Кэролин Ив Гилмэн

Carolyn Ives Gilman

  • 10 книг
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  • 5 читателей
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Кэролин Ив Гилмэн – лучшие книги

  • Оканогган-Фоллз Кэролин Ив Гилмэн
    Язык: Русский

    Ватесуны оккупировали Землю и поначалу вели себя вполне мирно. Но однажды они прибыли в небольшой городок Оканогган-Фоллз и предложили жителям переселиться в другое место в связи со сносом поселения и строительством рудника по добыче песка. Многие предложили поднять восстание, но жена мэра Сьюзен Эбернати попросила время, чтобы найти собственный способ победы над захватчиками, для чего она вступила в контакт с капитаном пришельцев Гротоном.

  • The Ice Owl Carolyn Ives Gilman
    ISBN: 1-61242-110-5, 978-1-61242-110-0
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Phoenix Pick
    Язык: Английский
    The Ice Owl tells a tale capturing that moment when we start to lose our childhood... when we start to realize that our parents and the "grown-ups" are just as flawed as we are... everyone struggling to deal with their own demons. It is also a story about past crimes and the haunting echo of ghosts long dead, of a life-long quest for redemption and, for some, the final revenge for crimes lost in the stellar dust...
  • Dark Orbit Carolyn Ives Gilman
    ISBN: 0-765-33629-4, 978-0-7653-3629-3
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский

    From Nebula and Hugo Award–nominated Carolyn Ives Gilman comes Dark Orbit, a compelling novel featuring alien contact, mystery, and murder. Reports of a strange, new habitable planet have reached the Twenty Planets of human civilization. When a team of scientists is assembled to investigate this world, exoethnologist Sara Callicot is recruited to keep an eye on an unstable crewmate. Thora was once a member of the interplanetary elite, but since her prophetic delusions helped mobilize a revolt on Orem, she's been banished to the farthest reaches of space, because of the risk that her very presence could revive unrest. Upon arrival, the…

  • Arkfall Carolyn Ives Gilman
    ISBN: 1-61242-109-1, 978-1-61242-109-4
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Phoenix Pick
    Язык: Английский
    Humans live deep within an apparently lifeless planet covered by massive ice sheets. Having to survive in confined spaces has bred a unique culture where deference and non-confrontation make co-existence possible. *** Osaji's opportunities are limited by the need to care for her aging grandmother. But all that is about to change as circumstances push her toward a journey like no other.
  • Ison of the Isles Carolyn Ives Gilman
    ISBN: 1-926851-56-0, 978-1-926851-56-3
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: ChiZine Publications
    Язык: Английский
    Revolution has broken out in the Forsaken Isles. The islanders have risen up to drive out the Inning Empire, but still they have no one to unite them. Only an Ison can do that—a leader whose heart has been cleansed by the curing of dhota-nur.
  • Isles of the Forsaken Carolyn Ives Gilman
    ISBN: 1-926851-36-6, 978-1-926851-36-5
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: ChiZine Publications
    Язык: Английский
    The Forsaken Isles are on the brink of revolution. Three individuals are about to push it over the edge and trigger events that will lead to a final showdown between ancient forces and the new overlords of the land.
  • Halfway Human Carolyn Ives Gilman
    ISBN: 1-60450-440-4, 978-1-60450-440-8
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Phoenix Pick
    Язык: Английский
    In the spirit of groundbreaking books that deal with gender, such as The Left Hand of Darkness, Carolyn Ives Gilman gives readers Halfway Human, the story of a "bland" named Tedla. Blands are gender-neutral inhabitants of Gammadis, a planet that also has traditional male and female sexes. In Gammadis society, blands are less than human, objects to be owned and used, brutally trained for a life of servitude and obedience. No bland has ever left Gammadis, until Tedla turns up on Capella Two, where it lands in the care of a xenologist named Val. As Val tries to help Tedla recover from a lifetime of misuse, readers come to learn Tedla's life story, a tale that is at times difficult to take but that is fascinating nonetheless.
  • Aliens of the Heart (сборник) Carolyn Ives Gilman
    ISBN: 1-933500-17-4, 978-1-933500-17-1
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Aqueduct Press
    Язык: Английский
    Aliens of the Heart collects four stories of the heartland by Carolyn Ives Gilman. In these stories, Betty Lindstrom imagines leaving her husband in the town of Lost Road and turning east instead of west out of town and never coming back, but when she does drive west with her husband, alone with the prairie and the wind, she cant get home; Susan Abernathy undertakes to humanize Captain Groton, the alien charged with removing the residents of Okanoggan Falls, WI, with consequences she could not have imagined; Galena Pittman seeks to recover her lover, Thea, from the mountains of Montana, where she devotes herself to literally painting the landscape under the direction of the mysterious Dirigo; and the Conservator, charged with preserving the many layers of the map of the great river on whose surface the past was written in cipher, discovers that the relationship between map and landscape is more complicated than she had thought.
    The Conservator is original to the volume. Frost Painting and Okanoggan Falls appeared in Gardner Dozoiss Years Best Science Fiction anthology series.
  • Candle in a Bottle Carolyn Ives Gilman
    ISBN: 1-933500-07-7, 978-1-933500-07-2
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Aqueduct Press
    Язык: Английский
    The savants of Institut Sorel, the world center of information mechanics, compute the governing algorithms that give all things their shape and structure; the voyants receive and sort enormous amounts of information. And now the savants say that the whole world, on the brink of a phase transition, is about to change, such that the long-term equilibrium that has locked the world into an order crisis will give way to a period of chaos. Dominique, a new, ignorant acolyte voyant, is asked to watch for the random factor that will trigger the phase transition. But the Institut itself is in chaos. Drawn into political intrigue and the savants and voyants struggle over his worlds very future, Dominique cares for individuals, rather than abstractions and principles. But even so, hes not sure what it is he should be doing...
  • Lost Road Carolyn Ives Gilman
    Язык: Английский
  • Экономансер Кэролин Айвз Гилман
    Язык: Русский
    Магия — это искусство создавать иллюзии, также как и современная экономика. Так почему бы их не совместить...
    © Kons
  • Медовары Кэролин Ив Гилмэн
    Язык: Русский
    Мэгвин Гар уже долгие годы была предводительницей большой Семьи медоваров, они делали прекрасные продукты, которые хорошо раскупались и люди жили в достатке. Но всему наступает конец и в один прекрасный день с запада явилась Рената Облин, которая принесла новую пчелиную матку и бросила ей смертельный вызов...
    © god54
  • То, что надо... Кэролин Ив Джилмен
    Язык: Русский

    Человечество совершенно случайно обнаружило способ путешествовать во времени, и после нескольких лет сложнейших испытаний в будущее была отправлена математик Сейдж Оквесасн… © god54