Маккензи Ли

Mackenzi Lee

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Лучшие книги Маккензи Ли

  • Руководство джентльмена по пороку и добродетели Маккензи Ли
    ISBN: 978-5-6047181-5-5
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Popcorn Books
    Язык: Русский
    Генри Монтегю, по прозвищу Монти, плевать, что его бунтарское поведение не соответствует представлениям окружающих об истинном джентльмене. Он живет на полную катушку и не воспринимает жизнь всерьез. Однако отец Монти, в надежде перевоспитать сына, отправляет его вместе с сестрой и компаньоном в гран-тур по Европе. Монти соглашается. Он рассчитывает провести поездку, предаваясь удовольствиям и греху. Но его планам не суждено сбыться: одно безрассудное решение — и на него объявляют охоту. Дело осложняется еще и тем, что Монти по уши влюбляется. Теперь опасность угрожает не только ему, но и самым дорогим ему людям.
  • Локи. Там, где живет ложь Маккензи Ли
    ISBN: 978-5-17-119251-8
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Задолго до встречи с Мстителями юный Локи изо всех сил пытается доказать, что он герой и храбрец, хотя все вокруг неизменно видят в его проделках лишь обман и жестокость. Все, кроме Аморы. Амора учится в Асгарде у могущественной чародейки, и Локи чувствует в ней родственную душу, ведь девушка тоже ценит магию и знания и, возможно, видит в младшем сыне Одина что-то хорошее. Однако, когда по вине Локи и Аморы разрушается один из самых ценных артефактов Асгарда, Амору изгоняют с небес на Землю, где волшебные силы медленно и мучительно покидают юную чародейку. Без единственного друга, который видел в его магии дар, а не угрозу, Локи…

  • The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy Mackenzi Lee
    ISBN: 0062795325
    Год издания: 2018
    Язык: Английский

    Felicity Montague is through with pretending she prefers society parties to books about bone setting—or that she’s not smarter than most people she knows, or that she cares about anything more than her dream of becoming a doctor. A year after an accidentally whirlwind tour of Europe, which she spent evading highwaymen and pirates with her brother Monty, Felicity has returned to England with two goals in mind—avoid the marriage proposal of Callum Doyle, a lovestruck suitor from Edinburgh; and enroll in medical school. However, her intellect and passion will never be enough in the eyes of the administrators, who see men as the sole…

  • The Gentleman’s Guide to Getting Lucky Mackenzi Lee
    ISBN: 9780062967169
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Katherine Tegen Books
    Язык: Английский

    In this funny and frothy novella that picks up where the New York Times bestselling The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue leaves off, freshly minted couple Monty and Percy fumble through their first time together. Monty’s epic grand tour may be over, but now that he and Percy are finally a couple, he realizes there is something more nerve-wracking than being chased across Europe: getting together with the person you love. Will the romantic allure of Santorini make his first time with Percy magical, or will all the anticipation and build-up completely spoil the mood?

  • Bygone Badass Broads: 52 Forgotten Women Who Changed the World Mackenzi Lee
    ISBN: 9781419729256
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Abrams Image
    Язык: Английский
    Based on Mackenzi Lee’s popular weekly Twitter series of the same name, Bygone Badass Broads features 52 remarkable and forgotten trailblazing women from all over the world. With tales of heroism and cunning, in-depth bios and witty storytelling, Bygone Badass Broads gives new life to these historic female pioneers. Starting in the fifth century BC and continuing to the present, the book takes a closer look at bold and inspiring women who dared to step outside the traditional gender roles of their time. Coupled with riveting illustrations and Lee’s humorous and conversational storytelling style, this book is an outright celebration of the badass women who paved the way for the rest of us.
  • The Nobleman's Guide to Scandal and Shipwrecks Маккензи Ли
    ISBN: 9780062916037
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Katherine Tegen Books
    Язык: Английский
    Return to the enchanting world of the Montague siblings in the finale to the New York Times bestselling and Stonewall Honor-winning series, featuring a teenage Adrian Montague as he desperately seeks the now adult Monty and Felicity—the older siblings he never knew he had.

    The sole heir to his family’s fortune, Adrian Montague desperately wants to be free—from his father’s high expectations; the grief of losing his beloved mother; and the constant war being waged inside his mind. Adrian was diagnosed with hysteria at a young age and it’s always been kept a secret. But when he has a breakdown at his engagement party, the public learns Adrian’s worst fear: he might not be fit to run the Montague estate.

    Thankfully, Adrian is given an opportunity to avoid the impending scandal: a trip to the Caribbean to claim the last of his mother’s possessions. But along the way, Adrian discovers another secret lurking in his family tree. He is actually the youngest of three children—his sister Felicity and brother “Monty” went missing over a decade ago. Now Adrian has the chance to find them and offer to pass the estate back to the rightful heirs.

    Adrian expects to win his long-lost brother over with the promise of wealth and inheritance, while dreaming of a quiet life where Adrian doesn’t feel like a burden to anyone. But when Adrian finally tracks him down, Monty refuses to return home. The only thing he can convince Monty of is to accompany him across the ocean as an act of tribute to their mother, hoping that during the voyage he can persuade Monty into taking the weight of inheriting the estate off his shoulders.

    When they reach their destination, Adrian and Monty find something hidden in their mother’s belongings—a clue pointing to a valuable artifact that could potentially save the Montague siblings from a curse that threatens their lives. But to retrieve it, they must chase an infamous myth through the wild sugar fields of Barbados to the haunting streets of New Orleans to mysterious uncharted islands off the edge of the map.
  • This Monstrous Thing Mackenzi Lee
    ISBN: 0062382772
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Katherine Tegen Books
    Язык: Английский

    In 1818 Geneva, men built with clockwork parts live hidden away from society, cared for only by illegal mechanics called Shadow Boys. Two years ago, Shadow Boy Alasdair Finch’s life shattered to bits. His brother, Oliver—dead. His sweetheart, Mary—gone. His chance to break free of Geneva—lost. Heart-broken and desperate, Alasdair does the unthinkable: He brings Oliver back from the dead. But putting back together a broken life is more difficult than mending bones and adding clockwork pieces. Oliver returns more monster than man, and Alasdair’s horror further damages the already troubled relationship. Then comes the…
