Больше лайфхаков

10 марта 2022 г.


Полезные слова и фразы при чтении на английском языке

to neuter sth/neutering – кастрация. Has your cat been neutered?
throng = crowd. We pushed our way through the throng.
to stroke/to give a stroke - гладить
quite and docile child/horse/temperament
a gut feeling/reaction/instinct
piggy bank – копилка
to wolf down (food) - сметать еду
It had also begun to dawn at me that…
I’d harboured dreams of…
My music was an outlet for my anger and angst
to kick a habit, to slip back into old habits, old habits die hard
to put on the front/back burner
a harness - шлейка
lead (British), leash (American) - поводок
a collar - ошейник
Dogs must be kept on a lead in the park. The dog slipped its collar and ran off.
to give a gentle tug on the lead, was straining at the leash
to moult, moulting – линька
feline = connected with an animal of the cat family. also: She walks with feline grace.
to be freeloading
busking/ a busker
I let their insults wash over me.
stand toe-to-toe (head-to-head) with sb
sticks and stones
It took me a moment to get my bearings
five flights of stairs