Джефф Джайлс

Jeff Giles

  • 7 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 334 читателя
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1 4

Джефф Джайлс — новинки

  • The Edge of Everything Джефф Джайлс
    ISBN: 9781408869079
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    Every day, Zoe struggles to keep going. The cruel winter took her father's life and left her angry and broken hearted. As she carries her little brother through a snowstorm that could kill him in minutes, her only thought is finding shelter. The cabin beyond the woods is far from the place of safety she hoped it would be, but it is there that she meets a man whose muscular body, marked with strange and primitive tattoos, hints at an extraordinary story. He has the power to light up the lake, and with it, Zoe's world.
    Zoe calls the stranger X. He is a bounty hunter, tormented by the evils of his victims, which course through his veins. X has never known anything but hate, until he meets Zoe. She shows him what a heart is really for and, if they can find a way to be together, just maybe, his pain can help Zoe forget her own.
    This high-stakes, heart-pounding romance will leave readers breathless for this break-out new series and its sequel.
  • The Brink of Darkness Джефф Джайлс
    ISBN: 9781408886342
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    Things have changed for 17-year-old Zoe ever since the dramatic events that brought her together with the mysterious X took place. To save Zoe and her family, X did the unthinkable - he won their freedom by giving himself up to captivity in the Lowlands forever.
    But being back in the Lowlands has its advantages. It gives X the chance to discover his past, which could be the key to breaking the Lords' hold on him for good. Little does X know that Zoe has a plan to reunite them ... one that will see her risk her life and bring her perilously close to losing all that she and X are fighting for.
    Gripping and full of heart, this epic continuation of Jeff Giles's series, which already has rave reviews from Oscar-winning director Peter Jackson and New York Times bestselling authors Cassandra Clare and James Dashner, will bring readers right to the edge of everything.
  • The Edge of Everything Джефф Джайлс
    ISBN: 9781408897324
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    X knows only obedience - has only seen hatred. Until one bright soul pierces the darkness ...
    Zoe rages against a world turning to ice. Her father's body lies unrecovered in the wilderness and no one seems to care.
    X and Zoe were never meant to meet. But when their worlds collide, they dare to love ... They stand on the edge of everything - and risk it all.
  • The Brink of Darkness Джефф Джайлс
    ISBN: 1619637553, 9781619637559
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    Things have changed for seventeen-year-old Zoe ever since the otherworldly events that brought her together with the mysterious bounty hunter she calls X. In order to save Zoe and her family, X has done the unthinkable - he's given up his freedom and returned to captivity in the Lowlands.
    X is determined to break the lords' hold on him once and for all, but being stripped of his power pushes him toward a darkness he's never experienced and a past he's never known. The secrets that surface could be the key to reuniting X and Zoe... or they could mean the destruction of everything they have been fighting for.
    Gripping and full of heart, this epic continuation of Jeff Giles' series - which already has rave reviews from New York Times bestselling authors Kami Garcia, Melissa de la Cruz, and Cassandra Clare, among others - will bring readers right to the edge of everything.
  • The Edge of Everything Jeff Giles
    ISBN: 978-1619637535, 1619637537
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Bloomsbury USA Childrens
    Язык: Английский
    It’s been a shattering year for seventeen-year-old Zoe, who’s still reeling from her father's shockingly sudden death in a caving accident and her neighbors’ mysterious disappearance from their own home. Then on a terrifying sub-zero, blizzardy night in Montana, she and her brother are brutally attacked in a cabin in the woods—only to be rescued by a mysterious bounty hunter they call X.

    X is no ordinary bounty hunter. He is from a hell called the Lowlands, sent to claim the soul of Zoe’s evil attacker and others like him. X is forbidden from revealing himself to anyone other than his prey, but he casts aside the Lowlands’ rules for Zoe. As they learn more about their colliding worlds, they begin to question the past, their fate, and their future.
  • На краю всего Джефф Джайлс
    ISBN: 978-5-699-99795-4
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Для Зои Биссел это был год, полный потрясений. Смерть отца, исчезновение соседей, дружба с которыми помогала вынести удары судьбы. Затем жестокое нападение в лесу во время бурана и чудесное спасение таинственным охотником за головами, прозванного ею Икс. Икс - обитатель Низин, одной из областей Ада, посланный за душой напавшего на Зои. Ему запрещено раскрывать себя кому-либо, кроме его добычи, но он нарушает адские правила ради девушки. Когда они узнают больше о своих мирах, то начинают сомневаться в прошлом, своей судьбе и будущем. Но побег из Низин и незримые путы, которые связывают Икса, могут потребовать принести в жертву самое…

  • Сын террориста. История одного выбора Зак Ибрагим
    ISBN: 978-5-17-091036-6
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: АСТ, Corpus
    Язык: Русский
    Автору этой книги было всего семь лет, когда его отец, террорист Эль-Саид Нуссар, совершил свое первое преступление, застрелив в Нью-Йорке раввина Меира Кахане — основателя Лиги защиты евреев. Уже находясь в тюрьме, Нуссар помог спланировать и осуществить первый теракт во Всемирном торговом центре в 1993 году. Сегодня он отбывает пожизненное заключение, но остается примером и героем для мусульманских фанатиков во всем мире. Зак Ибрагим с детства воспитывался в атмосфере фанатизма и ненависти. И все же отец-экстремист не смог заставить сына пойти по пути насилия и террора. История Зака доказывает, что никакое промывание мозгов не способно сделать из человека убийцу, если он сам того не захочет.