Альфред Анджело Аттаназио

A.A. Attanasio

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Альфред Анджело Аттаназио — новинки

  • In Other Worlds: Radix Tetrad: Book 2 A.A. Attanasio
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Gateway
    One star-chained evening in a Manhattan bathroom, Carl Schirmer spontaneously combusts! His body transforms into light, mysteriously snatched from his banal life by an alien intelligence 130 billion years in the future. There, all spacetime is collapsing into a cosmic black hole, the Big Crunch - and a bold, cosmic destiny awaits Carl. Rebuilt from the remnants of his light by extraterrestrials for a cryptic purpose, he awakens in time's last world, the strangest of all - the Werld.

    At the edge of infinity, Carl discovers the Foke, nomadic humans who travel among the floating islands of the Werld. The Foke teach him how to live - and love - at the end of time, and he loses his heart to his plucky guide, the beautiful Evoë. Their life together in this blissful kingdom that knows no aging or disease brings them to rapture - until Evoë falls prey to the zotl, a spidery intelligence who hunt the Foke and eat the chemical by-products of their pain. In order to save his beloved from a gruesome death, Carl must return to Earth - 130 billion years earlier - where he is shocked to discover that the Earth he's come back to is not the one he left.

    Can he meet the harsh demands of his task before the zotl find him and begin ravishing the Earth?

    Author's Note: The volumes of this series can each be read independently of the others. The feature that unifies them is their individual observations of science fiction's sub-genre: "space opera," which the editors David G. Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer define as "colorful, dramatic, large-scale science fiction adventure, competently and sometimes beautifully written, usually focused on a sympathetic, heroic central character and plot action, and usually set in the relatively distant future, and in space or on other worlds, characteristically optimistic in tone. It often deals with war, piracy, military virtues, and very large-scale action, large stakes."
  • Пожиратель тени (сборник) А. А. Аттанасио
    ISBN: 5-17-015291-4
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Сказано - в цепи творения первым рожден мир Ирт, что вращается под лучами Извечной Звезды, источника магии, источника жизни. Ирт, на дальнем Темном Берегу которого родился юноша-герой, спасший мир от полчищ змеедемонов. Герой, коему предстоит теперь совершить и вовсе невозможное. Потому что невозможно - или почти невозможно? - помочь богине Света, чей нерожденный еще ребенок уже искалечен темной магией. Невозможно - или почти невозможно? - противостоять мощи таинственного Властителя, способного разрушить не только Ирт, но и все существующие миры.

  • Темный Берег А. А. Аттанасио
    ISBN: 5-17-008143-X
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Сказано - в цепи творения первым рожден мир Ирт. Первым вышел он из горнила огненного Начала, первым утвердился среди холода и мрака. Сказано - Ирт, сотворенный из утренних теней мироздания первыми лучами Бытия, вознесенный меж неизреченной мощью

  • Solis A. A. Attanasio
    ISBN: 0-06-017787-X, 978-0-06-017787-4
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский

    A science fiction adventure story from the author of the RADIX TETRAD series. Set a thousand years in the future, a man who had his head frozen upon his death in the 21st century awakens to find himself in a technocracy that uses his revived brain to operate complex machinery.

  • Radix A. A. Attanasio
    ISBN: 0-688-00135-1, 978-0-688-00135-3
    Год издания: 1981
    Издательство: William Morrow
    Язык: Английский
    This is the story of a young man's odyssey of self-discovery, from dangerous adolescent to warrior, from outcast to near-godhood, in a far-future Earth dramatically changed from the one we know.