
ITV3 Криминальный триллер "...
Peter May 3.8
When a murder rocks the isolated community of Entry Island, insomniac homicide detective Sime Mackenzie boards a light aircraft at St. Hubert airfield bound for the small, scattered chain of Madeline Islands, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, as part of an eight-officer investigation team from Montréal.

Only two kilometers wide and three long, Entry Island is home to a population of just more than 100 inhabitants, the wealthiest of whom has just been discovered murdered in his home. Covered in her husband's blood, the dead man's melancholy wife spins a tale for the police about a masked intruder armed with a knife.

The investigation appears to be little more than a formality--the evidence points to a crime of passion, implicating the wife. But Sime is electrified by the widow during his interview, convinced that he has met her before, even though this is clearly impossible.

Haunted by this strange certainty, Sime's insomnia is punctuated by vivid, hallucinatory dreams of a distant past on a Scottish island 3,000 miles away, dreams in which he and the widow play leading roles. Sime's conviction soon becomes an obsession. And despite mounting evidence of the woman's guilt, he finds himself convinced of her innocence, leading to a conflict between the professional duty he must fulfill and the personal destiny he is increasingly sure awaits him.
ITV3 Криминальный триллер "...
Малкольм Маккей 0.0
A twenty-nine-year-old man lives alone in his Glasgow flat. The telephone rings; a casual conversation, but behind this a job offer. The clues are there if you know to look for them. He is an expert. A loner. Freelance. Another job is another job, but what if this organization wants more?

A meeting at a club. An offer. A target: Lewis Winter, a necessary sacrifice that will be only the first step in an all-out war between crime syndicates the likes of which hasn't been seen for decades.

It's easy to kill a man. It's hard to kill a man well. People who do it well know this. People who do it badly find out the hard way. The hard way has consequences.
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Kathy Reichs 0.0
Flash! Illuminated by lightning, a lifeless human hand seems to reach from a barrel of asphalt beside the Charlotte racetrack. Forensic anthropologist Dr. Tempe Brennan must find answers before thousands arrive for the year's big race. But before she can carry out a proper examination, the FBI mysteriously confiscate and destroy the body. It's a dead end. Until a young engineer alerts Tempe to the disappearance of a couple twelve years earlier - and a deadly conspiracy unravels.
Автор года
Иэн Рэнкин 4.3
Свою последнюю неделю в уголовном розыске инспектор Джон Ребус проводит, распутывая целый клубок загадочных происшествий. На малолюдной улице Эдинбурга убит русский поэт-диссидент Александр Федоров. Вслед за этим сгорает аудиостудия, владелец которой записывал выступления поэта. Сам хозяин погибает в огне. В поле зрения Ребуса и его напарницы Шивон Кларк попадают как мелкие наркодилеры и девчонки-наркоманки, так и представители политической и банковской элиты Шотландии. А тут еще объявляется миллионер Сергей Андропов, преследуемый в России за финансовые махинации. Он активно ищет контактов не только с местными политиками и банкирами, но и со старым знакомым Ребуса — бандитом Кафферти. Пока Ребус бьется над головоломкой, складывая разрозненные факты в единую картинку, кто-то пытается “подставить” его самого: на Кафферти совершено нападение, и все улики указывают на Ребуса.
Пер. с англ. В.Гришечкина.
Международный автор года
Стиг Ларссон 4.4
Сорок лет загадка исчезновения юной родственницы не дает покоя стареющему промышленному магнату, и вот он предпринимает последнюю в своей жизни попытку - поручает розыск журналисту Микаэлю Блумквисту. Тот берется за безнадежное дело больше для того, чтобы отвлечься от собственных неприятностей, но вскоре понимает: проблема даже сложнее, чем кажется на первый взгляд.

Как связано давнее происшествие на острове с несколькими убийствами женщин, случившимися в разные годы в разных уголках Швеции? При чем здесь цитаты из Третьей Книги Моисея? И кто, в конце концов, покушался на жизнь самого Микаэля, когда он подошел к разгадке слишком близко? И уж тем более он не мог предположить, что расследование приведет его в сущий ад среди идиллически мирного городка.
Прорыв года
Stuart MacBride 4.4
The third in the bestselling Logan McRae series, set in gritty Aberdeen, laced with dark humour. In the pale grey light of a chilly February, Aberdeen is not at its best! There's a rapist prowling the city's cold granite streets, leaving a string of tortured women behind. But while DS Logan McRae's girlfriend is out acting as bait, he's dealing with the blood-drenched body of an unidentified male, dumped outside Accident and Emergency. When a stash of explicit films turns up, all featuring the victim, it looks as if someone in the local bondage community has developed a taste for violent death, and Logan gets dragged into the twilight world of pornographers, sex-shops and S&M. To make matters worse, when they finally arrest the Granite City Rapist, Grampian Police are forced by the courts to let him go: Aberdeen Football Club's star striker has an alibi for every attack. Could they really have got it so badly wrong? Logan thinks so, but the trick will be getting anyone to listen before the real rapist strikes again. Especially as his girlfriend, PC Jackie 'Ball Breaker' Watson, is convinced the footballer is guilty and she's hell-bent on a conviction at any cost!