Дженни Хаббард

Jenny Hubbard

  • 2 книги
  • 1 подписчик
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Биография — Дженни Хаббард

Jenny (born a Jennifer) lives with her husband, a high-school math teacher, and Oliver, their rescue dog, in Salisbury, NC. For seventeen years, Jenny taught English at the high-school and college levels. Now she works at the public library around the corner from her home and serves as a reading buddy at Overton Elementary, her alma mater.
On a typical day, you can find Jenny at her desk or on the front porch with Oliver. The pair enjoy walks in the neighborhood. Jenny is inspired by other writers, such as Emily Dickinson, and their unique histories. In 2012, Jenny was named a “Flying Start” author by Publishers Weekly. She is currently at work on her third novel for young adults.


КнигиСмотреть 2


2012 - Paper Cover Rock
2015 - And We Stay



2016 г.Премия Род Айленда за подростковую книгу (And We Stay)
2015 г.Премия Майкла Л. Принца (Лучшая книга года, написанная для подростков, основываясь на её литературных достоинствах, And We Stay)
2012 г.Премия имени Уильяма Морриса (Paper Covers Rock)


