Вручение 2005 г.

Премия вручена за 2004 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2005 г.

Лучший детективный или криминальный роман

Чайлд Ли 4.3
Канун 1990 года. Военного полицейского Джека Ричера неожиданно переводят из Панамы, где он участвовал в операции по поимке диктатора Норьеги, в тишину кабинета американской военной базы в Северной Каролине. Ричер откровенно мается от безделья, пока в новогоднюю ночь ему не поступает сообщение, что в местном мотеле найден мертвый генерал. Смерть от сердечного приступа помешала ему исполнить какую-то сверхсекретную миссию. Когда Ричер прибывает в дом генерала, чтобы сообщить его жене о трагедии, он обнаруживает, что женщина убита. Портфель генерала исчез, и Ричер подозревает, что именно содержащиеся в нем бумаги стали причиной убийства.
Джефф Линдсей 3.8
Знакомьтесь - Декстер!
Новый Ганнибал Лектер, но... в овечьей шкуре.
Серийный убийца, чье кредо не может не вызвать... сочувствия!
Настоящий южанин, благородный джентльмен, старомодный в отношениях с женщинами, он... убивает исключительно "плохих парней". Его жертвами становятся только те, кто, по его мнению, действительно заслуживает смерти за свои деяния, а значит, благодаря ему и торжествует справедливость.
По крайней мере так считает сам Декстер, пока... в городе не появляется еще один серийный убийца, в точности копирующий его собственный "почерк"...
Крис Муни 4.0
Когда, не послушав возражений жены, Майк Салливан вел свою шестилетнюю дочь Сару кататься на санках, он и представить себе не мог, что отныне его жизнь превратится в самый страшный родительский кошмар. Девочка вместе с подругой поднялась на заснеженную горку, чтобы никогда больше не спуститься вниз... Пять лет тщетных поисков не оставили камня на камне от его брака. А единственный подозреваемый в похищении ребенка, бывший священник, вот-вот унесет свою тайну в могилу... Успеет ли Майк разгадать ее?
К. Дж. Эриксон 0.0
Tired of the politics, publicity and endless nights that go with major homicides, Detective Mars Bahr and his partner Nettie Frisch have moved to the Cold Case Unit, which covers the Minneapolis Police Department's oldest unsolved cases. One of their first assignments is tackling the murders of rural convenience store employees, which leads them to a sixteen-year-old missing persons case.

In 1986, seventeen-year-old Andrea Bergstad was working alone at night at a rural Minnesota gas station when she vanished without a trace. On the store's fuzzy security videotape, one minute she's there, talking on the phone to her best friend, and the next she's gone. Now, sixteen years later, Mars goes back to Redstone, Minnesota, to try to put together the pieces of this baffling case.

In Redstone, Mars meets retired sheriff Sig Sampson, off the job for several years but haunted by the Bergstad case like it was yesterday. Sig Sampson is the only person who can help Mars do what needs to be done in order to solve it: His memory is the only thing that can take this cold case and make it hot.

Mars and Sig dive into the investigation, and Mars soon begins to think that their hard work will get them somewhere. But his concern over the details distracts him from the greater issues in the case, and before he knows it, the lives of the two most important people in Mars' life are at risk.

As with her most recent acclaimed novel, The Last Witness, KJ Erickson delivers a fast-paced, engaging, and surprising thriller.
Walter Mosley 0.0
From the New York Times bestselling author comes his most riveting and provocative Easy Rawlins novel ever--a searing story of murder and fury during one of the most explosive moments in American history: the 1965 race riots in Los Angeles.
George Pelecanos 0.0
In this prequel to the two highly successful Derek Strange novels, George P. Pelecanos illuminates his early life as a black police officer in Washington in 1968.

Лучший дебютный роман

Карлос Руис Сафон 4.4
Роман, который заставляет читателя погрузиться в почти мистический мир Барселоны и перемещает его в совершенно иную систему координат.
Читателю предстоит вместе с главным героем встретить зловещих незнакомцев, понять и полюбить прекрасных и загадочных женщин, бродить по мрачным лабиринтам прошлого, и главное - раскрыть тайну книги, которая непостижимым образом изменяет жизнь тех, кто к ней прикасается.
Удивительная книга, в которой есть все: увлекательный сюжет, блестящий стиль и будоражащие воображение тайны. НАСТОЯЩАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА!
Чарльз Бенуа 0.0
Picture a hotel room in 1948 Singapore. Picture a dispute between black marketer and thief Russell Pearce and an associate-an associate who opens fire and murders Russell Pearce.
Fast forward to present-day Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Young Doug Pearce, just fired from his steady job in the brewery, has never strayed far from home. But he's always found stories of his Uncle Russ, the family black sheep, fascinating. In comes a letter from an old friend of his dead uncle inviting him up to Toronto. Doug, at loose ends and bored with killing time, accepts. On arrival, he learns that wealthy and glamorous Edna has an agenda: she has assembled enough clues to solve the murder of Russell Pearce and to recover a legendary red diamond he was thought to be smuggling.

Doug, nervous but game, agrees to play detective. How bad can it be to jet off to a glamour spot or two and have an adventure? Whoa! By the end of his first day in Casablanca, Doug knows he's made a mistake. And while he meets people eager to help-a retired museum curator, a beautiful and self-absorbed heiress, and her elderly father, a colleague of Russell Pearce-it becomes clear that someone else is interested in Doug, someone who is also looking for the diamond.

From Morocco to Egypt to Bahrain to Singapore, Doug stumbles on. And whether he's escaping across Cairo rooftops, ducking bullets in a high-speed desert chase, or killing time in a crowded Egyptian jail cell, Doug is sure of one thing: He has no clue what he's doing. But surely he'll think of something as he's propelled full circle back to Singapore and the famed Raffles Hotel. He's definitely not 007...but will he prove to be a zero?
Джеймс О. Борн 0.0
For more than seventeen years with the U.S. Marshals Service, DEA, and Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Jim Born has seen just about everything Florida crime and criminals can throw at him, and he's put it all into as entertaining and accomplished a first thriller as you'll find anywhere this year.
State cop Bill Tasker has had problems in the past, but nothing compared to what's about to happen to him. A satchel with a million and a half in skimmed money is about to go walking. A phony community activist has decided to cash in, but a local FBI agent also has his eyes on the prize, a key witness gets murdered, and it's Tasker who ends up framed for the whole thing. Soon, other people become seduced by the cash as well, and as the bag passes from hand to hand and the body count mounts, Tasker realizes it's all up to him. If he doesn't retake his life right now . . . someone's going to do it for him.
Filled with a rich array of characters, a constantly twisting plot, and an authenticity so deep you can't help wondering how much of this is actually true, "Walking Money" is indeed proof that "Jim Born is the real thing."
Colin Cotterill 0.0
Confronted by the poisoning of an important official's wife and the sudden appearance of three bodies that may create an international incident between Laos and Vietnam, 72-year-old state coroner Dr. Siri Paiboun keeps his cool in Cotterill's engaging whodunit, set in Laos a year after the 1975 Communist takeover. Ably assisted by the entertaining Geung and ambitious Dtui, Siri calmly gleans clues from minute examinations of the bodies while circumnavigating bureaucratic red tape to arrive at justice. Only an attempt on his life manages to rattle him—and for good reason. In addition to being comfortable around corpses, Siri actually converses with the dead during his dreams. These scenes come across more as a personification of Siri's natural intuition than as a supernatural element. Less explainable is Siri's journey to a northern Laos army base, where he becomes involved in the witchcraft and spirit world of the local tribespeople. Despite this minor detour into the implausible and a later, jarring change in viewpoint, this debut mystery, with its convincing and highly interesting portrayal of an exotic locale, marks the author as someone to watch.
Клэр Маттурро 0.0
Representing wealthy doctors in malpractice cases, Sarasota attorney Lilly is attacked in her office after a kayak whiplash case, a situation that prompts her to employ an unorthodox method for finding out who is trying to get her.
Will Thomas 4.0
An atmospheric debut novel set on the gritty streets of Victorian London, Some Danger Involved introduces detective Cyrus Barker and his apprentice, Thomas Llewelyn, as they work to solve the gruesome murder of a young scholar.
When a student bearing a striking resemblance to artists' renderings of Jesus Christ is found murdered -- by crucifixion -- in London's Jewish ghetto, 19th-century private detective Barker must hire an assistant to help him solve the sinister case. Out of all who answer an ad for a position with "some danger involved," the eccentric and enigmatic Barker chooses downtrodden Llewelyn, a gutsy young man whose murky past includes recent stints at both an Oxford college and an Oxford prison.
As Llewelyn learns the ropes of his position, he is drawn deeper and deeper into Barker's peculiar world of vigilante detective work, as well as the dark heart of London's teeming underworld. Together they pass through chophouses, stables, and clandestine tea rooms, tangling with the early Italian mafia, a mad professor of eugenics, and other shadowy figures, inching ever closer to the shocking truth behind the murder.
Brimming with wit and unforgettable characters, and steeped in authentic period detail, Some Danger Involved is a captivating page-turner that introduces an equally captivating duo while signaling the start of an exciting career for Will Thomas.

Лучший роман в обложке

Элейн Флинн 0.0
The second page-turning instalment in the acclaimed mystery series featuring striking, sarcastic antique dealer Molly Doyle, set in picturesque Carmel, California.

Molly Doyle crossed a continent to escape trouble, but it's becoming increasingly dangerous to be in the antique business in her small adopted corner of California. The murder of a friend and fellow antiques dealer has shaken Molly to the core. And matters aren't helped any by the arrival of her deceitful, long-estranged sister-who sticks around only long enough to dump Molly's twelve-year-old niece before vanishing to parts unknown. Actually, young Emma is a bright spot in these dark days, since she's clever, endearing, and shows a natural aptitude for antiques work.

But the very unnatural death of yet another dealer-a rather shady one this time with possible ties to Molly's family-has the intrepid Ms. Doyle acting as sleuth once again.before a killer decides she's the next item to be taken out of circulation permanently
Ларри Бейнхарт 3.2
Университетский библиотекарь Дэвид Голдберг работает на эксцентричного, пожилого миллиардера, последнее желание которого - оставить потомкам мемориальную библиотеку о себе и своих достижениях. Впрочем, самая запоминающаяся вещь в его деятельности, как случайно обнаруживает Голдберг - тайна большой политики, которая никогда не должна выплыть наружу. Это заговор по фальсификации президентских выборов! За главным героем, систематизирующим архивную информацию, начинается настоящая охота.
М. Г. Кинкейд 0.0
In her acclaimed mystery debut, M.G. Kincaid introduced the complex Scottish detective Seth Mornay. Now Mornay must solve a murder while caught between the spotlight of unwanted fame and the shadowy past he'd hoped to leave behind. After the events of "The Last Victim in Glen Ross," the image-conscious authorities have branded CID Sergeant Mornay a hero -- a label he would rather shun. But when Mornay is assigned the high-profile case of a young boy's disappearance, his best efforts fail: the murdered boy's body is found not far from his home. While wading through a list of evasive suspects, Mornay's own life threatens to come undone when his long-estranged father becomes a prime suspect in a heroin smuggling case -- a situation made worse by the unwelcome return of a bitter adversary to the Grampian Police department. Now, with both his career and his father's life on the block, Mornay must overcome all obstacles -- both professional and personal -- in the hunt for a child killer....
Доменик Стэнсберри 0.0

Jake Danser has it all: a beautiful wife, a house in the California hills, a high-profile job as a forensic psychologist. But he’s also got a mistress. And when Jake’s mistress is found strangled to death with his necktie, it’s up to him to prove he didn’t do it.

But how can he, when all the evidence says he did?

Jake races to reveal the secret conspiracy against him. But with every step, the noose is tightening, and all of Jake’s resourcefulness may not be enough to save him…
Jason Starr 0.0
Times are tough for David Miller, a journalist for a second-rate financial magazine who hates his boss, is tired of supporting his girlfriend’s partying lifestyle, and recently lost his sister to cancer. But things are about to get much worse. When he loses his wallet in a midtown bar, he is launched into a world where he finds himself being blackmailed by junkies, lying to his friends and family, and stumbling into a crime that may cost him his life.

Лучший триллер

Barry Eisler 0.0
Previously published as Rain Storm and Choke Point

John Rain has disappeared to Brazil to escape the killing business and the enemies encircling him in Japan. But the CIA isn't willing to lose its premier "natural causes" contract killer, and they force Rain to take on a high-risk assignment: eliminate a ruthless arms dealer operating in Southeast Asia.

The upside? Financial, of course, along with the ongoing chimera of moral redemption. But first, Rain will have to survive the downside: a second assassin zeroing in on the target; the target's consort, an alluring and dangerous woman with an agenda of her own; the possibility that the entire mission is nothing but an elaborate setup. From the gorgeous beaches of Rio to the glitzy casinos of Macau to the gritty back streets of Hong Kong and Kowloon, Rain becomes a reluctant player in an international game far deadlier and more insidious than any he has encountered before.

"In his superb thriller series featuring charismatic Japanese-American assassin John Rain, author Barry Eisler serves up steamy foreign locales, stunning action and enough high-tech weaponry to make for an A-plus boys-and-their-toys read."
--New York Daily News

Includes a note from the author introducing the new edition.
Дэниел Силва 4.1
В венском офисе израильской разведки взорвалась бомба.
Одна из жертв взрыва - Эли Лавон, старый друг Габриэля Аллона.
Когда-то Аллон считался лучшим из лучших оперативников секретных служб.
Теперь он вышел в отставку, ведет тихую жизнь и не намерен возвращаться к прежней работе.
Однако если речь идет о покушении на жизнь друга - он готов действовать вновь.
Аллон начинает расследование - и вскоре понимает, что следы преступников ведут в трагическое прошлое его собственной семьи.
Джозеф Файндер 4.3
Он совершил ошибку - и теперь должен за нее заплатить. Перед ним жестокий выбор - тюрьма или экономический шпионаж в пользу конкурирующей корпорации... Он предпочитает попробовать себя в роли "агента 007" корпоративной разведки.
Matthew Reilly 0.0
It is the greatest bounty hunt in history. The targets are the finest warriors in the world-commandos, spies, terrorists. And they must all be dead by 12 noon, today. The price on their heads: almost $20 million each.
Among the names, one stands out. The enigmatic Marine, Shane Schofield, who goes by the call-sign "Scarecrow." Schofield is plunged into a race around the world, pursued by a fearsome collection of international bounty hunters. The race is on and the pace is frantic as he fights for survival, in the process unveiling a vast international conspiracy and the terrible reason why he cannot, under any circumstances, be allowed to live!
He led his men into hell in Ice Station. He protected the President against all odds in Area 7. But this time it's different, because he is the target. With all of his trademark action, Matthew Reilly continues to establish himself as one of the top thriller writers of today.
Джей Макларти 4.0
The job of a high-risk courier is very simple. You pick something up. You drop something off.

The hard part is not getting killed.

When Kyra, the daughter of Big Jake Rynerson -- one of the world's wealthiest men -- is kidnapped in the Galapagos Islands, professional courier Simon Leonidovich is hired to deliver the ransom. But playing bagman for a billionaire is not so simple -- not when so many people stand to gain by Kyra's disappearance, and not when someone close to Big Jake is playing for the wrong team. To complicate matters, Simon finds himself falling for Big Jake's enticing and clever assistant, Caitlin Wells, though she may be the very one scheming to control the Rynerson empire.

But when the money drop gets botched, the stakes turn deadly for both Simon and Kyra. From the dark jungles of Colombia to the flashy lights of Las Vegas, Simon matches wits against a cold-blooded adversary who seems to know his every move. Now he must somehow finish the job, save the girl, and figure out who's been pulling the strings before his pursuers deliver him into an unmarked grave.

With rapid-fire action and devious plot twists, "Bagman" is a lightning-paced thriller that will keep you breathless until the final drop is made.
Joseph R. Garber 0.0
From the author of the "New York Times" bestseller "Vertical Run" comes this action-packed adventure. When a Russian spy stumbles across a top secret technology called Whirlwind, disgraced former CIA operative Charlie McKenzie is hired to track her down. He is the best at what he does, and what he does best of all is the CIA's dirty work. At least he did until his bosses double-crossed him. Jailed and disgraced to cover up a mammoth intelligence blunder, Charlie wants to get even.

Opportunity knocks when Irina Kolodenkova, a young Russian spy, stumbles across a top-secret technology called Whirlwind, the most important military breakthrough since the atomic bomb. Charlie's the only one with the very special skills needed to track her down and retrieve it. The desk jockeys who betrayed Charlie have no choice: they have to put him back on the job. But Charlie already knows too much. Once he recovers Whirlwind, his enemies plan to betray him again -- this time for keeps.

They put a lethal South African soldier of fortune on Charlie's trail. His orders: keep Charlie in your crosshairs until he finds Whirlwind, then take him down.

However, Charlie has plans of his own, and he is not going to be an easy kill. Quite the contrary

Лучший британский криминальный роман

Джон Харви, Джон Харви 3.3
Дело об исчезновении шестнадцатилетней Сьюзен Блэклок так и осталось нераскрытым.
Главные подозреваемые - насильники и убийцы Шейн Доналд и Алан Маккернан - давно сидят в тюрьме за совершенно другое преступление.
Но старая история не дает покоя детективу Фрэнку Элдеру.
Он подозревает: прошлое обязательно вернется.
И однажды его подозрения перерастают в уверенность.
Вскоре после побега Доналда полиция находит чудовищно изуродованное тело еще одной девушки, и Элдер имеет все основания полагать, что следующая в кровавом списке - его собственная дочь...
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