Дэвид Мэмет

David Alan Mamet

  • 21 книга
  • 2 подписчика
  • 192 читателя
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1 9

Новинки Дэвида Алана Мэмета

  • Everywhere an oink oink Дэвид Мэмет
    ISBN: 9781668026335
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
  • О режиссуре фильма Дэвид Мэмет
    ISBN: 978-5-91103-468-9
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Ад Маргинем Пресс
    Язык: Русский

    Курс лекций американского сценариста и режиссера, лауреата Пулитцеровской премии Дэвида Мэмета (род. 1947), прочитанный им на факультете кино Колумбийского университета осенью 1987 года. Рассматривая все аспекты режиссуры — от сценария до монтажа, — Мэмет разбирает каждую из задач, поставленных перед режиссером на пути к главной цели — представлению аудитории одновременно понятной и удивительной истории.

  • American Buffalo Дэвид Мэмет
    ISBN: 1682660044, 9781682660041
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: LA Theatre Works
    Язык: Английский
    A classic tragedy, American Buffalo is the story of three men struggling in the pursuit of their distorted vision of the American Dream. By turns touching and cynical, poignant and violent, American Buffalo is a piercing story of how people can be corrupted into betraying their ideals and those they love.
  • Американский бизон Дэвид Мэмет
    ISBN: 978-5-4467-2028-6
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: ФТМ
    Язык: Русский
    Дон Дуброу – старьёвщик из американского городка, ведёт расхлябанный образ жизни человека полукриминального характера. У него есть друг Уолтер Коул по прозвищу Учитель и юнец Боб – шестёрка. Однажды в его магазин приходит посетитель, который даёт девяносто долларов за пятицентовую монету с изображением американского бизона. Дон понимает, что возможно, продешевил и решает обокрасть этого человека, прихватив не только свой пятицентовик, но и всю коллекцию этого нумизмата. Эта пьеса хорошо известна в США, более того, она была экранизирована режиссёром Майклом Корренте в 1996 году с участием Денниса Франца (в роли Дона) и Дастина Хоффмана (в роли Уолтера). В пьесе использована любимая прославленным драматургом тема людей, пытающихся казаться гангстерами. Но что Дон, что Уолтер представляют собой скорее прохиндеев, чем настоящих бандитов.
  • Древняя религия Дэвид Мэмет
    ISBN: 978-5-9953-0275-9
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Текст, Книжники
    Язык: Русский

    Молодая работница карандашной фабрики в городе Атланта, штат Джорджия, найдена убитой. В убийстве девушки обвинен управляющий фабрикой Лео Франк, хотя прямых улик не найдено. Совершить убийство мог и другой человек, чернокожий уборщик той же фабрики, но суд, уступая общественному мнению, склонен считать преступником еврея Франка… Дэвид Мэмет (р. 1947), американский драматург, эссеист и прозаик, лауреат Пулитцеровской премии, с поразительным мастерством передает граничащее с безумием состояние обвиняемого во время суда и после приговора, отбывающего первые месяцы пожизненного заключения и не подозревающего, какая страшная судьба ожидает…

  • Дети царей и цариц Дэвид Мамет
    ISBN: 978-5-7516-1191-0, 978-5-9953-0267-4
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Текст, Книжники
    Язык: Русский
    Дэвид Мэмет - человек невероятно раз­носторонний, пишет романы, эссе, стихи, книги для де­тей. Он известный драматург ("Американский бизон", 1976, "Гленгерри Глен Росс", Пулитцеровская премия 1984), знаменитый киносценарист ("Американцы", "Вердикт", "Почтальон всегда звонит дважды", "Хвост виляет собакой" и др.). К тому же он нередко выступа­ет режиссером, а в некоторых случаях и продюсером фильмов по своим сценариям и играет в них.
    В своих эссе он остроумно, резко, темпераментно рассматривает самые существенные вопросы совре­менности от политики и религии до театра, кино и ку­линарии. Много пишет Мэмет и о своем отношении к Израилю, иудаизму, ассимиляции, к богатым и бедным синагогам, размышляет он и об обычаях евреев отды­хать, путешествовать, обставлять свое жилье и многом другом. В эту книгу вошли эссе на темы жизни евреев в диаспоре из шести сборников.
  • Wilson: A Consideration of the Sources David Mamet
    ISBN: 1585674540, 9781585674541
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Overlook Books
    Язык: Английский
    The transcripts take the reader on an intellectually breathtaking tour through David Mamet's baroque, fragmented world, where nothing is certain except the certainty bestowed by the academy.

    After the Cola riots, the fire at the Stop 'n' Shop, and the death of my kitten, what remains? Does the Joke Code still operate? Has anyone seen my copy of Bongazine? Can Jane of Trent unlock this paranoia? What were Chet and Donna doing in the boathouse? And just who does Ginger think she is? In playing with the ideas of perception, accuracy, and truth, Wilson dares to doubt them all.
  • The Cabin: Reminiscence and Diversions David Mamet
    ISBN: 0679747206, 978-0679747208
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Язык: Английский
    In these mordant, elegant, and often disquieting essays, the internationally acclaimed dramatist creates a sort of autobiography by strobe light, one that is both mysterious and starkly revealing.

    The pieces in The Cabin are about places and things: the suburbs of Chicago, where as a boy David Mamet helplessly watched his stepfather terrorize his sister; New York City, where as a young man he had to eat his way through a mountain of fried matzoh to earn a night of sexual bliss. They are about guns, campaign buttons, and a cabin in the Vermont woods that stinks of wood smoke and kerosene -- and about their associations of pleasure, menace, and regret.

    The resulting volume may be compared to the plays that have made Mamet famous: it is finely crafted and deftly timed, and its precise language carries an enormous weight of feeling.
  • Three Uses of the Knife David Mamet
    ISBN: 037570423X, 978-0375704239
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    The purpose of theater, like magic like religion… is to inspire cleansing awe. With bracing directness and aphoristic authority, one of our greatest living playwrights addresses the questions: What makes good drama? And why does drama matter in an age that is awash in information and entertainment? David Mamet believes that the tendency to dramatize is essential to human nature, that we create drama out of everything from today’s weather to next year’s elections. But the highest expression of this drive remains the theater.

    With a cultural range that encompasses Shakespeare, Bretcht, and Ibsen, Death of a Salesman and Bad Day at Black Rock, Mamet shows us how to distinguish true drama from its false variants. He considers the impossibly difficult progression between one act and the next and the mysterious function of the soliloquy. The result, in Three Uses of the Knife, is an electrifying treatise on the playwright’s art that is also a strikingly original work of moral and aesthetic philosophy.
  • The Chinaman David Mamet
    ISBN: 0879518979, 978-0879518974
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: The Overlook Press
    Язык: Английский
    This collection of poetry by world-renowned playwright and director David Mamet contains 40 electrifying poems, written with the raw energy and explosive language that is Mamet's trademark. The themes explored are classic Mamet, and most of these poems are published here for the first time; some have appeared in such publications as The New Yorker, Bomb, Grand Street and Manhattan File. The Chinaman is an exciting new addition to the published work of one of America's foremost writers.
  • True and False: Heresy and Common Sense for the Actor David Mamet
    ISBN: 978-0679772644
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    The Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, director and teacher has written a blunt, unsparingly honest guide to acting. In True and False David Mamet overturns conventional opinion and tells aspiring actors what they really need to know. He leaves no aspect of acting untouched: how to judge the role, approach the part, work with the playwright; the right way to undertake auditions and the proper approach to agents and the business in general. True and False slaughters a wide range of sacred cows and yet offers an invaluable guide to the acting profession
  • Goldberg Street: Short Plays and Monologues David Mamet
    ISBN: 0802151043, 9780802151049
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: Grove Atlantic
    Язык: Английский
    From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Glengarry Glen Ross, here is a collection of thirty-two one-act plays and short dramatic pieces that David Mamet himself considers to be some of the best writing he has ever done.
  • The Village David Mamet
    ISBN: 0316545724, 978-0316545723
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: Little Brown & Co
    Язык: Английский
  • Sexual Perversity in Chicago and the Duck Variations: Two Plays David Mamet
    ISBN: 080215011X, 978-0802150110
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: Grove Atlantic
    Язык: Английский
    David Mamet is one of America’s most celebrated playwrights. The author of plays, screenplays, poetry, essays, and children’s books, he has won many awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for Glengarry Glen Ross.

    The Obie award-winning Sexual Perversity in Chicago is about two office workers, Danny and Bernie, on the make in the swinging singles scene of the early 1970s. Danny meets Deborah in a library and soon they are not only lovers but roommates, and their story quickly evolves into a modern romance in all its sticky details.

    The Duck Variations is a dialogue between two old men sitting on a park bench. The conversation turns to the mating habits of ducks, but soon begins to reveal their feelings about natural law, friendship, and death. New York magazine has called The Duck Variations “a gorgeously written, wonderfully observant piece whose timing and atmosphere are close to flawless.”
  • Glengarry Glen Ross David Mamet
    ISBN: 0802130917, 978-0802130914
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: Grove Atlantic
    Язык: Английский

    Winner of the 1984 Pulitzer Prize, David Mamet’s scalding comedy is about small-time, cutthroat real estate salesmen trying to grind out a living by pushing plots of land on reluctant buyers in a never-ending scramble for their fair share of the American dream. Here is Mamet at his very best, writing with brutal power about the tough life of tough characters who cajole, connive, wheedle, and wheel and deal for a piece of the action—where closing a sale can mean a brand new Cadillac but losing one can mean losing it all. This masterpiece of American drama is now a major motion picture starring Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Alan Arkin, Alec…

  • Oleanna David Mamet
    ISBN: 978-0679745365
    Год издания: 1993
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    In David Mamet's latest play, a male college instructor and his female student sit down to discuss her grades and in a terrifyingly short time become the participants in a modern reprise of the Inquisition. Innocuous remarks suddenly turn damning. Socratic dialogue gives way to heated assault. And the relationship between a somewhat fatuous teacher and his seemingly hapless pupil turns into a fiendishly accurate X ray of the meechanisms of power, censorship, and abuse.
  • On Directing Film David Mamet
    ISBN: 0140127224, 9780140127225
    Год издания: 1992
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский

    From a Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright comes invaluable insights and practical instructions on the art of film directing. Mamet looks at every aspect of directing--from script to cutting room--and draws from a wide variety of sources to make his points.

  • Writing in Restaurants David Mamet
    ISBN: 0140089810, 978-0140089813
    Год издания: 1987
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский
    Temporarily putting aside his role as playwright, director, and screen-writer, David Mamet digs deep and delivers thirty outrageously diverse vignettes. On subjects ranging from the vanishing American pool hall, family vacations, and the art of being a bitch, to the role of today's actor, his celebrated contemporaries and predecessors, and his undying commitment to the theater, David Mamet's concise style, lean dialogue, and gut-wrenching honesty give us a unique view of the world as he sees it.
  • China Doll Дэвид Мэмет
    ISBN: 9781559368315
    Издательство: Ingram
    Язык: Английский
    "The finest American author of his generation."—[i]Sunday MailThis complex new work from celebrated playwright David Mamet revolves around a wealthy man, his young fiancée, and an airplane. The man has just bought a new plane as a wedding present for the girl. He intends to go into semiretirement and enjoy himself.
    While in the process of leaving his office, and
    giving last minute instructions to his young assistant, he takes one
    final phone call.The new, widely anticipated play premieres on Broadway this fall, starring Tony and
    Academy Award-winning actor Al Pacino, for whom the play was written. Pacino described the role of billionaire Mickey Ross as «one of the most daunting and challenging roles I've been given to explore in the theater» and declared, «it blew me away.»[b]David Mamet is an American playwright, director, and screenwriter whose most notable works include [i]Glengarry Glen Ross (Pulitzer Prize for Drama), [i]American Buffalo, [i]Speed-the-Plow, [i]Oleanna, [i]November, [i]Race, and [i]The Anarchist. Besides the film adaptations
    of his plays, his major screenwriting credits include [i]The Postman Always Rings Twice, [i]The Verdict, [i]Rising Sun, [i]Wag the Dog, and [i]Hannibal. Over the course of his prolific career, Mamet has earned Tony Award nominations, Academy Award nominations, Drama Desk Awards, and «Screenwriter of the Year» from the London Critics Circle Film Awards.
  • Race Дэвид Мэмет
    ISBN: 9781559366656
    Издательство: Ingram
    Язык: Английский
    A major hit on Broadway with James Spader, Richard Thomas, Kerry WashingtonA cinch to be nominated for a Best Play Tony with numerous nominations expected for the actors and productionWill see many regional productions after the Broadway run endsFirst TCG publication of the much lauded American playwright
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