Дэйв Фрир

Dave Freer

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Лучшие книги Дэйв Фрир

  • Пираты Суарского моря Эрик Флинт
    Язык: Русский
    Суарское море дает богатый урожай стручков Марно, так ценимых на других планетах и, собирая их, можно неплохо заработать. Можно заработать ещё больше, если стать пиратом и нападать на корабли сборщиков. У капитана Бонни Инна другая задача – уничтожить пиратов.
  • All the Plagues of Hell Эрик Флинт
    ISBN: 1982124318, 9781982124311
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Baen
    Язык: Английский
    Orkise is loose. The snake-god of plague has been awakened by Lucia del Maino. With the venomous magic of Orkise at her command, Lucia plots to marry and then murder the usurper who now rules Milan, the condottiere Carlo Sforza—known to friend and foe alike as the Wolf of the North. On his side, Sforza has only the skill and cunning of his physician, Francisco Turner. But will that be enough to save the Wolf of the North? For out there in the countryside of northern Italy, in a Renaissance transformed by arcane magical knowledge, Orkise is uncoiling all the plagues of hell.
  • Changeling's Island Дэйв Фрир
    ISBN: 1476781206, 9781476781204
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Baen
    Язык: Английский

    Teenager Tim Ryan comes into his own as he faces danger on a remote Australia island where magic lurks in land and sea.

    Tim Ryan can't shake the feeling that he is different from other teens, and not in a good way. For one thing, he seems to have his own personal poltergeist that causes fires and sets him up to be arrested for shoplifting.

    As a result Tim has been sent to live on a rundown farm on a remote island off the coast of Australia with his crazy grandmother, a woman who seems to talk to the local spirits, and who refuses to cushion Tim from facing his difficulties. To make matters worse, Tim is expected to milk cows, chase sheep, and hunt fish with a spear.

    But he's been exiled to an island alive with ancient magic—land magic that Tim can feel in his bones, and sea magic that runs in his blood. If Tim can face down drug-runners, sea storms, and worse, he may be able to claim the mysterious changeling heritage that is his birthright, and take hold of a legacy of power beyond any he has ever imagined.
  • Burdens of the Dead Mercedes Lackey
    ISBN: 1451638744, 9781451638745
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Baen
    Язык: Английский
    Sequel to Much Fall of Blood, book 4 in the Heirs of Alexandria series. Civilization at the crossroads. In an alternate Renaissance where magic works, a captain of Italian forces must deal with gods, goddesses and warfare in order to save his daughter at the siege of Constantinople—and prevent a new dark age.

    In an alternate 15th century where magic still is part of life, the Holy Roman Empire rules Europe. Constantinople is under siege by the Venetians and their allies. Hekate, Goddess of Crossroads, presides over the conflict and carnage as alternate visions of civilization collide. And since Constantinople is the crossroad city of east and west, and it is here that Italian captain Benito Valdosta must deal with the powerful magical manifestation of the Weeping Woman, a disguised Hekate, in order to save his daughter and to destroy the fleets of the Chernobog assembling in the Black Sea before they can cut into the soft underbelly of Europe.

    With land battle, naval action, cunning assassinations, and heartbreak aplenty—not to mention the ongoing conflict between Lord of the Dead Aidonus and Benito for the love of a woman, civilization is at the crossroads and choices must be made that will bring victory and freedom for centuries to come—or a new Dark Age.
  • Much Fall of Blood Mercedes Lackey
    ISBN: 1439134162, 9781439134160
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Baen
    Язык: Английский
    Prince Manfred and his mentor and bodyguard, the deadly warrior Erik, have survived dangers and enemies both natural and supernatural, and if they thought that their new mission was going to be anything but more of the same, they soon gave up on that hope. Returning from Jerusalem, they and their escort of knights of the Holy Trinity are escorting an envoy of Il Khan Mongol to the lands of the Golden Horde—between the Black Sea and the Carpathians, which happen to be the eastern bastion against their old enemies, the demon Chernobog and his possessed puppet, the Jangellion.

    Unfortunately, what began as a diplomatic mission leads to Manfred and his knights being caught up in an inter-clan civil war, rescuing a fugitive woman and her injured brother, and becoming involved in the problems of Prince Vlad, Duke of Valahia, who has been held as a hostage by King Emeric of Hungary until freed by Countess Elizabeth Batholdy to use as bait to capture a group of nonhumans. Instead, the wolflike nonhumans, who masquerade as gypsies, free Prince Vlad, and help him to return to his homeland to raise revolt against Hungary and to renew age-old magics.

    Manfred and Erik are forced into an alliance of convenience between the Golden Horde and the ancient magical forces of Valahia, as directed by the troubled Vlad. The magic calls for blood and Vlad is deathly afraid of it—and at the same time, is irresistibly drawn toward it...
  • A Mankind Witch Дэйв Фрир
    ISBN: 0743499131
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Baen
    Язык: Русский

    In an alternate world where magic works, the Holy Roman Empire still rules Europe, the time of the Renaissance has come, with very different results. Norway is still pagan, and a sacred relic, the Armring of Telemark, has been stolen from Odin's

  • This Rough Magic Mercedes Lackey
    ISBN: 0743499093, 9780743499095
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Baen
    Язык: Английский
    Venice had been thrown into chaos by the scheming of Chernobog, who came within a hair of seizing absolute power, but was thwarted by the guardian Lion-spirit, who awoke to protect his city from the power-mad demon. But the power of the Lion does not extend beyond Venice, and Chernobog has a new ally in the King of Hungary, who has laid siege to the island of Corfu as the first step in his plan to seize control of the Adriatic from Venice. Trapped on the island is the small band of heroes who awoke the Lion and blocked Chernobog's power grab before. They are far from the Lion's power to help them, but as Manfred and Erik lead a guerrilla movement to fight the Hungarian invaders, Maria discovers that the ancient magical powers of the island are coming to life again, stirred by the siege. If she can make an alliance with them, she may be able to repel the invaders-but not without paying a bitter personal price. . . .
  • The Shadow Of The Lion Mercedes Lackey
    ISBN: 0743471474, 9780743471473
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Baen
    Язык: Английский
    It is the year 1537. The great winged Lion stares over a Venice where magic thrives. The rich Venetian Republic is a bastion of independence and tolerance. Perhaps for that reason, it is also corrupt, and rotten with intrigue.

    But for the young brothers Marco and Benito Valdosta, vagabond and thief, Venice is simply home. They have no idea that they stand at the center of the city's coming struggle for its very life. They know nothing of the powerful forces moving in the background. They have barely heard of Chernobog, demonlord of the North, who is shifting his pawns to attack Venice in order to cut into the underbelly of the Holy Roman Empire. All Marco and Benito know is that they're hungry and in dangerous company: Katerina the smuggler, Caesare the sell-sword, Montagnard assassins, church inquisitors, militant Knights of the Holy Trinity, Dottore Marina the Strega mage ...and Maria. Maria might be an honest canaler, but she had the hottest temper a boy could find.

    Yet among the dark waters of the canals lurk far worse dangers than a hot-tempered girl. Chernobog has set a monster loose to wreak havoc on the city. Magic, murder and evil are all at work to pull Venice down. Fanatical monks seek to root out true witchcraft with fire and sword. Steel-clad Teutonic knights, wealth traders, church dignitaries and great Princes fight and plot for control of the jewel of the Mediterranean.

    And somehow all of these, from thieves to mages to princes, must gather around Marco and his brother Benito, under the shadow of the great winged lion of Venice.