Вручение октябрь 2015 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: октябрь 2015 г.

Художественная книга

Ханья Янагихара 4.3
Университетские хроники, древнегреческая трагедия, воспитательный роман, скроенный по образцу толстых романов XIX века, страшная сказка на ночь — к роману американской писательницы Ханьи Янагихары подойдет любое из этих определений, но это тот случай, когда для каждого читателя книга становится уникальной, потому что ее не просто читаешь, а проживаешь в режиме реального времени. Для кого-то этот роман станет историей о дружбе, которая подчас сильнее и крепче любви, для кого-то — книгой, о которой боишься вспоминать и которая в книжном шкафу прячется, как чудище под кроватью, а для кого-то “Маленькая жизнь” станет повестью о жизни, о любой жизни, которая достойна того, чтобы ее рассказали по-настоящему хотя бы одному человеку.
Лорен Грофф 3.8
Вы верите, что залог семейного счастья – честность и доверие. Этот роман разрывает шаблоны, ломает ваши представления о том, что лежит в основе семейного счастья: понимание и уважение или ложь и обман.

Популярный драматург Ланселот Саттервайт – Лотто – долго шел к успеху. Он пережил юношеские трагедии, увидел смерть ровесника, отчаянно мечтал о первой красавице колледжа Матильде. Годами рьяно и безуспешно творил и... в один день проснулся знаменитым.

А теперь узнаем версию Матильды, его жены…

Страсть и ложь, месть и искупление сплетаются в этой истории в невероятный узел.
Лусия Берлин 4.0
Лусия Берлин (1936–2004) опубликовала при жизни несколько сборников рассказов. Но настоящее признание пришло к ней только после смерти, в 2015 году, когда она стала литературной сенсацией года и ее книги вошли в списки бестселлеров. И критики, и читатели оценили порой мрачный юмор, открытость и наблюдательность, легкость и естественность стиля. И трезвое, едкое, иногда суровое, но всегда внимательное отношение к миру, где живут медсестры, алкоголики, учителя, наркоманы, онкобольные, и каждый из них интересен Берлин, она готова прислушаться ко всем.
Jim Shepard 0.0
he acclaimed National Book Award finalist—“one of the United States’ finest writers,” according to Joshua Ferris, “full of wit, humanity, and fearless curiosity”—now gives us a novel that will join the short list of classics about children caught up in the Holocaust.

Aron, the narrator, is an engaging if peculiar and unhappy young boy whose family is driven by the German onslaught from the Polish countryside into Warsaw and slowly battered by deprivation, disease, and persecution. He and a handful of boys and girls risk their lives by scuttling around the ghetto to smuggle and trade contraband through the quarantine walls in hopes of keeping their fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters alive, hunted all the while by blackmailers and by Jewish, Polish, and German police, not to mention the Gestapo.

When his family is finally stripped away from him, Aron is rescued by Janusz Korczak, a doctor renowned throughout prewar Europe as an advocate of children’s rights who, once the Nazis swept in, was put in charge of the Warsaw orphanage. Treblinka awaits them all, but does Aron manage to escape—as his mentor suspected he could—to spread word about the atrocities?

Jim Shepard has masterfully made this child’s-eye view of the darkest history mesmerizing, sometimes comic despite all odds, truly heartbreaking, and even inspiring. Anyone who hears Aron’s voice will remember it forever.
Valeria Luiselli 0.0
Valeria Luiselli's "Faces in the Crowd" won the 2014 Los Angeles Times Art Seidenbaum First Fiction Award and was a National Book Foundation's 5 Under 35 and Indies Next Pick.

Highway is a late-in-life world traveler, yarn spinner, collector, and legendary auctioneer. His most precious possessions are the teeth of the "notorious infamous" like Plato, Petrarch, and Virginia Woolf. Written in collaboration with the workers at a Jumex juice factory, "Teeth" is an elegant, witty, exhilarating romp through the industrial suburbs of Mexico City and Luiselli's own literary influences.

Valeria Luiselli was born in Mexico City in 1983 and grew up in South Africa. Her work has been translated into many languages and has appeared in publications including the "New York Times", "Granta", and "McSweeney's".
Susan Barker 0.0
Who are you? You must be wondering. I am your soulmate, your old friend, and I have come back to this city of sixteen million in search of you.

So begins the first letter that falls into Wang’s lap as he flips down the visor in his taxi. The letters that follow are filled with the stories of Wang’s previous lives—from escaping a marriage to a spirit bride, to being a slave on the run from Genghis Khan, to living as a fisherman during the Opium Wars, and being a teenager on the Red Guard during the cultural revolution—bound to his mysterious “soulmate,” spanning one thousand years of betrayal and intrigue.

As the letters continue to appear seemingly out of thin air, Wang becomes convinced that someone is watching him—someone who claims to have known him for over one thousand years. And with each letter, Wang feels the watcher growing closer and closer…

Seamlessly weaving Chinese folklore, history, and literary classics, The Incarnations is a taut and gripping novel that sheds light on the cyclical nature of history as it hints that the past is never truly settled.

Документальная книга

Ta-Nehisi Coates 3.5
“This is your country, this is your world, this is your body, and you must find some way to live within the all of it.”

In a profound work that pivots from the biggest questions about American history and ideals to the most intimate concerns of a father for his son, Ta-Nehisi Coates offers a powerful new framework for understanding our nation’s history and current crisis. Americans have built an empire on the idea of “race,” a falsehood that damages us all but falls most heavily on the bodies of black women and men—bodies exploited through slavery and segregation, and, today, threatened, locked up, and murdered out of all proportion. What is it like to inhabit a black body and find a way to live within it? And how can we all honestly reckon with this fraught history and free ourselves from its burden?

Between the World and Me is Ta-Nehisi Coates’s attempt to answer these questions in a letter to his adolescent son. Coates shares with his son—and readers—the story of his awakening to the truth about his place in the world through a series of revelatory experiences, from Howard University to Civil War battlefields, from the South Side of Chicago to Paris, from his childhood home to the living rooms of mothers whose children’s lives were taken as American plunder. Beautifully woven from personal narrative, reimagined history, and fresh, emotionally charged reportage, Between the World and Me clearly illuminates the past, bracingly confronts our present, and offers a transcendent vision for a way forward.
Хелен Макдональд 3.7
Смерть любимого отца расколола жизнь Хелен на ""до"" и ""после"", однако она нашла необычный способ справиться с горем, взяв на воспитание ястреба-тетеревятника. Страдающая от горечи утраты женщина и крылатый хищник – казалось бы, что общего может быть между ними? Однако с каждым днем они все крепче привязываются друг к другу и все глубже постигают красоту окружающего мира и непреходящее очарование бытия.
Саймон Винчестер 5.0
Following his acclaimed Atlantic and The Men Who United the States, New York Times bestselling author Simon Winchester offers an enthralling biography of the Pacific Ocean and its role in the modern world, exploring our relationship with this imposing force of nature.

As the Mediterranean shaped the classical world, and the Atlantic connected Europe to the New World, the Pacific Ocean defines our tomorrow. With China on the rise, so, too, are the American cities of the West coast, including Seattle, San Francisco, and the long cluster of towns down the Silicon Valley.

Today, the Pacific is ascendant. Its geological history has long transformed us—tremendous earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis—but its human history, from a Western perspective, is quite young, beginning with Magellan’s sixteenth-century circumnavigation. It is a natural wonder whose most fascinating history is currently being made.

In telling the story of the Pacific, Simon Winchester takes us from the Bering Strait to Cape Horn, the Yangtze River to the Panama Canal, and to the many small islands and archipelagos that lie in between. He observes the fall of a dictator in Manila, visits aboriginals in northern Queensland, and is jailed in Tierra del Fuego, the land at the end of the world. His journey encompasses a trip down the Alaska Highway, a stop at the isolated Pitcairn Islands, a trek across South Korea and a glimpse of its mysterious northern neighbor.

Winchester’s personal experience is vast and his storytelling second to none. And his historical understanding of the region is formidable, making Pacific a paean to this magnificent sea of beauty, myth, and imagination that is transforming our lives.
Адам Туз 0.0
A searing and highly original analysis of the First World War and its anguished aftermath. In the depths of the Great War, with millions dead and no imaginable end to the conflict, societies around the world began to buckle. The heart of the financial system shifted from London to New York. The infinite demands for men and matériel reached into countries far from the front. The strain of the war ravaged all economic and political assumptions, bringing unheard-of changes in the social and industrial order.

A century after the outbreak of fighting, Adam Tooze revisits this seismic moment in history, challenging the existing narrative of the war, its peace, and its aftereffects. From the day the United States enters the war in 1917 to the precipice of global financial ruin, Tooze delineates the world remade by American economic and military power.

Tracing the ways in which countries came to terms with America’s centrality—including the slide into fascism—The Deluge is a chilling work of great originality that will fundamentally change how we view the legacy of World War I.
Джон Ферлинг 0.0
Amid a great collection of scholarship and narrative history on the Revolutionary War and the American struggle for independence, there is a gaping hole; one that John Ferling's latest book, Whirlwind, will fill. Books chronicling the Revolution have largely ranged from multivolume tomes that appeal to scholars and the most serious general readers to microhistories that necessarily gloss over swaths of Independence-era history with only cursory treatment.

Written in Ferling's engaging and narrative-driven style that made books like Independence and The Ascent of George Washington critical and commercial successes, Whirlwind is a fast-paced and scrupulously told one-volume history of this epochal time. Balancing social and political concerns of the period and perspectives of the average American revolutionary with a careful examination of the war itself, Ferling has crafted the ideal book for armchair military history buffs, a book about the causes of the American Revolution, the war that won it, and the meaning of the Revolution overall. Combining careful scholarship, arresting detail, and illustrative storytelling, Whirlwind is a unique and compelling addition to any collection of books on the American Revolution.

Книга для детей и юношества

Пэм Муньос Райан 4.5
Когда юный Отто заблудился в лесу, на выручку ему пришли три таинственные девушки. Они подарили мальчику музыкальный инструмент и пообещали, что придет день, и он спасет чью-то душу от неминуемой гибели.

Германия, 30-е годы. Фридрих - талантливый юный музыкант. Но когда его отца арестовывают и забирают в Дахау, жизнь Фридриха разбивается на тысячу осколков.

США, 30-е годы. Майк - виртуозный пианист, живущий со своим младшим братом Фрэнки в сиротском приюте.Когда над братьями нависает угроза разлуки, Майк решает пожертвовать своей жизнью, чтобы помочь Фрэнки обрести дом.

США, 40-е годы. Айви музыкально одаренная девочка. Вот только переезд в другой город лишает ее шанса выступить по радио и получить признание. Однако лишившись собственной мечты, Айви, не раздумывая, спасает чужую.

Поможет ли музыка каждому из них спасти чью-то душу, или пророчеству не суждено сбыться?
Джона Винтер 0.0
An elderly African American woman, en route to vote, remembers her family’s tumultuous voting history in this picture book publishing in time for the fiftieth anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

As Lillian, a one-hundred-year-old African American woman, makes a “long haul up a steep hill” to her polling place, she sees more than trees and sky—she sees her family’s history. She sees the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment and her great-grandfather voting for the first time. She sees her parents trying to register to vote. And she sees herself marching in a protest from Selma to Montgomery. Veteran bestselling picture-book author Jonah Winter and Coretta Scott King Illustrator Award winner Shane W. Evans vividly recall America’s battle for civil rights in this lyrical, poignant account of one woman’s fierce determination to make it up the hill and make her voice heard.
Дункан Тонатиу 0.0
A picture book biography of José Guadalupe (Lupe) Posada (1852–1913). In a country that was not known for freedom of speech, he first drew political cartoons, much to the amusement of the local population but not the politicians. He continued to draw cartoons throughout much of his life, but he is best known today for his calavera drawings. They have become synonymous with Mexico’s Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) festival. Juxtaposing his own art with that of Lupe’s, author Duncan Tonatiuh brings to light the remarkable life and work of a man whose art is beloved by many but whose name has remained in obscurity.
Daniel José Older 0.0
Paint a mural. Start a battle. Change the world.

Sierra Santiago planned an easy summer of making art and hanging out with her friends. But then a corpse crashes the first party of the season. Her stroke-ridden grandfather starts apologizing over and over. And when the murals in her neighborhood begin to weep real tears... Well, something more sinister than the usual Brooklyn ruckus is going on.

With the help of a fellow artist named Robbie, Sierra discovers shadowshaping, a thrilling magic that infuses ancestral spirits into paintings, music, and stories. But someone is killing the shadowshapers one by one -- and the killer believes Sierra is hiding their greatest secret. Now she must unravel her family's past, take down the killer in the present, and save the future of shadowshaping for generations to come.

Full of a joyful, defiant spirit and writing as luscious as a Brooklyn summer night, Shadowshaper introduces a heroine and magic unlike anything else in fantasy fiction, and marks the YA debut of a bold new voice.
Лорен Чайлд 0.0
Lauren Child tells the familiar tale of a less-than-welcome sibling with subtlety, insight, affection, and humor.

Elmore Green starts life as an only child, as many children do. He has a room to himself, where he can line up his precious things and nobody will move them one inch. But one day everything changes. When the new small person comes along, it seems that everybody might like it a bit more than they like Elmore Green. And when the small person knocks over Elmore’s things and even licks his jelly-bean collection, Elmore’s parents say that he can’t be angry because the small person is only small. Elmore wants the small person to go back to wherever it came from. Then, one night, everything changes. . . . In her signature visual style, Lauren Child gets to the heart of a child’s evolving emotions about becoming a big brother or sister.
Марта Брокенброу 3.9
Антоний и Клеопатра. Елена Троянская и Парис. Ромео и Джульетта. А теперь... Генри и Флора. Веками Любовь и Смерть выбирали себе игроков. Придумывали правила, бросали кости и держались неподалеку, готовые повлиять на ход игры, лишь бы победить. Но побеждала всегда Смерть. Всегда. Возможно ли, чтобы любовь хоть одной пары где-нибудь, когда-нибудь выбилась из этой череды?
Встречайте: Флора Саудади, темнокожая девушка, которая днем мечтает стать второй Амелией Эрхарт, а по ночам поет джазовые песни в прокуренных ночных клубах Сиэтла.
Встречайте: Генри Бишоп, который родился в паре кварталов и миллионе миров от Флоры - белый парень, наделенный всем, что позволяет не сомневаться в своем будущем: богатой приемной семьей в разгар Великой Депрессии, стипендией на учебу в школе и в университете и всеми мыслимыми возможностями.
Игроки выбраны. Кости брошены. Позиция определена. Но когда люди делают собственные шаги, последствия непредсказуемы.
До боли романтичная и потрясающе написанная, эта книга - история любви, которую вы никогда не забудете.
Андреа Вульф 4.2
The acclaimed author of Founding Gardeners reveals the forgotten life of Alexander von Humboldt, the visionary German naturalist whose ideas changed the way we see the natural world—and in the process created modern environmentalism. Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) was an intrepid explorer and the most famous scientist of his age. In North America, his name still graces four counties, thirteen towns, a river, parks, bays, lakes, and mountains. His restless life was packed with adventure and discovery, whether he was climbing the highest volcanoes in the world or racing through anthrax-infected Siberia or translating his research into bestselling publications that changed science and thinking. Among Humboldt’s most revolutionary ideas was a radical vision of nature, that it is a complex and interconnected global force that does not exist for the use of humankind alone.

Now Andrea Wulf brings the man and his achievements back into focus: his daring expeditions and investigation of wild environments around the world and his discoveries of similarities between climate and vegetation zones on different continents. She also discusses his prediction of human-induced climate change, his remarkable ability to fashion poetic narrative out of scientific observation, and his relationships with iconic figures such as Simón Bolívar and Thomas Jefferson. Wulf examines how Humboldt’s writings inspired other naturalists and poets such as Darwin, Wordsworth, and Goethe, and she makes the compelling case that it was Humboldt’s influence that led John Muir to his ideas of natural preservation and that shaped Thoreau’s Walden.

With this brilliantly researched and compellingly written book, Andrea Wulf shows the myriad fundamental ways in which Humboldt created our understanding of the natural world, and she champions a renewed interest in this vital and lost player in environmental history and science.