Вручение 1971 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1971 г.

Медаль Джона Ньюбери

Байерс Бетси 4.1
Cape Годфри 14 лет и она переживает самое трудное время - период взросления. Еще вчера она была веселым, довольным ребенком, а сегодня поняла, что весь мир - ужасен. Жизнь, и правда, не мила, если у тебя умерла мама, папа живет далеко и приезжает редко, а младший брат Чарли после тяжелой болезни отстал в развитии и не умеет разговаривать. Однажды Чарли пошел разыскивать пленивших его лебедей и заблудился в лесу. Поиски его перевернули Сару, и она заново, любящим и радостным взором увидела мир и тех, кто окружает ее.
За книгу "Лебединое лето" автор в 1971 году была награждена самой почетной литературной премией США - медалью Ньюбери.
Scott O'Dell 0.0
The Spanish Slavers were an ever-present threat to the Navaho way of life. One lovely spring day, fourteen-year-old Bright Morning and her friend Running Bird took their sheep to pasture. The sky was clear blue against the red buttes of the Canyon de Schelly, and the fields and orchards of the Navahos promised a rich harvest. Bright Morning was happy as she gazed across the beautiful valley that was the home of her tribe. She tumed when Black Dog barked, and it was then that she saw the Spanish slavers riding straight toward her.
Сильвия Энгдаль 0.0
The Federation Anthropological Service would never officially have allowed Elana to be on this mission to the medieval planet Andrecia. If Youngling peoples found out that a supremely advanced and enlightened society like the Federation existed, it would irreparably damage their evolution. Stowing away aboard her father's ship, Elana suddenly becomes the key to a dangerous plan to turn back the invasion of Andrecia by an aggressive, space faring Youngling civilization. How can she possibly help the Andrecians who still believe in magic and superstition, against a force armed with advanced technology, without revealing her alien powers? Apprentice Medical Officer Jarel wishes that the planet the Imperial Exploration Corps have chosen to colonize didn't have a "humanoid" population already living on it. The invaders don't consider the Andrecians to be human and Jarel has seen the atrocious treatment the natives get from his people. How can he make a difference, when he alone regrets the destruction that is people bring? Georyn, the youngest son of a poor Andrecian woodcutter, knows only that there is a terrible dragon on the other side of the enchanted forest, and he is prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat it. In his mind, Elana is the Enchantress from the Stars who has come to test him, to prove he is worthy of defeating the dragon and its powerful minions. Despite both Elana's and Jarel's inner turmoil, Georyn's burden is by far the heaviest. Ultimately, he must pit his innocent faith in the magic of his Enchantress from the Stars against foes who have come from a world beyond his comprehension.
Natalie Babbitt 0.0
From the moment young Egan arrives in Instep, he senses the spell cast over the villagers by the Megrimum--the mysterious something that lurks on the mist-wreathed peak of Kneeknock Rise. Everyone shudders in horror--delicious horror--whenever the Megrimum's unearthly wail floats down to the village. Before long, Egan is climbing the Rise to find a practical explanation for those wails.