Вручение 25 июня 2016 г. — стр. 2

Также премии удостоились:
Редактор - Дэвид Хартвелл
Журнал - Asimov's Science Fiction
Издательство - Tor Books
Художник - Майкл Уэлан

Страна: США Место проведения: Музей научной фантастики и фэнтези, Сиэтл, штат Вашингтон Дата проведения: 25 июня 2016 г.

Короткая повесть

Нил Гейман 4.1
На сей раз Бальдур Лун по прозвищу Тень оказывается в Скалистом крае Дербишира, где ему опять против своей воли предстоит вступить в бой со сверхъестественными силами.
На первый взгляд знакомство с семейной парой в городском пабе не предвещало никакой беды, но в результате это привело к встрече с Чёрным псом.
Энн Леки 4.0
Переговоры закончились, не начавшись. Флаер сбит, переводчица и пилот погибли, и они остались вдвоём посреди болота — Ашибан Ксидила, всю долгую жизнь прожившая в тени своей великой матери, и Суверен Исса, первосвященница, но при этом совсем юная девушка. Влиятельность несостоявшихся переговорщиц номинальна, они плохо понимают друг друга (особенно после того, как лишились портативного компьютера с переводящей программой), неизвестные силы ведут на них охоту, а до цивилизации далеко. Но их народы на грани войны, и обе женщины готовы сделать всё, что в их силах, чтобы эта война не разразилась. © zarya
Элизабет Бир 3.5
Любимые совы от Инги Пальцер теперь и на твоих книжных закладках! Выбирай понравившуюся сову, закрепляй на книгу с помощью магнита. Прекрасный, стильный и уникальный подарок! Закладки, которые удобно крепятся с помощью магнитов на одну или несколько страниц. На каждой закладке нарисована забавная сова.

Малая форма / Рассказ

Наоми Критцер 4.3
Можно ли подправить жизнь отдельному человеку? Искусственный Интеллект (ИИ) решил, что можно, и начал эксперименты. Если вам вдруг случайно везёт в жизни, почитайте рассказ и может быть уже сейчас ИИ через Интернет занимается улучшением вашей жизни.
Чайна Мьевиль 3.2
Карты — один из древнейших инструментов для азартных игр. И почему бы им не скрывать за собой не только четыре стандартные масти в 52-карточной колоде, а нечто, во что посвящены лишь избранные и самые удачливые игроки?
Alyssa Wong 3.6
Jenny is a magical being living in New York City, where she feeds on the negative emotions and thoughts of the people she meets on dating sites. When her latest date's negativity is much stronger than she had anticipated, she finds that lesser negativity no longer satisfies her, and she begins seeking out worse and worse situations.
Альетт де Бодар 3.8
Уход Матери, которая создавала оплот Империи в космосе, сделал актуальным вопрос о наследовании её знаний. Можно ли найти решение, которое не принесло бы горестных переживаний людям?
Амаль Эль-Мохтар 0.0
Мадлен страдает странными приступами − внезапно проваливается в собственные воспоминания. Однажды она встречает там подругу, с которой никогда не была знакома наяву.

Авторский сборник

Нил Гейман 4.1
"Вообще говоря, триггеры - это то, что выводит нас из равновесия.
Здесь под триггерами я подразумеваю скорее такие образы, слова или мысли, которые распахиваются у нас под ногами, как потайные люки-ловушки, и мы проваливаемся из своего безопасного рационального мира в какой-то другой, куда более мрачный и негостеприимный. Сердце у нас в груди пускается вскачь. Кровь отливает от щек, руки холодеют. И мы стоим, жадно хватая ртом воздух, запыхавшиеся, бледные и потрясенные до глубины души." Нил Гейман

Новый сборник мастера магического реализма состоит из 25 рассказов и стихотворений, которые раскрывают всю силу и мощь воображения.
«Все мы носим маски. Этим мы и интересны».
Жемчужиной сборника является история «Черный пес» - сиквел к культовому роману «Американские боги».
Чайна Мьевиль 3.8
Проза Чайны Мьевиля поражает читателя интеллектульностью и богатым воображением. Фантастическое в его рассказах не избегает реальности, а, наоборот, вскрывает ее самыми провокационными способами.

Этим отличаются и двадцать восемь историй из нового сборника писателя. Неоднозначные, то сатирические, то невероятно трогательные, оригинальные по форме и языку, все они показывают людей, столкнувшихся с необъяснимой странностью мира - или же не менее необъяснимой странностью в себе самих.
Грегори Бенфорд 0.0
This is a monumental collection of thirty-eight Gregory Benford stories, including some of the best science fiction of the last fifty years, chosen from the more than two hundred he has published to date:

At the end of the 1960s, Benford expanded his novella “Deeper than the Darkness,” to become his first novel of the same title in 1970. He hit his stride in the 1970s, making his reputation with stories such as “Doing Lennon” and “In Alien Flesh.” By the end of that decade he had written In the Ocean of Night, the first of his impressive Galactic Center novels. He entered the 1980s a Nebula Award-winner for his classic novel, Timescape. That decade continued with the impressive stories “Relativistic Effects” and “Exposures,” the novel, Against Infinity, and ended with “Matters End” and “Mozart on Morphine.”

By the middle of the 1980s he had also taken the leadership position of spokesman for hard science fiction, and contended with the rising cyberpunk reformers of hard SF. He has remained the most articulate defender of science’s role in science fiction to this day, and perhaps the most literate and literary of its writers. In the 1990s, by now an acknowledged master of hard science fiction, he became more playful in some works, in particular stories such as “Centigrade 233,” a riff on Ray Bradbury’s classic Fahrenheit 451, and “Zoomers,” a dot-com bubble superman fantasia, while still holding to the center with the majority of his writing, completing his long series of Galactic Center novels and even writing in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation universe.

That playful thread became central after the turn of the millennium, with shorter satirical pieces originally published in Nature, such as “Applied Mathematical Theology” and “Reasons Not to Publish.” But he still wrote the innovative stories “Bow Shock,” “Mercies,” and “The Sigma Structure Symphony” and in the second decade of the new century embarked on a major collaboration with Larry Niven, in the novels The Bowl of Heaven and Shipstar.

We have here a series of snapshots of a moving target, a writer who has been growing and changing for decades, extending his art, and the art of science fiction writing. Benford continues building himself challenging structures to write in with two story series in progress that may emerge as major works. He’s not slowing down. But for the record we now have this book, a permanent chronicle of a major career. Six decades so far.
Танит Ли 0.0
Life, death, love, and truth: major themes that frequently appear in Grandmaster Tanith Lee's fiction, are all represented in "Dancing Through the Fire," one of the last collections she put together before her untimely death. The stories in this book have never before been collected, and four of them have never before been published. These tales will transport you from mystical lands to mystical worlds, corporeal manifestations of myth, and mythical interpretations of life, into realms you've never visited (and in some cases, could never have imagined visiting).
Нэнси Кресс 0.0
Nancy Kress, winner of multiple awards for her science fiction and fantasy, ranges through space and time in this stunning collection. Anne Boleyn is snatched from her time stream--with unexpected consequences for two worlds. A far-future spaceship brings religion to a planet that already harbors shocking natives. People genetically engineered to never need to sleep clash with those who do. A scientific expedition to the center of the galaxy discovers more than anyone bargained for. A woman finds that ''people like us'' does not mean what she thinks it does.

Praised for both her hard SF and her complex characters, Nancy Kress brings a unique viewpoint to twenty-one stories, the best of a long and varied career that has won her five Nebulas, two Hugos, a Sturgeon, and the John W. Campbell Memorial Award.

Table of Contents:
And Wild For to Hold
Out of All Them Bright Stars
Dancing on Air
Unto the Daughters
Laws of Survival
Someone To Watch Over Me
Flowers of Aulit Prison
Price of Oranges
By Fools Like Me
Casey's Empire
Shiva in Shadow
Grant Us This Day
Kindness of Strangers
End Game
My Mother, Dancing
People Like Us
Margin of Error
Beggars in Spain


Скользкие головы земноводных обитателей бороздят прибрежные воды одного из немногочисленных архипелагов, разбросанных по акватории океана, покрывающего всю планету. Над волнами молниеносно вздымается зубастая голова на длинной гибкой шее, принадлежащая морскому чудищу, похожему на плезиозавра. Где-то под бесконечно долгими дождями вздрагивает поверхность бескрайних болот, когда гигантские динозавры с рычанием копошатся в грязи. А в дальнем краю высокие, тонкие, как тростинки, люди в невообразимых головных уборах и расшитых жемчугами одеяниях ходят по канатным мостам, протянутым между громадными деревьями, гораздо более высокими, чем земные секвойи, и льющийся с небес тусклый свет открывает взгляду целый город, раскинувшийся в кронах. И вся эта идиллия в один прекрасный день разом померкла, словно кто-то резко задул свечу. Облачные миражи Венеры растаяли...

Джордж Мартин, Джо Холдеман, Дэвид Брин, Майк Резник, Йен Макдональд, Гарднер Дозуа и другие в сборнике фантастических произведений о планете Венера, которую мы когда-то потеряли...
In the new millennium, what secrets lay beyond the far reaches of the universe? What mysteries belie the truths we once held to be self evident? The world of science fiction has long been a porthole into the realities of tomorrow, blurring the line between life and art. Now, in The Year's Best Science Fiction: Thirty-Second Annual Collection the very best SF authors explore ideas of a new world. This venerable collection brings together award winning authors and masters of the field such as Robert Reed, Alastair Reynolds, Damien Broderick, Elizabeth Bear, Paul McAuley and John Barnes. And with an extensive recommended reading guide and a summation of the year in science fiction, this annual compilation has become the definitive must-read anthology for all science fiction fans and readers interested in breaking into the genre.
Stories for Chip brings together outstanding authors inspired by a brilliant writer and critic, Science Fiction Writers of America Grandmaster Samuel R. “Chip” Delany. Award-winning SF luminaries such as Michael Swanwick, Nalo Hopkinson, and Eileen Gunn contribute original fiction and creative nonfiction. From surrealistic visions of bucolic road trips to erotic transgressions to mind-expanding analyses of Delany’s influence on the genre—as an out gay man, an African American, and possessor of a startlingly acute intellect—this book conveys the scope of the subject’s sometimes troubling, always rewarding genius. Editors Nisi Shawl and Bill Campbell have given Delany and the world at large, a gorgeous, haunting, illuminating, and deeply satisfying gift of a book.
A murderer doing time in hell. A girl who just wants to win her high school band contest…no matter what it takes. Sumo wrestlers with a supernatural secret. A future Tokyo where vampires are menial laborers nursing long-held grudges against humanity. And even a very conscientious, if unstable, Universal Transverse Mercator projection. These crime and mystery stories from and about Japan explore myth, technology, the sharpness of a sleuth’s mind, and the darkness in the hearts of criminals. Read these stories and learn that hanzai means crime!
Continuing the award-nominated SF anthology series from multiple award-winning editor Jonathan Strahan.

The world we are living in is changing every day. We surf future shock every morning when we get out of bed. And with every passing day we are increasingly asked: how do we have to change to live in the future we are faced with?

Whether it’s climate change, inundated coastlines and drowned cities; the cramped confines of a tin can hurtling through space to the outer reaches of our Solar System; or the rush of being uploaded into some cyberspace, our minds and bodies are going to have to change and change a lot. Meeting Infinity will be one hundred thousand words of SF filled with action and adventure that attempts to answer the question: how much do we need to change to meet tomorrow and live in the future? The incredible authors contributing tho this collection are: Gregory Benford, James S.A. Corey, Aliette de Bodard, Kameron Hurley, Simon Ings, Madeline Ashby, John Barnes, Gwyneth Jones, Nancy Kress, Yoon Ha Lee, Ian McDonald, Ramez Naam, An Owomoyela, Benjanun Sriduangkaew, Bruce Sterling and Sean Williams

The books of the “Infinity Project” trace an arc: from the present day into the far future, and now from the broad canvas of interstellar space to the most intimate space of all - ourselves.

Книга об искусстве

Джулия Диллон 0.0
Imagined Realms Book 2 is a hardcover art book by Hugo Award winning scifi and fantasy artist Julie Dillon. 18 new scifi illustrations provide glimpses into fantastic worlds teeming with alien life and cybernetic beings, and shows a humanity that seeks not only to explore the stars but to make the universe a better place. Each picture is accompanied by sketches and progress shots, as well as short stories that tie the pieces together.
Women of Wonder for the first time shines a spotlight on women creators of fantastic art. Illustration and gallery markets have traditionally been seen as a largely male profession, but women have always been active participants — from Kewpie creator Rose O'Neill in the early 20th Century, to 1950s Disney film designer Mary Blair to Spectrum Grand Masters Diane Dillon and Kinuko Y. Craft. Increasingly, women are impacting the world of contemporary fantastic art and inspiring new generations of illustrators, designers, sculptors, and painters. Women of Wonder reflects of the expanding numbers of women artists featured in Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art. This full-color collection, complete with artist statements and photos, acknowledges their presence and influence. Women of Wonder is a beautiful celebration of the imagination and of exemplary creators . . . who just happen to be women.
Стивен Хеллер 0.0
The master creator of finely crosshatched illustrations and sinisterly amusing tales, Edward Gorey (American, 1925 2000) got his start in publishing by designing book covers for such New York houses as Doubleday, Grosset & Dunlap, Vintage Books, and later Random House. Today, his prodigious output of hundreds of dust jackets and paperback covers evidences his distinctive flair for design and his extraordinary ability to portray the essence of the books that came his way. Edward Gorey: His Book Cover Art & Design features a broad selection of his work, created from 1953 to 2000. In his essay, Steven Heller offers an insightful overview of Gorey's book cover art and design. He writes, "Successful cover design requires the expertise of an artist, typographer, poster designer, and logo maker. Many book design specialists were incapable of designing a cover or jacket with the same Gorey aplomb, even if they tried."
The best-selling Spectrum series continues with this 22nd lavishly produced annual. Challenging, controversial, educational, and irreverent, the award-winning Spectrum series reinforces both the importance and prevalence of fantastic art in today’s culture. With exceptional images by extraordinary creators, this elegant full-color collection showcases an international cadre of creators working in every style and medium, both traditional and digital. The best artists from the United States, Europe, China, Australia, South America and beyond have gathered into the only annual devoted exclusively to works of fantasy, horror, science fiction, and the surreal, making Spectrum one of the year’s highly most anticipated books.

Featured in Spectrum 22 are over 450 works by more than 240 diverse visionaries. With art from books, graphic novels, video games, films, galleries, advertising and the fine arts, Spectrum is both an electrifying art book for fans and an invaluable resource for clients looking for bright new talent. The entire field is discussed in an invaluable, found-nowhere-else Year In Review. Contact information for each artist is included.

Often imitated, never equaled, Spectrum 22 continues the freshness and excellence that was established over twenty years ago.
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