the lives of those who labored through the era. From using soot from candle wax as toothpaste to malting grain for homemade ale,…

  • How To Be a Victorian Рут Гудман
    ISBN: 067092136X
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский

    A delightful tour through the intimate details of life in Victorian England, told by a historian who has cheerfully endured them all. Ruth Goodman believes in getting her hands dirty. Drawing on her own adventures living in re-created Victorian conditions, Goodman serves as our bustling and fanciful guide to nineteenth-century life. Proceeding from daybreak to bedtime, this charming, illustrative work celebrates the ordinary lives of the most perennially fascinating era of British history. From waking up to the rapping of a "knocker-upper man" on the window pane to lacing into a corset after a round of calisthenics, from slipping opium to…

  • How to Be a Victorian Рут Гудман
    ISBN: 9780670921362
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Penguin
    We know what life was like for Victoria and Albert. But what was it like for a commoner - like you or me?
    How did it feel to cook with coal and wash with tea leaves? Drink beer for breakfast and clean your teeth with cuttlefish? Catch the omnibus to work and do the laundry in your corset?
    How to be a Victorian by Ruth Goodman is a radical new approach to history; a journey back in time more personal than anything before. Moving through the rhythm of the day, this astonishing guide illuminates the overlapping worlds of health, sex, fashion, food, school, work and play. Surviving everyday life came down to the gritty details, the small necessities and tricks of living and Ruth will show you how.
    If you liked A Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England or 1000 Years of Annoying the French, you will love this book.
  • Tudor Monastery Farm Рут Гудман
    ISBN: 9781849906920
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    Ruth Goodman and Peter Ginn have become familiar faces on BBC2 after their hugely popular and immersive time-travelling experiments, Victorian, Edwardian and Wartime Farm. But for their fourth series, and our accompanying book, they have joined forces with Tom Pinfold to take on their biggest challenge yet: going back to Tudor England to endure the harsh realities of working for an Abbey Farm. Peter, Ruth and Tom are trained historians, driven by new research and discovery. They are passionate about bringing period details to life, and they do that for us by comprehensively inhabiting the era for months, using only materials, tools and technology available at the time, to earn their living, celebrate their holidays, clothe and feed themselves and their families. Follow them as they discover how to build a pigsty, brew their own ale, forge their own machinery and keep a Tudor household. Scrupulously researched, totally authentic and with its own contemporary narrative playing out within an accurate reconstruction of Tudor England, this is a fantastic glimpse into history, as it was lived. This is set to be Peter, Ruth and Tom’s most ambitious historical assignment yet.
  • How to be a Victorian Рут Гудман
    ISBN: 9780670921355
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Viking
    How to be a Victorian - a time traveller's guide to Victorian Britain by the BBC's Ruth Goodman

    We know what life was like for Victoria and Albert. But what was it like for a commoner like you or me? How did it feel to cook with coal and wash with tea leaves? Drink beer for breakfast and clean your teeth with cuttlefish? Dress in whalebone and feed opium to the baby? Surviving everyday life came down to the gritty details, the small necessities and tricks of living.

    Drawing on Ruth's unique first-hand experience, gained from living on a Victorian farm for a year, this book will teach you everything you need to know about 19th century living.

    If you liked A Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England or If Walls Could Talk, you will love this book.

    Popular Historian Ruth Goodman is an expert in nineteenth-century social and domestic history. She has presented a number of BBC television series, including Victorian Farm and Edwardian Farm and is a regular expert on The One Show. She spent ten years as a historical advisor to the Royal Shakespeare Company's Globe Theatre and has co-authored three books, including the Number One Bestseller Victorian Farm.
  • Full Steam Ahead Рут Гудман
    ISBN: 9780008201760
    Издательство: Gardners Books
    Язык: Английский