Книги издательства «Alma Classics»

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Дополнительные действия Good WivesЦикл «Все истории о маленьких женщинах», №2
Луиза Мэй Олкотт
Год издания:2022
Издательство:Alma Classics

Three years have passed since the events narrated in Little Women, and the four March sisters are approaching adulthood, with all its accompanying challenges and expectations. Meg…

Дополнительные действия The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale
Джозеф Конрад
Год издания:2020
Издательство:Alma Classics

The shop owner Adolf Verloc, member of an anarchist group and secret agent for a foreign government, is summoned to meet Mr Vladimir, the country’s ambassador, who asks him to…

Дополнительные действия Uncle s Dream
Фёдор Достоевский
Год издания:2020
Издательство:Alma Classics

The small town of Mordasov is all abuzz at the arrival of Prince K-, a wealthy, ageing landowner, after an absence of several years. Maria Alexandrovna Moskalyova, a local gossip…

Дополнительные действия The Monk: A Romance
Мэтью Г. Льюис
ISBN:1-84749-816-7, 978-1-84749-816-8
Год издания:2020
Издательство:Alma Classics

A masterpiece of the Gothic genre, The Monk tells the story of the Capuchin friar Ambrosio and his fall from grace through desire, greed and lust. Favourably reviewed at first,…

Дополнительные действия The Vindications
Mary Wollstonecraft
Год издания:2020
Издательство:Alma Classics

Written as a passionate riposte to Talleyrand’s report to the French National Assembly, in which he declared that women needed only a domestic education, A Vindication of the…

Дополнительные действия The Awakening
Кейт Шопен
Год издания:2020
Издательство:Alma Classics

While spending the summer in the resort of Grand Isle with her husband and children, Edna Pontellier begins a process of self-discovery that is accelerated after she meets the…

Дополнительные действия Transformation and Other Stories (сборник)
Mary Shelley
ISBN:184749787X, 9781847497871
Год издания:2019
Издательство:Alma Classics

Having frittered away his family's fortune in Paris, the profligate Guido, driven by his ungovernable passions, is forced out of his native Genoa and harbours plans for revenge.…

Дополнительные действия A Modest Proposal and Other Writings
Джонатан Свифт
Год издания:2019
Издательство:Alma Classics

In response to the dire economic conditions in eighteenth-century Ireland, A Modest Proposal ironically exhorts the poor to provide their offspring as food to the rich. Skilfully…

Дополнительные действия The Song of Roland
Год издания:2019
Издательство:Alma Classics

In 778, after years of fierce battle, the army of the Franks is finally on the brink of victory over the Saracens at Saragossa. Having sent one of his knights, Ganelon, to act as…

Дополнительные действия Antoine Franсois Prevost
Manon Lescaut
Год издания:2019
Издательство:Alma Classics

When the young nobleman Des Grieux lays eyes on the beautiful and charming Manon Lescaut, he immediately falls in love with her, and they elope to Paris, incurring the wrath of…

Дополнительные действия A Perfect Hoax
Итало Звево
Год издания:2019
Издательство:Alma Classics

Travelling salesman Enrico Gaia decides to play a trick on the conceited ageing litterateur Mario Samigli: he dupes him into thinking that a representative of a prestigious…

Дополнительные действия Flush
Вирджиния Вулф
Год издания:2019
Издательство:Alma Classics

Written after Woolf had finished her emotionally draining work on The Waves, Flush purports to be an autobiography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning s eponymous cocker spaniel,…

Дополнительные действия The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Ghostly Tales
Вашингтон Ирвинг
Год издания:2019
Издательство:Alma Classics

Ichabod Crane is a young schoolmaster from Connecticut now living in Sleepy Hollow, a settlement in New York State notorious for rumours of ghostly visitations, especially from…

Дополнительные действия Boule de Suif
Ги де Мопассан
Год издания:2018
Издательство:Alma Classics
Серия:101 page classics

A carriage transporting ten passengers fleeing from Rouen is stopped at a village inn by Prussian soldiers, who decide to detain them until one of their party, the prostitute…

Дополнительные действия The Rape of the Lock and A Key to the Lock (сборник)
Александр Поуп
ISBN:1847497268, 9781847497260
Год издания:2018
Издательство:Alma Classics

When Lord Petre had the effrontery of cutting off a lock of Lady Arabella Fermor's hair, a veritable war erupted between the two noble families. A mutual friend, saddened by their…

Дополнительные действия Humiliated and Insulted
Фёдор Достоевский
Год издания:2018
Издательство:Alma Classics

First published in 1861, Humiliated and Insulted plunges the reader into a world of moral degradation, childhood trauma, unrequited love and irreconcil­able relationships. At the…

Дополнительные действия The Duel
Casanova G.
Год издания:2018
Издательство:Alma Classics
Серия:101 page classics

The notorious adventurer and seducer Giacomo Casanova tells of his travels - on the run from the authorities of his native Venice - around northern Europe, poking fun at the…

Дополнительные действия Memoirs of a Mother-in-Law
George R. Sims
Год издания:2018
Издательство:Alma Classics

Jane Tressider has never been afraid of speaking her mind, even if she admits that she may have occasionally given offence by doing so. But as a busy mother of nine children, she…

Дополнительные действия Moby Dick
Herman Melville
ISBN:184749644X, 9781847496447
Год издания:2018
Издательство:Alma Classics

When the young Ishmael gets on board Captain Ahab's whaling ship, little does he suspect that the mission on which he is about to embark is the fulfilment of his master's…

Дополнительные действия Tobermory and Other Stories
Год издания:2018
Издательство:Alma Classics

‘Tobermory’ – the title story of this collection – is widely considered one of Saki’s finest pieces, in which a short-sighted dinner-party guest introduces a talking cat to the…

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