Победители — стр. 2

Лучший роман
Теренс Фахерти 0.0
Back after his rousing debut in "Kill Me Again", Tinsel Town sleuth Scott Elliott scurries to thwart a film saboteur--who may be desperate enough to kill.
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Лаура Липман 3.6
Роман "Чарующий город" продолжает рассказ о приключениях отчаянной Тесс Монаган - бывшей журналистки, а ныне сотрудницы частного детективного агентства. Ее жизнь не назовешь скучной - она полна неожиданных событий, а порой и опасностей.
Лучший дебютный роман
Рик Риордан 3.6
В Техасе все больше, чем где-либо в Америке. Даже убийство…
Джексон "Трес" Наварр не был в родном Сан-Антонио более десяти лет - со дня гибели своего отца, местного шерифа. Теперь, повзрослев, он возвращается, одержимый целью разобраться в его смерти и покарать виновных. Однако чем глубже "копает" Трес, тем запутаннее выглядит дело. Плюс ко всему, бесследно исчезает его бывшая девушка, с которой у Наварра, вроде бы, возрождается старый роман. Тресу становится ясно, что он прикоснулся к какой-то страшной тайне, в которую был замешан его отец. Упрямый техасец рвется все дальше и дальше, не обращая внимание ни на намеки, ни на прямые угрозы. А шансов выжить у Наварра остается все меньше…
Лучший роман
Роберт Крейс 3.6
Элвис Коул - один из самых удачливых детективов в Лос-Анджелесе... Именно поэтому к нему обращается адвокат преуспевающего владельца сети ресторанов Тедди Мартина, которого обвиняют в убийстве жены. Адвокат утверждает, что улики против его клиента сфальсифицированы офицером полиции Анджелой Росси, поскольку она любой ценой хочет восстановить свою репутацию после позорно проваленного ею пять лет назад дела. Задание кажется простым, и детектив берется выяснить всю подноготную Росси. Но чем дальше Элвис Коул и его компаньон, бывший спецназовец Джо Пайк, под оглушительный рев прессы пробиваются через хитросплетения свидетельских показаний, тем лучше понимают, что Анджела Росси не подставляла Тедди Мартина... Роберт Крейс - автор сериала об Элвисе Коуле, самом популярном частном детективе последнего десятилетия. Его книги издаются огромными тиражами. Они получали премии Энтони и Эдгара По, не раз удостаивались титула "Лучший детектив года".
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Харлан Кобен 4.1
Когда-то Майрон Болитар и Грег Даунинг соперничали и на баскетбольной площадке, и в любви... И теперь именно Майрону, спортивному агенту и талантливому детективу-любителю, предстоит расследовать загадочное исчезновение Грега, ставшего за эти годы звездой профессионального баскетбола.
Владелец клуба, за который играл Грег, не хочет ни скандала, ни вмешательства полиции. Болитар вскоре узнает, что исчезнувшего Грега шантажировала некая особа, именующая себя Карлой Уитни.
Однако прежде чем Болитару удается поговорить с Карлой, ее жестоко убивают...
Лучший дебютный роман
Carol Lea Benjamin 0.0
She gets top billing. But he's the real teeth of the operation. In the search for a killer, they make the perfect team....

She's thirty-eight, too independent for most men's taste, and too suspicious for her own good. In her back-alley Greenwich Village cottage, private investigator Rachel Alexander has one ace in the hole: Dash, the devoted, barrel-chested pit bull terrier she once saved from certain death, and who is now about to return the favor.

Dash and Rachel are looking for a missing barkless champion basenji named Magritte, and for a killer. The basenji belonged to a struggling artist found dead on a downtown pier near a sign that said "don't be caught alone." As Rachel pursues a string of clues that take her from the SoHo art scene to the world of Manhattan's homeless to the Westminster Kennel Club dog show, those words echo in her mind. For in an urban landscape where good friends are hard to come by and true lovers even harder, Rachel soon discovers how dangerous it can be to trust the wrong person. Unless, of course, that person is a dog...
Лучший роман
С. Дж. Розан 0.0
It flows through the Bronx like a river between banks of faded elegance. And at the end of the avenue called the Grand Concourse is the place people go to die, the Bronx Home for the Aged. The only trouble is the people dying there are going before their time.

Bill Smith has been hired by an old friend to investigate the brutal killing of a young security guard on the Bronx Home grounds. Going undercover, Smith wades out into a sea of violence and lies washing up against the old brick building. When a second murder is committed, Smith knows that there's a method to the madness. With the help of bright, young Chinese-American investigator Lydia Chin, Smith uncovers a web of corruption that's found a home in the Bronx. Now he has to figure out who will die next.
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Уильям Ясперсон 0.0
Searching for a missing teenager, private eye Peter Boone finds his curiosity piqued when the girl's father and brother appear unconcerned at her disappearance and comes to wonder if bringing her back is the right thing to do.
Лучший дебютный роман
Ричард Барр 0.0
There are seven of them. Children -- innocents -- whose long-buried remains are uncovered by a flash-flood. No one knows who could have committed such a crime. Clues are scarce, and with the media turning the story into a law enforcement nightmare, time is short. Only Wil Hardesty, a private eye who has more in common with the case than anyone knows, is willing to push hard enough -- and dig deep enough -- to find the cruelest of killers. The killer of The Innocents...
Лучший роман
Сью Графтон 4.2
Она любила рисковать. Опасность для нее была своего рода наркотиком. Доза становилась все круче, все страшнее, но Лорна Кеплер уже не могла остановиться. Это сделала за нее Смерть. Полиция закрывает дело "за неимением состава преступления". Но частный детектив Кинси Милхоун уверена: это убийство.
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Эд Голдберг 0.0
Shamus Award winner. Lenny Schneider, New York PI, is happiest listening to jazz or dining at Old Kiev and taking an occasional low-risk job. However, when hired to prevent a Jewish Holocaust survivor from exacting revenge on his former prison-camp guard, music and food take a backseat to danger -- and difficult moral questions. A story of old ideologies and passions -- of a gumshoe, political in the '60s, who's had a major bout with ambivalence for decades. Schneider leans heavily on his sense of humor to get him through the day.
Лучший дебютный роман
Деннис Лихэйн 3.7
Частный детектив Патрик Кензи и его компаньонка Энджи получают от одного видного политика вроде бы несложное задание: разыскать чернокожую уборщицу, стащившую из муниципалитета какие-то документы. Однако найти воровку оказывается проще, чем сохранить при этом жизнь.
Лучший роман
Лоренс Блок 3.8
Частный детектив Мэтт Скаддер не раз распутывал дела, которые казались полиции безнадежными, и рисковал жизнью, чтобы помочь своим клиентам избежать тюрьмы.
Однако теперь он почти не сомневается: бродяга Джордж Садецки виновен в убийстве респектабельного юриста Глена Хольцмана. Улики настолько красноречивы, что полиция готова закрыть дело.
И все-таки по просьбе брата подозреваемого Мэтт берется за расследование.
Шаг за шагом он пытается установить связь между Садецки и его жертвой, чтобы определить мотив.
Но чем дальше Мэтт продвигается вперед, тем больше у него вопросов. И самые важные из них – кем в действительности был Глен Хольцман и какие опасные тайны скрывал?..
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Philbrick Rodman 0.0
This explosive novel of family rivalry traces the meteoric rise of two brothers in a Boston political dynasty. Michael and Jack Fitzroy are in love with the same woman--Michael's seductive wife, Miriam, the daughter of a political kingmaker. But dirty politics, scorching sex, and shattering family secrets threaten to bring them down.
Лучший дебютный роман
Линн Хайтауэр 0.0
Lena Padget was a mild-mannered grad student in a quiet Kentucky town until her sister was brutally murdered, and everything changed. Over the seven years that the killer has been in prison, Lena has honed her anger to a razor's edge, working as a private-eye for women too scared to help themselves. But with her sister's killer out of jail -- and high on the twisted beliefs of the religious cult that raised him -- Lena is suddenly her own most desperate client. Lena could give any of the tough chicks in mystery fiction, and not a few of the guys, a run for their money: While she may not carry a gun, she packs a lethal baseball bat. But on this go-round, she'll need every weapon she can muster to avoid becoming another lamb to the slaughter. Winner of the Shamus Award for Best First Private Eye Novel of 1993.
Лучший роман
Гарольд Иннис 0.0
Carl Wilcox really does try to stay out of trouble - he's had enough of it over the years - but the times being what they are, the choice isn't always his. For now, though, he's taken a job painting signs for the town of Hope, South Dakota. It beats hanging around his folk's hotel in Corden and gives him the chance to earn an honest dollar. Then, late one July day, the McGillacuddy kid rides up on his bike and tells him that there's a body in the sandpit outside of town. Nothing about the death was natural. Everyone knew Felton Edwards, but there didn't seem to be many who liked him, except for some of the women. And while the local police were willing to let matters just go their own way - without any help from Carl - the mayor had a different idea. It seems that Edwards left town about fifteen years ago and his last known location was Edenberg, but before he left, he'd had his way with some of the women in town, never giving any thought to whether they were married. Now, if Carl would just do some investigating on the mayor's behalf, well, there just might be some other work available around town. One of the first things Carl discovers in Edenberg is that Felton Edwards's reputation was deserved. The second thing he discovers is another body - and another warning to steer clear of doing any investigating on his own. Still, most of the people Carl will have to talk to are women, and there was the promise of more work . . . There were lots of people with cause to kill the man who was taller than God, but only one of them did it. There were also some people taking potshots at Carl Wilcox. But a puzzle or a fight just broke up the tedium of a long summer day. . . .
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Марель Дэй 0.0
Claudia Valentine has been hired to look after Dolores Delgado. Hanging out with this exotic and beautiful creature is more like fun than work - until the day Dolores drops dead.
Лучший дебютный роман
Джон Стрэйли 0.0
Sitka, Alaska, is a subarctic port surrounded by snow-dusted mountains. In addition to honest work, there is a lot of alcohol consumed and other people's money appropriated. Bars are loud, fights are mean. Rowdy youths party in the ancient Russian cemeteries, sitting on overturned gravestones. Sitka is hardly straight-laced, but murder is uncommon enough to be widely noted—like the Indian big-game guide killed by an ex-miner obeying voices from the earth's center. The victim's mother, a Tlingit Indian, summons to her nursing home a local investigator named Cecil Younger. The case is old and ostensibly solved. She wants him to investigate anyway. What he unearths is a virtual fairytale contrived to hide a primal conspiracy.
Лучший рассказ
Бенджамин Шутц 0.0
"Mary, Mary, Shut the Door" is paired with a series of spellbinding tales of violence and deceit, starring sleuths from all walks of life, each marked by the gripping psychological realism that is Schutz's trademark.
Марсия Мюллер
Глаз/За личные достижения
Марсия Мюллер / Marcia Muller
14 книг
1 в избранном
Лучший роман
Коллинз Макс Аллан 3.0
В книге увлекательно рассказана история, потрясшая в свое время Америку: у легендарного летчика Чарльза Линдберга, совершившего первый перелет через Атлантический океан был похищен годовалый ребенок. В очередном романе о детективе Натане Геллере Макс Аллан Коллинз вновь возвращается к событиям 30-х годов нашего столетия и с присущим ему мастерством воссоздает тревожную атмосферу эпохи.
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Paul Kemprecos 0.0
"Absorbing....Soc is an appealing, witty protagonist..and the Cape Cod locale is rendered with panache in this face-paced enjoyable yarn."
Publisher's Weekly

Life’s a Beach—Until Murder Rolls in With the Tide

A 50-million-dollar salvage operation. An expert diver dead at the bottom of the sea. An elegant mermaid in a black Porsche—and an open invitation to dip into the troubled waters of her marriage. Cape Cod’s Aristotle “Soc” Socarides, part-time fisherman, part-time private eye, is swimming with the sharks. Only problem is, he’s the bait…and blood is beginning to boil to the surface.

Soc didn’t think he could get in much deeper, but he’d better think again. A family debt of honor comes due—a debt only he can settle—plunging him into the middle of a lethal search for buried treasure. Now Soc’s about to discover how deadly the Cape’s currents can be. Snarled in a net of smuggling, treachery, and revenge, he’s finding out that no matter how far down you go, nothing’s harder to salvage than the truth.

"Absolutely the best private-eye mystery I've read. I can't wait for the next one."
Bestselling Author, Clive Cussler
Лучший дебютный роман
Томас Д. Дэвис 0.0
For many of the inhabitants of Azaela, California, life centers around the Reverend Vernon Bauer's church. But when Bauer's son Billy, disappears, few seem willing to help private investigator Dave Strickland find him.
Джозеф Хансен
Глаз/За личные достижения
Джозеф Хансен / Joseph Hansen
11 книг
0 в избранном
Лучший роман
Sue Grafton 4.0
"One of the sassiest, most appealing of the recent spate of female gunshoes . . . 'G' is for glorious, galloping read, and I can't wait for 'H' ."
--Louise Bernikow, Cosmopolitan

Good and bad things seem to be coming in threes for Kinsey Millhone: on her thirty-third birthday she moves back into her renovated apartment, gets hired to find an elderly lady supposedly living in the Mojave Desert by herself, and makes the top of ex-con Tyrone Patty's hit list. It's the last that convinces Kinsey even she can't handle whoever's been hired to whack her, and she gets herself a bodyguard: Robert Dietz, a Porsche-driving P.I. who takes guarding Kinsey's body very seriously. With Dietz watching her for the merest sign of her usual recklessness, Kinsey plunges into her case. And before it's over, she'll unearth the gruesome truth about a long-buried betrayal and, in the process, come fact-to-face with her own mortality. . . .

"Wit is the most versatile weapon in Sue Grafton's well-stocked arsenal, and she uses it with disarming precision. . . . Grafton excels in this milieu."

"The story is complex; the body-count high; the sexual encounters feverish; and the villains chilling--in another can't-put-it-down outing for this talented author."
--Kirkus Reviews

From the Paperback edition.
Лучший дебютный роман
Уолтер Мосли 3.7
В Лос-Анджелесе конца 1940-х годов Изи Роулинса, чернокожего ветерана войны, только что уволили с работы на оборонном заводе. Изи пьет в баре у друга, размышляя, как он выплатит ипотеку, когда входит белый мужчина в льняном костюме, предлагающий хорошие деньги, если Изи просто найдет мисс Дафну Моне, белокурую красавицу, известную завсегдатаями черных джаз-клубов.
Рой Хаггинс
Глаз/За личные достижения
Рой Хаггинс / Roy Huggins
1 книга
0 в избранном
Лучший роман
Джонатан Валин 0.0
To P.I. Harry Stoner, Ira Lessing had everything to live for: money, a beautiful wife, good friends, and a reputation that would do credit to a saint. But Lessing disappeared one hot July night, and Stoner knew in his gut that the man was dead. Years on the street had taught Stoner that no man is what he seems. Peeling away layers to the bone would reveal what had become of Lessing. It would lead Stoner into the underbelly of Cincinnati...into the places where desire and violence meet...into the darkest byways of the human heart where his own values would be tested to the bloody limit. By acts of love...and murder
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Роб Кантнер 0.0
Ben Perkins, a private detective, agrees to search for Jerry Witkowski's missing son, and runs into a group of terrorists
Лучший дебютный роман
Karen Kijewski 0.0
When private eye Kat Colorado accepts a routine assignment investigating one man's finances, she never dreams that she will become embroiled in the elaborate, illegal, and dangerous scheming of a madman.
Лучший роман
Джон Лутц 0.0
Fred Carver is hired by his good friend, Lieutenant Alfonso DeSoto of the Orlando police to investigate the death of his uncle at Sunhaven, a local nursing home. Carver is harassed by Raphael Ortiz, a viciously depraved thug bent on discouraging Carver from investigating Sunhaven.
Before he can solve this shocking case he must battle to stay alive, and confront some personal demons of his own in the process.
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Роб Кантнер 0.0
Лучший дебютный роман
Гэр Энтони Хэйвуд 0.0
Winner of the prestigious Best First Private Eye Novel contest sponsored by the Private Eye Writers of America, Fear of the Dark is a hardboiled mystery that digs into the lairs of Los Angeles politicos, a radical black power organization, and a contentious right-wing sect.
Лучший роман
Бенджамин Шутц 0.0
Malcolm Donnelly's new widow is in mourning -- for the $200,000 in life insurance that his suicide kept from her. But was it a suicide? She hires Leo Haggerty to investigate -- just as a bomb kills nineteen people at the black wall of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Before long, the routine case becomes entwined in an escalating spiral of violence, brainwashing, and the horrific aftermath of the Vietnam War -- relived by Haggerty's tormented partner, Arnie Kendall. The stakes are high. The scars are deep. And Leo Haggerty faces his darkest personal demons when terrorists demand... A Tax in Blood.
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Эл Джей Уошберн 0.0
In the 1920's Lucas Hallam was something of a legend: a Texas Ranger turned Pinkerton agent turned Hollywood P.I. And when the occasion arose, Hallam mounted up again and rode with Tom Mix, William S. Hart, and the other famous movie cowboys of the silent era. He didn't think of his past often, and it was the furthest thing from his mind when he went into Chuckwalla, California, hoping to turn the ghost town into a movie set . . . even when the two men started shooting at him. So he dealt with them and got on with business.

This time, business was protecting Elton Forbes, founder of the Holiness Temple of Faith. Forbes denied the meeting had anything to do with blackmail. Later, he denied that he had killed the men lying on the floor while he stood over them with a gun in his hand. Lucas Hallam was the only one who believed Forbes. The only question in his mind was whether he'd survive long enough to find the real killer.
Лучший дебютный роман
Майкл Аллегретто 0.0
Both Allegretto and his private eye, Jacob Lomax, make their debuts here in a thriller set in Denver. Lomax is the narrator of events generated by Maryanne Townsend, who hires him to prove her husband Phillip was murdered. A rich oilman, Phillip drove his Jaguar off a mountain road to his death, accidentally or purposefully, the police declare. But Lomax earns his fee, recklessly jousting with brutal bikers Leonard Reese and a monstrous pal known as ''Tiny,'' as well as others in the city's underbelly. Finding a porno videocassette that shows Townsend raping a minor, abetted by two women, the detective suspects blackmail. He locates one of the performers in a porn shop and she gives him news that leads to a deadly encounter with Reese. Holding Maryanne Townsend and her small daughter hostage, the killer is waiting to dispose of them and Kemp at the novel's improbable climax. Allegretto has the talent to invent more credible and exciting adventures for his wise-cracking series hero, who doesn't quite fulfill his promise here.
Уэйд Миллер
Глаз/За личные достижения
Уэйд Миллер / Wade Miller (Bill Miller and Robert Wade)
1 книга
0 в избранном
Лучший роман
Джеремайя Хили 0.0
A friend's murder takes Cuddy back to the dark days of VietnamAs military policemen, John Francis Cuddy and Al Sachs bonded while patrolling the wild streets of American-occupied Saigon. Over a decade later, Cuddy is a private detective making a living in Boston's back alleys. Awoken by a ringing phone at seven a.m., Cuddy is shocked to hear Sachs asking to meet for a drink that night. His old friend's voice reminds him of the time a Cagney movie inspired Sachs to say that, if ever captured by enemy agents, he would break his pinkie finger to signal to Cuddy that his death was not an accident. Sachs never shows for the drink, and the next morning he is found naked in a park, his body mangled and his pinkie broken. To avenge his friend, Cuddy confronts a dark military cover-up, and travels back to the war zone he thought he left behind years ago.
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Роб Кантнер 0.0
Билл Пронзини
Глаз/За личные достижения
Билл Пронзини / Bill Pronzini
42 книги
1 в избранном
Лучший роман
Сью Графтон 3.8
Она - женственная красавица с неженской профессией. С опасной профессией. Она - лучшая из частных детективов штата Калифорния. Штата хищниц-кинозвезд, акул-продюсеров, амбициозных режиссеров. Штата богатства и роскоши, изощренных интриг и закулисных войн.Это - ее новое дело. Дело, которое кажется абсолютно простым. Всего-то - отыскать то ли сбежавшую, то ли по каким-то причинам не подающую о себе вестей девушку. Однако неожиданно дело начинает набирать обороты - и становится лишь первым шагом в запутанном лабиринте преступлений. Преступлений опасных, изощренных и на первый взгляд не связанных между собой...
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Эрл Эмерсон 0.0
"Emerson is at the top of his game, and very few are better."
--Mostly Murder

As sole heir to his beloved granddaddy's fortune, noble and naive Lance Tyner wants to use the money for the good of mankind. But some not-so-good specimens of the species--including Lance's conniving father, sleazy brother, and spoiled sister--have much more selfish plans in mind.

Now Lance has vanished. And P.I. Thomas Black must follow his trail into the sad and scary places where the dregs of humanity struggle to stay alive--and where men like Lance and Black too often end up dead. . . .

"Emerson is carving his own special niche among a new generation of private eye writers."
--The Washington Post Book World
Лучший роман
Loren D. Estleman 0.0
AN AMOS WALKER MYSTERY Spring has come to Detroit's Sugartown enclave, and Amos Walker would like to feel kindly toward the human race. Unfortunately, his first case of the new season immediately leads him into trouble among the Polish settlers of neighboring Hamtramck, when old Martha Evancek hires him to look for her missing grandson. But even before Walker gets a chance to investigate, he's presented with a second case: an eminent Russian novelist who fears that someone is out to kill him. Walker knows the two cases are connected, but finding that link might cost him his life.
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Уоррен Мерфи 0.0
Лучший дебютный роман
Сандра Скоппеттоне 0.0
From the author of My Sweet Untraceable You comes a suspense thriller--originally published under the pseudonym Jack Early--about an ex-cop turned private investigator who traverses the dark underside of Soho to find a killer. Reprint.
Говард Браун
Глаз/За личные достижения
Говард Браун
1 книга
0 в избранном
Лучший роман
Макс Аллан Коллинз 0.0
Америка 30-х... В Чикаго, где вот-вот должна открыться Всемирная выставка, бесчинствует мафия. Сыщик Натан Геллер вместе с двумя опытными коллегами получает задание арестовать бандитов...
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Пол Энглман 0.0
Fifty years after Roger Maris set a new Major League record for home runs in one season, the SHAMUS Award Winning mystery novel Dead in Center Field by Paul Engleman is available once again.

Set in New York in 1961, Engleman's first novel captures the drama of that season's historic home run race and introduces readers to baseball player-turned-private detective Mark Renzler, a character whom the late Studs Terkel called "a sociable Sam Spade: great company for the reader."

First published in 1983, Dead In Center Field won the Private Eye Writers of America SHAMUS Award for best original softcover. The Japanese edition of the book won Japan's FALCON Award.

THE STORY: It's the summer of 1961, and all eyes in the sports world are riveted on New York's Yankee Stadium, where young outfielder Marvin Wallace is mounting an assault on Babe Ruth's record of 60 home runs in a season. As the upstart slugger closes in on the legendary Sultan of Swat, the pressure begins building off the field: Someone is making death threats, and it's up to ballplayer-turned-private eye Mark Renzler and his avant garde artist sidekick Nate Moore to figure out who. With a lineup of possible suspects that includes New Jersey gambling interests, fanatical Ruth fans and even Wallace's own teammates, Renzler faces a full count in late innings. If he doesn't come through in the clutch, it could be Marvelous Marvin's last time at bat.*


"Paul Engleman is a deft storyteller with a quirky touch. Mark Renzler is a sociable Sam Spade: great company for the reader." -- Studs Terkel

"A grand slam!" -- Lin Brehmer, WXRT Chicago

"The wisecracks are funny and the allusions clever. Engleman, like Chandler, doesn't take himself too seriously." -- Publishers Weekly

"This one's right in the ballpark." -– Los Angeles Times

"It's a delight!" -- Playboy

"An excellent baseball mystery and a legendary private eye."
-- Sacramento Bee

"Breezy and irreverent, Engleman works in 60s touches without wallowing in nostalgia."
-- Chicago Sun-Times

"Engleman has a winning series in the Renzler chronicles."
-- Chicago Magazine

OF NOTE: The cover for this new edition of the book was designed by the author's son Joe Engleman, a student at Grinnell College in Iowa.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Paul Engleman is the author of eight novels, including Dead in Center Field, winner of the Private Eye Writers of America SHAMUS award and Japan's FALCON award. His other books featuring New York detective Mark Renzler include Catch A Fallen Angel, Murder-in-Law, Left for Dead, and Who Shot Longshot Sam? A second series, with Second City sleuth Phil Moony, includes The Man With My Name and The Man With My Cat. A two-time winner of the Peter Lisagor award given by the Society of Professional Journalists, Engleman's articles, essays and interviews have appeared in numerous publications, including AARP, Playboy, Chicago magazine, the Chicago Tribune, Crain's Chicago Business, the Chicago Reader, the Huffington Post, and The Rotarian. His weekly column Diary of a Dad Housewife ran in the Chicago Sun-Times. Originally from Wayne, New Jersey, Engleman attended Beloit College in Wisconsin. He lives in Chicago with his wife and two sons.
Уильям Кэмпбелл Голт
Глаз/За личные достижения
Уильям Кэмпбелл Голт / William Campbell Gault
2 книги
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Лучший роман
Блок Лоуренс 3.8
Частный детектив Мэтт Скаддер подсчитал, что Нью-Йорк — это город, который таит в себе, как минимум, восемь миллионов способов распрощаться с жизнью.Честный малый, пытающийся завязать со спиртным, отзывчивый друг и толковый сыщик — таков он, Мэтт Скаддер, герой блистательной серии романов Лоуренса Блока. В предлагаемом романе он берется помочь своей подруге, девушке по вызову, которая пытается выйти из своего «бизнеса». Простенькая просьба оборачивается убийством девушки, и теперь Скаддеру придется пройти долгий, устланный трупами, путь в поисках жестокого убийцы.Живые, интересные характеры (прежде всего, самого Скаддера), хитроумный сюжет, выпуклая, почти ощутимая атмосфера большого мегаполиса, великолепные описания и диалоги, искусные постановки «крутых» сцен, неожиданная развязка — все это гарантирует приятное чтение.
Лучший роман
Сью Графтон 3.3
Она - женственная красавица с неженской профессией. С опасной профессией. Она - лучшая из частных детективов штата Калифорния. Штата хищниц-кинозвезд, акул-продюсеров, амбициозных режиссеров. Штата богатства и роскоши, изощренных интриг и циничных преступлений. И это - одно из самых любопытных ее дел. Дело об убийстве богатого и могущественного человека, смерти которого желали буквально все, его знавшие. У каждого - свой мотив для преступления и отличная возможность его совершить. Но преступник - всего один. Кто же?... В нашей библиотеке вы можете бесплатно почитать книгу « "А" - значит алиби ». Чтобы читать онлайн книгу « "А" - значит алиби » перейдите по указанной ссылке. Приятного Вам чтения.
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
William Campbell Gault 0.0
Лучший роман
Bill Pronzini 5.0
Former pulp writer and current hack Russell Dancer invites Nameless to the first annual Western Pulp Convention in San Francisco. He wants Nameless to help him locate the person who is trying to blackmail Dancer for a purported plagiarism of a story called "Hoodwink." Arriving at the convention, Nameless discovers that a group of former friends (and now uncomfortable colleagues) who wrote for the pulps called the "Pulpeteers" have all received blackmail notes.

Nameless is in seventh heaven as he meets many of his favorite pulp writers, buys pulp novels for his collection and meets a stunning younger woman who is the daughter of two famous pulp writers. For once, Nameless has some luck with the ladies. But is Kerry Wade attracted to him, or to his job as a private eye? Is he really attracted to her, or to her connection to the pulps?

The convention is unexpectedly disrupted when one of the guests is found dead in a locked room while Russell Dancer is holding a gun that's been recently fired. It looks like an obvious case of murder by Dancer, who has been feuding with the man. Dancer denies his guilt, and only Nameless is willing to believe him. As Nameless tracks down the guilty party, he finds himself faced with a second locked room mystery... and a target for a murderer.
Лучший роман в мягкой обложке
Макс Бёрд 0.0
Re-released for the first time in years, the hit action-packed thriller features the unforgettable, original P.I. Mike Haller.

P.I. Mike Haller is on the case to find a newsman who suddenly went missing in Sacramento Valley. A tearful, boozy wife has paid him to find her husband, but someone else is attempting to dissuade him—using a .38 with Haller’s name and address on it. Packed with crime-stopping action, romance, and suspenseful twists and turns, California Thriller is an exhilarating journey full of snowballing leads and Mike Haller in a race to save thousands of lives.
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