Дэниэл Краус

Daniel Kraus

  • 21 книга
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Новинки Дэниэла Крауса

  • Whalefall Дэниэл Краус
    ISBN: 9781665918169
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: MTV Books
    Язык: Английский
    Whalefall is a scientifically accurate thriller about a scuba diver who’s been swallowed by an eighty-foot, sixty-ton sperm whale and has only one hour to escape before his oxygen runs out.

    Jay Gardiner has given himself a fool’s errand—to find the remains of his deceased father in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Monastery Beach. He knows it’s a long shot, but Jay feels it’s the only way for him to lift the weight of guilt he has carried since his dad’s death by suicide the previous year.

    The dive begins well enough, but the sudden appearance of a giant squid puts Jay in very real jeopardy, made infinitely worse by the arrival of a sperm whale looking to feed. Suddenly, Jay is caught in the squid’s tentacles and drawn into the whale’s mouth where he is pulled into the first of its four stomachs. He quickly realizes he has only one hour before his oxygen tanks run out—one hour to defeat his demons and escape the belly of a whale.
  • The Living Dead Дэниэл Краус
    ISBN: 9780552177603
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Corgi book
    A work of horror genius from the Godfather of zombie film-making, George A. Romero, and celebrated writer Daniel Kraus . . .
    It begins with one body. A pair of medical examiners find themselves facing a dead man who won't stay dead.
    It spreads quickly. In a Midwestern trailer park, an African American teenage girl and a Muslim immigrant battle newly-risen friends and family.
    On a US aircraft carrier, living sailors hide from dead ones while a fanatic preaches the gospel of a new religion of death.
    At a cable news station, a surviving anchor keeps broadcasting, not knowing if anyone is watching, while his undead colleagues try to devour him.
    In DC, an autistic federal employee charts the outbreak, preserving data for a future that may never come.
    Everywhere, people are targeted by both the living and the dead.
    We think we know how this story ends. We. Are. Wrong.
  • The Living Dead Дэниэл Краус
    ISBN: 9781787633919
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Bantam
    Язык: Английский
    A work of horror genius from the Godfather of zombie film-making, George A. Romero, and celebrated writer Daniel Kraus . . .
    It begins with one body. A pair of medical examiners find themselves facing a dead man who won't stay dead.
    It spreads quickly. In a Midwestern trailer park, an African American teenage girl and a Muslim immigrant battle newly-risen friends and fami
  • The Living Dead Дэниэл Краус
    ISBN: 9781787633926
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Bantam
    Язык: Английский
    A work of horror genius from the Godfather of zombie film-making, George A. Romero, and celebrated writer Daniel Kraus . . .
    It begins with one body. A pair of medical examiners find themselves facing a dead man who won't stay dead.
    It spreads quickly. In a Midwestern trailer park, an African American teenage girl and a Muslim immigrant battle newly-risen friends and fami
  • Blood Sugar Дэниэл Краус
    ISBN: 9781789091939
    Год издания: 2019
    Язык: Английский
    From the dark imagination of bestselling novelist Daniel Kraus – co-author with Guillermo del Toro of THE SHAPE OF WATER – comes a Halloween crime story that’s like nothing you’ve ever read before.
    In a ruined house at the end of Yellow Street, an angry outcast hatches a scheme to take revenge for all the wrongs he has suffere
  • La forma del agua Гильермо дель Торо
    ISBN: B079J2N1HP
    Год издания: 2018
    Язык: Испанский
    El visionario cineasta Guillermo del Toro y el renombrado autor Daniel Kraus combinan su formidable talento en una historia de amor tan conmovedora como fascinante.“La forma del agua” está ambientada en la ciudad de Baltimore en plena Guerra Fría, en el centro de investigación aeroespacial Occam, al que hace poco ha llegado un ser tan extraordinario como potencialmente valioso: un hombre anfibio capturado en el Amazonas. Lo que sigue es una emotiva historia de amor entre este ser y una de las mujeres de la limpieza en Occam, quien es muda y se comunica con la criatura por medio del lenguaje de signos.Desarrollada desde el primer momento como un rompedor lanzamiento simultáneo --una misma historia recreada por dos artistas en los medios independientes de la literatura y el cine--, “La forma del agua” entreteje la fantasía, el terror y el género romántico a fin de crear un relato que resulta tan trepidante en el papel como en la gran pantalla. Prepárate para una experiencia distinta a todo cuanto has leído o visto
  • Форма воды Гильермо дель Торо
    ISBN: 9785171077648
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский
    1962 год. Элиза Эспозито работает уборщицей в исследовательском аэрокосмическом центре "Оккам" в Балтиморе. Эта работа – лучшее, что смогла получить немая сирота из приюта. И если бы не подруга Зельда, да сосед Джайлз, жизнь Элизы была бы совсем невыносимой.

    Но однажды ночью в "Оккаме" появляется военнослужащий Ричард Стрикланд, доставивший в центр сверхсекретный объект – пойманного в джунглях Амазонки человека-амфибию. Это создание одновременно пугает Элизу и завораживает, и она учит его языку жестов. Постепенно взаимный интерес перерастает в чувства, и Элиза решается на совместный побег с возлюбленным. Она полна решимости, но Стрикланд не собирается так легко расстаться с подопытным, ведь об амфибии узнали русские и намереваются его выкрасть. Сможет ли Элиза, даже с поддержкой Зельды и Джайлза, осуществить свой безумный план?
  • The Shape of Water Guillermo del Toro
    ISBN: 1-250-16534-2, 978-1-250-16534-3
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Feiwel & Friends
    Язык: Английский
    The most celebrated movie of the year is now the must-read novel of 2018.

    "[A] phenomenally enrapturing and reverberating work of art in its own right...[that] vividly illuminates the minds of the characters, greatly enhancing our understanding of their temperaments and predicaments and providing more expansive and involving story lines." —Booklist

    Visionary storyteller Guillermo del Toro and celebrated author Daniel Kraus combine their estimable talent in this haunting, heartbreaking love story.

    It is 1962, and Elisa Esposito—mute her whole life, orphaned as a child—is struggling with her humdrum existence as a janitor working the graveyard shift at Baltimore’s Occam Aerospace Research Center. Were it not for Zelda, a protective coworker, and Giles, her loving neighbor, she doesn’t know how she’d make it through the day.

    Then, one fateful night, she sees something she was never meant to see, the Center’s most sensitive asset ever: an amphibious man, captured in the Amazon, to be studied for Cold War advancements. The creature is terrifying but also magnificent, capable of language and of understanding emotions…and Elisa can’t keep away. Using sign language, the two learn to communicate. Soon, affection turns into love, and the creature becomes Elisa’s sole reason to live.

    But outside forces are pressing in. Richard Strickland, the obsessed soldier who tracked the asset through the Amazon, wants nothing more than to dissect it before the Russians get a chance to steal it. Elisa has no choice but to risk everything to save her beloved. With the help of Zelda and Giles, Elisa hatches a plan to break out the creature. But Strickland is on to them. And the Russians are, indeed, coming.

    Developed from the ground up as a bold two-tiered release—one story interpreted by two artists in the independent mediums of literature and film—The Shape of Water is unlike anything you’ve ever read or seen.
  • The Death and Life of Zebulon Finch, Volume Two: Empire Decayed Daniel Kraus
    ISBN: 1-4814-1142-X, 978-1-4814-1142-4
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    A murdered teen is resurrected to walk the earth for more than a century in the second and final book in the sweeping epic that Entertainment Weekly called “utterly riveting.”

    Zebulon Finch has faced more violence, lust, and heartbreak than any other seventeen-year-old in history. But nothing can prepare him for what is coming next.

    Half a century has passed since Zebulon Finch was gunned down and then inexplicably resurrected to experience a second life. Picking up his tale where he left off, Zebulon heads to Nazi Germany on a top-secret mission. From there he escapes to the shiny new world of the suburbs—a tidy neighborhood hiding dark secrets. He will exchange the pains of this world for what he believes will be peace among the stars. He will march for social change all the way to Woodstock, go raving mad in the desert, and finally exit from humanity the only way he knows how. We first met Zebulon sealed in a tomb beneath the World Trade Center—might he yet crawl from the rubble to discover a different America?

    Enthralling and gut-wrenching, The Death and Life of Zebulon Finch, Volume Two: Empire Decayed is the conclusion to the epic saga of one young man’s journey down the long road to redemption.
  • Охотники на троллей Гильермо дель Торо
    ISBN: 978-5-17-094151-3
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский
    Раз, два, три, четыре, пять… я иду тебя искать…

    В нашем городе пропадают дети. Взрослые, конечно же, не верят, что виноваты тролли. Взрослые никогда не верят в сказки…

    Но что, если эти сказки сами придут в нашу жизнь? Сможем ли мы тогда спастись?..

    Гильермо дель Торо — известный режиссер, снявший такие фильмы как «Лабиринт фавна» (2006), «Тихоокеанский рубеж» (2013) и «Багровый пик» (2015). Вместе с режиссером и лауреатом нескольких литературных премий Дэниэлом Краусом Гильермо дель Торо написал удивительную фэнтези-страшилку, которая придётся по душе всем поклонникам «Лабиринта фавна» и остальных фильмов дель Торо.
  • Trollhunters Гильермо дель Торо
    ISBN: 1-4714-0519-2, 978-1-4714-0519-8
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Hot Key Books
    Язык: Английский
    "You are food. Those muscles you flex to walk, lift, and talk? They're patties of meat topped with chewy tendon. That skin you've paid so much attention to in mirrors? It's delicious to the right tongues, a casserole of succulent tissue. And those bones that give you the strength to make your way in the world? They rattle between teeth as the marrow is sucked down slobbering throats. These facts are unpleasant but useful. There are things out there, you see, that don't cower in holes to be captured by us and cooked over our fires. These things have their own ways of trapping their kills, their own fires, their own appetites."

    Jim Sturges is your typical teen in suburban San Bernardino-one with an embarrassingly overprotective dad, a best friend named "Tubby" who shares his hatred of all things torturous (like gym class), and a crush on a girl who doesn't know he exists. But everything changes for Jim when a 45-year old mystery resurfaces, threatening the lives of everyone in his seemingly sleepy town. Soon Jim has to team up with a band of unlikely (and some un-human) heroes to battle the monsters he never knew existed.

    From the minds of Guillermo del Toro and Daniel Kraus comes a new illustrated novel about the fears that move in unseen places.
  • The Death and Life of Zebulon Finch, Volume One: At the Edge of Empire Daniel Kraus
    ISBN: 1-4814-1139-X, 978-1-4814-1139-4
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    A murdered teen is resurrected to walk the earth for centuries in this sweeping historical epic in the spirit of "The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing" and "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", from the author of "Rotters and Scowler".

    May 7, 1896.

    Dusk. A swaggering seventeen-year-old gangster named Zebulon Finch is gunned down by the shores of Lake Michigan. But after mere minutes in the void, he is mysteriously resurrected.

    His second life will be nothing like his first.

    Zebulon’s new existence begins as a sideshow attraction in a traveling medicine show. From there he will be poked and prodded by a scientist obsessed with mastering the secrets of death. He will fight in the trenches of World War I. He will run from his nightmares—and from poverty—in Depression-era New York City. And he will become the companion of the most beautiful woman in Hollywood.

    Love, hate, hope, and horror—Zebulon finds them. But will he ever find redemption?

    Ambitious and heartbreaking, "The Death and Life of Zebulon Finch, Volume 1: At the Edge of Empire" is the epic saga of what it means to be human in a world so often lacking in humanity.
  • Scowler Daniel Kraus
    ISBN: 0-385-74310-6, 978-0-385-74310-5
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Ember
    Язык: Английский
    Equal parts haunting and horrifying, this literary horror novel gives readers insight into the mind of a controlling homicidal man and the son who must stop him.

    "Marvin Burke is one of the great monsters of literature, a figure of immense, credible terror and savagery."--Cory Doctorow, author of Little Children and coeditor of Boing Boing

    Imagine your father is a monster. Would that mean there are monsters inside you, too?
    Nineteen-year-old Ry Burke, his mother, and little sister eke out a living on their dying family farm. Ry wishes for anything to distract him from the grim memories of his father’s physical and emotional abuse. Then a meteorite falls from the sky, bringing with it not only a fragment from another world but also the arrival of a ruthless man intent on destroying the entire family. Soon Ry is forced to defend himself by resurrecting a trio of imaginary childhood protectors: kindly Mr. Furrington, wise Jesus, and the bloodthirsty Scowler.
  • Scowler Daniel Kraus
    ISBN: 0-375-99094-1, 978-0-375-99094-6
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Imagine your father is a monster. Would that mean there are monsters inside you, too?

    Nineteen-year-old Ry Burke, his mother, and little sister scrape by for a living on their dying family farm. Ry wishes for anything to distract him from the grim memories of his father's physical and emotional abuse. Then a meteorite falls from the sky, bringing with it not only a fragment from another world but also the arrival of a ruthless man intent on destroying the entire family. Soon Ry is forced to defend himself by resurrecting a trio of imaginary childhood protectors: kindly Mr. Furrington, wise Jesus, and the bloodthirsty Scowler.
  • Scowler Daniel Kraus
    ISBN: 9780385368353
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Listening Library
    Язык: Английский
    Imagine your father is a monster. Would that mean there are monsters inside you, too? Nineteen-year-old Ry Burke, his mother, and little sister scrape by for a living on their dying family farm. Ry wishes for anything to distract him from the grim memories of his father's physical and emotional abuse. Then a meteorite falls from the sky, bringing with it not only a fragment from another world but also the arrival of a ruthless man intent on destroying the entire family. Soon Ry is forced to defend himself by resurrecting a trio of imaginary childhood protectors: kindly Mr. Furrington, wise Jesus, and the bloodthirsty Scowler.
  • Scowler Daniel Kraus
    ISBN: 0-385-74309-2, 978-0-385-74309-9
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Delacorte Press Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Equal parts haunting and horrifying, this
    literary horror novel gives readers insight into the mind of a controlling homicidal man and the son who must stop him.

    "Marvin Burke is one of the great monsters of literature, a figure of immense, credible terror and savagery."--Cory Doctorow, author of Little Children and coeditor of Boing Boing

    Imagine your father is a monster. Would that mean there are monsters inside you, too?
    Nineteen-year-old Ry Burke, his mother, and little sister eke out a living on their dying family farm. Ry wishes for anything to distract him from the grim memories of his father’s physical and emotional abuse. Then a meteorite falls from the sky, bringing with it not only a fragment from another world but also the arrival of a ruthless man intent on destroying the entire family. Soon Ry is forced to defend himself by resurrecting a trio of imaginary childhood protectors: kindly Mr. Furrington, wise Jesus, and the bloodthirsty Scowler.
  • Rotters Daniel Kraus
    ISBN: 9780449014950
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Listening Library
    Язык: Английский
    Grave-robbing. What kind of monster would do such a thing? It's true that Leonardo da Vinci did it, Shakespeare wrote about it, and the resurrection men of nineteenth-century Scotland practically made it an art. But none of this matters to Joey Crouch, a sixteen-year-old straight-A student living in Chicago with his single mom. For the most part, Joey's life is about playing the trumpet and avoiding the daily humiliations of high school.

    Everything changes when Joey's mother dies in a tragic accident and he is sent to rural Iowa to live with the father he has never known, a strange, solitary man with unimaginable secrets. At first, Joey's father wants nothing to do with him, but once father and son come to terms with each other, Joey's life takes a turn both macabre and exhilarating.

    Daniel Kraus's masterful plotting and unforgettable characters make Rotters a moving, terrifying, and unconventional epic about fathers and sons, complex family ties, taboos, and the ever-present specter of mortality.
  • Rotters Daniel Kraus
    ISBN: 978-0385738583
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Ember
    Язык: Английский
    Grave-robbing. What kind of monster would do such a thing? It's true that Leonardo da Vinci did it, Shakespeare wrote about it, and the resurrection men of nineteenth-century Scotland practically made it an art. But none of this matters to Joey Crouch, a sixteen-year-old straight-A student living in Chicago with his single mom. For the most part, Joey's life is about playing the trumpet and avoiding the daily humiliations of high school.

    Everything changes when Joey's mother dies in a tragic accident and he is sent to rural Iowa to live with the father he has never known, a strange, solitary man with unimaginable secrets. At first, Joey's father wants nothing to do with him, but once father and son come to terms with each other, Joey's life takes a turn both macabre and exhilarating.

    Daniel Kraus's masterful plotting and unforgettable characters make Rotters a moving, terrifying, and unconventional epic about fathers and sons, complex family ties, taboos, and the ever-present specter of mortality.
  • The Monster Variations Daniel Kraus
    ISBN: 0-385-90659-5, 978-0-385-90659-3
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    This fast-paced read will keep readers on the edge of their seats!

    Someone is killing boys in a small town. The murder weapon is a truck, and the only protection is a curfew enacted to keep kids off the streets. But it’s summer—and that alone is worth the risk of staying out late for James, Willie, and Reggie.

    Willie, who lost his arm in the first hit-and-run attack, finds it hard to keep up with his two best friends as they leave childhood behind. All of them are changing, hounded by their parents, hunted by the killer, and haunted by the “monster,” a dead thing that guards the dangerous gateway between youth and manhood. But that’s not all: shadowing the boys everywhere is Mel Herman, the mysterious and brilliant bully whose dark secrets may hold the key to their survival. As the summer burns away, these forces collide, and it will take compassion, brains, and guts for the boys to overcome their demons—and not become monsters themselves.

    In this chilling and poignant debut novel, Daniel Kraus deftly explores the choices boys grapple with and the revelations that occur as they become men.
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