
Лучший приключенческий боевик
Angela Greenman 0.0
Despite the angry scars she carries from her childhood training, Zoe Lorel has reached a good place in her life. She has her dream job as an elite operative in an international spy agency and she's found her one true love. Her world is mostly perfect-until she is sent to abduct a nine-year-old girl.

The girl is the only one who knows the riddle that holds the code to unleash the most lethal weapon on earth-the first ever "invisibility" nanoweapon, a cloaking spider bot. But Zoe's agency isn't the only one after the child. And when enemies reveal the invisibility weapon's existence to underground arms dealers, every government and terrorist organization in the world want to find that little girl.

Zoe races to save not only the child she has grown to care about, but also herself. The agency prescribed pills-the ones that transform her into the icy killer she must become to survive-are beginning to threaten her engagement to the one person who brings her happiness. Can she protect the young girl and still protect the one thing she cares more about than anything else?
Лучшая комедия
J.B. Manning 0.0
Cody and her little brother Billy are on the run, hunted by the most powerful man in the world: their father-President Wilhelm Hickory Richter. A bloated septuagenarian from Jacksonville with erectile dysfunction and a young, contemptuous, cat-collecting wife, President Richter is facing financial ruin and possible prison time.
Cody, a pistol-savvy motorcyclist, and Billy, a tech wizard at 13, are about to finger Richter for the murder of his first wife, Lulubelle. Meanwhile, drug-addled, bickering thieves have decapitated Richter's lawyer and split with his $100 billion fortune.
What to do? Sniff some coke, pop a few burgers, and deploy Lenny and Tiny, mismatched thugs supplied by a corrupt Russian ambassador, to "take care of" the kids. Then engage The Actuary, a hipster hitman from Brooklyn, to track down the cash and whack the thieves.
The result is a droll chase-and-combat through the Okefenokee Swamp, Miami, Washington, Paris, and Arles, leading to an explosive night at Ponte Vedra on the Fourth of July.
Лучший уютный детектив
Lori Robbins 0.0
The Nutcracker ballet is filled with holiday cheer, but no one is happy, least of all lead dancer Leah Siderova. It’s bad enough when Maurice Kaminsky forces her to perform upon a shaky platform, which teeters high above the stage. It’s worse when the curtain opens on the first murder victim, and the scene looks more like the end of Romeo and Juliet than a child’s vision of Christmas.

The dancers were unanimous in their dislike of Maurice, and they eagerly anticipated his departure. What they didn’t foresee is that he would exit in a body bag, and not on a nonstop flight to LA.

Leah doesn’t want to get involved in the ensuing murder investigation, but when suspicion falls upon Tex, her dance partner and friend, she has no choice but to act. She enlists the Choreographers of Crime for help, but it’s her life, her career, and her complicated romance with homicide detective Jonah Sobol that’s on the line.

With opening night less than a week away, and the future of American Ballet Company hanging in the balance, can Leah save Tex in time to save the show?
Лучший исторический роман
Carmen Amato 0.0
In 1926, thanks to Prohibition, it’s hard to find a beer in Lido, New York. But trouble is always on tap at the Galliano Club in this explosive start to the riveting Prohibition-era historical fiction crime series.

Winner, 2023 Silver Falchion Award for Best Historical Social hub for the Italian immigrant community, the Galliano Club serves bootleg beer and Luca Lombardo’s signature sandwiches to workers from the city’s copper mills. The club means everything to Luca, who arrived in Lido with nothing left to lose. He’ll do whatever it takes to keep the club afloat, even staying silent about a murder in the alley behind the building. From her second-floor window, Ruth Cross witnessed the murder, but a scandalous past keeps her quiet. Could gangster Benny Rotolo be involved? Run out of Chicago by Al Capone, he fled to Lido with a gun in his pocket and plans to establish his own bootlegging empire. He wants to turn the Galliano Club into his private speakeasy. A collision between Luca and Benny is coming . . . Unless the killer gets there first. Award-winning author Carmen Amato’s Galliano Club historical fiction thriller series is a heady brew of murder, ambition, and secrets. With sizzling relationships, authentic period details, and a cast of unforgettable characters, you’ll savor every drop of this page-turning saga. Are you a fan of The Godfather, Road to Perdition, The Untouchables , or Boardwalk Empire ? If you love historical fiction featuring Prohibition-era stories of Chicago gangsters, Italian mobsters, and bold bootleggers, you’ll love MURDER AT THE GALLIANO CLUB, the first novel in the series. Click the BUY NOW button at the top and enter the Galliano Club today! We saved a spot at the bar for you. "The Galliano Club series promises to be as riveting as Amato’s previous novels set in Mexico. The Roaring Twenties in their uninhibited violence and excitement come alive . . . A sure hit with loyal fans and new readers alike." - Michael Hogan, author of Women of the Irish Rising “A gripping thriller series that will immerse you in the gritty, violent world of America in the 1920s. Clawing their way through the tale are a host of desperate characters that will shock and amaze you, never allowing you to catch your breath until the jaw-dropping conclusion.” - Amanda Hughes, author of The Looking Glass Goddess and The Image Seeker “Spot-on historic atmosphere as the compelling characters fight, dance, and gamble their way to the Galliano Club . . . An epic tale with all the glitz, danger and gritty charm of the era.” - L.A. Chandlar, award-winning author of the Art Deco Mystery Series THE GALLIANO CLUB THRILLERS ROAD TO THE GALLIANA PREQUEL MURDER AT THE GALLIANO CLUB BLACKMAIL AT THE GALLIANO CLUB REVENGE AT THE GALLIANO CLUB
Лучший следователь
James L’Etoile 0.0
Hundreds go missing each year making the dangerous crossing over the border. What if you were one of them?

While investigating the deaths of undocumented migrants in the Arizona desert, Detective Nathan Parker finds a connection to the unsolved murder of his partner by a coyote on a human smuggling run. The new evidence lures Parker over the border in search of the truth, only to trap him in a strange and dangerous land. If he’s to survive, Parker must place his life in the hands of the very people he once pursued.

Border violence, border politics, and who is caught in the middle. The forces behind it might surprise you.
Лучшая тайна
Рич Захрадник 0.0
NY Police Academy washout Grigg Orlov discovers an eerie piece of evidence at the scene of his father’s brutal murder: a disc-shaped X-ray of a skull. It’s a bone record—what Soviet citizens called banned American songs recorded on used X-rays. But the black-market singles haven’t been produced since the sixties. What’s one doing in Coney Island in 2016?

Grigg uncovers a connection between his father and three others who collected bone records when they were teenage friends growing up in Leningrad. Are past and present linked? Or is the murder tied to the local mob? Grigg’s got too many suspects and too little time. He must get to the truth before a remorseless killer takes everything he has.
Лучшая научная фантастика/Фэнтези
Bryan Johnston 0.0
Death Makes Great TV. Frankie Percival is cashing in her chips. To save her brother from financial ruin, Frankie―a single stage performer and mentalist who never made it big―agrees to be assassinated on the most popular television show on the Death Warrant . Once she signs her life away, her memory is wiped clean of the agreement, leaving her with no idea she will soon be killed spectacularly for global entertainment. After years of working in low-rent theaters, Frankie prepares for the biggest performance of her life as her Death Warrant assassin closes in on her. Every person she encounters could be her killer. Every day could be her last. She could be a star, if only she lives that long.
Лучший саспенс
Lynessa Layne 0.0
Klive King warned me he was complicated. He drew me in, then pushed me away. He insisted a relationship was dangerous. I learned the hard way how right he was.
We fanned the flames of passion and ignited an inferno against us, but they greatly underestimated the lengths I’d go for the man I love.
Лучший триллер
Дженива Роуз 3.8
Роскошь. Секс. Предательство… Познакомьтесь с женщинами Бакхеда — настоящего Беверли-Хиллз Востока США, мира дорогих авто, огромных домов и дружбы-вражды.

Шеннон. Бывшая королева сообщества. Теперь она потеряла свой статус, бесцеремонно брошенная мужем-политиком, который выбрал женщину намного моложе. И Шеннон готовится отомстить…

Кристал. Это она заняла место Шеннон. Простая техасская девчонка понятия не имеет, во что ввязалась и в каком месте ей придется жить…

Оливия. Годами она мечтала занять место Шеннон. И вот настал момент действовать. Оливия способна на любой грязный трюк и удар в спину…

Дженни. Владелица самого престижного местного салона красоты. Ей известны все страшные тайны и темные желания ее клиенток, среди которых, разумеется, Шеннон, Оливия и Кристал. Как она использует это?

К началу повествования одна из них уже мертва. Но кто именно?
Лучший мейнстрим
Кэтрин Фолкнер 3.9
Жизнь Хелен идеальна - муж-архитектор, великолепный дом в викторианском стиле, дружная семья и долгожданная, после многих неудачных попыток, беременность. В счастливом ожидании она записывается на курсы для беременных в своём районе, где и встречает Рэйчел - свою полную противоположность, громкую, экстравагантную и одинокую. Рэйчел почему-то ужасно притягивает Хелен к себе, но вскоре едва зародившаяся дружба начинает пугать. Новая подруга как будто бы всегда случайно оказывается рядом, неожиданно приходит в гости, знает, кажется, каждую мелочь о Хелен и её семье.

События развиваются стремительно, принимая самые опасные обороты, и вот уже непонятно, кто преступник, а кто жертва в странной и запутанной игре.
Лучший приключенческий боевик
Michael Byars Lewis 0.0
A quest to save the world . . . a secret that could change it. Forever.

Kadie Jenkins is a survivor. Now part of an elite group of scholars and scientists, their mission is to stop an impending global terrorist threat. But when a colleague is murdered in Egypt, Kadie finds herself pitted against a foe more terrifying than the one they were trying to stop. Teaming up with a renegade pilot and her younger brother, they find themselves in a race against time, greed, and certain death. Can they uncover a 2000-year-old legend to save themselves and possibly the rest of the world?

What others are saying about The Pilate Scroll:

"It has everything-a strong heroine, a sweet younger brother, a true hero, and pesky villains . . . I won't give away the details, but it sure touched me! I highly recommend this book!"

- Lenora Worth, New York Times Best-Selling Author

"WARNING: Sleep deprivation likely. This Christian thriller is a page-turner; more like a page-burner. Think Indiana Jones meets God's Not Dead!"

- David Jeffers, Amazon Best-Selling Author of Man Up! What the Bible Says About Being A Man

"...Lewis weaves into the story a spiritual dimension that is filled with the author's excellent knowledge of the Bible, his deep understandings of the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the virtues of Christianity found in forgiveness, redemption, transformation, and healing."

- Dr. Karl K. Stegall, Pastor Emeritus

First United Methodist Church Montgomery, Alabama

"...a story that lifts both the soul and the heart rate."

- James R. Hannibal, Award-Winning Author of The Gryphon Heist

"...an engaging action-filled romp through Europe and the Middle East steeped in religious symbolism and history..."

- Publisher's Weekly's The Booklife Prize

"Lewis courageously steps away from the mainstream to answer a higher call to deliver this epic Christian thriller. Well done!"

- Gary Westfal, Best-Selling Author, Goal Mind

"...let me just say there haven't been many action novels that moved me to tears. This one did... highly recommended novel for believers and nonbelievers alike."

- Jason E. Fort, creator and author of Fortress Books
Лучшая комедия
Lawrence Allan 0.0
A recovering addict and former child star, Jimmy Cooper gets a second shot at fame as a “famous” private detective in Los Angeles. After cratering his career with booze, pills and public humiliations, Jimmy has started over, working at his Mom’s law firm as the in-house detective, putting his uncanny ability to spot liars to good use. Then, much to his and his mother’s surprise, Jimmy is famous once again after a case ends in a high speed chase viewed by thousands. With the public looking on, his next case tests his abilities and his mother’s patience. Alicia Crowley, a young heiress, believes her uncle plans to kill her so she won’t collect her inheritance and wants Jimmy to prove it. When the uncle turns up dead, she becomes suspect numero uno. Believing she’s innocent, he investigates but begins to doubt his own instincts as he learns more about his client. Will Jimmy solve the case and prove his mom wrong about him or just f@!k it all up?
Лучший уютный детектив
Lori Roberts Herbst 0.0
Now that prize-winning photojournalist Callie Cassidy has returned to the mountainside village of her youth, she believes she’s put crime scenes and corpses in her rear view mirror. So why does she end up—once again—focusing her lens on murder?

Callie Cassidy is no stranger to dead bodies. Two decades as a photojournalist on a big-city newspaper landed her face to face with so many of them that her colleagues dubbed her Queen of the Dead. Now, Callie believes her days of hanging out with cadavers are behind her. With her lovable golden retriever Woody in tow, she has returned in disgrace to Rock Creek Village, Colorado, where she licks her wounds in a cabin on her parents’ Rocky Mountain ski resort property. But when her mother persuades her to abandon her fetal position beneath the quilts and take a photography gig at the Snowflake Swirl winter ball, Callie’s foray back into the real world lands her smack in the middle of town drama.

Before the first partygoer arrives, Callie stumbles across a deadly scene. A former classmate, one of the “mean girls” from high school, lies lifeless on her office floor. Another woman from Callie’s past crouches above the body, holding a bloody letter opener. The conclusion is obvious—at least to rookie detective Raul Sanchez. But Callie believes there’s more to the picture. With the help of an adopted stray cat named Carl, whose investigative skills may rival her own, Callie sets out to find the real murderer. Because unless she, her pets, and a quirky group of villagers can solve the mystery, Callie’s photos won’t be the only thing being framed.
Лучший исторический роман
Ким Тейлор Блейкмор 0.0
Until she discovers the truth of her sister’s death, no one will rest in peace.

New Hampshire, 1865. Marion Abbott is summoned to Brawders House asylum to collect the body of her sister, Alice. She’d been found dead after falling four stories from a steep-pitched roof. Officially: an accident. Confidentially: suicide. But Marion believes a third option: murder.

Returning to her family home to stay with her brother and his second wife, the recently widowed Marion is expected to quiet her feelings of guilt and grief—to let go of the dead and embrace the living. But that’s not easy in this house full of haunting memories.

Just when the search for the truth seems hopeless, a stranger approaches Marion with chilling words: I saw her fall.

Now Marion is more determined than ever to find out what happened that night at Brawders, and why. With no one she can trust, Marion may risk her own life to uncover the secrets buried with Alice in the family plot.
Лучший следователь
Kate Gable 0.0
Don’t lie to me…

A young girl from a wealthy family is found hanging from a tree in a secluded canyon.

What was she doing there in the middle of the night? How did she get there? Who did this to her? Detective Kaitlyn Carr is determined to find out and bring the killer to justice.

But when her thirteen-year-old sister vanishes on her way back from a friend’s house, Kaitlyn must split her time and confront demons from her own past in order to bring her sister home.

The small mountain town of Big Bear Lake is only three hours away but a world away from her life in Los Angeles. It’s the place she grew up and the place that’s plagued her with lies, death and secrets.

As Kaitlyn digs deeper into both cases, she finds out that appearances are misleading and few things are what they seem.

A murderer is lurking in the shadows and the more of the mystery that Kaitlyn unspools the closer she gets to danger herself.

Can Kaitlyn find the killer and solve the mystery of her sister’s disappearance before it’s too late?

What happens when someone else is taken?

Girl Missing is a suspenseful thriller filled for fans of A. J. Rivers, Mary Stone, Willow Rose, James Patterson, Melinda Leigh, Kendra Elliot, Ella Gray, and Karin Slaughter. It has mystery, angst, a bit of romance and family drama.
Лучшая книга для подростков и мо...
Линн Слотер 0.0
Leisha knows something's wrong. Her beloved vocal coach at boarding school would never have resigned and disappeared like this in the midst of preparing her prize students for a major vocal competition. Leisha's determined to find her, make sure she's okay.

Cody, a sensitive cellist, insists on helping her. Sparks fly, clues multiply, and romance blossoms, despite the disapproval of their families.

Leisha's desire to be with Cody and pursue music rather than medicine puts her on a direct collision course with her African-American grandfather, the only parent she's ever had. But an even more immediate threat looms-because as Leisha draws closer to the truth about her teacher's disappearance, she puts her own life in grave danger.
Лучшая тайна
Jeff Abbot 0.0
In New York Times bestselling author Jeff Abbott’s latest novel of riveting psychological suspense, an uneasy alliance forms as two widows delve into their husbands’ deadly and dangerous secrets—as they try to protect their own.

Henry North is a down-on-his-luck cybersecurity expert from New Orleans. Adam Zhang is the cofounder of one of Austin’s most successful venture capitalist firms. These two men didn’t know each other. They had never met. Yet they died together, violently, in a place neither had any business being.

When Henry doesn’t return from a business trip, his wife, Kirsten, panics—and then gets an anonymous phone call: “Your husband is dead in Austin.”

Flora Zhang knew her husband was keeping secrets. She suspected an affair, but she had decided she could forgive him for his weakness—until her husband ended up dead. And with no explanation for her husband’s murder, the police begin to suspect her.

Together, these two widows will face a powerful foe determined to write a false narrative about the murders. In doing so, neither Flora nor Kirsten will remain the women the world thought they were.
Лучшая научная фантастика/Фэнтези
Joss Walker 0.0

Librarian Jayne Thorne enjoys her quiet life of tea and books. That is, until she finds a spell book in the Vanderbilt archives that accidentally gives her access to a magical dimension.

Now she's hunted by a magic-wielding terrorist group called the Kingdom, and the only way for her to survive is to team up with a secret branch of the CIA. Her first mission: Go undercover at Trinity College Library in Dublin to discover the identity of a Kingdom member and determine if the Book of Leinster is actually a magical necromantic grimoire.

With the help of a handsome Irish kickboxer, Jayne uncovers the truth of her unexpected spell book: The Irish manuscript is one of five grimoires that can raise five dead, master magicians, and secure their totems of power. With these totems comes the power to control the world.

But the spell book isn't the only thing with secrets in Jayne's new life. Danger lurks in every corner and Jayne must rise to meet her fated role... or perish alongside the rest of the world.

Perfect for fans of A Discovery of Witches who love Indiana Jones and Gilmore Girls, this paranormal adventure thriller is the fantasy you’ve been waiting for.
Лучший сборник рассказов / Антол...
Лиза Ангер 0.0
Where secrets spread their wings
That long-ago summer, four friends came face-to-face with strange, dark events they couldn’t explain away. As they grew up and left town, they all tried to forget. Instead, their secrets shaped their lives, haunting each of them in their own way. Now, in this chilling four-part serial by New York Times bestselling author Lisa Unger, it’s time to come home.
Лучшая южная готика
Kimberly Banks 0.0
There's something strange about Elijah Ward.

In the Southern Coastal town of Savannah, he struggles to conceal his psychic gifts of astral projection and retrocognition.

"If you're reading this, then I'm no longer alive, and you need to leave town before you're murdered." These were the haunting last written words Elijah's estranged brother, Owen, left him before committing suicide. Ignoring the warning, Elijah finds himself hunted by shape-shifting wolves ravenous for his flesh.

Recently excommunicated from her coven, Quinn Rowan has been honing her magical abilities since birth. Tormented by dreams of a mysterious man she loved in a past existence, Quinn is drawn to an abandoned historic property. The exact property where she watched the man she loved murdered two hundred years earlier.

Elijah is confident Quinn is his soulmate. But she was the last person to see Owen alive, and he suspects she wants to kill him. Unfortunately, she's the only person who holds the key to his survival. Bewitched by Quinn, Elijah is determined to uncover the spiritual connection between them and the truth behind his brother's death.
Лучший сверхъестественный роман
Michael Cordell 0.0
Drowning in a meaningless existence flipping burgers, Matthew Davis suddenly collapses from a powerful psychic connection he shares with his twin brother, Jake. The pain is violent and immediate, and Matt knows exactly what it means… hundreds of miles away, Jake has been viciously killed. But instead of severing their connection, the murder intensifies it and Matt begins to suffer the agony of Jake’s afterlife.

Hell bent on solving Jake’s murder in order to break the connection, Matt travels to his troubled hometown of Hatchett, Nebraska, where an old lover and savage new enemies expose the festering wounds that Jake left behind.

Matt tries atoning for Jake’s sins, but when a demon infests the connection between the two brothers, Matt must find a way to sever their bond before his world, and ours, become engulfed in the flames of hell.

Fans of Stephen King’s The Outsider, Stephen Graham Jones’ The Only Good Indians, and William Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist will find this new paranormal thriller impossible to put down.
Лучший саспенс
Кирстен Модглин 2.0
Hotel Lilith holds terrible memories for Cait Du Bois.
The darkest night of her life happened within its walls.

Once, she vowed never to return to the place that reminds her of the horror she experienced. But when the hotel is chosen as the location for her high school reunion, Cait finds herself unable to resist the appeal of showing off her new life to the people who once made her existence miserable.

Cait is no stranger to being noticed in public, especially as a bestselling author with an enthusiastic fan base, but back at Hotel Lilith, she was once recognized for a completely different reason. With all eyes on her as she returns to the town she’s spent years running from, Cait finds it increasingly difficult to discern between her fans and foes.

Haunted by the memory of a night that torments her, she resolves to put the past behind her and move on.
No one knows the truth about what happened back then.
At least, that’s what she’s always believed.

Shortly after her arrival, strange things begin to occur. A mysterious package, strange calls, and frightening text messages seem to be just the beginning of the nightmare about to unfold.

Someone is determined to bring the truth to light. If they succeed, the life Cait has built based on secrets could come crashing down around her. And, if they want her to pay for what she’s done, her lies may be the least of her concerns.

Someone’s out for blood.
Лучший герой приключенческого бо...
Thomas A. Burns Jr. 0.0
Killers! has won the Silver Falchion award from the Killer Nashville International Writer's conference as a best action/adventure book of 2021!

Her dead father once asked, “What did you do to make God sad, Nattie?”

Natalie McMasters is a twentysomething college student who just wants to get on with her life, and she’s got to wonder. Her dear friend lies dead and the crazed killer responsible now has Nattie on his short list. Her only choice? Cancel him before he cancels her!

Nattie assembles an unlikely squad to find the killer: her wife Lupe, her husband Danny, an aging FBI agent and an even more ancient Tai Chi master. Jointly and separately, they embark on a totally lit road trip across the Old South, meeting danger and death at every turn. Unexpected help is provided by a voice from the grave. But her adversary has a badass squad too, and friends and loved ones fall along the way.

Naked and afraid in a primeval swamp, Nattie must confront her greatest enemy one last time. How will she ever get the W?
Лучший герой уютного детектива
Judy L. Murray 0.0
Real estate rule #1: A dead body creates buzz. A dead body in a house for sale is never the buzz you want.

It isn't the first time real estate agent Helen Morrisey has found someone naked in bed while showing a house. But this one is different. One glance at the bluish cast around his lips and the vacant, staring eyes, and Helen knows developer Al Capelli is never going to sign another sales agreement.

His death is big news for a small Chesapeake water town where a family empire is built around secrets and their brash money style is resented by locals. Within days, his lover, her old friend, begs Helen to find the killer before she's arrested for murder. Helen quickly realizes that solving a murder mystery in real life is a lot more dangerous than reading one. She decides to create her own Detection Club of expert sleuths-Miss Marple, Jessica Fletcher, Nora Charles, Agatha Raisin, and, yes, Nancy Drew to help unearth the truth.

Detective Joe McAlister recognizes Helen's insight into back office real estate deals and local players. And for the first time since her husband's death, Helen meets a man who might return zingers as quick as she tosses them out. Mystery lovers hungry for a smart gutsy woman, a fast-moving plot, and an insider's look into a business everyone talks about, but few understand, will devour this first in a series.
Лучший герой - исследователь
Jule Selbo 0.0
Eleven months after young policewoman Dee Rommel's mysterious and life-altering on-the-job injury. Her medical leave is nearly up, and the Police Department and her ex-training officer, newly-single Detective Donato, expect her to reinstate. But her decision is postponed when she is challenged to step in for her godfather - private investigator Gordy Greer - to investigate the disappearance of a brilliant high-tech heiress, Lucy Claren, who has announced hasty wedding plans that could derail her father's empire.

Life is further complicated when Dee's good friend, Karla, is physically assaulted by a sadist that Dee had helped put behind bars. Newly released, he decides to turn his sights on justice-driven Dee, making it his personal mission to ensure her failure - and demise.

Dee dangerously navigates through the two worlds of crime - determined to survive them both... in just ten days
Лучший герой южного готического ...
Kimberly Banks 0.0
There's something strange about Elijah Ward.

In the Southern Coastal town of Savannah, he struggles to conceal his psychic gifts of astral projection and retrocognition.

"If you're reading this, then I'm no longer alive, and you need to leave town before you're murdered." These were the haunting last written words Elijah's estranged brother, Owen, left him before committing suicide. Ignoring the warning, Elijah finds himself hunted by shape-shifting wolves ravenous for his flesh.

Recently excommunicated from her coven, Quinn Rowan has been honing her magical abilities since birth. Tormented by dreams of a mysterious man she loved in a past existence, Quinn is drawn to an abandoned historic property. The exact property where she watched the man she loved murdered two hundred years earlier.

Elijah is confident Quinn is his soulmate. But she was the last person to see Owen alive, and he suspects she wants to kill him. Unfortunately, she's the only person who holds the key to his survival. Bewitched by Quinn, Elijah is determined to uncover the spiritual connection between them and the truth behind his brother's death.
Лучший герой саспенса
Кайра Руда 3.2
Брак – это всегда серьезно. Это обет оставаться вместе в богатстве и бедности, здравии и болезни, пока смерть не разлучит вас. Но что, если вас разлучит не смерть… а женщина? Нет предела лжи, подозрениям и тайнам в этом запутанном детективном триллере с безупречно-язвительными остроумными диалогами и ошеломительным финалом.
Кейт Нельсон считала, что у нее идеальная жизнь: любящий муж Джон, дочка Эшлин и процветающий семейный бизнес… Пока однажды Джон не бросил ее ради новой, молодой жены, Тиш. Впрочем, Кейт никогда не была безропотной клушей, и еще способна преподнести пару неприятных сюрпризов этой гадине...
Тиш красива, амбициозна и совсем не рада тому, что «багаж» из старой жены и дочери постоянно путается под ногами. А это значит, что пришла пора побороться за свое счастье… любыми средствами.
Но внезапно происходит то, чего не ожидали ни Кейт, ни Тиш. И теперь, когда самые коварные и продуманные планы рушатся, невозможно предсказать, как далеко зайдет каждая из них… ради любви и ради мести…
Лучший приключенческий боевик
Richard Meredith 0.0
Chase Brewer, a crewman on a commercial tuna seiner, barely escapes death after his boat and its crew are destroyed by el Hermandad—a sinister cartel hell-bent on eliminating all witnesses to its unique smuggling operation. After surviving an arduous voyage in a flimsy boat, he seeks answers and a little retribution. Hot on the trail for clues, Chase rescues Jonny LeBeau, a Louisiana shrimper forced into smuggling by the cartel but now on its hit list after skimming drugs. When the cartel realizes Chase survived and a witness is on the loose, both men are now in its crosshairs.

In a desperate gambit to bargain for their lives, Chase and Jonny hijack a narco-submarine with ten tons of cocaine. The secrecy of the cartel’s billion-dollar enterprise hinges on silencing this dubious pair of extortionists. Jonny, though, proves he’s as cunning as the cartel’s most savage sicario. But the cartel plays its trump card and Jonny faces the moral dilemma of his life—ditch Chase, the man who saved him from death, and escape with riches beyond his wildest dreams or lose it all and, maybe, his life to ransom Chase’s wife and children after they’re kidnapped by the cartel.
Лучшая комедия
Дж. Л. Делозье 0.0
After witnessing a mob hit-gone-wrong, Frank Lambda, an inept superhero wannabe, goes on the run. Enter mystery woman Keira who claims to run a secret training program, turning cosplayers like Frank into real-life heroes. He smells a con but with nowhere to turn, he joins a mismatched troupe of bumblers and travels to the promised land: Las Vegas, Sin City USA. Against the backdrop of a thousand spandex-clad cosplayers, Keira's true agenda-to steal millions from her mobster brother-is exposed. With their lives, and a fortune, at stake, Frank and his band of misfits learn how to right wrongs and show the world and themselves the real meaning of heroism.
Лучший уютный детектив
Becki Willis 0.0
It’s summertime in Texas, when temperatures—and tempers—soar.
A mysterious woman moves to The Sisters, and the tongues start wagging. Who is this Rose Belvedere? Why did she move here, of all places? Was that a body the movers stuffed into the van?

Calls flood into the police department, but without probable cause, Chief Brash deCordova can’t do much more than make an inquiry. When Madison (dead-body magnet that she is) stumbles upon a gruesome discovery, all that changes. Now there’s a body and probable cause, but no suspect. Even the newcomer has a solid alibi. Will the husband and wife duo uncover the truth before the killer strikes again?

Saving up to buy his first truck, sixteen-year-old Blake has a summer job at Marvin Gardens. He’s prepared for hard work and long hours, but he isn’t prepared for a mystery of his own. Recruiting help from his sisters, the teenagers may just form a junior division of would-be sleuths for In a Pinch Professional Services.

The heat is on for another great adventure in The Sisters!
Book Ten in the best-selling The Sisters, Texas Mystery Series.
Лучший исторический роман
Susie Helme 0.0
Winner of the 2021 Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award for Best Historical

Set against a background of the Jewish Revolt against Rome of 66-70CE, this historical fiction novel tells the story of Sophia, a Babylonian Jew who learns ancient languages at the royal archives of the Parthians and secretly studies the magic on cuneiform tablets. She runs away from home, joining a Nabataean incense caravan, studies with the Essenes on the Dead Sea and joins with the militants of Qumran. As the Zealots battle to defend Jerusalem against Titus, she falls in love with a Greek freedman, Athanasios, a comrade in arms. Jews and Christians briefly unite with Samaritans and the People of the Land. But revolutionary Jerusalem is not the paradise of which they had dreamed, and messiahs may prove false. After the devastating defeat, Sophia flees to Alexandria, where she founds an academy for women scholars. These are her memoirs, addressed to her ‘disciples’, to whom she recounts her experiences, expounds her ‘wisdom’ and details her magical recipes. The novel reflects meticulous research on early Christianity, Jewish history and the history of magic, also weaving in fanciful material from Christian and Jewish lore.
Лучший следователь
Брюс Роберт Коффин 0.0
The latest gripping installment of the award-winning, #1 bestselling Detective Byron mystery series: a grisly crime captivates Portland, sending John Byron and his team on a wild chase to catch the killer before it’s too late

“These books are absolutely superb, beautifully plotted. I can’t recommend them highly enough.” —Douglas Preston, #1 bestselling co-author of the Pendergast series

Amid the dog days of summer, Detective Sergeant John Byron is called to the scene of a horrific crime: a young woman’s body, dismembered and left in an abandoned Portland lumber yard. The killing shares striking similarities with a spate of murders committed in Boston by a serial killer known only as the Horseman.

As Byron’s team investigates the case, they quickly push up against powerful forces in town. But Byron will stop at nothing to find the truth, not when there is a killer on the loose and everyone is a suspect. Has the Horseman expanded his killing field? Is this the work of an ingenious copycat—or is nothing what it seems? One thing is certain: Byron must uncover the truth before the killer strikes again.
Лучшая книга для подростков и мо...
Matthew John Meagher 0.0
Ashton is a broken down town, in Powder Valley somewhere in the Rocky Mountains and is trying to survive gentrification from its wealthier neighbor Cherry Ridge. It's nearly conceding its territory, but their teenage leaders, Irish, Jester, along with Quartermates Benny, Curly, Twitch and Mars stand in the way.

Ashton High is the pride of the town and has a cruel but glory-filled history of being past champions of The Powder Match, against the Cherries.

The Cherries, led by Sonny Gatson, live a life opposite to the kids of Ashton High and he will do anything to keep it that way.

Rose, a mysterious new resident, arrives with a plan to carry the Ashes to prominence that involves an Olympic level snowboarder, Christmas Daye.
Лучшая тайна
Benny Sims 0.0
You can't see the world in black and white until you eliminate the gray.

Weeks away from a national presidential election, politicians, voters, and the news media are divided along ideological lines. The division becomes even deeper when members of the conservative media are being assassinated by a hidden killer. It’s up to veteran FBI agent Bodie Anderson to find him and bring him to justice.

After a successful 25-year career, Bodie is bone-weary and ready to retire, but the memory of a horrible tragedy from his past keeps him going.

He soon discovers he’s matching wits with a hired assassin who is equally as smart, and who shares a similar history. As the body count rises, with the future of the country at stake, Bodie finds himself in a race against time to catch the killer, before a final, deadly showdown pushes him to his physical and mental limits.
Лучшая научная фантастика/Фэнтези
Cody Schlegel 0.0
Greek mythology's greatest adventure collides with classic fairy tales in this gritty retelling of Homer's epic.

After a decade of wrongful imprisonment following his heroics in the Trojan War, King Otis Seehus must overcome a series of treacherous obstacles to return home to his wife and son.

Otis's son, Mac, is nearing adulthood. Having never met his father, and despite rumors of Otis's demise, Mac arranges for a ship and crew. Led by a wise, magical man named Jinni and a ragtag group of sailors who call themselves "Lost Boys," the sheltered prince sets sail to find his long-lost father.

The result is a mash-up of fantastical proportions, filled with twists, turns, and nostalgia, as "once upon a time" provides the framework for reimagining one man's journey to reunite with his family and reclaim his kingdom.
Лучший сборник рассказов / Антол...
James Glass 0.0
Лучший сверхъестественный роман
Christine Mager Wevik 0.0
Лучший саспенс
J. Robert Kinney 0.0
An anarchist terrorist organization forged in old Russia, but with a modernized ideology and new world order aspirations, has burst onto the scene with attacks around the world, revealing connections in high places. Those in the intelligence community don't know who to trust, as some of their own were unveiled as sympathizers. Franklin Holt, a former mobster hoping for redemption, but grieving and craving revenge for his ex-wife's murder, joins two federal agents and a tech guru/hacker in an attempt to track down those leading the organization. But setbacks hit hard, as a new assault on an summit in Budapest leaves many world experts dead and others on the run. A cat-and-mouse chase ensues across Europe, Washington DC, and the South Dakota Badlands as Franklin and the team unravel the conspiracy, discover shocking twists, and pursue justice. Their lives, and Franklin's soul, may hang in the balance.

“In Ring of Conspiracy, J. Robert Kinney ratchets up the suspense and intrigue to a new level. Fans of Splintered State won’t be disappointed by the next challenge faced by former mobster turned good guy, Franklin Holt. Set aside plenty of time. Once you start Ring of Conspiracy you won’t want to take a break.”- Robert Whitlow, Best-Selling Author of Chosen People
Лучший триллер
R. Weir 0.0
Two teenage siblings in peril.
A mysterious group with an agenda to abduct them.
The mother Paige Hawkins reaching into her past seeking divine intervention.

The call going out to former US Marshal, Hunter Divine. An erstwhile lover who broke Paige’s heart. A man whose current existence is leaping from job to job and bed to bed. Hunter taking the case hoping for salvation in his futile life.

Can Hunter and his team prevent the kidnapping by an enemy with vast resources? The foe’s endgame to leverage these kids for their own vengeful desires. Hunter and his team toeing the line between virtue and vile. Drawing on wit, brawn, halos and pitchforks the ‘Divine Devils’ will scorch the earth to protect these kids. Even if it costs them…their eternal souls!
Лучшая документальная литература
Sandy Rosenthal 0.0
Words Whispered in Water tells the story about how a solitary woman discovered a federal scandal, exposed it, and proceeded to alter the recording of history! Some more points about Words Whispered in Water: Literally a David and Goliath story – the author weighs 104 pounds.Explores the dark underbelly of our country and societyReaders will learn that they, too, have the power to change the world around them. They will understand that celebrity status is not a required key to success when they discover that Rosenthal was born profoundly deaf, which, in turn, affected her speech and ability to communicate. Still she prevailed. Additionally, Words Whispered in Water contains a “How To” chapter where readers will learn how to create and lead a grassroots campaign. The chapter is chock full of tools, tips and tricks for driving a mission to fruition.
Лучший приключенческий боевик
Jim Nesbitt 0.0
Dallas private eye Ed Earl Burch is an emotional wreck, living on the edge of madness, hosing down the nightmares of his last case with bourbon and Percodan, dreading the next onslaught of demons that haunt his days and nights, including a one-eyed dead man who still wants to carve out his heart and eat it.

Burch is also a walking contradiction. Steady and relentless when working a case. Tormented and unbalanced when idle. He’s deeply in debt to a shyster lawyer who forces him to take the type of case he loathes — divorce work, peephole creeping to get dirt on a wayward husband.

Work with no honor. Work that reminds him of how far he’s fallen since he lost the gold shield of a Dallas homicide detective. Work in the stark, harsh badlands of West Texas, the border country where he almost got killed and his nightmares began.

What he longs for is the clarity and sense of purpose he had when he carried that gold shield and chased killers for a living. The adrenaline spike of the showdown. Smoke ‘em or cuff ‘em. Justice served — by his .45 or a judge and jury.

When a rich rancher and war hero is killed in a suspicious barn fire, the rancher’s outlaw cousin hires Burch to investigate a death the county sheriff is reluctant to touch.

Seems a lot of folks had reason for wanting the rancher dead — the local narco who has the sheriff on his payroll; some ruthless Houston developers who want the rancher’s land; maybe his own daughter. Maybe the outlaw cousin who hired Burch.

Thrilled to be a manhunter again, Burch ignores these red flags, forgetting something he once knew by heart.

Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it. And it might just get you killed.

But it’s the best lousy choice Ed Earl Burch is ever going to get.
Лучший уютный детектив
Gemma Halliday 0.0
From #1 Amazon & New York Times bestselling author Gemma Halliday comes the USA Today bestselling first book in the Wine & Dine Mysteries series, full of mystery, laughter, and romance in wine country...

The Oak Valley Vineyard has been in Emmy Oak's family for generations. So when the small Sonoma winery is suddenly in financial trouble and in danger of being gobbled up by the corporate giants, Emmy moves home to try to save her legacy with her modern culinary know-how. First step-she throws a party showcasing her latest vintage and signature tasty treats to a group of wine country's most elite enthusiasts. Only when one of her VIP guests sips a glass of poisoned wine and dies in her cellar, Emmy's name is on everyone lips for all the wrong reasons.

The victim was the young, boy-toy husband of one of Silicon Valley's most successful female CEOs... and his playboy ways and suspicious spending habits have almost no one mourning his death. Enter Detective Christopher Grant, recent SFPD transplant, who is assigned to the case and immediately homes in on Oak Valley. But Emmy is determined to clear her winery's name-even if Grant's dark eyes, sexy smile, and mysterious past threaten to distract her. After calling in the big guns to help her-a.k.a. her jewelry designer best friend and copious amounts of cookie dough ice cream-Emmy finds herself digging through a slew of suspects to uncover crimes, grudges, and secret affairs that could put a soap opera to shame. Can Emmy find out just which of the upper crust poisoned the victim's vintage...or will Emmy's next sip be her last?

**Simple and delicious recipes & affordable wine pairings included!**

"Ms. Halliday is the undisputed queen of the genre: she knows how to blend suspense, laughter, and romance in all the right doses."
Fresh Fiction

"I rank A Sip Before Dying as one of my favorite fun reads. I say to Gemma Halliday, well done!"
The Book Breeze

"The Wine & Dine Mystery series by Gemma Halliday could definitely be a movie on the Hallmark channel. The reader gets so captivated by the story that before you know it, you are at the end of the book and trying to catch your breath!!!"
Cozy Mystery Book Reviews

Rating: This story does not contain any graphic violence, language, or sexual encounters. Its rating would be similar to PG-13 or what you would find on a Hallmark Channel movie or TV series.
Лучшая книга для подростков и мо...
Джеймс Р. Ганнибал 0.0
Jack discovers new abilities, travels to exciting lands, and thwarts a conspiracy brewing deep within the ministries in this epic addition to the action-packed Section 13 series.

Jack Buckles is on trial for his life.

The Ministries of Secrets and Guilds, led by Ignatius Gall, are conspiring to put the Ministry of Trackers down for good—starting with Jack’s very existence as a Section 13. His only hope is to prove that Gall is the real danger, not him, and it leads Jack and Gwen from the back streets of London, through the Austrian Alps, to the great reaches of central China.

Joined by their new friend Liu Fai, Jack and Gwen set out to stop Gall before he can uncover ancient Chinese artifacts, said to grant immortality. But a clockwork monster threatens them at every turn, and its ticking gears only serve as a reminder that Jack’s judgment day is fast approaching—and that he’s running out of time.
Лучшая тайна
Жанин Энглерт 0.0
When two murders strike the sleepy Victorian town of Clun, England, an unlikely partnership forms. But can the killer be found before there is a third?

Lovely Digits is the town oddity…

But quirky spinster Lucy Wycliffe prefers to ignore gossip and embrace her position as the town’s layer out of the dead, despite how her parents’ deaths thrust her into such unlikely work. Lovely Digits, as she’s known to the local townspeople, no longer dreams of marriage, but takes pride in providing dignity to the dead. Desperate to hold on to her family’s cottage and support her widowed sister and young niece, an unexpected offer of employment as assistant to the constable arrives at the perfect time.

Former sailor John Brodie is the mysterious new constable…

But John Brodie is far from a stranger to Clun or the events of its past. Accepting the position as constable in the small town is a double edged sword meant to heal his past and redeem his future, but falling for the beautiful and intelligent Lucy Wycliffe was never part of his plan. As the killer closes in, will John reveal his secret and risk losing everything to save Lucy’s life?
Лучшая научная фантастика/Фэнтези
Тоска Ли 0.0
An extinct disease re-emerges from the melting Alaskan permafrost to cause madness in its victims. For recent apocalyptic cult escapee Wynter Roth, it’s the end she’d always been told was coming.

When Wynter Roth is turned out of New Earth, a self-contained doomsday cult on the American prairie, she emerges into a world poised on the brink of madness as a mysterious outbreak of rapid early onset dementia spreads across the nation.

As Wynter struggles to start over in a world she’s been taught to regard as evil, she finds herself face-to-face with the apocalypse she’s feared all her life—until the night her sister shows up at her doorstep with a set of medical samples. That night, Wynter learns there’s something far more sinister at play and that these samples are key to understanding the disease.

Now, as the power grid fails and the nation descends into chaos, Wynter must find a way to get the samples to a lab in Colorado. Uncertain who to trust, she takes up with former military man Chase Miller, who has his own reasons for wanting to get close to the samples in her possession, and to Wynter herself.
Лучший сборник рассказов / Антол...
Bill Woods 0.0
You'll go from amused and astounded to dazed and disabused by the rich writing and characters found in "The Muse of Wallace Rose." This novella and short stories by Bill Woods will take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions that will have you laughing, crying and shrieking all at the same time.
- Tom Wood, author of "Vendetta Stone"

Bill Woods melds rich vernacular descriptions and the broken-glass realities of human nature in this diverse collection. You will feel the sticky strip club tables, smell the diner grease, and ache along with lovers, both star-crossed and reunited. — Vonn McKee, award-winning short story author

In the last story of this collection, the narrator reveals he likes hanging with an oddball because “He’s going to be a character in this book I’m writing.” A bit of truth embedded in fiction? In a Bill Woods' story, misfits wreak havoc on the ordinary. From dark deathbed confessions to desert drifters with secrets, nothing is exactly as it seems. If you like to read about paths less traveled, even if it takes you to the other side of the tracks or down an unknown alley, this collection is for you. — Catherine Moore, author of "Ulla! Ulla!"
Лучший саспенс
Брэдли Харпер 0.0
Spring, 1897. London. Margaret Harkness, now in her early forties, must leave England for her health but lacks the funds. A letter arrives from her old friend Professor Bell, her old comrade in the hunt for Jack the Ripper and the real-life inspiration for Sherlock Homes. Bell invites her to join him in Germany on a mysterious mission for the German government involving the loss of state secrets to Anarchists. The resolution of this commission leads to her being stalked through the streets of London by a vengeful man armed with a powerful and nearly silent air rifle who has both Margaret and Queen Victoria in his sights. Margaret finds allies in Inspector James Ethington of Scotland Yard and his fifteen-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, who aspires to follow in Margaret's cross-dressing footsteps.

The hunt is on, but who is the hunter, and who the hunted as the day approaches for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee when the aged empress will sit in her open carriage at the steps of St Paul's Cathedral? The entire British Empire holds its breath as the assassin, Margaret, and the Queen herself play for the highest of stakes with the Queen's Gambit.
Лучший триллер
Thomas Kelso 0.0
Tragedy strikes America's darling three-year-old Thoroughbred, Hyperion, when he's injured in a Kentucky Derby qualifying race. Drs. Mark Thurman and Claire Hodgson are asked to try their revolutionary fracture-healing methods on his broken limb, but when previous experimental subjects begin developing life-threatening complications, the rescue project is halted. Then a serendipitous discovery suggests a miraculous new drug made from a rare plant source may cure the problems. Claire travels to a remote jungle laboratory where she meets with Meera Jindal, the woman who made the breakthrough. When the formula is stolen and the scientists vanish, Mark calls on his friend, John Bristow, who assembles an elite team of ex-Special Forces operators that race to pick up their trail. A rogue pharmaceutical CEO and a cartel drug lord aim to stop them and make sure Hyperion never recovers.
Выбор читателей
Gemma Halliday 0.0
From #1 Amazon & New York Times bestselling author Gemma Halliday comes the USA Today bestselling first book in the Wine & Dine Mysteries series, full of mystery, laughter, and romance in wine country...

The Oak Valley Vineyard has been in Emmy Oak's family for generations. So when the small Sonoma winery is suddenly in financial trouble and in danger of being gobbled up by the corporate giants, Emmy moves home to try to save her legacy with her modern culinary know-how. First step-she throws a party showcasing her latest vintage and signature tasty treats to a group of wine country's most elite enthusiasts. Only when one of her VIP guests sips a glass of poisoned wine and dies in her cellar, Emmy's name is on everyone lips for all the wrong reasons.

The victim was the young, boy-toy husband of one of Silicon Valley's most successful female CEOs... and his playboy ways and suspicious spending habits have almost no one mourning his death. Enter Detective Christopher Grant, recent SFPD transplant, who is assigned to the case and immediately homes in on Oak Valley. But Emmy is determined to clear her winery's name-even if Grant's dark eyes, sexy smile, and mysterious past threaten to distract her. After calling in the big guns to help her-a.k.a. her jewelry designer best friend and copious amounts of cookie dough ice cream-Emmy finds herself digging through a slew of suspects to uncover crimes, grudges, and secret affairs that could put a soap opera to shame. Can Emmy find out just which of the upper crust poisoned the victim's vintage...or will Emmy's next sip be her last?

**Simple and delicious recipes & affordable wine pairings included!**

"Ms. Halliday is the undisputed queen of the genre: she knows how to blend suspense, laughter, and romance in all the right doses."
Fresh Fiction

"I rank A Sip Before Dying as one of my favorite fun reads. I say to Gemma Halliday, well done!"
The Book Breeze

"The Wine & Dine Mystery series by Gemma Halliday could definitely be a movie on the Hallmark channel. The reader gets so captivated by the story that before you know it, you are at the end of the book and trying to catch your breath!!!"
Cozy Mystery Book Reviews

Rating: This story does not contain any graphic violence, language, or sexual encounters. Its rating would be similar to PG-13 or what you would find on a Hallmark Channel movie or TV series.
Лучшая книга присутствующих авторов
R.G. Belsky 0.0
When the murder of a “nobody” triggers an avalanche.

Every human life is supposed to be important. Everyone should matter. But that’s not the case in the cutthroat TV news-rating world where Clare Carlson works. Sex, money, and power sell. Only murder victims of the right social strata are considered worth covering. Not the murder of a “nobody.”

So, when the battered body of a homeless woman named Dora Gayle is found on the streets of New York City, her murder barely gets a mention in the media. But Clare―a TV news director who still has a reporter’s instincts―decides to dig deeper into the seemingly meaningless death. She uncovers mysterious links between Gayle and a number of wealthy and influential figures. There is a prominent female defense attorney; a scandal-ridden ex-congressman; a decorated NYPD detective; and―most shocking of all―a wealthy media mogul who owns the TV station where Clare works. Soon there are more murders, more victims, more questions. As the bodies pile up, Clare realizes that her job, her career, and maybe even her life are at stake as she chases after her biggest story ever.
Лучшая книга года
Брэдли Харпер 0.0
Spring, 1897. London. Margaret Harkness, now in her early forties, must leave England for her health but lacks the funds. A letter arrives from her old friend Professor Bell, her old comrade in the hunt for Jack the Ripper and the real-life inspiration for Sherlock Homes. Bell invites her to join him in Germany on a mysterious mission for the German government involving the loss of state secrets to Anarchists. The resolution of this commission leads to her being stalked through the streets of London by a vengeful man armed with a powerful and nearly silent air rifle who has both Margaret and Queen Victoria in his sights. Margaret finds allies in Inspector James Ethington of Scotland Yard and his fifteen-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, who aspires to follow in Margaret's cross-dressing footsteps.

The hunt is on, but who is the hunter, and who the hunted as the day approaches for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee when the aged empress will sit in her open carriage at the steps of St Paul's Cathedral? The entire British Empire holds its breath as the assassin, Margaret, and the Queen herself play for the highest of stakes with the Queen's Gambit.
Лучший приключенческий боевик
Линда Сэндс 0.0
Tenacious trucker Jojo Boudreaux and her co-driver beau Tyler Boone spend their days- and nights- delivering cargo coast to coast. Old Blue, their custom Peterbilt tractor-trailer makes the perfect home for a man who never had one and a Louisiana tomboy who thinks an oven is for storing guns. But life on the road isn’t all sing-a-longs and sunsets.

When Jojo and Boone are called in to deliver an abandoned load of high-profile pharmaceuticals to a secure warehouse, they delay their vacation for the quick, easy job with the big paycheck, forgetting that nothing quick and easy ever comes with a big paycheck.

Grand Theft Cargo is a wild ride from start to finish with a secretive highwayman, explosive house bombs, singing telegrams, flaming mice, secret cancer drugs, dead truckers, an agency that can’t be named, and enough crashes and car chases to remind you these road cowboys have no qualms crossing the zipper to walk the dog in the hammer lane.
Лучший уютный детектив
Lori Robbins 0.0
No one sheds any tears when overbearing English teacher Marcia Deaver is found dead in her classroom. Some staff members speculate it was a heart attack, or perhaps a suicide, but Liz Hopewell knows that no self-respecting member of the Valerian Hills English Department would kill herself without leaving behind a perfectly penned suicide note, complete with detailed footnotes and obscure literary references.

After the police begin investigating the death as a murder, Liz finds Marcia’s mysteriously coded lesson plans. Convinced they hold the key to identifying the murderer, normally risk-averse Liz finds herself obsessed with solving the crime.

Despite repeated requests to stay out of it from both her husband and the very fine-looking detective assigned to the case, Liz persists in pursuing the murderer down a sordid trail of infidelity, blackmail, and Shakespeare conspiracy theories.

When additional staff members are poisoned, Liz realizes that her clandestine pursuit has spooked the murderer—and she is likely next on the list. Can Liz expose the murderer before she becomes the next victim?
Лучшая книга для подростков и мо...
Джеймс Р. Ганнибал 4.2
Приключения Джека и Гвен продолжаются!

Рубин Чёрного принца – один из четырёх проклятых камней, которые, как говорят, приносят знания, верность и подчинение народов тому, кто владеет ими всеми.

Смогут ли герои опередить таинственного вора, который всегда на шаг впереди, или придётся рискнуть и развязать эпоху террора?
Лучшая тайна
Joseph L.S. Terrell 0.0
Outer Banks crime writer Harrison Weaver tackles a really cold case--disappearance of the nine-year-old sister of Chief Deputy Odell Wright. The young girl vanished twenty-two years earlier, and there seem to be no leads at all as to what happened to her. But when the "Bear Woman," who had befriended the black bears on the mainland near North Carolina's Outer Banks, is found dead in what appears to be a bear attack, Harrison and his friends SBI Agent Ballsford Twiddy and Deputy Odell Wright, unearth a connection that could shed light on the girl's fate. Now they must deal with the death of the Bear Woman, and the questions that nag them: Was she really killed by bears? Or was she killed by someone who feared she might be ready to uncover a brutal crime of decades earlier?
Лучшая научная фантастика/Фэнтези
Dana Chamblee Carpenter 0.0
The Devil’s Bible. Once considered an eighth wonder of the world, the ancient book is shrouded in mystery. No one knows who wrote it or where it was written. Even dry-boned scholars whisper about the secrets hidden in the book: How it calls to the power-hungry. How it drives people mad. How it was written in the shadows by the hand of the devil himself.

But no one knows the truth—no one except Mouse.

She’s been running from the truth at the heart of the Devil’s Bible for so long that no one even knows her name anymore. She calls herself Emma Nicholas—a normal name for a normal college professor living a normal life. But all of it is a lie, and, when forces emerge that threaten to expose her, Mouse has no choice but to take flight once more.

Desperate and on the run, Mouse unexpectedly finds hope in a stranger’s kindness. But it will take more than hope to win this game of souls—a battle between good and evil set in motion long ago at the birth of the Devil’s Bible.
Лучший сборник рассказов / Антол...
Kathryn Lane 0.0
In this collection of short stories, author Kathryn Lane often fulfills the promise of mysteries of the heart while also surprising you with mysteries of life. Some of the stories are fun and humorous while others are ghost stories, romance gone wrong, or simply a fusion of fantasy and reality.

The anchor story, Backyard Volcano, covers the life of a young girl, Patricia, who inspired by her grandmother’s stories on volcanos, becomes a volcanologist and travels to Mexico to study the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Patricia visits her grandmother’s hometown only to uncover her grandmother’s shocking secrets.

A few stories contain secrets you’ll want to discover.
Лучший саспенс
Kissing Fitz 0.0
A Saturday of ballistic therapy at the Fawcettville gun range turns bloody for PI Niccolo ‘Fitz’ Fitzhugh when local social worker and community theater star Anna Maria Ippolito is found murdered in her home. It’s personal too—he’s been casually dating Anna Maria following his disastrous break up with prosecutor Alicia Linnerman.

The discovery of a strange coded journal at Anna Maria’s home makes Fitz and Anna Maria’s sister Carlotta wonder if she’s living some sort of double life, one Carlotta wants to know about before the police get wind of it.

A box of clothing and other strange items raises more concern, even as the mayor’s wife wants Fitz to investigate her husband’s suspected infidelity.

When Fitz cracks the journal’s code, the two cases converge in a way no one could in this Rust Belt Ohio town could imagine.

This is the fourth in the Niccolo Fitzhugh detective series.
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Christopher Greyson 3.0
No one believes her story.
The police think she's crazy.
Her therapist thinks she's suicidal.
Everyone else thinks she's a dangerous drunk.
They're all right--but did she see the killer?

As the anniversary of the murders approaches, Faith Winters is released from the psychiatric hospital and yanked back to the last spot on earth she wants to be--her hometown where the slayings took place. Wracked by the lingering echoes of survivor's guilt, Faith spirals into a black hole of alcoholism and wanton self-destruction. Finding no solace at the bottom of a bottle, Faith decides to track down her sister's killer--and then discovers that she's the one being hunted.
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Мэгги Туссен 0.0
Amateur sleuth Baxley Powell is on vacation at Stony Creek Lake in the north Georgia mountains. Her parents, best friend, and ten-year-old daughter are camping with her. Almost immediately, a young man’s body is found beside the lake. Strangely, there’s no apparent cause of death. The local police have heard about Baxley’s skill at closing unusual cases, and at their urging she agrees to help. Her psychic sleuthing leads the police to a halfway house. There they encounter eight comatose victims and an odd man named Jonas, who also has supernatural abilities. Baxley senses Jonas cruelly drained their life force energy. Jonas escapes, taking the sheriff as a hostage. Deputy Sam Mayes, a Native American, leads the manhunt, and he keeps Baxley close, knowing she’s the key to capturing this powerful criminal. Baxley’s paranormal talent of dreamwalking, which she uses to traverse the veil of life, draws the unwanted attention of beings believed to be Cherokee folklore. Jonas stole a treasured artifact from them, and they want it back. They hold Baxley’s best friend and two others because they know Baxley can help them. As the clock ticks, Jonas taunts this crime-fighting duo and proves to be a wily adversary. With the body count rising, Baxley and Mayes realize they are up against an entity who appears to be invincible. Do they have the power to subdue an energy vampire, turn the tide of evil, and save the day?
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Дэвид Нейльсен 0.0
“Such deliciously creepy fun! I fell in love with Dr. Fell! So will urchins and whippersnappers everywhere.” —Chris Grabenstein, author of the New York Times bestsellers Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library and The Island of Dr. Libris

When the mysterious Dr. Fell moves into the abandoned house that had once been the neighborhood kids’ hangout, he immediately builds a playground to win them over. But as the ever-changing play space becomes bigger and more elaborate, the children and their parents fall deeper under the doctor’s spell.

Only Jerry, Nancy, and Gail are immune to the lure of his extravagant wonderland. And they alone notice that when the injuries begin to pile up on the jungle gym, somehow Dr. Fell is able to heal each one with miraculous speed. Now the three children must find a way to uncover the doctor’s secret power without being captivated by his trickery.
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Delia Sherman 4.0
When twelve-year-old Nick runs away from his uncle’s in the middle of a blizzard, he stumbles onto a very opinionated bookstore. He also meets its guardian, the self-proclaimed Evil Wizard Smallbone, who calls Nick his apprentice and won’t let him leave, but won’t teach him magic, either. It’s a good thing the bookstore takes Nick’s magical education in hand, because Smallbone’s nemesis—the Evil Wizard Fidelou—and his pack of shape-shifting bikers are howling at the borders. Smallbone might call himself evil, but compared to Fidelou, he’s practically a puppy. And he can’t handle Fidelou alone.
Лучшая научная фантастика/Фэнтези
Andrew Peters 0.0
A 2017 Silver Falchion award winner and a finalist for Best Book of the Year (Fantasy) in the 2016 Foreword INDIES!

Kelemun was bought from his peasant parents to tend the inner sanctum of the house of Aknon, where wealthy men pay mountain sapphires to behold the beautiful servants of the god. Chosen to bring offerings to Caliph, Kelemun captures the fascination of the young prince Praxtor who has never been denied anything his heart desires.

Ja’bar was hired to roughhouse wayward proselytes for the high priest Aknon-Horheb. In Qabbat’lee, it’s good paying work for a Stripeling, a jungle savage in the eyes of the city natives, and if he’s stingy and stays out of trouble, it will buy him a plot of river land.

But the splendor of Qabbat’lee is a mirage disguising a grotesquerie of corruption. When Kelemun and Ja’bar’s threads of fate entwine on a night of chilling betrayal, their only hope for redemption and survival may lie in one another.
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Джеймс Р. Ганнибал 3.8
Ещё вчера Джек Баклз был обычным подростком, ну, может быть, почти обычным. За исключением того, что он видит, слышит и чувствует не так, как обычные люди. Каждая вещь хранит воспоминания, и он одним прикосновением может прочесть их. Сестра Джека исчезает в Лондоне, и брат отправляется на её поиски, даже не подозревая, что с этого момента для него начнётся приключение, которое перевернёт всю его жизнь. Таинственное Бюро находок, злобные дроны, путешествия в прошлое, да ещё эта девчонка Гвен, которая никогда не отвечает на вопросы до конца… Благодаря семейной тайне Джек может путешествовать во времени и быть свидетелем самых невероятных событий.

И вполне возможно, что его недавно умерший папа, может быть, и не умирал! Единственный способ это узнать – найти Искру для коварного Часовщика. Ту самую, которая пропала в далёком 1666 году.

Как глубоко в прошлое сможет заглянуть Джек, чтобы узнать всю правду о своём отце, или его дар искателя - только выдумка?
Выбор читателей
Барбара Барнетт 0.0
In Victorian London, the fates of physician Simon Bell and apothecary Gaelan Erceldoune entwine when Simon gives his wife an elixir created by Gaelan from an ancient manuscript. Meant to cure her cancer, it kills her. Suicidal, Simon swallows the remainder—only to find he cannot die.

Five years later, hearing rumors of a Bedlam inmate with regenerative powers like his own, Simon is shocked to discover it’s Gaelan. The two men conceal their immortality, but the only hope of reversing their condition rests with Gaelan’s missing manuscript.

When modern-day pharmaceutical company Transdiff Genomics unearths diaries describing the torture of Bedlam inmates, the company’s scientists suspect a link between Gaelan and an unnamed inmate. Gaelan and Genomics geneticist Anne Shawe are powerfully drawn to each other, and her family connection to his manuscript leads to a stunning revelation. Will it bring ruin or redemption?