Серия книг «Bracken Trilogy» — 3 книги

Последние добавленные книги

The Bridge
Jeri Massi
Год издания:2016
Издательство:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Princess Rosalynn is pretty, spoiled, and childish. She gives no thought to the men and women that protect her father's throne. Then one day, invaders from the enormous kingdom…

Crown and Jewel
Jeri Massi
Год издания:2016
Издательство:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

In this second fanciful novel which follows The Bridge, Jeri Massi continues the history of the tiny island country of Bracken. Rosewyn is the young princess, daughter of Rosalynn…

The Two Collars
Jeri Massi
Год издания:2016
Издательство:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Krea is seven years old and a slave. With a ragged troupe of tumblers and jugglers, she travels from town to town in Folger, now a part of the kingdom of Bracken. Every day of the…