Дэвид Кроненберг

David Cronenberg

  • 4 книги
  • 5 подписчиков
  • 271 читатель
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5 33
4 96
3 74
2 31
1 11

Дэвид Кроненберг — новинки

  • Употреблено Дэвид Кроненберг
    ISBN: 978-5-17-090080-0
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: АСТ, Corpus
    Язык: Русский
    Первый роман знаменитого кинорежиссера Дэвида Кроненберга доказал, что чита- теля он умеет держать в напряжении не хуже, чем зрителя. Наоми и Натан — любов- ники и коллеги, они оба журналисты, разъезжают по всему миру в поисках захва- тывающих сюжетов, а встречаются только в отелях при аэропортах или в интернете. Наоми в Париже и Токио пытается разобраться в судьбе супругов Аростеги, фило- софов, вольнодумцев и распутников. Натан пишет статью о подпольном хирурге из Будапешта, и этот сюжет приводит его в Торонто. Истории Наоми и Натана удивительным и даже пугающим образом переплетаются. В них есть и международный заговор, и изощренные интеллектуальные игры, и не менее изощренный секс.
  • Consumed David Cronenberg
    ISBN: 0007552246, 9780007552245
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Fourth Estate
    Язык: Английский
    The debut novel by the iconic film director. Stylish and camera-obsessed, Naomi and Nathan are lovers and competitors - nomadic freelancers in pursuit of sensation and depravity in the social media age, encountering each other only in airport hotels and browser windows. Naomi finds herself drawn to the headlines surrounding Celestine and Aristide Arosteguy, Marxist philosophers and sexual libertines. Celestine has been found dead and mutilated in her Paris apartment. Aristide, suspected of the killing, has disappeared. Naomi sets off in pursuit, but the secrets she discovers are seductive as they are disturbing. Nathan, meanwhile, is in Budapest photographing the controversial work of an unlicensed surgeon named Zoltan Molnar. After sleeping with one of Molnar's patients, Nathan contracts a rare STD called Roiphe's. Nathan then travels to Toronto, determined to meet the man who identified the syndrome. Dr. Barry Roiphe, Nathan learns, now studies his own adult daughter, whose bizarre behaviour masks a devastating secret. These parallel narratives become entwined in a gripping, dreamlike plot that involves geopolitics, 3-D printing, North Korea, the Cannes Film Festival, cancer, and, in an incredible number of varieties, sex. 'Consumed' is an exhilarating, provocative debut novel from one of the world's leading film directors.
  • Consumed David Cronenberg
    ISBN: 1416596135, 9781416596134
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Scribner
    Язык: Английский
    The exhilarating debut novel by iconic filmmaker David Cronenberg: the story of two journalists whose entanglement in a French philosopher’s death becomes a surreal journey into global conspiracy.

    Stylish and camera-obsessed, Naomi and Nathan thrive on the yellow journalism of the social-media age. They are lovers and competitors—nomadic freelancers in pursuit of sensation and depravity, encountering each other only in airport hotels and browser windows.

    Naomi finds herself drawn to the headlines surrounding Célestine and Aristide Arosteguy, Marxist philosophers and sexual libertines. Célestine has been found dead and mutilated in her Paris apartment. Aristide has disappeared. Police suspect him of killing her and consuming parts of her body. With the help of an eccentric graduate student named Hervé Blomqvist, Naomi sets off in pursuit of Aristide. As she delves deeper into Célestine and Aristide's lives, disturbing details emerge about their sex life—which included trysts with Hervé and others. Can Naomi trust Hervé to help her?

    Nathan, meanwhile, is in Budapest photographing the controversial work of an unlicensed surgeon named Zoltán Molnár, once sought by Interpol for organ trafficking. After sleeping with one of Molnár’s patients, Nathan contracts a rare STD called Roiphe’s. Nathan then travels to Toronto, determined to meet the man who discovered the syndrome. Dr. Barry Roiphe, Nathan learns, now studies his own adult daughter, whose bizarre behavior masks a devastating secret.

    These parallel narratives become entwined in a gripping, dreamlike plot that involves geopolitics, 3-D printing, North Korea, the Cannes Film Festival, cancer, and, in an incredible number of varieties, sex. Consumed is an exuberant, provocative debut novel from one of the world’s leading film directors.
  • eXistenZ: A Graphic Novel Дэвид Кроненберг
    ISBN: 1552630277, 9781552630273
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Key Porter Books
    Язык: Английский
    David Cronenberg is the visionary director of the modern classic films "Dead Ringers," "Naked Lunch" and "The Fly." An interview with Salman Rushdie inspired him to make a film about an artist who finds herself on a hit list, and must go into hiding.
    Starring Jennifer Jason Leigh and Willem Dafoe, the Miramax film "eXistenZ" (winner: Silver Bear prize, 1999 Berlin Film Festival) is set in the near future, when game designers are worshipped as superstars, and players can actually enter games.

    "eXistenZ" is a breakthrough gaming system invented by game goddess Allegra Geller. When downloaded into humans through a bioport fitted into the spine, eXistenZ accesses their nervous systems, transporting them on a wild ride that will shatter the line that separates fantasy from reality.

    When anti-eXistenZ fanatics attempt to assassinate Allegra Geller, she is forced to flee into hiding. Her sole ally is a guard who is sworn to protect her. Allegra persuades him to play the game and draws them both into a phantasmagoric world where existence and eXistenZ begin - and perhaps will never end. This graphic-novel (comic-book) treatment of "eXistenZ" (based on David Cronenberg's screenplay) is by Sean Schoffield, who has drawn for Marvel and DC Comics.

    The illustrations of the novel are inspired directly from frames of the film. The images are darkly gorgeous, colored with a "Cronenberg" mood. Sean Schoffield has recently completed a series of "X-Files" adaptations for Topps Comics.

    Both Cronenberg and Scoffield live in Toronto.