Серия книг «Penguin Popular Classics» — 16 книг

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Charlotte Brontë - Jane Eyre
Charlotte Brontë

«Penguin Books» 2003 г. ISBN: 0141886560, 9780141886565
Bram Stoker, Майкл Стокс
Год издания:1994
Издательство:Penguin Books
Серия:Penguin Popular Classics

Dracula is a unique horror masterpiece and the most famous of all vampire tales. Few readers will ever forget the nightmare atmosphere of Count Dracula`s sinister castle in…

The Woman in White
Wilkie Collins
ISBN:0140620249, 9780140620245
Год издания:1994
Издательство:Penguin Books
Серия:Penguin Popular Classics

Walter Hartright's contemplations on the lonely, moonlit road are rudely broken by the nameless and distressed woman in white. The encounter is to change his life, for she is at…

Selected Tales
Edgar Allan Poe
Год издания:1994
Издательство:Penguin Books Ltd.
Серия:Penguin Popular Classics

In "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", Рое invented the detective story; in "Von Kempelen and His Discovery" he pioneered modern science fiction; but he is best known for his tales…

Madame Bovary
Gustave Flaubert
Год издания:1995
Серия:Penguin Popular Classics

Emma Bovary is beautiful and bored, trapped in her marriage to a mediocre doctor and stifled by the banality of provincial life. An ardent reader of sentimental novels, she longs…

Three Men in a Boat
Джером К. Джером
Год издания:1994
Издательство:Penguin Books Ltd.
Серия:Penguin Popular Classics

`Change of scene, and absence of the necessity for thought, will restore the mental equilibrium` In would be unfair to say that any of the three men were hypochondriacs: it was…

Pride and Prejudice
Джейн Остин
Год издания:1994
Издательство:Penguin Books Ltd.
Серия:Penguin Popular Classics

When Elizabeth Bennet first meets eligible bachelor, Fitzwilliam Darcy, she thinks him arrogant and conceited; he is indifferent to her good looks and lively mind. When she later…

The Picture of Dorian Gray
Oscar Wilde
Год издания:1994
Серия:Penguin Popular Classics

Upon seeing his own striking portrait Dorian Gray is bewitched and offers his soul if only the painting will age while he remains eternally youthful. Believing himself…

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (сборник)
Arthur Conan Doyle
Год издания:1994
Издательство:Penguin Books Ltd.
Серия:Penguin Popular Classics

The always unflappable Sherlock Holmes solves the world's most baffling puzzles with the able assistance of Doctor Watson. Mysteries of disguise, madness, red-headed members'…

Around the World in Eighty Days
Жюль Верн
Год издания:1994
Издательство:Penguin Books Ltd.
Серия:Penguin Popular Classics

On the very day that he hires new servant Passepartout, Phileas Fogg bets half his fortune that he can travel around the globe in just eighty days. Immediately, the pair set off…

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Жюль Верн
Год издания:1994
Издательство:Penguin Books Ltd.
Серия:Penguin Popular Classics

The classic science fiction adventure, specially abridged. A mission to rid the seas of a monster becomes a nightmare for Professor Aronnax, Conseil and harpooner Ned Land when…

Grimm's Fairy Tales
Якоб Гримм, Вильгельм Гримм
Год издания:1996
Издательство:Penguin Books Ltd.
Серия:Penguin Popular Classics

From Tom Thumb and the Frog-Prince to Hansel and Grettel, the unforgettable characters from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm have captured the imaginations of countless…

The Scarlet Letter
Натаниел Готорн
Год издания:1994
Издательство:Penguin Books Ltd.
Серия:Penguin Popular Classics

In the Puritan town of Boston a young woman, Hester Prynne, is found guilty of adultery and forced to wear a scarlet 'A' on her dress as a sign of shame, bringing up her daughter…

The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Год издания:2007
Издательство:Penguin Books
Серия:Penguin Popular Classics

After the war, the mysterious Jay Gatsby, a self-made millionaire pursues wealth, riches and the lady he lost to another man with stoic determination. He buys a mansion across…

Jane Eyre
Charlotte Brontë
ISBN:0141886560, 9780141886565
Год издания:2003
Издательство:Penguin Books
Серия:Popular Classics

Charlotte Bronte's impassioned novel is the love story of Jane Eyre, a plain yet spirited governess, and her arrogant, brooding Mr. Rochester. Published in 1847, under the…