Больше лайфхаков

8 ноября 2021 г.


Additional resources

All the speaking we’ve done has led to a lot of unexpected results that we could not have possibly predicted. In addition to plenty of coverage in blogs and in the media, we’ve gotten to know many, many different conference organizers, which led to speaking engagements at Tony Robbins events, TEDIndia (Technology, Entertainment, Design), SXSW (South by Southwest), a conference where the Dalai Lama also spoke, and the Inc. 500 Conference. I’ve met many of the authors whose books we admire and carry in the Zappos Library, including Jim Collins, Seth Godin, and Chip Conley. We’ve had people from all levels of a lot of different companies tour our headquarters as a result of our public speaking appearances. From those, we’ve developed many great relationships and business opportunities that would have otherwise never happened.