
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Мэйси Чан 0.0
Eleven-year-old Danny Chung loves drawing more than anything - certainly more than maths, which, according to his dad and everyone else, is what he is 'supposed' to be good at. He also loves having his own room where he can draw in peace, so his life is turned upside down when a surprise that he's been promised turns out to be his little, wrinkly, ex-maths-champion grandmother from China. What's worse, Nai Nai has to share his room, AND she takes the top bunk!

Nai Nai can't speak a word of English, which doesn't make things easy for Danny when he is charged with looking after her during his school holidays. Babysitting Nai Nai is NOT what he wants to be doing!

Before long though it becomes clear to Danny that there is more to Nai Nai than meets the eye, and that they have more in common that he thought possible ...
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Струан Мюррей 0.0
A breathtaking middle grade debut for fans of Brightstorm and His Dark Materials.

The City was built on a sharp mountain that jutted improbably from the sea, and the sea kept trying to claim it back. That grey morning, once the tide had retreated, a whale was found on a rooftop.

When a mysterious boy washes in with the tide, the citizens believe he's the Enemy - the god who drowned the world - come again to cause untold chaos.

Only Ellie, a fearless young inventor living in a workshop crammed with curiosities, believes he's innocent.

But the Enemy can take possession of any human body and the ruthless Inquisition are determined to destroy it forever.

To save the boy, Ellie must prove who he really is - even if that means revealing her own dangerous secret . . .
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Лиз Хайдер 0.0



‘One of the most ambitious and darkly brilliant YA books I’ve read. It’s provocative, tender, claustrophobic and epic. It blew my mind’ Kiran Millwood Hargrave

It only taykes one person to start a revolushun

Life in Bearmouth will never change – at least that’s what people say. They work hard to bring wealth to the Master, toiling in dark mines and brutal conditions for six long days each week.

When young friends Newt and Devlin start to question the system, they set in motion a chain of events that could destroy their entire world.

But freedom is worth fighting for.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Мухаммад Хан 0.0
Fifteen-year-old Muzna Saleem, who dreams of being a writer, struggles with controlling parents who only care about her studying to be a doctor. Forced to move to a new school in South London after her best friend is shamed in a scandal, Muzna realizes that the bullies will follow her wherever she goes. But deciding to stand and face them instead of fighting her instinct to disappear is harder than it looks when there's prejudice everywhere you turn. Until the gorgeous and confident Arif shows an interest in her, encouraging Muzna to explore her freedom.

But Arif is hiding his own secrets and, along with his brother Jameel, he begins to influence Muzna with their extreme view of the world. As her new freedom starts to disappear, Muzna is forced to question everything around her and make a terrible choice - keep quiet and betray herself, or speak out and betray her heart?

A stunning new YA voice which questions how far you'll go to protect what you believe in.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Митч Джонсон 0.0
Budi's plan is simple...

He's going to be a star, instead of sweating over each football boot he makes, each stitch he sews, each box he packages. He's going to play for the greatest team on earth, rather than in the square behind the factory where he works.

But one unlucky kick brings Budi's world crashing down, because now he owes the Dragon, the most dangerous man in all Jakarta. Soon it isn't only Budi's dreams at stake, but his life.

A story about dreaming big, about hope and heroes, and never letting anything stand in your way...
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Майя Г. Леонард, Майя Габриэль Леонард 4.6
Отец Даркуса, Бартоломью Катл, таинственным образом исчезает из закрытого кабинета Музея естествознания в Лондоне. Полиция сбита с толку – как и куда мог пропасть заслуженный учёный?

Жизнь мальчика меняется: он попадает в дом к своему дяде Максу, в новую школу, где заводит друзей, но самое главное – у него появляется Бакстер, огромный чёрный жук-носорог, который – о чудо! – понимает его с полуслова.

Даркус намерен найти своего пропавшего отца во что бы то ни стало. Но его планам может помешать сумасшедшая учёная-генетик Лукреция Каттэр, которая задумала ужасный план уничтожения мира.

Стремительный вихрь таинственных событий, детективного расследования, потрясающих открытий и захватывающих приключений – всё это увлекает юного читателя в удивительный фэнтезийно-приключенческий мир!
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Горацио Клэр 0.0
Aubrey’s father, Jim, has fallen under an horrendous spell, which Aubrey is determined to break. Everyone says his task is impossible, but Aubrey will never give up and never surrender – even if he must fight the unkillable Spirit of Despair itself: the TERRIBLE YOOT!

The first children's book from Horatio Clare, the award-winning author of 'Running for the Hills', 'A Single Swallow' and 'Down to the Sea in Ships', is a compelling story of Aubrey saving his father, with the help of the wild animals of Rushing Wood. It tackles the difficult subject of depression with verve and vigour, in a book that is both a touching family story and a thrilling adventure.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Рози Роуэлл 0.0
Meg Bergman is fifteen and fed up. She lives in a tiny town in rural 1990s South Africa - a hot-bed of traditionalism, racial tension and (in Meg's eyes) ordinariness. Meg has no friends either, due largely to what the community sees as her mother's interfering attempts to educate farm workers about AIDS. But one day Xanthe arrives - cool, urban, feisty Xanthe, who for some unknown reason seems to want to hang out with Meg.

Xanthe arrives into Meg's life like a hurricane, offering her a look at a teenage life she never knew existed. But cracks quickly begin to show in their friendship when Meg's childhood friend Simon returns from his gap year travels. LEOPOLD BLUE is an emotionally taut and beautifully-written story from a debut author with a mesmerising voice.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Си Джей Флуд 0.0

A truly beautiful book about the summer that changed one girl's life, as her mum leaves home, travellers set up camp in the family's field, her older brother goes off the rails, and she falls in love for the very first time. Opening with a funeral, Iris is mourning the boy in the casket - but who is it? Sam, her tearaway brother, or Trick, her tentative boyfriend? Over one long hot summer, we find out just how their three lives were turned upside-down.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Дейв Шелтон 4.4
Мальчик и Медведь оказываются в открытом море, снаряжённые чемоданом, любимым комиксом и гавайской гитарой. Они хотели совершить небольшое путешествие, но что-то пошло не по плану… Наши герои оказываются перед лицом опасности: бурные шторма, ужасное морское чудовище и потенциально опасные остатки сэндвича могут погубить незадачливых мореплавателей. Выдержит ли их суденышко жестокие набеги солёных волн, и получит ли кто-нибудь послание в бутылке?
Блестяще написанная повесть о рождении настоящей дружбы и об умении по-настоящему радоваться простым вещам, когда всё, казалось бы, потеряно.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Аннабель Питчер 4.4
Десятилетний Джейми не плакал уже несколько лет – с того самого дня, когда жизнь его семьи раскололась на "до" и "после". С того самого дня, когда его сестра Роза поселилась на каминной полке. И хотя вокруг твердили, что со временем все наладится, с каждым чертовым днем становится только хуже: папа не расстается с бутылкой, старшая сестра Жасмин бунтует, а мама и вовсе сбежала. Но Джейми верит, что она обязательно-преобязательно вернется, и тогда все будут счастливы, как прежде. Для этого он готов на что угодно, даже стать знаменитым…

Так начинается удивительно трогательная история о неожиданной дружбе, самом лучшем в мире коте и супергероях, живущих в каждом из нас. История о том, что значит терять и что значит по-настоящему сражаться за свою семью. История, которая заставит улыбнуться. Сквозь слезы.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Джейсон Уоллес 5.0
For Robert Jacklin - packed off without warning to boarding school in Zimbabwe - everything is terrifyingly new. Branded an outsider from the moment he opens his mouth and unable to decode the subtle power struggles of the classroom, he longs for the safety of his old life in England. And then he meets Ivan. Clever, cunning, seductive Ivan, who offers him not only friendship, but power. As Robert is drawn slowly into Ivan's destructive web, he begins to question things he'd always held true and, as Ivan's grip tightens, he finds himself caught up in something far more dangerous than he could have imagined.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Люси Кристофер 4.0
В этой книге для подростков английская писательница Люси Кристофер исследует феномен Стокгольмского синдрома, а если взглянуть шире — рассказывает пронзительную историю нездоровой привязанности, говорит о потере свободы и чувстве парализованности.

Когда Тай похищает 16-летнюю Джемму в аэропорту Бангкока, она в ужасе и думает только о том, как сбежать. Но постепенно девушка проникается личностью этого странного молодого человека и начинает сочувствовать ему. Читатель преодолевает соблазн воспринимать книгу как романтическую историю, так же как и Джемма борется с чувствами к своему похитителю.

Книга, написанная в формате письма главной героини к похитителю, доносит важную мысль о том, что в основе здоровых отношений всегда лежат безопасность, доверие и свобода воли.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Бриджет Коллинз 4.0
There was a folded bit of A4 paper wedged into the locker. It said MICHAEL THOMPSON. Michael slid it out, and flipped it open. It said I KNOW WHERE ARCASTER IS.

That was when the bottom dropped out of everything.

Michael and Francis are best friends at school, drawn together by their common secret - a complete obsession with creating, crafting, adding to and poring over their joint fantasy world, Evgard. Their friendship is put to the severest test when Michael, thinking that Francis has betrayed their world, takes the cold, deliberate decision not to help Francis when Francis is the victim of a brutal attack. Michael then has to see the consequences of his mistake, and confront his own weaknesses. This absolutely compelling charting of the boys' friendship is reflected in the fantasy world, as the fantasy characters and their actions are a clear mirror of the boys' own actions in the real world. With one difference. In the fantasy world, one of the characters does not survive.

Each world, both real and fantasy, is just as gripping as the other. The twofold narrative with alternate chapters is incredibly complex to construct, yet the talent of this writer is to create a fluid, completely unputdownable read.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Дженни Даунхэм 3.8
Шестнадцатилетняя Тесса Скотт сыта по горло приемными покоями больниц, сухими медицинскими диагнозами и сочувствующими взглядами родных, ведь за оставшийся месяц она хочет успеть то, что некоторым не удается и за всю жизнь. Поэтому девушка составляет список желаний и собирает последние силы, чтобы исполнить их до того, как тело начнет отказывать ей. Некоторые пункты списка выходят за грани дозволенного – но именно это позволяет Тессе по-новому взглянуть на свои отношения с теми, кого она оставляет.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Шиван Доуд 5.0
Ireland 1984.

After Shell's mother dies, her obsessively religious father descends into alcoholic mourning and Shell is left to care for her younger brother and sister. Her only release from the harshness of everyday life comes from her budding spiritual friendship with a naive young priest, and most importantly, her developing relationship with childhood friend, Declan, who is charming, eloquent, and persuasive. But when Declan suddenly leaves Ireland to seek his fortune in America, Shell finds herself pregnant and the center of a scandal that rocks the small community in which she lives, with repercussions across the whole country. The lives of those immediately around her will never be the same again.

This is a story of love and loss, religious belief and spirituality—it will move the hearts of any who read it.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Фрэнсис Хардинг 4.1
"Fly by Night" - это захватывающая детективная история, которая разворачивается в Расколотом королевстве, отдаленно напоминающем Англию XVIII века.

Двенадцатилетняя сирота Мошка Май бежит из родного города в столицу королевства Манделион, случайно устроив пожар на мельнице своего дяди. Ее спутником оказывается поэт, авантюрист и шпион Эпонимий Клент. Мошка и Клент не доверяют друг другу, но, оказавшись в центре масштабной борьбы за власть, вынуждены вести расследование вместе, чтобы уцелеть. Разбойники и воры, заговорщики и контрабандисты, сумасшедший герцог и его интриганка-сестра - это только малая часть опасных людей, с кем предстоит столкнуться Мошке и Кленту…
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Мег Розофф 3.6
«Все изменилось тем летом, когда я приехала в гости к своим английским кузенам. Отчасти так получилось из-за войны, война вообще многое изменила, но я почти не помню жизни до войны, так что в этой книге — моей книге — довоенная жизнь не в счет.
Почти все изменилось из-за Эдмунда.
Вот как это случилось.»

Мег Розофф — автор книг для детей и подростков, член Королевского литературного общества, лауреат премии Астрид Линдгрен. Родилась в США, но живет в Англии.

«Как я теперь живу» — ее дебютный роман, который сразу стал бестселлером, был переведен на несколько языков, удостоен множества премий, по нему сняли фильм. Это антиутопия, в которой смешиваются мир подростка, головокружительная любовь и война — жестокая, не всегда явная, но от этого не менее страшная.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Мэл Пит 0.0
The award-winning first novel from Carnegie Medal-winning Mal Peet introduces legendary sports journalist Paul Faustino and the haunting tale of the world's greatest goalkeeper: the man they call El Gato,"the Cat". As Paul interviews El Gato, the World Cup stands on the table between them. In the hours that follow, El Gato tells his incredible story – how he, a poor logger's son, learns to become a World Cup-winning goalkeeper so good he is almost unbeatable. And the most remarkable part of this story is the man who teaches him: the mysterious Keeper, who haunts a football pitch at the heart of the claustrophobic rainforest...
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Кевин Брукс 0.0
A stunning debut by first time novelist Kevin Brooks, this riveting black comedy wowed readers and reviewers alike. Now in a dynamic new Kevin Brooks repackaging!

Meet Martyn Pig. His name may be bad, but his life is worse.

Martyn's life is miserable, and it always has been. His mother is gone. His father hates him. But at least things can't get any worse. Or so he thought.

When his father dies in a sudden accident, Martyn realizes that for the first time in his life, he has a choice. Sure, he could report what happened - and move in with his horrible Aunty Jean. Or he could get rid of the body and move on with the rest of his life. So Martyn comes up with a foolproof plan to hide the body. Hey, what could go wrong?
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Салли Прю 0.0
Part human, part elfin, young Tom struggles to find a place to call home in this striking debut fantasy novel.

Tom is both elfin and human, and running for his life. Cast out from the elfin Tribe, he must hide among the hated humans, whom the Tribe call "demons." Tom's Tribe-half seeks freedom and thrives on a connection with nature which lets him "call on the stars" and turn invisible when in danger. But Tom's human side is emerging, and he is confused and appalled by this change. For he fears the twining emotional bonds, which he sees literally as vines, that bind one human to another. But when he is helped by a kind "demon" girl, it is these strong bonds that save him-and draw him to his true home.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Маркус Седжвик 0.0
Alternate Cover Edition can be found here.

What if the sea began to rise . . . and rise . . . until the land began to disappear? A brilliant futuristic fantasy by an acclaimed new writer.

Global warming has caused the sea to rise until cities are turning into islands and civilization is crumbling. Ten-year-old Zoe Black was left behind on Norwich by accident when her parents escaped in the last supply ship to visit the island. Zoe discovers a small rowboat and keeps it a secret until she can set out alone on the great sea to find her parents. She lands on tiny Eels Island, where she must survive in a nightmarish world run by wild children and their boy-leader, Dooby. Zoe and a boy called Munchkin escape and cross the sea to the mainland, to find not only Zoe's parents but a new family and a new world.
Премия Брэнфорд-Боуз
Кэтрин Робертс 0.0
Welcome to a world from another time -- where legendary half-creatures still exist. A world where nature itself can be controlled by unearthly music. A world where the forces of good and evil are held in harmony by the Singers who have mastered the secret Songs of Power. A world on the brink of destruction, threatened by a dark lord whose evil knows no bounds. Rialle and Kherron, two novice Singers, are all that's left to stand in the enemy's way. Stranded in a strange land with only one another to rely on, these former rivals must work together if they are to survive. In a timeless coming-of-age journey, Rialle and Kherron discover the strength of spirit that lies within them in their quest to help good triumph over evil.