Вручение 2001 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк, Городская публичная библиотека Дата проведения: 2001 г.

Премия «Молодые львы»

Марк Z. Данилевский 3.9
Роман ужасов о стремительно расширяющемся доме; история о силе любви; сатира на псевдонаучные спекуляции; фундаментальное исследование о фильме, которого не существует, сделанное слепым стариком; записки из лабиринтов подсознания; сентиментальное блуждание по инфернальным кругам жизни - все это в бесконечном переплетении создает единый сюжет "Дома листьев".
Дэвид Эберсхоф 4.0
Копенгаген, середина 1920-х годов. Художники Грета и Эйнар Вегенер в браке уже шесть лет. Грета рисует портреты знаменитостей, а Эйнар — миниатюрные пейзажи. Однажды Грета просит мужа позировать ей для портрета оперной певицы и выдает ему пару женских туфель. С этого момента начинается история Лили Эльбе — одной из первых трансгендерных женщин, совершивших переход.
Майла Голдберг 4.5
In Myla Goldberg's outstanding first novel, a family is shaken apart by a small but unexpected shift in the prospects of one of its members. When 9-year-old Eliza Naumann, an otherwise indifferent student, takes first prize in her school spelling bee, it is as if rays of light have begun to emanate from her head. Teachers regard her with a new fondness; the studious girls begin to save a place for her at lunch. Even Eliza can sense herself changing. She had "often felt that her outsides were too dull for her insides, that deep within her there was something better than what everyone else could see."
Дэрин Штраус 0.0
In this stunning novel, Darin Strauss combines fiction with astonishing fact to tell the story of history’s most famous twins. Born in Siam in 1811—on a squalid houseboat on the Mekong River—Chang and Eng Bunker were international celebrities before the age of twenty. Touring the world’s stages as a circus act, they settled in the American South just prior to the Civil War. They eventually married two sisters from North Carolina, fathering twenty-one children between them, and lived for more than six decades never more than seven inches apart, attached at the chest by a small band of skin and cartilage.
Woven from the fabric of fact, myth, and imagination, Strauss’s narrative gives poignant, articulate voice to these legendary brothers, and humanizes the freakish legend that grew up around them. Sweeping from the Far East and the court of the King of Siam to the shared intimacy of their lives in America, Chang and Eng rescues one of the nineteenth century’s most fabled human oddities from the sideshow of history, drawing from their extraordinary lives a novel of exceptional power and beauty