Издания и произведения

  • The Homeric Hymns Гомер
    ISBN: 9780199554751
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Язык: Английский

    Most people are familiar, at least by repute, with the two great epics of Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey, but few are aware that other poems survive that were attributed to Homer in ancient times. The Homeric Hymns are now known to be the work of various poets working in the same tradition, probably during the seventh and sixth centuries BC. They honour the Greek gods, and recount some of the most attractive of the Greek myths. Four of them (Hymns 2-5) stand out by reason of their length and quality. The Hymn to Demeter tells what happened when Hades, lord of the dead, abducted Persephone, Demeter's daughter. The Hymn to Apollo describes…

  • The Homeric Hymns Гомер
    ISBN: 0801879833, 9780801879838
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Johns Hopkins University Press
    Язык: Английский

    A rich source for students of Greek mythology and literature, the Homeric hymns are also fine poetry. Attributed by the ancients to Homer, these prooimia, or preludes, were actually composed over centuries and used by poets to prepare for the singing or recitation of longer portions of the Homeric epics. In his acclaimed translations of the hymns, Apostolos Athanassakis preserves the essential simplicity of the original Greek, offering a straightforward, line-by-line translation that makes no attempts to masquerade or modernize. For this long-awaited new edition, Athanassakis enhances his classic work with a comprehensive index, careful and…

  • The Homeric Hymns Гомер
    ISBN: 9780140437829
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский

    Composed for recitation at festivals, these 33 songs were written in honour of the gods and goddesses of the ancient Greek pantheon. They recount the key episodes in the lives of the gods, and dramatise the moments when they first appear before mortals. Together they offer the most vivid picture we have of the Greek view of the relationship between the divine and human worlds.

  • Гомеровы гимны Гомер
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Carte Blanche
    Язык: Русский

    В книге собраны греческие гимны, посвященные "Гомеровым богам" - хрестоматийным эпическим персонажам. Самые старые из Гомеровых гимнов были сложены в VII веке. До нас гимны дошли в 31 манускрипте, каждый из которых относится к достаточно позднему

  • The Homeric Hymns Гомер
    ISBN: 0801817919, 9780801817915
    Год издания: 1976
    Издательство: The Johns Hopkins University Press
    Язык: Английский

    A rich source for students of Greek mythology and literature, the Homeric hymns are also fine poetry. Attributed by the ancients to Homer, these prooimia, or preludes, were actually composed over centuries and used by poets to prepare for the singing or recitation of longer portions of the Homeric epics. In his acclaimed translations of the hymns, Apostolos Athanassakis preserves the essential simplicity of the original Greek, offering a straightforward, line-by-line translation that makes no attempts to masquerade or modernize. For this long-awaited new edition, Athanassakis enhances his classic work with a comprehensive index, careful and…

  • The Homeric Hymns Гомер
    ISBN: 0801817927, 9780801817922
    Год издания: 1976
    Издательство: Johns Hopkins University Press
    Язык: Английский

    The Homeric Hymns honor the Greek gods. Once attributed to Homer, it is now accepted that the hymns were composed by later poets working in the same tradition, probably during the seventh and sixth centuries BC. This volume offers a new faithful verse translation of all the hymns, Explanatory Notes, and a Glossary of Names.

  • Произведения

  • The Homeric Hymns Гомер
    Форма: стихотворение