Вручение 2001 г.

Страна: Канада Место проведения: город Ванкувер Дата проведения: 2001 г.

Премия Хьюберта Эванса за научно-популярную литературу

Terry Glavin 0.0
Winner of the Hubert Evans Non-Fiction Prize

The maritime history of the north pacific is rife with apocryphal voyages, legendary armadas, lost colonies and fabled portals through continents. Today the ocean itself is in chaos, and the reasons are mysterious. Gigantic phytoplankton blooms erupt throughout the North Pacific; ocean sunfish and albacore swim up the inlets, while the sockeye stop coming home. Is the world coming to an end? Glavin skillfully sifts through the evidence to show that nothing is as it appears. Such alarming events have occurred before and are part of what scientists call regime shifts. The world is not coming to an end.

Thoroughly researched, beautifully written and powerfully argued, The Last Great Sea by Terry Glavin, sheds light on the various mysteries of this last great sea and reveals one of the world's most mysterious places in all of its richness and complexity.

Published in partnership with the David Suzuki Foundation.
Патриция ван Тигем 0.0
On a sunny fall day in 1983, Patricia Van Tighem and her husband, Trevor Jang, were brutally attacked by a bear while hiking in the Canadian Rockies. Jang was severely hurt, but Van Tighem suffered even more serious, disfiguring injuries, and that she survived was a miracle.A gifted writer, Van Tighem crafted a vivid and startling account of the attack. But her recovery was just as disturbing. Her numerous reconstructive surgeries were painful; her facial disfigurement, including the loss of an eye, isolated her; and the nightmares that haunted her carried their own psychological burden.The Bear’s Embrace garnered much praise when it was first published in 2000. With honesty and eloquence, the book tells of the unpredictability of life, of bravery, terror, rage, and love, of what it means to look and feel different in a culture that values perfection. Deeply moving and often astonishing, The Bear’s Embrace is an inspiring story of human perseverance and self­knowledge.Tragically, Van Tighem could no longer live with her pain and ended her life in 2005. In this new edition, her sister, Margaret Van Tighem, writes an affecting afterword remembering Patricia and her indomitable spirit and strength.