Отесса Мошфег

Ottessa Moshfegh

  • 20 книг
  • 22 подписчика
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Лучшие книги Оттессы Мошфег

  • Мой год отдыха и релакса Отесса Мошфег
    ISBN: 978-5-04-100548-1
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Целый год сна. Целый год кошмаров, трипов и непрерывного релакса. Ее, молодую, красивую выпускницу престижного университета с работой "не бей лежачего", все достало. Она должна быть счастлива, но у нее не получается быть счастливой. Ей срочно нужен как минимум год отдыха. У нее есть доступ ко всем существующим таблеткам, прописанным странноватым доктором, и деньгам, полученным по наследству от покойных родителей. Ей нужно вылечить голову и сердце. И решить — куда идти дальше. "Мой год отдыха и релакса" — это "Обломов" нового поколения, с антидепрессантами, психоаналитиками и токсичными отношениями.

  • Эйлин Отесса Мошфег
    ISBN: 978-5-699-95898-6
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Эйлин Данлоп всегда считала себя несчастной и обиженной жизнью. Ее мать умерла после тяжелой болезни; отец, отставной полицейский в небольшом городке, стал алкоголиком, а старшая сестра бросила семью. Сама Эйлин, работая в тюрьме для подростков, в свободное время присматривала за своим полубезумным отцом. Часто она мечтала о том, как бросит все, уедет в Нью-Йорк и начнет новую жизнь. Однако мечты эти так и оставались пустыми фантазиями закомплексованной девушки. Но однажды в Рождество произошло то, что заставило Эйлин надеть мамино пальто, достать все свои сбережения, прихватить отцовский револьвер, запрыгнуть в старый семейный автомобиль -…

  • Death in Her Hands Отесса Мошфег
    ISBN: 1984879359, 9781984879356
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Penguin Press
    Язык: Английский
    A novel of haunting metaphysical suspense about an elderly widow whose life is upturned when she finds a cryptic note on a walk in the woods that ultimately makes her question everything about her new home.

    While on her normal daily walk with her dog in the forest woods, our protagonist comes across a note, handwritten and carefully pinned to the ground with a frame of stones. "Her name was Magda. Nobody will ever know who killed her. It wasn't me. Here is her dead body". Our narrator is deeply shaken; she has no idea what to make of this. She is new to area, having moved her from her longtime home after the death of her husband, and she knows very few people. And she's a little shaky even on best days. Her brooding about this note quickly grows into a full-blown obsession, and she begins to devote herself to exploring the possibilities of her conjectures about who this woman was and how she met her fate. Her suppositions begin to find echoes in the real world, and with mounting excitement and dread, the fog of mystery starts to form into a concrete and menacing shape. But as we follow her in her investigation, strange dissonances start to accrue, and our faith in her grip on reality weakens, until finally, just as she seems be facing some of the darkness in her own past with her late husband, we are forced to face the prospect that there is either a more innocent explanation for all this or a much more sinister one - one that strikes closer to home.

    A triumphant blend of horror, suspense, and pitch-black comedy, 'Death in Her Hands' asks us to consider how the stories we tell ourselves both guide us closer to the truth and keep us at bay from it. Once again, we are in the hands of a narrator whose unreliability is well earned, only this time the stakes have never been higher.
  • Lapvona Отесса Мошфег
    ISBN: 0593300262, 9780593300268
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Jonathan Cape, Penguin Press
    Язык: Английский
    Little Marek, the abused and delusional son of the village shepherd, never knew his mother; his father told him she died in childbirth. One of life’s few consolations for Marek is his enduring bond with the blind village midwife, Ina, who suckled him when he was a baby, as she did so many of the village’s children. Ina’s gifts extend beyond childcare: she possesses a unique ability to communicate with the natural world. Her gift often brings her the transmission of sacred knowledge on levels far beyond those available to other villagers, however religious they might be. For some people, Ina’s home in the woods outside of the village is a place to fear and to avoid, a godless place.

    Among their number is Father Barnabas, the town priest and lackey for the depraved lord and governor, Villiam, whose hilltop manor contains a secret embarrassment of riches. The people’s desperate need to believe that there are powers that be who have their best interests at heart is put to a cruel test by Villiam and the priest, especially in this year of record drought and famine. But when fate brings Marek into violent proximity to the lord’s family, new and occult forces upset the old order. By year’s end, the veil between blindness and sight, life and death, the natural world and the spirit world, will prove to be very thin indeed.
  • Homesick for Another World Ottessa Moshfegh
    ISBN: 978-0399562884
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Penguin Press
    Язык: Английский
    Ottessa Moshfegh's debut novel "Eileen" was one of the literary events of 2015. Garlanded with critical acclaim, it was named a book of the year by "The Washington Post" and the "San Francisco Chronicle", nominated for a National Book Critics Circle Award, short-listed for the Man Booker Prize, and won the PEN/Hemingway Award for debut fiction. But as many critics noted, Moshfegh is particularly held in awe for her short stories. "Homesick for Another World" is the rare case where an author's short story collection is if anything more anticipated than her novel.

    And for good reason. There's something eerily unsettling about Ottessa Moshfegh's stories, something almost dangerous, while also being delightful, and even laugh-out-loud funny. Her characters are all unsteady on their feet in one way or another; they all yearn for connection and betterment, though each in very different ways, but they are often tripped up by their own baser impulses and existential insecurities. "Homesick for Another World" is a master class in the varieties of self-deception across the gamut of individuals representing the human condition. But part of the unique quality of her voice, the echt Moshfeghian experience, is the way the grotesque and the outrageous are infused with tenderness and compassion. Moshfegh is our Flannery O'Connor, and "Homesick for Another World" is her "Everything That Rises Must Converge or A Good Man is Hard to Find". The flesh is weak; the timber is crooked; people are cruel to each other, and stupid, and hurtful. But beauty comes from strange sources. And the dark energy surging through these stories is powerfully invigorating. We're in the hands of an author with a big mind, a big heart, blazing chops, and a political acuity that is needle-sharp. The needle hits the vein before we even feel the prick.
  • McGlue Ottessa Moshfegh
    ISBN: 9781784706623
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    They said I've done something wrong?... And they've just left me down here to starve. Haven't had a drop in days more so... Salem, Massachusetts, 1851: McGlue is in the hold, still too drunk to be sure of his name or situation or orientation - he may have killed a man. That man may have been his best friend. Now, McGlue wants one thing and one thing only: a drink. Because for McGlue, insufferable, terrifying memories accompany sobriety. A-sail on the high seas of literary tradition, Ottessa Moshfegh gives us an unforgettable blackguard on a knife-sharp voyage through the fogs of recollection.