Издания и произведения

  • The House by the Churchyard Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 9358050616, 9789358050615
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: True Sign Publishing House
    Язык: Английский

    "The House by the Church-Yard" is a Gothic novel by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1863. Set in Ireland, the story revolves around the mysterious happenings surrounding the historic Kilcorran church and its neighboring house. Le Fanu weaves a complex narrative that intertwines elements of romance, mystery, and the supernatural, as characters from different social classes become entangled in a web of secrets, scandals, and ancestral curses. Against the backdrop of the hauntingly atmospheric Irish countryside, the novel delves into themes of greed, betrayal, and the consequences of past transgressions. Through its intricate plot,…

  • Дом у кладбища Джозеф Шеридан Ле Фаню
    ISBN: 978-5-17-162647-1
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    В деревушке Чейплизод неподалеку от Дублина при выкапывании новой могилы на местном погосте обрушивается старое захоронение, обнаружившее необычную находку – треснувший череп с отверстием, похожим на пулевое. С этого момента спокойный темп деревенских дел и жизнь местных жителей навсегда меняется: разгадка давнего убийства и тайна личности жертвы ведет из 1810-х годов в XVIII столетие, а криминальная интрига закручивается все любопытнее, ведь настоящий преступник сменил имя и скрывает свое прошлое…

  • The House by the Churchyard Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 9798508825416
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский

    The House by the Churchyard (1863) is a novel by Sheridan Le Fanu that combines elements of the mystery novel and the historical novel. Aside from its own merits, the novel is important as a key source for James Joyce's Finnegans Wake.

  • Дом у Кладбища Джозеф Шеридан Ле Фаню
    ISBN: 978-5-17-136303-1
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic
    Язык: Русский

    В деревушке Чейплизод, неподалеку от Дублина, при выкапывании новой могилы на местном погосте обрушивается старое захоронение, обнаружившее необычную находку - треснувший череп с отверстием, похожим на пулевое. С этого момента спокойный темп деревенских дел и жизнь местных жителей навсегда меняется: разгадка давнего убийства и тайна личности жертвы ведет из 1810-х годов в XVIII столетие, а криминальная интрига закручивается все любопытнее, ведь настоящий преступник сменил имя и скрывает свое прошлое…

  • The House by the Churchyard Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 9798499259504
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский

    Lately, too, came down the old 'Salmon House'—so called from the blazonry of that noble fish upon its painted sign-board—at the other end of the town, that, with a couple more, wheeled out at right angles from the line of the broad street, and directly confronting the passenger from Dublin, gave to it something of the character of a square, and just left room for the high road and Martin's Row to slip between its flank and the orchard that overtopped the river wall. Well! it is gone. I blame nobody. I suppose it was quite rotten, and that the rats would soon have thrown up their lease of it; and that it was taken down, in short, chiefly, as…

  • The House by the Churchyard Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 9798558893137
    Год издания: 2020
    Язык: Английский

    Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu is best known today as one of the Victorian period's leading exponents of supernatural fiction, and was described by M.R. James as standing 'absolutely in the first rank as a writer of ghost stories'. The House by the Churchyard is perhaps his best novel in this genre. Set in the village of Chapelizod, near Dublin, in the 1760s the story opens with the accidental disinterment of an old skull in the churchyard, and an eerie late-night funeral. This discovery relates to murders, both recent and historical whose repercussions disrupt the complacent pace of village affairs and change the lives of many of its notable…

  • The House by the Churchyard Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 978-5-521-06166-2
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Т8, RUGRAM
    Язык: Английский

    The House by the Churchyard is a novel by Sheridan Le Fanu published in 1863 that combines elements of the mystery novel and the historical novel. Set in the village of Chapelizod, near Dublin, in the 1760s the story opens with the accidental disinterment of an old skull in the churchyard, and an eerie late-night funeral. This discovery relates to murders, both recent and historical whose repercussions disrupt the complacent pace of village affairs and change the lives of many of its notable characters forever. Charm and chilling darkness abound in equal measure in one of the greatest novels of a Victorian master of mystery.

  • The House by the Churchyard J. Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 1515427706, 9781515427704
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: SMK Books
    Язык: Английский

    The novel begins with a prologue in the voice of an old man, Charles de Cresseron, that is set in Chapelizod, Ireland, roughly a century after the events of the novel proper. This prologue details how, during an interment at the churchyard of the title, a skull is accidentally unearthed, which bears the marks of two crushing blows to the head and - even more disconcertingly - a small hole from a trepanning.

  • The House by the Churchyard Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan
    ISBN: 1984183990, 9781984183996
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский

    The novel begins with a prologue in the voice of an old man, Charles de Cresseron, that is set in Chapelizod, Ireland, roughly a century after the events of the novel proper. This prologue details how, during an interment at the churchyard of the title, a skull is accidentally unearthed, which bears the marks of two crushing blows to the head and – even more disconcertingly – a small hole from a trepanning. The novel itself is Cresseron's reconstruction of the history related to this grisly item (though by and large his narratorial voice drops out and the novel is told from a conventional omniscient narrator's point of view).

  • Дом у кладбища Джозеф Шеридан Ле Фаню
    ISBN: 978-5-389-13589-5
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Джозеф Шеридан Ле Фаню – выдающийся писатель Викторианской эпохи, в которую его нередко именовали «ирландским Уилки Коллинзом» и «ирландским Эдгаром По», создатель знаменитой повести «Кармилла» и множества готических рассказов и романов, переживших на рубеже XIX–XX веков временное забвение, а затем повторно завоевавших популярность – уже у новых поколений читателей. Действие романа «Дом у кладбища» (1862, опубл. 1863), который сам Ле Фаню считал вершиной своего творчества, разворачивается в деревушке Чейплизод неподалеку от Дублина, и начинается с находки на местном погосте останков человека, явно умершего насильственной смертью. Загадка…

  • The House by the Churchyard J. Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 1332760368, 9781332760367
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Forgotten Books
    Язык: Английский

    Then there was the village church, with its tower dark and rustling from base to summit, with thick piled, bowering ivy. The royal arms cut in bold relief in the broad stone over the porch - where, pray, is that stone now, the memento of its old viceregal dignity? Where is the elevated pew, where many a lord lieutenant, in point, and gold lace, and thunder-cloud peri wig, sate in awful isolation, and listened to orthodox and loyal sermons, and took French rappee whence too, he stepped forth between the files of the guard of honour of the Royal Irish Artillery from the barrack over the way, in their courtly uniform, white, scarlet, and blue,…

  • La casa junto al camposanto Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 8416288755, 9788416288755
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Editorial Montesinos
    Язык: Испанский

    La casa junto al camposanto empieza con la narración de un hecho macabro: el desentierro accidental de un cráneo que muestra evidentes signos de violencia y, cosa aún más extraña, un agujero, como si hubiera sufrido una trepanación. Mezcla de novela de suspense, de novela histórica y de novela de fantasmas, La casa junto al camposanto está ambientada en la década de 1760 en la villa irlandesa de Chapelizod, de la que describe una vida social poblada de intrigas, turbias relaciones y sucesos a veces inexplicables, y de la que surge un ramillete de personajes inolvidables.

  • Дом у кладбища Джозеф Шеридан Ле Фаню
    ISBN: 978-5-699-34593-9
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Ирландский писатель Джозеф Шеридан Ле Фаню - признанный мастер литературы ужасов и один из лучших рассказчиков Викторианской эпохи. Не раскрывая интриги, скажем лишь, что лихо закрученный сюжет романа "Дом у кладбища" в полной мере оправдывает звания, коими наградили его автора современники и потомки. Любители изысканных мистических головоломок - равно как и любители хорошей прозы вообще, - без сомнения, не будут разочарованы

  • La Maison près du cimetière J. Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 2752904223, 9782752904225
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Phébus
    Язык: Французский

    " Il faut... se laisser gagner par l'inquiétante étrangeté, la force surnaturelle et la totale originalité de La Maison près du cimetière ", disait la romancière Elisabeth Bowen. Et c'est bien ainsi qu'il faut prendre ce roman sans héros, tout à la fois thriller, romance et " divertissement " centré sur le Temps et le Langage. Peuplé d'une myriade de personnages qui s'entrecroisent sans relâche, on y trouve banquets et ripailles tout autant que chantages, enterrements clandestins à la lueur de la lune, et crânes exhumés... Tout cela se déroulant en 1767, à Chapelizod, petit village près de Dublin. Mélange de comique et de macabre, ce roman,…

  • The House by the Churchyard Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 0554265079, 9780554265070
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: BiblioLife
    Язык: Английский

    Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-1873) was an Irish writer of Gothic tales and mystery novels. He was the premier ghost story writer of the nineteenth century and had a seminal influence on the development of this genre in the Victorian era. Le Fanu studied law at Trinity College in Dublin. He soon abandoned law for journalism. In 1838 he began contributing stories to the Dublin University Magazine. He became owner of several newspapers from 1840, including the Dublin Evening Mail and the War

  • The House by the Churchyard J. Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 1605203424, 9781605203423
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Cosimo Inc
    Язык: Английский

    The foremost teller of scary stories in his day and a profound influence on both the novelists and filmmakers of the 20th century, Anglo-Irish author JOSEPH THOMAS SHERIDAN LE FANU (1814-1873) has, sadly, fallen out of scholarly and popular favor, and unfairly so. To this day, contemporary readers who happen across his works praise his talent for weaving a tense literary atmosphere tinged by the supernatural and bolstered by hints of ambiguous magic. Though his best-known works were horror tales, Le Fanu's first novels were historical in nature. The House by the Churchyard, originally published in 1863, bridges the author's early work and…

  • The House by the Churchyard Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 8132049217, 9788132049210
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Tutis Digital Pub
    Язык: Английский

    We are going to talk if you please in the ensuing chapters of what was going on in Chapelizod about a hundred years ago. A hundred years to be sure is a good while; but though fashions have changed some old phrases dropped out and new ones come in; and snuff and hair-powder and sacques and solitaires quite passed away...' (Excerpt from Prologue)

  • The House by the Churchyard Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 1840225742, 9781840225747
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    Язык: Английский

    Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu is best known today as one of the Victorian period s leading exponents of supernatural fiction, and was described by M.R. James as standing absolutely in the first rank as a writer of ghost stories. The House by the Churchyard is perhaps his best novel in this genre. Set in the village of Chapelizod, near Dublin, in the 1760s the story opens with the accidental disinterment of an old skull in the churchyard, and an eerie late-night funeral. This discovery relates to murders, both recent and historical whose repercussions disrupt the complacent pace of village affairs and change the lives of many of its notable…

  • The House by the Churchyard J. Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 140655166X, 9781406551662
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Dodo Press
    Язык: Английский

    Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-1873) was an Irish writer of Gothic tales and mystery novels. He was the premier ghost story writer of the nineteenth century and had a seminal influence on the development of this genre in the Victorian era. Le Fanu studied law at Trinity College in Dublin. He soon abandoned law for journalism. In 1838 he began contributing stories to the Dublin University Magazine. He became owner of several newspapers from 1840, including the Dublin Evening Mail and the Warder. Le Fanu worked in many genres but remains best known for his mystery and horror fiction. He was a meticulous craftsman, with a penchant for…

  • The House by the Churchyard J. Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 1598184245, 9781598184242
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Alan Rodgers Books
    Язык: Английский

    J. Sheridan LeFanu -- Irish author of such classics as the short vampire novel "Carmella" (reputed to be the inspiration for Bram Stoker's "Dracula") and "A Chapter in the History of the Tyrone Family" (said to be the tale that gave rise to Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights" -- lived from 1814 until 1873. He wrote all sorts of tales, but he's best remembered as a writer of mysteries and horror. Horrors like this one, "The House by the Churchyard" -- a thrilling, haunting tale that remains

  • The House by the Churchyard Joseph Sheridan le Fanu
    ISBN: 1845882091, 9781845882099
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Nonsuch
    Язык: Английский

    "The House by the Churchyard" is simply a triumph of style. From the outset, this particular work contrives to create an atmosphere of such uneasy foreboding, that the reader cannot help but be drawn in, despite any well-founded misgivings. This is one of the finest examples of literature of this kind, from a master of the art of the supernatural. It is a thrilling tale, and a haunting one. It is a tale that will not fade quickly from memory, but one which will challenge, and one which will ultimately delight.

  • The House by the Churchyard Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 1847020380, 9781847020383
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Echo Library
    Язык: Английский

    The narrator begins his story upon the discovery of a skull with holes indicating a violent occurrence. Set in 1767 in Chapelizod in the Liffey valley, the story unfolds through the medium of long-lost or burnt diaries and letters, and perplexing events, such as the appearance of a ghost of a hand.

  • La Maison près du cimetière Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 2752900244, 9782752900241
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Phébus
    Язык: Французский

    Joyce relisait ce livre chaque fois qu'il souhaitait s'empêcher de dormir. Un roman noir tout ce qu'il y a de classique en apparence (Le Fanu fut dans ce registre le seul rival de Wilkie Collins), mais ficelé à l'irlandaise, c'est-à-dire sans marchander sur les ingrédients indispensables : le whiskey, la mort violente... et le surnaturel. Quelques messieurs plus ou moins distingués aiment à se réunir le soir au club, dans une bourgade des environs de Dublin, pour dire tout le mal qu'ils souhaitent au monde et tout le bien qu'ils pensent d'eux-mêmes... jusqu'au jour où ils se retrouvent avec un quasi-cadavre sur les bras. Un thriller…

  • The House by the Churchyard Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 0862814413, 9780862814410
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: Appletree Press
    Язык: Английский

    J. Sheridan LeFanu -- Irish author of such classics as the short vampire novel "Carmella" (reputed to be the inspiration for Bram Stoker's "Dracula") and "A Chapter in the History of the Tyrone Family" (said to be the tale that gave rise to Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights" -- lived from 1814 until 1873. He wrote all sorts of tales, but he's best remembered as a writer of mysteries and horror. Horrors like this one, "The House by the Churchyard" -- a thrilling, haunting tale that remains

  • The House by the Churchyard Sheridan Le Fanu
    ISBN: 0218515200, 9780218515206
    Год издания: 1968
    Издательство: Stein And Day
    Язык: Английский

    We are going to talk if you please in the ensuing chapters of what was going on in Chapelizod about a hundred years ago. A hundred years to be sure is a good while; but though fashions have changed some old phrases dropped out and new ones come in; and snuff and hair-powder and sacques and solitaires quite passed away...' (Excerpt from Prologue)

  • Произведения

  • The House by the Churchyard Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The House by the Churchyard
    Дата написания: 1861
    Язык: Английский

    Set in the village of Chapelizod, near Dublin, in the 1760s the story opens with the accidental disinterment of an old skull in the churchyard, and an eerie late-night funeral. This discovery relates to murders, both recent and historical whose repercussions disrupt the complacent pace of village affairs and change the lives of many of its notable characters forever. Charm and chilling darkness abound in equal measure in one of the greatest novels of a Victorian master of mystery.

  • Дом у кладбища Джозеф Шеридан Ле Фаню
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The House by the Churchyard
    Дата написания: 1861
    Первая публикация: 2003
    Перевод: Л. Брилова, С. Сухарев
    Язык: Русский

    Действие романа разворачивается в деревушке Чейплизод неподалеку от Дублина, и начинается с находки на местном погосте останков человека, явно умершего насильственной смертью. Загадка его личности и кончины ведет из 1810-х годов в XVIII столетие, где поначалу неспешно, а потом все стремительнее раскручивается запутанная криминальная интрига: давнее убийство, обвинение невиновного, попытки настоящего преступника, переменившего имя, утаить свое прошлое путем ликвидации или подкупа свидетелей… В основную – детективную – канву повествования искусно вплетены несколько любовных линий и эпизод, намекающий на участие сверхъестественных сил, а…

  • La casa junto al camposanto Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The House by the Churchyard
    Дата написания: 1861
    Перевод: Esther Pérez Peres
    Язык: Испанский

    La casa junto al camposanto empieza con la narración de un hecho macabro: el desentierro accidental de un cráneo que muestra evidentes signos de violencia y, cosa aún más extraña, un agujero, como si hubiera sufrido una trepanación. Mezcla de novela de suspense, de novela histórica y de novela de fantasmas, La casa junto al camposanto está ambientada en la década de 1760 en la villa irlandesa de Chapelizod, de la que describe una vida social poblada de intrigas, turbias relaciones y sucesos a veces inexplicables, y de la que surge un ramillete de personajes inolvidables.

  • La Maison près du cimetière Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The House by the Churchyard
    Дата написания: 1861
    Первая публикация: 2004
    Перевод: Patrick Reumaux
    Язык: Французский

    Situé dans le village de Chapelizod, près de Dublin, dans les années 1760, l'histoire s'ouvre sur l'exhumation accidentelle d'un vieux crâne dans le cimetière et sur d'étranges funérailles nocturnes. Cette découverte concerne des meurtres, à la fois récents et historiques, dont les répercussions perturbent le rythme complaisant des affaires du village et changent à jamais la vie de nombre de ses personnages notables. Le charme et l'obscurité glaçante abondent à parts égales dans l'un des plus grands romans d'un maître victorien du mystère.